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  • #31
    Duncan , don't laugh at this but while sitting on the crapper i thought of video tape



    • #32
      Originally posted by GSM View Post
      Hi Mario.

      You obviously know what you are writing about - but NOT about what Duncan is writing about !

      What is happening within the TPU segments is quite different to the electromagnetics taught in colleges and universities.

      Duncan is right, he DOES know, and he is attempting to help others understand, the problem being trying to write in a 'conventional' manner which others might follow.
      Mario: Duncan is not wrong, and although interpretations of his words might be, he is trying hard to clarify.

      What must be understood here is that subsection core fields can series-parallel reverse in ways NOT calculatable via conventional scientific experience.

      Cheers ........... Graham.
      Hi Graham,

      all I wanted to do was to test the setup shown in his drawing since I was working on other stuff and had a toroid that had 4 coils on it coils anyway, the only thing I got wrong is that it's not supposed to be a closed core according to Duncan. For this I even apologized!

      Of course I know that a series resonant setup is not per definition a short, but if you hook a cap and a coil to the output of an amp, at resonance what the amp sees is pretty damn close to a short if the Q of the coils is high enough!

      It also depends from what perspective you look at a resonant circuit. Say you have an AC source feeding a tank circuit. The source sees a parallel resonant setup which at resonance has very high impedance, thus the source is consuming very little even though inside the tank circuit high amps are flowing back and forth, depending mostly on voltage, the Q of the coil and its wire resistance and cap specs. If you put a very low impedance/resistance load between the coil and cap it will find itself inside a series resonant network, even though the same network is seen as a parallel setup, from the source point of view.
      This for instance is what people on Luc's thread are working on, and myself. Basically reactive power.

      Duncan, there is absolutely no need to raise your voice and get rude, one never goes far with that. Hope you'll find what you're looking for. I'm out of here.

      Last edited by Mario; 01-03-2014, 12:07 PM.


      • #33
        Hi Duncan,
        Thanks for everything you have shared with us. I just want to clarify a few things first though they may seem like silly questions.

        First when you mention an air gap between the electromagnet coils do you mean an actual air gap between the core material or simply the wound coils on the same toroid?
        Also are there 2 toroids stacked together or just 1 toroid?

        This mention of a voice coil is really interesting, I have never heard of it until now as well.

        Would my best bet be in buying a subwoofer and salvaging the voice coil or building the iron toroid?
        I do have a hydrogen torch so it will melt the iron quite nicely!

        I really want to try and build this, It sounds very promising!

        Thanks again!
        Last edited by GT899; 01-03-2014, 12:26 PM.


        • #34
          hello Duncan
          As far as my small understanding of your christmas card, I see the relationship of your device with the Figuera´s one, in the back & forth movement of mag. flux. in between the 4 segments. In this case two are inductors and two induced. But the difference is in the inductors polarity reversal. . . am I right ? or I missed it ?

          There is a spanish guy who talks about reverse resonance and how he uses the reactive power: Electric Power Multiplier: The PWM Inverters in Electrical Cars and Renewable Energies

          About the soft magnetic material for the core, I explored (for my Figuera experiments) on welding rods alloys with very small amount of carbon, say 0.02 %. Used to weld casting iron. Cheap and available at hardware shops. easy to bend, and joining some together,may handle eddies. (just a tiny contribution here)

          Have you thought about any physical setup instead of the H bridge ? (I mean some sort of commutator ?)

          thanks for your share



          • #35
            I've recently recieved another order of Steel shot for further core construction experiments.

            To prepare:

            Spray the shot (placed in a large tray) with clear acrylic paint ensuring a thin even coat around EACH piece of shot (eddy control).

            Whilst drying, prepare your (segmented?) core forms per your specs.

            Mix up your resin, poor into the forms and add your coated steel shot to your resin!

            Salt to taste (a dash of Orgone maybe?).

            Circular frames, rods, etc can be crafted in just a few hours using this method.
            Last edited by Beamgate; 01-03-2014, 01:54 PM.
            Resonance to all !


            • #36
              Mmm this speaker core stuff doesn't seem to be magnetic at all .. back to the drawing board with that bit of brilliance!
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • #37
                Originally posted by interdesign21 View Post
                hello Duncan
                As far as my small understanding of your christmas card, I see the relationship of your device with the Figuera´s one, in the back & forth movement of mag. flux. in between the 4 segments. In this case two are inductors and two induced. But the difference is in the inductors polarity reversal. . . am I right ? or I missed it ?

                There is a spanish guy who talks about reverse resonance and how he uses the reactive power: Electric Power Multiplier: The PWM Inverters in Electrical Cars and Renewable Energies

                About the soft magnetic material for the core, I explored (for my Figuera experiments) on welding rods alloys with very small amount of carbon, say 0.02 %. Used to weld casting iron. Cheap and available at hardware shops. easy to bend, and joining some together,may handle eddies. (just a tiny contribution here)

                Have you thought about any physical setup instead of the H bridge ? (I mean some sort of commutator ?)

                thanks for your share

                Just so .. if you you back on that thread you'll see I posted the configeration
                but perhaps not well enough . I couldn't make myself understood . obviously if this is the right theory then it becomes possible to work out how every other machine works ,, apart from red herrings of course its a big if though isn't it ? I'm just getting ragged off waiting for material !
                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Michael John Nunnerley View Post
                  Duncan , don't laugh at this but while sitting on the crapper i thought of video tape

                  wow .. thats a thought mike .. I'll have to let that perculate a bit!
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Beamgate View Post
                    I've recently recieved another order of Steel shot for further core construction experiments.

                    To prepare:

                    Spray the shot (placed in a large tray) with clear acrylic paint ensuring a thin even coat around EACH piece of shot (eddy control).

                    Whilst drying, prepare your (segmented?) core forms per your specs.

                    Mix up your resin, poor into the forms and add your coated steel shot to your resin!

                    Salt to taste (a dash of Orgone maybe?).

                    Circular frames, rods, etc can be crafted in just a few hours using this method.
                    I'm in the UK Beam .... wont even let us toy plastic guns here never mind steel shot and as for a pen knife
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • #40
                      Hi Duncan.

                      In the past there were home made energy generators due to Wesley Gary and Lester Hendershot.

                      Wesley's final design was independently demonstrated as reported in a newspaper, and he was granted a full Patent for it.
                      Anyone could successfully build one of these devices just by following Wesley's 1878 notes and drawings.

                      Lester's constructions were reported operating in various forms, but when in the Patent office he was said to have been electrocuted by his own equipment, whereafter he is reported to have been paid the sum of $25k in order to do no more with it.
                      In spite of original circuits and drawings, none of his surviving constructions will run (likely missing essential magnets)
                      and therefore any copy constructions will behave exactly the same.

                      Do we know anything about Steven Marks, then or now ?
                      Are original TPU drawings-plans available ?
                      Do any originals or copies of his generator still exist today ?

                      Given the physical alignment criticalities necessary with Wesley's device, and the tuning criticalities of Lester's constructions (esp overheating of the Mk3), then any TPU combining all aspects of these prior generators must be very difficult to complete as a finished product.

                      Cheers .......... Graham.


                      • #41
                        I found these for sale - Fe2O3 ,softmagnetism ferrite core, not sure if it is the correct material though:
                        High Quality Material For Voice Coil For Sale - Buy Material For Gasket,Powerful Material For Voice Coil,Soft Magnetism Material For Voice Coil Product on
                        Last edited by GT899; 01-03-2014, 07:11 PM.


                        • #42
                          Hi Duncan, Is silicon steel for induction motor laminae any good it is quite soft.

                          I've got a four transformer toroid made with the stuff and about 4 inches of
                          the core stack still left, also another entire motor minus squirrel cage and end housings.

                          Anyway I am wondering also about the core gaps, I can do it either way, it's
                          easy enough to cut a core stack into four segments.

                          To make a donut I just use a pair of sharp metal shears and neatly cut the
                          pole projections off around the inside of each plate, (no heat cutting) then
                          bolt them together and smooth the inside of the ring a bit then paint it with
                          red oxide paint.

                          Actually cutting the core in four segments would make the winding so much easier.

                          I read it as four separate core segments.



                          • #43
                            Hi guys so I'll try to explain what I can .. this isn't something I've built tried and tested … I've tried bits of it . The magnetic material Steve Mark actually used is still a mystery to me , although I have found a voice coil with a magnetic core and some sort of magnetic latch . If I find more I'll post .
                            This isn't .. at least as I visualise it A.C or DC or indeed any electricity I have any way of describing to you . Its why I struggle with the core .. this is Impulse current (for want of a better word)
                            T hats why an H bridge is used with a pretty fast oscillator … your for want of a better description machine gunning the two drive coils with current but so fast the voltage cant ever catch up.
                            That’s resonance for you ! What also happens at resonance is things transmit and receive .
                            (This is if you are a power in / power out kinda guy) we know all about transverse electricity volts and amps . We know what it does at resonance , Its in the text books … It transmits or receives radio waves . So that’s all we know .. a part from one more component that's part of electricity ,, electrostatic ! Where is all the maths ,physics and science on the electrostatic counter part of radio which used to be known as Wireless … Tesla's Wireless ? It doesn't produce a feeble voltage like radio ,, it produces a huge power source from the electrostatic wave .. sea of energy call it what you will . That’s why the impulse and resonance.
                            As for material .. wow I'm really as blind as anybody else .. this is a type of electricity your probably even more familiar with than me Farmhand .. I've noticed some of your Tesla constructs and that’s the original impulse man! For what Its worth it was observed that there is things in common here with how Clemente Figuera's machine should work … I thought so to and posted much of the same basic principle as I have here on that thread , I could not make myself understood
                            but one bit of information was available regarding Clemente's machine and that was 'soft Iron'
                            and so what I have elected to try with in the absence of anything else is iron (certainly not mild steel) only on the grounds that it worked for those guys .. nothing else .
                            I bought 2M of 20 mm Iron off these guys

                            Legg Brothers - Specialist Hot Rollers of Small Steel Sections - Wolverhampton West Midlands

                            unlike Farmhand I'm no boiler maker so I had to take it to a black smith for bending … he's promptly buggered off on holiday .. very frustrating... hence I'm doing lots of writing when I'd much rather be winding the coils.
                            So guys that's what I'm using and why. Its not that I know or can engineer it I'm taking an educated guess and then I'll try and wing it. Linear impulse electricity at resonance ? .. There's no ohms law
                            or lenz law to help here I'm afraid you have really got just as good a stab at it as me . I know I tried a USSR ferrite toroid cut in four .. that was just hopeless.. normally the laminations farmhand talks of would handle most AC situations .. but its not AC is it ? Its a rapidly changing impulse .. how about trying what ever you intend using with two coils of a few turns farm hand and then inject a square wave into one .. and see how it transfers to the other on a scope ? then try a DC supply on a coil and see if you get a well defined N and S It'll give a pretty good idea how the land lies.
                            If .. and of course its a big if and the road to hell is paved with good intentions , then as you look at a whole host of other machines you start to see how they should work the 3BGS works if … you inject an impulse wave into the battery at resonance. The McFarland iron battery starts to be possible . Henry T Morays machine .. they all start to be feasible when you look back at the battery and then consider that as part of a much bigger whole circuit. It feels very peculiar and It kind of makes me a little bit nauseous I guess because I'm forcing myself to think so very differently.
                            Of some thing I’ve been trained in and used all my life.
                            That said I'm very grateful to you guys coming on thread to try and help me bring the concept to life
                            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                            • #44
                              Ok Duncan I understand, si-steel might not work so well. I also understand it is not tried.

                              I like to experiment and your arrangement looks like even if it does not work
                              for me I will learn something and have useful things left over to play with.

                              I don't have any soft Iron to bend.

                              I was under the impression that steel was quicker to respond than iron to change magnetically.

                              As stated by Tesla on page 14 of this book -

                              When placed symmetrically
                              to the ring, the pull on the opposite sides of the disc being equal,
                              no rotation results. The action is based on the magnetic inertia
                              of iron ; for this reason a disc of hard steel is much more affected
                              than a disc of soft iron, the latter being capable of very
                              rapid variations of magnetism
                              I would say a steel core would work better for a higher frequency square
                              "pulse" transformer than soft Iron, just based on Tesla's words there.

                              I don't have any Iron so I cannot compare performance myself.

                              Last edited by Farmhand; 01-04-2014, 08:47 AM.


                              • #45
                                Can I ask a question here please ? I have build a 1:1 transformer from two ordinary ones (I used it to check JackNoskills user claims on

                                Now the couple of questions are : each of windings when checked by meter has around 9H inductance, but if you join them in one way they cancel each other and give only milliHenries while in other connection (like in Tesla bifilar probably) they got me 42H. Is that because of mutual inductance ?

                                I want to use them in series as a choke for 230V AC or DC current like in attached picture.

                                In picture XMM1 is inductance meter showing 42H and X1 is just a load lamp.
                                Simple question : can I trust meter showing me 42H or just add two 9H inductances in series ? What inductance value will load see ?

                                You woull help me if you know, then we could compare the results with experiment when I will be prepared for it...
                                Last edited by boguslaw; 01-11-2015, 10:22 AM.

