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Crème de la crème (perhaps)

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  • #16
    Originally posted by barbosi View Post
    We are in crude terms looking to a complex sound waves forming a stationary wave with a wave lenght comparable to radio wave (milimeters)?

    Loved the clip, thank you.
    oh I just used sound as an example and because its an impulse wave to give some Idea of how I see the linear wave doing what it does ... I consider perhaps 3 MHz area to electrically inject a pulse .. various pulse chargers are about of course because they do one hell of a job .
    just consider Bedini's mono pole ... however much much faster,matched to a resonant impulse frequency IMO it would be game,set and match.
    the battery would simply remain fully charged regardless of load that's the vision I see and hope for.
    Last edited by Duncan; 01-08-2014, 01:44 AM.
    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


    • #17
      In practice a $5 H bridge driven by a 555 into the battery via a capacitor would probably accomplish the pulse bit of things . Its some method of tracking and latching onto any resonant points that defeats me (The parallel ones in this dimension I mean) the velocity relationship is then known, linear wave to transverse wave its pi/2 (or a least a linear relationship) inject a low power impulse at that frequency … according to me its that easy in theory but the practice is a matter for thought , Its probably not even to difficult control loops are just not an area I'm familiar with, I even considered trying to monitor battery acoustic activity. In fact I asked David B to try and Mic up a battery when he next has one ''on song' over on his thread. Its rather hard to describe this to you because of all the changes in dimension but I regard this as the longitudinal equivalent of our Radio system whilst I regard the big bang thread as the longitudinal equivalent of our electrical system. Its not that I know all the answers ..I don't. its like changing from a LHD car to a RHD car I'm just getting used to everything being backwards,
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • #18
        You see ... Tesla used water analogy, Steven Mark also...If we follow it we find something interesting I cannot dismiss which will explain Bearden concept : "don't kill the dipole"

        When we have a water pipes system the water flow is that thing doing work, but we all know the water hammer effect when water in pipe is still but the pressure wave is propagating, right ? So what is in reality doing work ? Simply, always something which is proportionally diminished when work is done, in water case it is pressure, even in case of water flow - it is pressure of water area doing work when water is displaced from one place to another loosing the speed. So, the water momentum is created by force called pressure, do you agree ?

        I maybe wrong but Tesla many times mentioned that he worked out by water analogy and even before the actual concept of resonance was understood....
        What did he found by analogy ? Do you see how he "didn't killed the dipole" ?


        • #19
          I may said it another way : you have car battery sitting at 13V and you connect a very very tiny bulb so the current is minimal, and you have many many hours of tiny light and 13V slooowly diminishing...


          • #20
            Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
            You see ... Tesla used water analogy, Steven Mark also...If we follow it we find something interesting I cannot dismiss which will explain Bearden concept : "don't kill the dipole"

            When we have a water pipes system the water flow is that thing doing work, but we all know the water hammer effect when water in pipe is still but the pressure wave is propagating, right ? So what is in reality doing work ? Simply, always something which is proportionally diminished when work is done, in water case it is pressure, even in case of water flow - it is pressure of water area doing work when water is displaced from one place to another loosing the speed. So, the water momentum is created by force called pressure, do you agree ?

            I maybe wrong but Tesla many times mentioned that he worked out by water analogy and even before the actual concept of resonance was understood....
            What did he found by analogy ? Do you see how he "didn't killed the dipole" ?
            For the last few months one of my loos has been water-hammering - quite dramatic at times. It is I believe caused by a mixture of pressure (caused by water head) and the interrupting of the flow, such that once the water flow starts, it builds up some momentum, which is then rapidly stopped by the valve closing, which increases the pressure at the valve, causing a reflected pressure wave to travel back up the pipe(making noise by shaking the pipe), the valve opens again, noise dies down and cycle is repeated; though I guess a standing wave type situation, depending on pipe length may not be out of the question?


            • #21
              Originally posted by john_g View Post
              For the last few months one of my loos has been water-hammering - quite dramatic at times. It is I believe caused by a mixture of pressure (caused by water head) and the interrupting of the flow, such that once the water flow starts, it builds up some momentum, which is then rapidly stopped by the valve closing, which increases the pressure at the valve, causing a reflected pressure wave to travel back up the pipe(making noise by shaking the pipe), the valve opens again, noise dies down and cycle is repeated; though I guess a standing wave type situation, depending on pipe length may not be out of the question?
              Yeah you read these posts and watch video's and half believe a short while back I watched this one


              not that that means you have to of course .. time permitting .. anyway at one point he talks of a vortex in closed water systems .. pinch of salt .. because I'd never seen it you see , then fate decreed
              I was at the edge of a lake sealed with a dam by the Victorians... Thirlmere .. Its job basically to supply fresh water to Manchester, I was on a private road at the back of this man made thing .. In fact I've just put it on google earth I was 54 deg 33min 25.21sec N and 3 deg 04 min 21.82 sec W if for some odd reason you would like to see. (Its my neck of the woods its where I live)
              and this giant whirlpool opened up and simply sucked anything and everything down .
              That altered into quite a lot of smaller whirlpools … then almost as quickly as it happened flat calm again .. so you carry on and think .. ' did I actually just see that' and don't say much because you'll sound like a loon … well make what you will its as I report , there is I believe tremendous power in water.
              Last edited by Duncan; 01-08-2014, 02:48 PM.
              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


              • #22
                Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                You see ... Tesla used water analogy, Steven Mark also...If we follow it we find something interesting I cannot dismiss which will explain Bearden concept : "don't kill the dipole"
                Coming mainly from our education we are the products of our conditioning, that is mental conditioning. For long time institutions like school, church, even family are working on children to instill obedience so as adults they would be “good members of society”. They say they're promoting ingenuity and creativity but by using in parallel tools of fear and guilt, the end result is the inhibition of those qualities.
                Later in life people are so “educated” they become the voice of conditioning of their own children. Having said that:
                1. Tesla never said “don't do that” unless it was dangerous or pointless (he tested already).
                2. Steven Mark didn't say what to do nor what not to do.
                3. Bearden says “don't kill the dipole” instead of a better choice “protect the dipole” - he uses expressions from his own mental conditioning from the army, which does all the good work around the world.

                1. Tesla made public demonstrations to show his findings and often indicating directions of new research. He participated in scientific public events & fairs, where in occasion had to expose his body proving there is nothing to be feared.
                2. Steven Mark made public demonstrations to sell his product.
                3. Bearden made DVDs to promote his ideas, no outstanding demonstration that I'm aware of. Especially with methods of nurturing the dipole while harvesting the goodies benefiting mankind.

                1. Tesla's lab was his home, open to showcasing events.
                2. Steven Mark made public demonstrations to sell his product.
                3. Bearden's house is in a quiet location, it is nice and has a comfy talking chair.

                1. Tesla was an unconditional “giver” to anyone, especially to those who asked for his help. (He did not just take other's work, Ideas he was taking were further explored and the fruits were re-given.) Tesla offered his help even to army, but it seems army wanted all with no conditions attached.
                2. Steven Mark made public demonstrations to sell his product.
                3. Bearden has DVDs and books for those interested. But also gives interviews.

                Edit: I forgot to comment on Bearden concept : "don't kill the dipole". In my humble opinion, this is not a concept it is merely a platitude which acnowledges the existance of bipolarity in this world and necesity of using it wisely.
                Before hearing of Bearden, you knew already that once you get a new battery, you better not short it's terminals until exhaustion. It wil "kill" it. You did't have to buy a DVD to learn that. A better choice in my oppinion it would be: "don't discharge"... "exhaust" maybe... But for that only, I won't be selling books and DVDs anytime soon.

                Final words.
                Ye shall judge the tree by its fruits (Notice church conditioning is present here: “judge” instead of “take note”)
                Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. (another quote, not my words)

                Last edited by barbosi; 01-08-2014, 03:58 PM.


                • #23
                  Just wondering if our attempts to understand the interplay of electricity, magnetism and gravity are incomplete without addressing sound (and perhaps light as well). Perhaps the question in itself is an oxymoron.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
                    You see ... Tesla used water analogy...
                    When least expected I just found something related to your liking.

                    "When a person really desires something, all the universe conspires to help that person to realize his dream" - Paulo Coelho

                    Here you have it and is more than you whished for, I'm sure:

                    I hope you'll enjoy.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                      In practice a $5 H bridge driven by a 555 into the battery via a capacitor would probably accomplish the pulse bit of things . Its some method of tracking and latching onto any resonant points that defeats me (The parallel ones in this dimension I mean) the velocity relationship is then known, linear wave to transverse wave its pi/2 (or a least a linear relationship) inject a low power impulse at that frequency … according to me its that easy in theory but the practice is a matter for thought , Its probably not even to difficult control loops are just not an area I'm familiar with, I even considered trying to monitor battery acoustic activity. In fact I asked David B to try and Mic up a battery when he next has one ''on song' over on his thread. Its rather hard to describe this to you because of all the changes in dimension but I regard this as the longitudinal equivalent of our Radio system whilst I regard the big bang thread as the longitudinal equivalent of our electrical system. Its not that I know all the answers ..I don't. its like changing from a LHD car to a RHD car I'm just getting used to everything being backwards,
                      Duncan, maybe I'm off-base, but fwiw... If we consider the entire circuit as a resonating entity, and perhaps the battery as our antenna, as you have mentioned, does this not then allow us to place the 555 timer chip and cap "downstream" so-to-speak, from the battery, en route to a load such as a bulb? In this way, the entire circuit (incl. the battery) would still be able to hit the resonant point so that the battery still functions as an antenna, once the entire circuit's frequency hits the battery's "sweet spot."


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by erfinder
                        Three Dimensional Mid Air Acoustic Manipulation [Acoustic Levitation] - ComComTv - YouTube

                        Simply amazing the things that can be done with simple sines....and this is in the medium of air...what would a complex mix of carefully mixed harmonics and overtones yield?

                        This is happening in motors and generators....we just haven't caught onto that fact yet...forest for the trees... Regards
                        Erfinder, you've mentioned coil topology and harmonics in motors on a number of occasions. I find your contributions inspiring - to try and think outside the conventional design box to envision what can yet be done with our simplest machines to surpass the barriers that we once believed were laws, for the benefit of many. We'll get there...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                          snip< In fact I've just put it on google earth I was 54 deg 33min 25.21sec N and 3 deg 04 min 21.82 sec W if for some odd reason you would like to see. (Its my neck of the woods its where I live)
                          and this giant whirlpool opened up and simply sucked anything and everything down .
                          That didn't work too well so if anyone wants to punch those coordinates into Google Earth you'll find that format doesn't work. I interpreted it as this which will work:

                          54°33'25.21"N 3°04'21.82"W

                          You'll need to copy and paste that unless you know how to make an ascii ° (degree) symbol
                          Last edited by ewizard; 01-08-2014, 07:36 PM.
                          There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by erfinder
                            The field doesn't alternate in the true sense of the term. This shocked me at first, however, I found support in a man who helped change everything for me, his name was Eric Laithwaite.
                            Hi erfinder,

                            Prof. Laithwaite - definitely - Creme de la Creme !
                            A wonderful man, technically as well.

                            The only Professor in 200+ years of annual Royal Institution Lectures whose lecture was effectively censored by TPTB through him being deemed to have challenged Newton etc. !

                            The Incredible Genius Of Eric Laithwaite
                            Professor Eric Laithwaite gives a demonstration of a large gyro wheel - YouTube
                            Gyroscopes - Everything you needed to know

                            (And what else has fully 3 dimensional relationships like a gyroscope - the electron.)

                            Cheers ................ Graham.
                            Last edited by GSM; 01-08-2014, 10:49 PM.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by erfinder
                              Hello Bob,
                              Its been suggested that I stop calling overtones harmonics, this "request" has its merit, however, I find no error in my description, I could say second overtone instead of third harmonic, but why, saying second overtone doesn't change the fact that I am addressing the third harmonic, I feel if I call out the harmonic you have a better idea of the relation to the fundamental, not so when you say overtone.
                              Hi Erfinder,
                              Yes, "harmonics" is the term I've been using as well. I had some interesting experiences with them tinkering with a battery charging system that Groundloop over on OU posted a few years back. I believe he designed it on Bedini system principles (trifilar). Incorporating variable resistors into it to get a transformer to resonate up to the third harmonic was interesting to see on the scope. Perhaps it's time to go back there with the lead acid battery...

                              One of the most amazing thing that has ever happened on my bench was my introduction to AC systems. One of my first machines generated a wave which I associated with the Bedini G-field generator.

                              About a year later I found that my window style motor generated an inverted version of this waveform.
                              Beautiful machines and very interesting wave forms. Beyond my understanding and competence; they seem as much art pieces as scientific instruments.

                              My introduction into AC was my introduction into harmonic wave mixing. My experience here revealed among other things that in an AC system we are dealing with the generation of standing waves. The field doesn't alternate in the true sense of the term. This shocked me at first, however, I found support in a man who helped change everything for me, his name was Eric Laithwaite. Once I saw and accepted the idea that there is no alternation, I began to see the relationship that standing waves produced in sound based experiments relate and or could be applied to electromagnetic systems.
                              That sounds like a game-changer, if one is to embrace it - a paradigm shift that calls for a re-gauging of references for understanding, envisioning possibilities, investigating, experimenting, observing... I'll be thinking about this for awhile - it's stunning, yet so fundamental, and makes simple, clear sense. I realize I've been thinking in 2 dimensional, linear terms looking at wave forms on a scope, forgetting that waves move in three dimensions. This notion changes a lot of things, does it not?
                              My opinion, the mechanism that keeps the fields in check between the transmission lines is the cymatic pattern which we know must exist inside the power line.

                              If we took a cross section of the transmission line, I think this is what we would see going on inside, if we could see the fundamental substance in motion. This structure regulates whats going on between the lines, this structure keeps the fields, magnetic and dielectric in check, it is my opinion that this is structure which couterspace organizes itself into, a reflection of this is mirrored into our space controlling the physical fields between the power lines. This structure has all the characteristics of all of the fundamental wave shapes that we find in the works of Steinmetz. Impulse waves generated by the proper blending of harmonics. The harmonics themselves are generated by the sine superimposition into the wire, in a manner which is similar to that which we see demonstrated in the cymatics demonstrations. In the case of the transmission line however, we are talking about a really small cross section, and thereby very high frequencies.
                              Makes a lot of sense that these cymatic structures with their standing waves would keep magnetic and dielectric fields "in check" as you say. I believe that by "counterspace" you're referring to the realm of longitudinal impulses. This would mean then that counterspace is not completely unknowable, but rather, it has a structure and can be accessed in a methodical, calculated way, if one knows how to approach it on its own terms.

                              Your blending of harmonics seems to have a serious application in terms of engineering the resonance which, as you mentioned in an earlier post, is constituted as a 90 degree separation between magnetic and dielectric fields. I am still convinced that resonance is tied to excitation of the ambient electrostatic field allowing us to access its energy. To me, it would make sense that the higher the harmonics in our resonant circuit, the greater our ability to access this energy - though, this is an intuitive extrapolation based on reading and some videos of resonant systems doing just that before they were pulled off the internet some years ago. -- Which brings us, I believe to Duncan's point about harnessing the power of the linear impulse which in classical electrodynamic theory doesn't exist, and with one exception, has been expunged from radioland.

                              This structure is where the capacitance and inductance accumulates in my opinion......starting to rant...starting to get radical...I don't want to get banned, I was asked nicely to say on topic...I can't, so I'll stop here..
                              No, I think it makes sense, given the proposed cymatic/standing wave structure of counterspace and the magnetic-dielectric realm. I think this is what Luc has been trying to show in his own way as well. Not sure how all that's faring with some new observations by Poynt, but getting back to this, it does seem to be a logical conclusion.

                              Ignorance and lack of imagination will keep us grounded
                              Yes, as will blind allegiance to group-think and group-speak. The person who can stand outside that realm and withstand its slings and arrows has the chance to move forward. Such is the nature of true freedom with which humans alone are endowed, which they so deeply desire and yet so deeply fear because it requires leaving the familiar and journeying forward in solitude - but a solitude that transforms into solidarity. My philosophical 2 cents' worth.
                              Thanks for sharing your findings and insights.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by erfinder
                                Three Dimensional Mid Air Acoustic Manipulation [Acoustic Levitation] - ComComTv - YouTube

                                Simply amazing the things that can be done with simple sines....and this is in the medium of air...what would a complex mix of carefully mixed harmonics and overtones yield?

                                This is happening in motors and generators....we just haven't caught onto that fact yet...forest for the trees...

                                There is a big clue in that triplens thing you quoted from erfinder and for me how is this reactive current .. also known as magnetic current burning and melting cables. and making things hot. almost by definition heat is energy the fact that its appearing in inconvenient places doesn't make it any less so.
                                if you notice erfinder the magnetic current is 'circulating' only in the neutral (earth) and only in the buildings. There's so much wrong with all of that when you think about it . circulating where? IMHO Its coming straight out of the ground, using the easiest route it has. Its magnetic current Mr Bedini would be charging lots and lots of batteries with that!
                                As the article says the problem is confined to individual buildings ,not the grid its self well yes I can see how that would be after all the grid has huge capacitors on it to convert magnetic current to real power John uses those too some times doesn't he ? except of course he doesn't call his power factor correction capacitors. Then there's this to consider we are taught reactive power can do no work. In fact it is known as the watt less component . well lots of heat sure seems like work to me ! the fact that its being done some where inconvenient is irrelevant. That's our fault for not understanding it.
                                so now erfinder perhaps I can give a layman's view. that most can grasp and an example of this reverse thinking.
                                The document tells you the need for the huge neutral cables is switched mode power supplies. these things,

                                in some office blocks there's thousands of them all switching very fast you might as well have thousands of these

                                after all they are doing the same thing! The transformation happens to the electrostatic wave (sea of energy, radiant energy , Aether .. a rose by any other name ... ) at resonance magnetic current is summoned it will travel as all things electric do by the easiest route .. In this case neutral cable which in turn is bonded to the ground. Unlike Mr Bedini's establishment there are no batteries to catch and convert this unusual energy. (Its only unusual to us of course tptb know all about it do the trees and wot not)
                                The ambition of this natural current is ultimately to repair the injury being done to its open system by being contained in a grid.
                                in this regard it divides itself accordingly and sets off along each of the three phase conductors Its goal ... to equalise at the star point of the generator/s
                                Ah but the power companies are no fools , they know all about this, they have known all about it since the very first grid system.
                                So what do they do? Just what John Bedini would do ... catch it in a capacitor ... yeah so it might be a little bit bigger than John usually uses still..

                                they have got one or two more wheels on the go.. your wheels . here's the super bit ... then they sell it back to you suckers me too of course but you have to laugh (don't you?)
                                It does get even better in a lot of places. Oh I love this .. the consumer gets to buy the capacitors and then wait for this one .... pay for any reactive current that its using.

                                So those who have see and experienced COP>1 machines if only briefly and know this is all true ... can you see what a classic beautiful scam this is? I mean don't get me wrong I hate these bastards with a passion but as enemy tactics go IMHO you just have to take your hat off here.

                                I recon humanities got to wake up a whole lot collectively if were gonna catch these guys they is cute man !

                                Last edited by Duncan; 01-09-2014, 05:56 AM.
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

