doesn't seem like I can hide anything from you boys and girls

This really concerns Lead acid batteries or to be more correct every single free energy machine or patent you ever looked at that was connected to a lead acid battery .In other words the answer to hundreds of machines... You see everybody seems to carefully read what Tesla says and then ignore the key points … peculiar . You must consider the whole circuit . No body does. They go off into the garage and bash and bang and make all sorts of contraptions .. I know I've made rather to many myself … they connect it to their battery. Mostly Its a failure of course .. just now and again a glimpse of success perhaps . Little do they stop for one minute to consider the battery might be just might be the miracle machine. And the burst of brilliance was nothing to do with their masterpiece . Well I'm afraid It seems to me that's exactly the case .
Impress into your head that whatever else is being asked of that battery you are asking it to supply a load whilst remaining full charged . It can and it does, but its very rare and you have to do some very special things to make sure it keeps doing it.
The 3BGS did now and again almost by accident ... the machines would go off .... wow did they, This really then is about how and why and can it be controlled. It is not about if it can or cant it read through a few pages of that thread and you'll see it done time and time again . This is rather about how and why I think it worked and what can be done to make it keep working, and as you'll see I don't think its anything to do with motors. (apart from their impulse)
First I would like you to try and grasp that there is a totally different sort of electricity running alongside the electricity you are used to. Your instruments don't see it and for the most part you are unaware of it.
Where's it hiding and how was it hidden ? It was hidden many years ago possibly thousands for all I know one of the main conspirators in the modern age is Einstein . The E =MC2 Chappie , he and a co conspirator Lorentz wrote a piece of fiction that has had the dog chasing its own tail for years . Its called 'the Lorentz force law' so lets have a quick look at what forces are involved in any electricity, first there is this one .. electrostatic force .. (which incidentally is the one your being kept away from)
Leyden jars - YouTube
It exists alight here's its pedigree all mapped out by coulomb
Electric forces
there is another another force involved in any electricity which you are probably much more familiar with the electromagnetic force
Magnetic forces
Now notice regarding the Lorentz/Einstein force law the two components . Vectored at 90deg to the electromagnetic force is of course the electromagnetic wave much better known to you as the radio wave I'm sure
Its acknowledged and we have lots of maths and theory on the electromagnetic wave
but what of its cousin the electro static component where's all the information maths and theory on its 90deg vectored component? Where is all the maths science and theory on the electrostatic wireless wave … missing .. gone .. omitted .. obfuscated .. why ? Can't you guess ? Suckers .
So here's the plan …. take a lead acid battery , feed a huge load with electromagnetic energy .. the stuff your used to … whilst at the same time recharging the battery with the electrostatic energy (that does not exist) .
Lets start with something controversial . I say .. In theory its quite possible to charge a lead acid battery using no power what so ever whilst breaking none of the known laws of physics. . ( perhaps a smidgen of power .. poetic licence ya know) but you'll get it back in spades.
First Maxwell’s laws as pertaining to a lead acid battery tells you quite clearly that the charge of the battery is simply dependant on amps and hours . You don't buy a 5KW/h battery do you?
Of course not you buy a 100 amp/hr battery … It will deliver 1 amp for 100 hrs or 50 amps for 2 hours and it charges in much the same way.
Now before I can move on I need you to confirm for yourself s either by experiment or by sheer weight of evidence that this statement I make here is correct . If you do the capacitance charging near resonance experiment you'll know it is .. (if don't blow yourself up)
the statement … its a bit scary ,, I thought was a bit of an understatement .... old knackered totally sulphate battery .. straight on the grid ??

The battery requires Amps and Time, you'll find the battery will charge regardless if those amps are part of the “real power component or if those amps are 'Reactive 'so to enlarge I am suggesting to you that if you can hold a lead acid battery in a state of series resonance or near to it ..where the current is at a maximum and the voltage negligible the battery will charge very quickly using minimal in fact virtually no power .. because power =VI cos θ is approaching zero
that is cos θ is approaching zero and θ is approaching 90deg.
Its very difficult to hold because of course the battery conditions change very quickly, with load and charge state,
This is what I did that convinced me .. this passage
When you hear the sulfate crystals buzzing and crackling inside the battery, you know something amazing (and kind of scary) is happening. From this web page is quite true .. kind of scary might be an understatement
Capacitive Battery Charger - John Saves Energy
a talented youngster holding a battery in resonance
This is Igor running a Royer oscillator which being zero point switching gets closer than most to holding resonance with a feed back to source.
Now as I try and post the links and research work I did earlier on this subject I find them decimated like this
Pulse charging can bring lead-acid batteries from 0 to 80% in 15 minutes and from 0 to .... and increase the Q giving you an unmistakable resonance point.
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 01/01/14
I suggest you save this PDF tptb don't like it all !Its one of a few that has been wiped off the net .. I had it copied .. so I put it on a PFD and have hosted it .. if only on the grounds that tptb don’t like it at all I'd be inclined to copy it.

http://dnp.s3.amazonaws.com/b/b5/Bat...se charger.pdf
This Radio Ham has got very close . Had he actually managed to keep the impulse on that battery tracking the series resonant point the game would be all over IMHO in fact he might even be there and doesn't know it. 80% in that time??
The thing is you cannot see the series resonant reaction it would be rather like me wishing to see current . No can do! You can however see and monitor the parallel resonant state of things. In fact here is a pretty poor video of me doing exactly that a year or so ago
of course much water under the bridge since then ! Although still essentially correct. I can add considerably to this … first the battery resonant state alters to the x6 F pattern as pointed out by MJN . The battery charges extremely quickly on the impulse wave … in fact as I say on the video I watched the terminal post ice up on one . The battery resonant cascade I have followed up to 3Mhz
which is the limit of my FG. I have little doubt its actually doing what Marcus Ried says here.... except its the 'electrostatic' wave of course !

Marcus Reid Crystal Converter Battery - Casimir Effect - Part 1 - YouTube
so to put this in a nut shell … you can see and monitor a parallel resonant point .. (not a clue how to do that, but I guess its doable) phase locked loop .. scanning whatever , however its actually series resonance that’s required in order to charge the battery with Magnetic current.
So what’s the relationship between parallel resonance and series resonance ? The formulas are the same , but the velocity is different by Pi/2 as explained by EPD here
Part 1 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube
so that's in free space Its going to be different in a battery but still a linear relationship .
so here's the challenge to my mind ….constantly inject and scan a a wave so the highest available parallel resonant point is known .
Based on that return result change the wave form to an impulse based on the pi/2 relationship
so Can we fix it ? ... yes we can
Bob The Builder - Theme Song (With Lyrics) - YouTube
