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  • #61
    Originally posted by garrypm View Post
    Hi Steve,

    It is strange that for the last 2 months I have been messing with my pulse
    motor using the diodes as you depict in your last post.

    My findings to this point are -

    * the voltage average (+ rail) seems to pulse and read higher
    * my scope shows 2x to 3x higher voltages
    * power consumption increases and rpms rise dramatically
    * my mechanical switching goes into overdrive

    I've even tried to pull output from this increased + rail.

    Still, what comes out (bemf) seems to go inline with that which is input.

    I took the idea for the diodes coming from the supply from the magnacoaster patents.

    Think I'll pop up a small video.

    Cheers, Garry
    Hello Garry,

    I'd really enjoy seeing what you've been up to.



    • #62
      Originally posted by Duncan View Post
      They cancel in harmonics or can be made cumulative in overtones at resonance . And only at resonance , the contrivances of the bedini wheels and various motors and contraptions which touch this resonance state however briefly make use of it.
      At resonance a transformation occures as a typical and well known example electricity (which your talking about) becomes a radio wave … try turning a switch on and off near a radio , you'll hear it.
      Electricity at resonance is changed to something completely and totally different. In this case the electromagnetic wave . So you all talk of resonance and then use principles that no longer apply, to anything that has gone through transformation, It is no longer electricity!!! resonance is the embodiment of this law
      of Berties

      Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another

      Its different stuff do you see? It seems to me a least, as if you are applying the laws of hydraulics to a gas. you all seem as mad as hatters to me . Glance at the picture below it is the front of an old book of mine portraying the electromagnetic wave .

      I remind you that always must come into being at resonance , do you see how its portrayed erfinder? Its at 90 deg to electricity . Ergo its in a different dimension, It is what you would call perhaps an imaginary number or perhaps a J operator or i operator depending on your flavour of schooling.
      Now look at your picture that you Oh so badly want the answer to , turn the wheels through 90deg
      which of course is what resonance does … as I have just been at great lengths to explain.
      There are as you well know erfinder two types of resonance series and parallel hence the wheels can be turned 90deg one way or 90deg the other . What you once knew in another life as EMF and back EMF are now two separate entities that can be added , subtracted,or cancelled just as you might wish. In addition mode the electrostatic wave is transformed to magnetic current. It only then remains to convert the result back into usable energy by reversing the process.
      It is then series resonance we are specifically interested in … after all that's what's driving you up the wall isn't it? You have a machine COP>1 and don't understand why, well at 180 deg to the radio wave is Teslas wireless . ( that's the wheels in addition) Its denied , Its existence is denied, all the maths and science associated with it is fudged, obfuscated, omitted or denied.
      The existence of the longitudinal wave is denied as well as its overtone structure. Overtones themselves are denied confused with music and confounded as far as electrical work is concerned.
      Right back to Bertie's conspiracy with lorentz and the 'force law' which should have been called the 'forced law' because the bloody thing was forced on everybody. Look at it! …. here it is here's the lies and stinking filth still being taught !!.. to the next generation of suckers .


      look at the electrostatic force … where is its B force ? Where is the vector ? Its there all right its obvious as soon as you tune to series resonance …. Its missed out , just not there, tptb wanted that force for their own use, and still do! In due course when the truth will out .. as it always does. Why they'll just say … Its a miracle whoever would have guessed that was there. can't you smell and see the trickery?
      @ Duncan, there's no dought we have all been subject to an enormous scam, involving paying for Energy etc, since time began, as we know it in our short lifetime.

      Your theories on SERIES resonance, really ring a bell to me, and i will test that as soon as i can.

      Thanks Erfinder, for having the courage, to start this thread, you have my respect, and i look forward to your'e disclosures, of your Practical Experiments.

      Regards Cornboy.


      • #63
        of course erfinder .. when making an antenna the spacial Size is all important . I dare not try to unravel the mathematics and science its a web that's been been woven by much cleverer men than me with the sole intention of deceiving,I'm very quickly lost, you have to cross three different trades to get some sort of idea of what’s going on … that’s intentional too I'm sure. !
        I'm simply an engineer and treated this self induction as an engineer might, faced with crossing mordor I didn't dally because there's more than orc's guarding those black gates.
        First I considered where lots of wire must be used and yet inductance be a minimum .. the answer to that simple question … a wire wound resistor, hows it done ? Bifilar winding .
        My next thought was how to separate EMF and BEMF .. I viewed electricity as a whole entity made up of both EMF or BEMF Its also obvious that its transformed to an electro magnetic wave with parallel resonance and the electrostatic magnetic wave with series resonance. Here in this Video by EPD at 1M45 s you are told very clearly an SWR (standing wave ratio) of infinity . To put that into electrical speak .. it means series resonance .. he's transmitting on a wave that we are told does not exist. And have no maths or science for .. the same obviously applies to the equivalent electrical component.

        Part 3 of 6: Eric Dollard Tesla Longitudinal Wave Energy SBARC Ham Radio with Chris Carson - YouTube

        The result of this is you end up seeking an answer with the only language you have available but you can see there is a whole dimension with its maths and science missing.
        Its not that I can put all the theory back in place , I can't, but I do know where something is supposed to be because of the radio system , and some slight knowledge of the grid system. I can just about engineer on what isn't there .. if you see what I mean . I can extrapolate backwards. (practically at least)
        So in the case of self induction .. having separated the two with resonance why not wind identical coils and reverse one of them ? What was a foe in opposition is now a friend in assistance. So you see erfinder I crossed Mordor but perhaps its not the answer you are seeking because I have used 'low cunning' rather than tackle the puzzle that has been intentionally put in place by the best that the era could muster a hundred years or so ago. And you have to confess they did a pretty good job.
        Last edited by Duncan; 01-17-2014, 01:35 PM.
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • #64
          Hey Duncan, you're a dude, sorry for being OFF topic, but just wanted to say thanks for all your input on this forum, you have obviously come from a hard place, and i feel everyone respects your nevergiveup, input.

          Thanks and regards Cornboy.

          PS. This is not Tounge in cheek, i really respect You.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
            @ Duncan, there's no dought we have all been subject to an enormous scam, involving paying for Energy etc, since time began, as we know it in our short lifetime.

            Your theories on SERIES resonance, really ring a bell to me, and i will test that as soon as i can.

            Thanks Erfinder, for having the courage, to start this thread, you have my respect, and i look forward to your'e disclosures, of your Practical Experiments.

            Regards Cornboy.
            Hello Cornboy,

            Its all practical, its just a matter of interpreting it as such. As far as the experiments go. They aren't going to excite anyone who isn't making connections already between whats being suggested and what they are working on. If any part of this "disclosure" ( must have something before it can be considered as a disclosure....I haven't made any claims that I'm aware of...) aids anyone I am happy. All I'm interested in is an exchange of ideas, right or wrong is immaterial.

            I really appreciate you being here.



            • #66
              Hi Steve,

              since you haven't added anything regarding my last post I take it that we agree.
              There is one thing I'm not sure we're on the same page though, regarding what you said earlier:

              The idea is to connect the coils in such a manner that from the electrical point of view, the coils operating in electrical opposition (bucking), and magnetically in series (not really sure about this, if the coils are electrically bucking
              To simplify the terminology, do we agree that when the coils (which are all connected in series) are energized with a short pulse at TDC, they all push the magnets that are in front of them away?



              • #67
                Originally posted by Mario View Post
                Hi Steve,
                since you haven't added anything regarding my last post I take it that we agree.
                Not quite on the same page yet, but we will get there in time, I truly appreciate your questions, as they enable me to organize my thoughts about whats going on, inside my motors. The reason I haven't replied yet, is because I'm still preparing the post. It takes me a few minutes to type them up. Since you are not asking for cold hard facts, which I couldn't give even if I wanted to, I must take my time and prepare my response to your question carefully.

                Originally posted by Mario View Post
                There is one thing I'm not sure we're on the same page though, regarding what you said earlier:

                To simplify the terminology, do we agree that when the coils (which are all connected in series) are energized with a short pulse at TDC, they all push the magnets that are in front of them away?

                It's all speculation.

                Last edited by erfinder; 02-25-2014, 11:07 AM.


                • #68
                  Steve, no worries, take all the time you need. At this very moment I couldn't replicate the setup anyway as right now I don't have a N-S-N-S rotor. I have the things I need to do so though, but right now I'm still working on a pure resonant solid-state circuit. Still, the questions I ask are because I intend to investigate this on the bench soon and I want to be sure I have understood the setup correctly and the way things are connected.

                  The effect as you say, whatever it is, seems to come from the coils sitting close to each other but opposite polarity, although electrically in series. Your setup seems perfect for this since they are very close, almost touching each other. I would say coil proximity it is a must for this to work…

                  One more thing, are you driving your coils with a bridge (Cole switch) or a single transistor (or FET) SG style?



                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Mario View Post
                    Steve, no worries, take all the time you need. At this very moment I couldn't replicate the setup anyway as right now I don't have a N-S-N-S rotor. I have the things I need to do so though, but right now I'm still working on a pure resonant solid-state circuit. Still, the questions I ask are because I intend to investigate this on the bench soon and I want to be sure I have understood the setup correctly and the way things are connected.
                    Being able to share with a like mind is all I am here for.

                    Last edited by erfinder; 02-25-2014, 11:07 AM.


                    • #70
                      Steve, your SG with the modified wiring in the video, does it also have the mags in NSNS configuration?



                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Mario View Post
                        Steve, your SG with the modified wiring in the video, does it also have the mags in NSNS configuration?

                        Yup, the magnets alternate.



                        • #72


                          • #73


                            • #74
                              Is this the same effect that is keeping the Ferris Wheel primary battery bank charged? I don't know, I would like to think it is.
                              My two cents..

                              Last edited by erfinder; 02-25-2014, 11:08 AM.


                              • #75
                                Hi Steve,

                                thank you for the videos and explanations. Since I have a little and ready SG laying around I couldn't help trying what you show, even if it's all N out. This little model has an adjustable hall trigger, so I could easily switch between O crossing and peak crossing.
                                I put a 3300 uF buffer cap between supply and SG (with diode before the cap) and when I got to 0 crossing and disconnected the hall I did see the buffer going from about 14.5V to 20V, the supply was at 15V.

                                I think I know what is happening. When we switch to 0 crossing (max speed) the generated voltage goes above the supply. When we turn off the hall the coils with flywheel effect are still generating and are powering the recovery buffer (your lamp), AND the supply buffer, but this through the FET reverse diode! It is actually the only way the supply buffer could charge back from the coil. This could not happen with a transistor I believe. And it can only happen with coils that generate a high enough voltage.
                                In fact it just so happened that I had only the coils mounted which I normally use as genny coils which produce higher potential than my motor coils, and I did use them as motor coils.

                                Steve, this may still be something and I may be missing something…


