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Crème de la crème (perhaps)

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  • #76
    Originally posted by ewizard View Post
    My circuit? That was your circuit - first one in your post above - lol anyway just wanted to mention I built it. Now here is something a bit more interesting. I got this from a scanned PDF member 'wings' posted at OU - Quest for Zero Point by Moray King. Very good book. From pages 78-80 (or 39-40 if you are using the PDF viewer page count) this info I found very interesting and I think relevant to some discussion here. Apologies for below text may not be perfect as it was OCR'd and then quickly corrected some errors.

    " Pappas (1991)hypothesized all sparks produce excessive energy. Shoulders (1991) demonstrated that excessive energy can be created in any electrical discharge that produces EV's. What if every spark naturally produces submicron plasmoids (even smaller than Shoulder's EV 's)? Finally, there is abrupt ion motion on the inception of any spark, fulfilling Moray's hypothesis. There is a strong likelihood of some ZPE coupling in any abrupt electrical discharge. In fact some investigators have proposed that an abrupt voltage pulse with only (vacuum) displacement current and minimal charge motion is sufficient to produce anomalously excessive energy. Bearden (1993) proposed this is his "final secret, and Hyde (1990) used this principle in designing his invention (a mechanical electrostatic field chopper) that reportedly output 20 KW while self running. Hyde stressed there should be no corona present whatsoever. The Swiss ML Converter could likewise be sirnply explained if indeed there were energy in all electrostatic pulses.
    Electrostatic pulses or abrupt voltage spikes are notoriously difficult to tap efficiently as an energy source.

    Many inventors have directed high voltage pulses to recharge batteries with claims of over unity. Unfortunately such pulsing often damages the battery, and of course, an energy machine that cannot self run, but instead relies on batteries, is unconvincing to skeptics.
    Clearly what is needed is a method to convert voltage spikes to a useful form of power, preferably DC. Hyde (1990) had to solve this problem in order to make his machine free running. His solution (described in figure 6 of his patent, also King, 1993) took advantage of the fact that even though the individual electrostatic pulses were of high voltage, the current (and thus power) of each was very low. This allowed Hyde to make a voltage divider current multiplier circuit utilizing a large number of inexpensive capacitors and diodes that could be run in excess of their voltage specification without damage. High voltage electrostatic pulses were converted to amplified current pulses at a lower voltage which were then rectified to DC by Standard means. Hyde empirically solved a difficult engineering problem, and the solution allowed him to build a self running energy machine. An easy to build, efficient, current multiplier would facilitate wide spread experiments to investigate claims of excessive energy in electrostatic pulses or sparks, as well as form the basis for a solid state zero-point energy machine. The following Pulse Current Multiplier (PCM) was inspired by Hyde's invention. The PCM is based on the Standard
    voltage division technique of charging a bank of capacitors in series,
    then discharging them in parallel. Figure 3 illustrates four stages of the
    PCM. In practice it is desirable to have ten or more stages. The high
    voltage pulse is input across the A terminals at the polarity shown.

    The sharper the voltage spike, the better the performance.
    The inductances should be the minimum value necessary to block the
    input, for they must allow the output current (as a slow rise time pulse)
    to pass with minimal attenuation. Hyde did not show any blocking
    inductances in his patent. Since he developed his circuit empirically,
    perhaps long or coiled output wires provided a sufficient blocking in-
    ductance to achieve the same behavior. Ferrite beads might also suffice.
    Since the PCM uses inexpensive components, it offers an economical
    investigation of a possible ZPE coherence associated with high voltage
    pulses and discharges.

    A ten stage PCM amplifies the current by a factor of ten. Two
    such PCM's can be combined in series to create a multiplication factor
    of 100 (Figure 4). The output from the first PCM is impressed across the
    input of the second. Since the pulses entering the second PCM will not
    be as sharp, larger blocking inductances will be required in it. The principle
    can be extended to a third PCM in series to give a multiplication
    factor of 1000. Thus a sharp 40 KV spike could be stepped down to a
    less steep 4 KV pulse and then to a wider 400 volt pulse. The second and third PCM 's will require more robust circuit components since
    appreciable current is being accumulated. Once the pulses become sufficiently wide, then Standard, solid state switching technology can be used instead of the blocking inductances to create a PCM via Standard electrical engineering, voltage division techniques. Such a PCM could be
    employed last in the series. An appropriate configuration of PCM's can
    thus become an efficient voltage spike Converter.
    output current pulse occurs across the B terminals. The inductors' purpose
    is to block the sharp input voltage pulse (via high impedance) and
    channel it down the (low impedance) series path which should be physically short.
    spark energy and what we cannot see ... here the analysis
    and the effect
    Attached Files


    • #77
      Originally posted by wings View Post
      spark energy and what we cannot see ... here the analysis
      and the effect
      related to this :

      Spark Gap Experiments
      The Worldwide KAPAGEN successful replications


      • #78
        sorry I'm late machine!

        Originally posted by machinealive View Post
        Well Duncan

        I will take a stab at your question, mainly, because I want you to continue, and for some reason, you always stop, never to finish, and I'm never sure why. I'm not answering because I really know what your getting at, so go easy.
        First, I assume your granite was raised, ridges, and not just a stain?

        So, once upon a time, cells were placed in wooden boxes, which didn't work well.
        Edison used metal box. The metal box would discharge to ground, not good. So now we use plastic, insulator, and it should not matter if you put your battery on the cement floor.

        So if you are getting ridges in the granite, then we have an ion flow, so we either have a magnetic field attracting ions, should probably say, inductive or dielectric field causing ion migration.

        Hi Machinealive, I'm very sorry I didn't respond so your post sooner I overlooked it somehow, very tardy of me! and it does have some really interesting bits and pieces I knew nothing about.
        The reason I don't usually finish things (as you put it) machinealive is because a lot of folks are generally to bone Idle to participate or contribute. Quite happy to let someone knock their pan in as an unpaid lecturer .. if your prepared to let them that is ! Well I'm not . If there's no feed back and no participation and the attention span and interest is that of an amoeba … well that's why I end on a question, sometimes, also sometimes, I have an answer, sometimes a suspicion, or conjecture and sometimes it really is a genuine question and I really have no Idea of the answer.
        On this occasion I have a possible conjecture that you might find interesting . I believe LA batteries are reactive current devices. Just to clear up all the AKAs reactive current = KVAr named in older text books as magnetic current = Edward Leedskalnin, = telluric current , essentially a natural product of our planet freely available from the ground,

        As you look at this image it's all to easy to consider all those fluorescent tubes are parasitic on the power grid , after all that's what the power companies and the tptb have taught you … Its what they want you think! What if its wrong ? .. and I think it is, what if your looking at magnetic current flowing from the ground through those tubes trying to equalise the huge offending rift in natural energy flow that is … The grid.?
        Anyway machine alive the conjecture … I think LA batteries could well be natural reactive devices . That is regardless of power source they must have magnetic current to charge.
        Using a standard battery charger there is of course virtually no resonant effect, the magnetic current must flow through any and all obstacles in order to engage with the LA Battery.
        Here then is a very plausible explanation as to why wood, concrete, plastic and granite can all have very dramatic and different effects on the battery, All these substances have a very different relationships to the passage of magnetic current. The things tptb don't want the sheep-le to know are simply left unsaid . If you really think that the science of something as important as the LA battery and its operating environment haven't been investigated and is well understood, your being very naïve. The things have been around for over 150 years plenty of time for science to cross the Ts and dot the Is , they have of course , but like so much else researched and discovered through public expense , the public don't get to benefit from never mind learn about the results.
        So there you are machine alive I didn't have an answer just suspicions conjecture and food for thought.
        Last edited by Duncan; 01-22-2014, 12:27 AM.
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • #79
          Hello Duncan

          Thank you for taking the time to post. I was hoping that all you just wanted some input. you mentioned batteries and antennae before and I was always interested, but hard to do everything. I always wanted to try and build a foundry, with an induction heater, I have all the parts( that the smallest parts list I've ever needed). And this is just to simple to not try, plus, you know, I'm a simpleton, so, who knows.. I'll post anything I find, will definitely need to spend some time thinking about LA batteries a little differently.

          Thanks again for sharing Duncan


          • #80
            Hello again Duncan

            I should of wrote more. Just so you know, I also believe this is the correct path, but you already know that

            On this occasion I have a possible conjecture that you might find interesting .
            Yes, this is exactly the principle I am seeing in Tesla's machine, to operate. ( and many more, once I realized). Pure induction motor. We'll see. I'm really excited about this.
            I have a 2 phase gen finished, my toroid wound, but I just can't seem to get the time to finish. Over next couple days I hope.

            You know, only a few would even bother to look up what your talking about, but that is life. Maybe One person opens a book, with the intent to learn, with passion, then it was worth it..

            You do know, in Latin, Dr., simply means, teacher.
            I love your spirit Duncan, your a fighter, and whether you like it or not, you are a good teacher.

            Here, for those who can't open books.



            • #81
              For the 1%

              Originally posted by Walter Russell
              The law which applies to one effect of motion applies to all, whether sound wave, electric current, color spectrum or octaves of elements of matter.

              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


              • #82

                Hopefully Duncan won't mind but I have to ask you a question, since you are also a Russell fan, and you are thinking of longitudinal waves a lot.
                I love this Russell pic. How an AC wave developes. Very similar to what Barbosi was talking about in his "just magnetics" thread, the wave is not moving.

                However, in regards to the longitudinal wave. As the stone hits, we get impact. Now, I am thinking, the stones hits, the E's represents reproduction or " reincarnation", of the impact in octave harmonics, along the inertial plane. Could that be the longitudinal wave front? Almost instant, then the AC wave, develops slower.

                Edit should not have said AC WAVE ( on my mind), you know, should call transverse?
                Last edited by machinealive; 01-22-2014, 08:46 PM.


                • #83
                  The Bells, the bells - the bells are my friend's

                  Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                  Hopefully Duncan won't mind but I have to ask you a question, since you are also a Russell fan, and you are thinking of longitudinal waves a lot.
                  I love this Russell pic. How an AC wave developes. Very similar to what Barbosi was talking about in his "just magnetics" thread, the wave is not moving.

                  However, in regards to the longitudinal wave. As the stone hits, we get impact. Now, I am thinking, the stones hits, the E's represents reproduction or " reincarnation", of the impact in octave harmonics, along the inertial plane. Could that be the longitudinal wave front? Almost instant, then the AC wave, develops slower.

                  Edit should not have said AC WAVE ( on my mind), you know, should call transverse?
                  Ah the shape and form of this wave we are unearthing … a worthy subject. And of course I don't object to Walter Russell on the thread he's fine company. Like you gentle men I found myself pondering exactly the same thing. Perhaps not being as erudite as you guys my journey was a little more practical and it involved me sneaking into a very old church and climbing the bell tower .. I knew without doubt I was standing on the same spot that two giants of science had stood and discussed,used, and then hidden the mathematics of the wave you conjecture. Some three hundred and fifty years ago, I knew without the mathematics and the relationship of 'proportion ' sweet music simply could not be made. I did write about it but on another forum, on a post called 'Christmas bells' rather than scribble the tedious drivel all over again I wonder if I might ask you to simply pay it visit. Not doing so might have ominious overtones Whilst doing so might have interesting repercussions

                  The Jigs Up !

                  Thanks again for your input its always welcome!
                  Last edited by Duncan; 01-23-2014, 12:42 AM.
                  Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                  • #84

                    The Russell picture seems to be what you were trying to describe! If you have never read Russell's stuff, maybe you should give at least that section a good look over. Earthquakes to music. It's got er all.
                    I always wondered how much I could learn, if I actually tried to build a big heavy old fashioned bell. Russell shows you how. I always wanted to build a pipe organ as well. Lost arts. Such a shame. I'm lucky here in Nova Scotia, we still have craftsman, glass lowers, barrel makers, blacksmiths, you name it.

                    Love this quote
                    "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."
                    Robert A. Heinlein, Time Enough for Love (1973)
                    And then there's George


