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This is why we don't have free energy

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  • This is why we don't have free energy

    This video might make you realize why after all these years nothing useful has come from any of the familiar forums.

  • #2

    That's why we have to pin down a home brew design that can be made with existing parts that is potent enough to be worth building for yourself. Earth batteries do no good to someone in a urban setting. solar+batteries are too expensive for those that are needy enough to care. Small scale wind has noise and animal life concerns and in many places has sporadic output.

    Anything put through official channels is a target. Anyone who claims to own it is due to be a crank, pariah, to disappear (either the grave or Tahiti) or simply be gagged by a government agency.

    The only way to get past those fates are to have it small simple to build with some instruction and teach committed people to make it the same day your claim is submitted to a neutral patent system like Germany's. Having people pass on the practical know how keeps any sort of gag from working as there will be too many targets to track. Literally knowledge is power. If the patent is for a public license that simply puts your name on the Nobel prize, which I hear has a million dollars attached.

    ps edit
    Have those committed people teach other people all on the condition they pass it forward.
    Last edited by Hrothgar; 01-24-2014, 03:39 PM.


    • #3
      Watch this video from 2:00 to 3:40 and we get an idea of how much money and resources go into control.

      Now if anyone thinks that they don't run side tracker ops, in order to lead people
      in false directions, I would say that is naive.

      Simply paying people to denounce things makes no sense, it would be better
      to lead them astray with some sugar, than to try to throw salt on them.

      In other words I think quite a number of the so called suppressed free energy
      devices are in fact the sugar. I think some fakes are highly engineered in order
      to cause confusion false hopes. I think Don Smith was one of them.

      At one of his question sessions a guy in a blue hat asks him to see in the box
      if what is in the box is shown anyway, But Don got real nasty and made a
      veiled threat about big money/powerful interests involved and that the guy did
      not want to push his luck, if he knew what was good for him.

      Steve Mark again another I think is suspicious. What better way to relegate
      the idea of free energy to folly than to have people endlessly search in the
      wrong directions.

      I don't think the dark forces involved sit around and wait for people to to find free energy then suppress them.

      I think they actively flood the internet and other venues with good fakes and
      bad fakes alike, if they get 1 million experimenters all looking for free energy
      from Don Smiths setups then that is a job well done because they are busy
      chasing rainbows.

      Does anyone really think if there Tariel actually had knowledge of a free
      energy device such as he claims and was not on the payroll they would allow him to continue ?

      I think the rabbit hole runs deep under our feet.

      I see more suppression in the fakes than ever could happen from people with some skepticism.

      I think we need to be more discerning and think about why some good fakes make for good suppression.

      Before money all energy was free. Think about that.



      • #4
        he sounds a bit miffed
        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


        • #5
          Go to 1:40 in the video below and watch clearly the demo charges in building 7.

          Also earlier the reporter reported building 7 down when it was still up.


          Whats real and what isn't. Old saying rings true, don't believe anything you hear,
          and only believe half of what you see.



          • #6
            what the American numpties saw after expensive editing

            WTC2 collapse - YouTube

            and the actual footage and sound track

            cutter - YouTube

            wonder why they altered that

            It was mostly Banksters in there anyway wasn't it ? mad bastards are eating their young !
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • #7

              Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
              I don't think the dark forces involved sit around and wait for people to to find free energy then suppress them.

              I think they actively flood the internet and other venues with good fakes and
              bad fakes alike, if they get 1 million experimenters all looking for free energy
              from Don Smiths setups then that is a job well done because they are busy
              chasing rainbows.

              Does anyone really think if there Tariel actually had knowledge of a free
              energy device such as he claims and was not on the payroll they would allow him to continue ?

              I see more suppression in the fakes than ever could happen from people with some skepticism.

              I think we need to be more discerning and think about why some good fakes make for good suppression.

              Before money all energy was free. Think about that.

              Why not actively look? If I was responsible for the well being of an oil cartel, a billion dollars a year wouldn't be out of line to remain at the top of the energy food chain. How many buyouts, payoffs, and hit men could that buy? In my mind at that position I would see it as preserving order for the sake of billions of people and trillions of future earnings. In fact how dare those freak inventors try to throw the world into chaos by putting so many people out of their means of "earning a living".

              flooding is unnecessary, cons and pranks abound simply from the desire to milk the suckers.

              Suppression in fakes, once you have a few higher profile fakes you no longer have to pay as the natural number of hardcore disbelievers will denounce new comers for free.

              How many of the fakes started as fakes? Invent something and show it to respectable authorities and to the public at the same time, that causes a problem. So first you threaten the lives of the people the inventor loves the most. Then tell him during a public test phase if he is exposed as a fraud and you'll not only ensure the safety of the loved ones but the inventor will be compensated after dropping of the map. The scenario leaves the public seeing no suppression, they just see another fraud and a reason to say if "it's to good to be true..." The Yıldız motor comes to mind with this scenario. He could have been intimidated into changing his motor to out himself. we might never know if it really worked.

              Before money slaves could rebel, you new the name of the master and the faces of the overseers. We are slaves, money is our overseer, and the entities that issue it are the masters. Now we love our overseer and the masters don't just own us they own everything and are so removed as to be held blameless by the ignorant masses.


              • #8
                I'm sorry but I can't watch the video because it is just not true that we do not have "free energy".

                John Bedini has been quite open and clearly has demonstrated a free energy device for many years.

                You take one battery and you charge 4 or 10 or how many other batteries you want. Then you use those charged batteries to run your devices through a sine wave inverter. You also use that energy to charge back your charging battery. Then you just continue. Anyone who researched it could have a battery bank and run many needs for their home if not their entire house with this simple system.

                Or you use one large bank to charge another, run your load and turn around and recharge that bank back again and just rinse and repeat. John also showed this in his videos for many years now.

                John has demonstrated this system for many years. He has published the circuits and even explained the theory. So what excuse does ANYBODY have? None.

                Who out there can say we do not have "free energy" devices or plans on the market?

                The problem is that people want something "new" and they don't use what they have. THAT is the problem my fiends. It is not the secret "new world order" or anything else keeping anyone from having "free energy". It as with most things in our lives, it's the person we see looking at us in the mirror that is our greatest enemy.

                The principle of these "free energy" devices also has been clearly explained and if you look at any such device, the principle is the same... from Stan Meier to Rossi to Bedini.... all the same principle. But who can see it? It's simple and clear. You get that, you get how it works. While I don't agree with all of Bearden's interpretations - he explains it best.

                So no excuses guys, and no one is going to be able to stop you unless you waste your time spinning your wheels in useless directions.

                If you guys really knew how short time is and what is really important - I promise that you wouldn't want to do anything but get to know Jesus in a very personal way. Because that is the only thing that will help you make it through what is to soon come.


                Be wise with your time my friends.
                Last edited by SilverToGold; 01-24-2014, 07:28 PM. Reason: typos


                • #9
                  Open Source Freedom...

                  Great Thread indeed...

                  Even though many of Us knew this way before this guy aired this video...

                  There is absolutely no "Neutral Patenting Country"...a big mistake...ALL or Majority of high developed countries and even sub developed countries are Enrolled into the PCT (Patent Commonwealth Treaty)...and guiess who is "on charge"...yes, indeed...the USPTO.

                  Once you patent an idea, or a model (even worst)...and it contains a threat to "National Security" trigger, automatically, two main agencies "interests"...the DoD and the DoE...Who are Above Top USPTO Chief Examiner...

                  The TPTB has already built all the Legal Laws to silence you as a "legally protected" Inventor ... ...check Inventor Secrecy Act from the 1950's...

                  If what this guy a very powerful way of a Thrust Force/Motor/Power Train to be used to pro-pulse ships into Space...He is automatically under "High Interest Targeting" anything that can "easily" get off the ground...becomes a very dangerous form of transporting would have to be "regulated" by the FAA...or let's call it "approved" order to produce it or sell it...

                  Do it Open Source and show others how to get off ground by building "something" in your own garage...once it is proven to be very stable...and cheap to build...spread it...there would be tons building it...then TPTB could do absolutely nada.

                  Take care guys

                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • #10
                    Watch this...

                    Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                    what the American numpties saw after expensive editing

                    WTC2 collapse - YouTube

                    and the actual footage and sound track

                    cutter - YouTube

                    wonder why they altered that

                    It was mostly Banksters in there anyway wasn't it ? mad bastards are eating their young !
                    Hey Duncan,

                    What a "perfect" demolition man!!

                    Watch this video analysis it seem nobody noticed...til now.

                    Flight 175 rare video- proof of 9 11 no plane hoax - YouTube

                    The Second Plane left wing goes behind a further away building (according to my Architecture Studies and 3D Interaction and Perspective)...this escaped from the "Artist View" when making the Layered CGI Planes...

                    I just can not believe nobody noticed this major mistake in a Rushed CGI Video, to make it "On Time" to the Press Broadcasting Media...

                    Original Video by CNN here at normal speed, same error...:

                    2nd Plane WTC - - YouTube

                    I asked myself where all this great and Infamous UFO Video Debunkers were instead of Debunking this Criminal Act?

                    Here is the "Real" way an all Aluminum and HSLA (High Strength Light Alloy) Plane will result when hitting a Solid Concrete Wall...Plane literally gets "absorbed" by the concrete wall...and NEVER cut through it like a knife through butter...

                    plane crash-test against concrete wall - YouTube

                    Now, can somebody explain how come it could be ever see right at the bottom of all this massive debris...a piece like that of the plane windows?

                    Not to mention about the "perfect condition" passport found there also...from one of the Terrorists...

                    Sorry as this maybe all out of context...but it is all part of this same conspiracy people...TPTB.


                    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-24-2014, 08:30 PM.
                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • #11
                      How bout you low life's mention the name of some one you know who died at the trade center? Or on one of the plane's? What?? You don't know anyone.....Hmmm. Ya'll got alot nerve. I knew I was in the company of scum bags But DUNCAN and UFO, Ya'll take the cake. Pure F****n Trash.

                      Done with this joint.


                      • #12
                        All information is out there...for FREE

                        All the pictures, writings, conclusions, videos, analysis and all details I have posted in prior post, are ALL out there on the NET, for anyone to make their final judgement call. I did NOT make any single conclusion than what has been published, broadcasted in all Social Media, and has been out for a very long time.

                        Mainly a majority of all the Families of the victims are the ones not satisfied with the results from the closed 911 Investigative Commission, which decided to close their doors down recently.

                        And there still much more than what I have posted here, more convincing proof and evidence, and worst mistakes made by the Planners of this Open Assassination of Thousands of Innocent American People...most of us knows that is not all.

                        This -supposedly- is a FREE Country, that abides the Human Rights on FREE SPEECH, FREE EXPOSURE OF YOUR IDEAS and Conclusions as to decide to be in either side...The Darkness or the Light.

                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 01-25-2014, 03:15 AM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                          How bout you low life's mention the name of some one you know who died at the trade center? Or on one of the plane's? What?? You don't know anyone.....Hmmm. Ya'll got alot nerve. I knew I was in the company of scum bags But DUNCAN and UFO, Ya'll take the cake. Pure F****n Trash.

                          Done with this joint.
                          What a lot of sanctimonious Crap Matt . There are plenty of active groups.

                          Questions about the 9/11 attacks? 9/11 Truth Movement? - 911Truth.Org

                          made up of large numbers of grieving relations and concerned citizens . They like the vast majority of decent people wish
                          the filth and the evil corruption of tptb (The powers that be) exposed.
                          They are joined by thousands of skilled professionals world wide out raged at what happened that day

                          World Trade Center Building 7 Demolished on 9/11? | AE911Truth

                          Yes I could name some one I knew for you, but why ? Why should any particular body from that disgusting event take precedence ?
                          That any one of them should die in vain with out what many Thousands of fully trained architects around the world are saying loud and clear was a ' false flag' Internal operation being exposed, that would be the real truly disgusting horror.
                          So you seem to think calling folks F'ing trash is the way to go about things Matt, well I disagree there is IMHO a horrible rotten cankerous growth that's got into society not just America although she seems to have the lions share, but ..World wide IMHO the 7/7 bombings in London were also a 'false flag' operation, and some assassinations come straight to mind .. don't they ?

                          7/7 Conspiracy Theories and Connecting the Dots | Global Research

                          The filth that is ruling our world by evil, and slight of hand, needs exposing, the root cause examined and the perpetrators brought to book.
                          Some sort of sanity needs to be re- introduced to society where by our so called 'public servants'
                          return to that role rather than the roles they are taking on now of camp commandants and Capos.
                          Their criminal friends In the city of London and on wall street The Banksters, also need rapid attention a harsh bit fitted and the reins given a smart tug . Some-thing’s gone very wrong with humanity when these minor functionaries are claiming huge amounts of humanities wealth and holding countries and their populations to ransom.
                          It's gone pear shaped guys … very pear shaped. This forum isn't about energy .. It never was, Its about this

                          John Perkins, Part 2 at the VFP National Convention - YouTube

                          There's no shortage of energy in America or any where else for that matter. This quite clearly tells you so

                          The Energy Non-Crisis- Lindsay Williams -Truth about Oil and Oil prices - YouTube

                          what there is a shortage of is decent, incorruptible, people In positions of power. This cancer we have allowed to spread throughout the world is going to have to be tackled if humanity is to survive. And IMHO sooner rather than later. Evil thrives in the dark, its done in secret behind closed doors, stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and your children and grandchildren will have to pay the cost with huge compounded Interest , perhaps for ever because this could well be the ambition of tptb and their ilk .

                          EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube

                          So Matt I would suggest this .. If you did loose friends or family in any of these débâcle’s , don't rage and swear at UFO or Me for bringing it to light, rather rage and swear at a rotten systems that allowed it to happen and still refuses to allow proper investigation. I hate to be rude …. but your barking up the wrong tree.

                          If you also think the actions of those in authority who we rely on and are forced to put our trust in,
                          is all correct and above board regarding these horrendous incidents, then of course 'leave the joint'
                          you can contribute little.
                          I think however (and I suspect UFO does too) that the WTC the London Bombings and many hundreds if not thousands of incidents world wide are orchestrated by what we refer to loosely as tptb (the powers that be) … That is all … as if it wasn't enough ! The ****ing trash salutes you
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                            How bout you low life's mention the name of some one you know who died at the trade center? Or on one of the plane's? What?? You don't know anyone.....Hmmm. Ya'll got alot nerve. I knew I was in the company of scum bags But DUNCAN and UFO, Ya'll take the cake. Pure F****n Trash.

                            Done with this joint.
                            I didn't know anyone first hand but I new the brother of one. The guy was a jerk and I never met the brother. BUT! that doesn't change the fact that The world keeps being screwed over by self serving Machiavellian architects and you go spastic over people pointing it out?!?! Then I applaud your rage quit.


                            • #15
                              what there is a shortage of is decent, incorruptible, people In positions of power. This cancer we have allowed to spread throughout the world is going to have to be tackled if humanity is to survive. And IMHO sooner rather than later. Evil thrives in the dark, its done in secret behind closed doors, stick your head in the sand like an ostrich and your children and grandchildren will have to pay the cost with huge compounded Interest , perhaps for ever because this could well be the ambition of tptb and their ilk .
                              There may be one little snag in your thinking, now let's say we did have decent, incorruptible, people in positions of power. What would they do?, well they would give us total freedom and free energy and free food and everyone would be very happy and content. Wonderful, now what would all these happy people do?. Oh dear they would consume even more resources faster and most likely breed like rats moreso than today.

                              Now Duncan where do you suppose were going to put all these fat happy people breeding like freaking rats and consuming all the rapidly dwindling natural resources?. According to your little plan we could expect 40 billion people on the planet still breeding like rats and living in squalor because all of the resources are now gone and they will be looking for someone to blame for their own stupidity.

                              So Duncan I have to wonder what your going to do with all those darn people?, you know the ones who will say you are a tyrant when you try to change their self-destructive ways. The one's who would say you are evil and working behind closed doors against them because of their god given right to consume everything in their path and breed themselves out of existence.
                              Your barking up the wrong tree pal because what you want is to destroy the planet, the American dream.

                              Last edited by Allcanadian; 01-25-2014, 07:02 PM.

