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  • Originally posted by barbosi View Post
    I think Erfinder said something about your inquiry in the first 50 seconds of the clip: he is demonstrating a method, not being concerned about efficiency at this point.
    BTW what is the efficiency of a transformer?
    Hello Barbosi,

    Just one soul, all I need is a single person to "consider" these "ideas" not so much for what they are, but for what they could be. Its guys like you who make coming to this place worth while. Thank you so very much for considering my ideas, and for having the decency to reserve judgement of myself, and the information I'm sharing.



    • In regards to frequencies

      Well I'll throw this out there...

      I have been thinking for some time about harmonics and frequencies. For instance, the human eye can see three main frequencies of light. Red is 450THz +- a bit, Green is 570 +- and Blue is 640 +-. We have developed a music system as humans that is comprised of major Triads (chord of 3 notes). Their ratios are 4:5:6 same as the primary light we see.

      Suppose this ratio of frequencies is significant in nature. What happens if we hook up a three phase with this ratio? You would still need to "tune" it for the machine of course, but lets not use a ratio that leave us with any 666's


      • Hey Er

        Thanks for sharing more of your work!
        I hope you know I wasn't trying to pick your work. I am just trying to get my head around it. The square wave generator, I thought, was very interesting. Awesome, in fact. I'm hoping for a similar result.

        Keep up the good work.



        • Originally posted by machinealive View Post
          Hey Er

          Thanks for sharing more of your work!
          I hope you know I wasn't trying to pick your work. I am just trying to get my head around it. The square wave generator, I thought, was very interesting. Awesome, in fact. I'm hoping for a similar result.

          Keep up the good work.

          Thank you for that machinealive. There are others on the forum sharing more, and I thank them, their work has inspired mine. Don't invest too much time in trying to wrap your head around what I'm sharing. Remember, if that was really what I was after, I would present the information in a more professional and or scientific manner, I am simply sharing ideas. I am happy that you found one or two interesting.



          • post off topic
            Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-26-2014, 04:09 AM.


            • Hey Er
              Thought I would share a pic with you. The mess is kind of blinding, .
              My motor is not working great, it is a little better now.

              The nice 2 phase signal is my gen with open coils. The second pic, is only 1 pair of toroid coils connected to 1 of the 2 phase gen output. It's slowly taking shape.



              • Following

                Hi Guys, I've been following this thread , and so many questions , but I don't want to interrupt ,with my lack of knowledge.
                Just one question, When does the coil being induced , change fields?
                When you induce a coil ,it produces a magnetic field , When you stop inducing it , The field reverses.
                Q: When does this happen?

                Machine , I like your work wish I could comprehend it better.


                • Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                  Hey Erfinder

                  Ok I know exactly what your doing now... very interesting. As it turns out I have been designing systems in the last few weeks along similar lines with a little twist I won't go into here.
                  I have found that it is beneficial for the most part to ignore what we think our oscilloscope is telling us and concentrate on electron flow notation and Emf/Cemf ie. Force. In fact we can ignore most of the terminology and the equations and use three simple terms, Flow, Force and Time. At which point it becomes clear what we conceive is happening in our circuits.

                  Tesla had thoughts concerning what may happen if a critical parameter changes in time ie." The Problem of Increasing Human Energy". Such as the Mass of a Pendulum which gets lighter on the up swing and heavier on the down swing. Now at one point I thought Tesla was speaking of a parametric system but that was not it. He was not speaking of changing a variable but changing a constant.



                  Last edited by erfinder; 02-25-2014, 11:17 AM.


                  • Originally posted by machinealive View Post
                    Hey Er
                    Thought I would share a pic with you. The mess is kind of blinding, .
                    My motor is not working great, it is a little better now.

                    The nice 2 phase signal is my gen with open coils. The second pic, is only 1 pair of toroid coils connected to 1 of the 2 phase gen output. It's slowly taking shape.

                    Nice! That wave looks familiar. I'm not going to ask you any questions about your setup. What you want me to know about it and how you feel it relates to what I'm presenting will be revealed when you are ready.

                    Looking forward to seeing more.



                    • Originally posted by shylo View Post
                      Hi Guys, I've been following this thread , and so many questions , but I don't want to interrupt ,with my lack of knowledge.
                      Just one question, When does the coil being induced , change fields?
                      When you induce a coil ,it produces a magnetic field , When you stop inducing it , The field reverses.
                      Q: When does this happen?

                      Machine , I like your work wish I could comprehend it better.
                      Hello Shylo,

                      Can you rephrase your question?



                      • post off topic
                        Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-26-2014, 04:09 AM.


                        • Ferroresonance

                          Ferroresonance can occur when an unloaded 3-phase system consisting mainly of inductive and capacitive components is interrupted by single phase means.[6][7] In the electrical distribution field this typically occurs on a medium voltage electrical distribution network of transformers (inductive component) and power cables (capacitive component). If such a network has little or no resistive load connected and one phase of the applied voltage is then interrupted, ferroresonance can occur. If the remaining phases are not quickly interrupted and the phenomenon continues, overvoltage can lead to the breakdown of insulation in the connected components resulting in their failure.
                          The phenomenon can be avoided by connecting a minimal resistive load on the transformer secondaries or by interrupting the applied voltage by a 3-phase interrupting device such as a ganged (3 pole) circuit breaker.[6]

                          Exactly what Tesla ran into that was killing folks, and what had to be "fixed" before his new power system could be safely operated. So let's safely operate it, shall we??

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Re : question

                            Hi erfinder, I've found that by shorting the leads of a coil that is seeing a alternating magnetic field,you can get both positive and negative results.
                            I have to figure out , when the best time to short is, in order to get only the positive results.
                            My switching is too random , and I want to do it mechanically ,since I am electronically incapable.
                            When you influence a coil of wire ,with a magnetic field , then the magnetic field moves away. Where or when does the opposite field appear?
                            Sorry I'm not the best at getting my point across.


                            • post off topic
                              Last edited by Allcanadian; 02-26-2014, 04:10 AM.


                              • Since the southeastern US is frozen in today I decided to do a little experimenting. I was using a circuit similar to Bedini's SSG except I wanted to know what effect I would get be controlling the on time of the transistor that turns on the coil. I connected my picaxe controller so I could precisely control the on time. What I found may not have anything to do with the discussion going on in this thread but maybe it might.

                                I found that with a fixed load the voltage of the discharge impulse does not change. This agrees with conventional theory. But I also found something I didn't know but maybe some of you already do. If I keep the on pulses shorter than enough to saturate the core then I can control the length of the discharge pulses. Once I have the on pulses long enough to saturate the core then the discharge times stay the same no matter how long the on pulses are. So anything beyond the time to saturate the core is wasted energy. I already knew that but I didn't know exactly why. Now I do.

                                So we can't change the discharge voltage by varying the input pulse length but we can change the input length to change the output length up to the point where we reach saturation of the core.

                                If this information is of no use to anyone just ignore it.

                                I just now realized there is something else I need to check out. I wonder what effect changing the on pulse voltage will have. Maybe tomorrow I can check that out. If I find something interesting I will post that as well if I don't get bashed too much for being somewhat off topic.

                                Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.

