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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • Originally posted by vidbid View Post

    So, I think the quantum energy comes from the collapsing field of the output coils.


    I think you need to draw another second line for the output from the vibrating Coils, because they have delay with the capacitors to the generator coils.
    Maybe with higher Frequenzy then the generator coil. Then a delay from it doesnt matter that much.
    I have not really an opinion about now where the energy is coming from.
    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


    • Thanks

      Hey VIDBID, Thank you for spending the the time to compile all this information.


      • Originally posted by vidbid View Post

        Taiwanese have a working QEG.


        Check it out!

        QEG Taiwan Has Resonance!!! - YouTube


        PES Network has put out a video, too.

        QEG Effect Replicated in Taiwan - YouTube

        The video quality is much better.



        • parametric operating mode

          Hi Vidbid and other members

          thanks Vidbid for your careful analysis of the Witts / QEG prototype.

          I am new here, but trying to follow F.E. research for many years now. Sorry, english is not my native language.

          I believe that an important tool to understand how the QEG functions is the parametric principle.

          To let grow oscillations in a floating (not connected elsewhere) LC circuit, you don't need neither source nor magnet. You only need to vary with a sufficient percentual modulation, one of the parameters, L or C, at about 2 times the LC resonant frequency. The oscillation will start from zero (there is always some thermal stochastic current in the circuit, even in the nA or pA range; or some tiny current induced from the surroundings) and grow at very high amplitude, limited only by the resistance of the circuit (of the coil, principally) and by nonlinear components.

          Now, in the QEG there is magnetic coupling between the 3100 turns coils and the low voltage ones. And the coupling factor is also parametrically varying, depending on the position of the rotor.

          You verify on the configuration of the proto that the inductance goes through a maximum 4 times per revolution of the rotor, at 40 Hz (revolutions per second) this means 160 Hz. Now, I am not sure but I think you can also excite the oscillations with half the frequency of the LC resonance. This would mean 320 Hz. To verify.

          In your post of April 2nd, 7:17 PM, you have cited a comment of Bert. I just wanted to propose the following tentative answers to some questions:

          - the driving motor can well be an universal (series connected field) motor, which would accept AC input, varying the speed through the variac.
          - capacitor too small: I believe that the L cannot be so huge, must be in the Henries range, no more; to be verified. These 0.2 uF must resonate with the coil at about 400 Hz, a first calculation delivers 0,79 Henry.
          - from the last Q/A update, the LC of the exciter circuit should "capture" a 1.3 MHz signal. This is really weird. I was first thinking that this exciter part, which is in series with output L1 (inoperative without any load connected) could play some role in the on-load voltage regulation. I can be totally wrong. The spark gap can also limit the amplitude of the LC exciter circuit in parallel. The sparks possibly can also tap some F.E., increasing the COP in comparison with Witts proto. It is known from Tesla, Correa, Frolov, Naudin, etc. that sparks can tap energy in certain conditions...
          - 400 Hz 120 V output can be converted in 50 or 60 Hz with some kind of converter, like the cycloconverter. There are many schematics available.

          The whole machine is a nice challenge, but considering all the devices I have investigated up to now, it can work. Not easy to analyze, to simulate, to upgrade, but it is well worth the effort !

          Here some references about parametric effect:


          Best regards to all, and... who is willing to build it ?



          • Originally posted by kajunkreations View Post
            Hey VIDBID, Thank you for spending the the time to compile all this information.
            Hi kajunkreations!

            You're welcome! Much was compiled from my own analysis of looking at other people's work.

            I am disappointed that I couldn't have been further from the mark when I started to investigate and speculate on how the WITTS generator might function in my report, entitled, Analysis of the WITTS Generator, but I did learn about some interesting concepts in Tesla's patents.


            Last edited by vidbid; 04-06-2014, 04:56 PM.



            • Originally posted by parametric View Post
              Hi Vidbid and other members

              thanks Vidbid for your careful analysis of the Witts / QEG prototype.

              I am new here, but trying to follow F.E. research for many years now. Sorry, english is not my native language.

              I believe that an important tool to understand how the QEG functions is the parametric principle.

              To let grow oscillations in a floating (not connected elsewhere) LC circuit, you don't need neither source nor magnet. You only need to vary with a sufficient percentual modulation, one of the parameters, L or C, at about 2 times the LC resonant frequency. The oscillation will start from zero (there is always some thermal stochastic current in the circuit, even in the nA or pA range; or some tiny current induced from the surroundings) and grow at very high amplitude, limited only by the resistance of the circuit (of the coil, principally) and by nonlinear components.

              Now, in the QEG there is magnetic coupling between the 3100 turns coils and the low voltage ones. And the coupling factor is also parametrically varying, depending on the position of the rotor.

              You verify on the configuration of the proto that the inductance goes through a maximum 4 times per revolution of the rotor, at 40 Hz (revolutions per second) this means 160 Hz. Now, I am not sure but I think you can also excite the oscillations with half the frequency of the LC resonance. This would mean 320 Hz. To verify.

              In your post of April 2nd, 7:17 PM, you have cited a comment of Bert. I just wanted to propose the following tentative answers to some questions:

              - the driving motor can well be an universal (series connected field) motor, which would accept AC input, varying the speed through the variac.
              - capacitor too small: I believe that the L cannot be so huge, must be in the Henries range, no more; to be verified. These 0.2 uF must resonate with the coil at about 400 Hz, a first calculation delivers 0,79 Henry.
              - from the last Q/A update, the LC of the exciter circuit should "capture" a 1.3 MHz signal. This is really weird. I was first thinking that this exciter part, which is in series with output L1 (inoperative without any load connected) could play some role in the on-load voltage regulation. I can be totally wrong. The spark gap can also limit the amplitude of the LC exciter circuit in parallel. The sparks possibly can also tap some F.E., increasing the COP in comparison with Witts proto. It is known from Tesla, Correa, Frolov, Naudin, etc. that sparks can tap energy in certain conditions...
              - 400 Hz 120 V output can be converted in 50 or 60 Hz with some kind of converter, like the cycloconverter. There are many schematics available.

              The whole machine is a nice challenge, but considering all the devices I have investigated up to now, it can work. Not easy to analyze, to simulate, to upgrade, but it is well worth the effort !

              Here some references about parametric effect:

              PARAMETRIC POWER CONVERSION - by JL Naudin



              Best regards to all, and... who is willing to build it ?

              Hi parametric!

              You're welcome. Thank you for your very thoughtful comments. I hope you will share what you know with the people of your area in your own language. Perhaps, you might even consider forming a group to build a QEG for your community.

              Good luck to you.


              Last edited by vidbid; 04-06-2014, 04:48 PM.



              • WITTS Generator / QEG Design Concept, Version 1.0.4

                There's no magic involved here.

                I think that once we begin to understand how things work, we'll think back and say "Why didn't I think of that before."


                Last edited by vidbid; 04-06-2014, 04:40 PM.



                • Originally posted by Joit View Post
                  I think you need to draw another second line for the output from the vibrating Coils, because they have delay with the capacitors to the generator coils.
                  Maybe with higher Frequenzy then the generator coil. Then a delay from it doesnt matter that much.
                  I have not really an opinion about now where the energy is coming from.
                  Hi Joit,

                  Thanks. I'll think about it.

                  You know you might look at this core and look the bi-toroid transformer. Like the bi-toroid transformer, the WITTS generator / QEG core as a ring provides a flux return path. See





                  • News

                    High voltage burned coil windings.
                    Go to forum and read most recent posts!
                    Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topic: IMPORTANT UPDATE: from the Taiwan Team - April 6 (1/1)

                    Plans are already afoot for a proof of concept small model.
                    Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                    • 60 Hz solution

                      A possible solution to go from 400 Hz to 50 - 60 Hz without expensive inverters.
                      Discussed on QEG Forum.
                      Patent US2787755 - Magnetic frequency divider - Google Patents
                      Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                      • Hi;

                        The Resonant Capacitors;

                        The capacitors connected to the field coils I believe act as the antenna(s) for
                        the free electrons that produce overunity gain in the device.

                        Question: What does that say about using metal enclosed industrial
                        capacitors in that role?

                        What I am saying is that one needs to have an operational theory before
                        making design changes or you could accidentally pinch the operational
                        characteristics of the device. This is an in general statement to readers.


                        Extra Part KBIC-240D Variable Motor Speed Controller;

                        Your corrected diagram misses the part #KBIC-240D variable DC motor
                        speed controller. One may notice in the "Chinese first light" video that the
                        person is using a screwdriver to adjust the device into resonance. This
                        seems to indicate that the KBIC-240 is probably still being used in that role
                        in the current designs speed control role.

                        I think this can be explained by the following: One thing about "demand
                        control" of the generator is how to reduce internal power flux as an external
                        device on the output line is turned off or disconnected. If you don't, your
                        voltage will spike up out of control. Characteristically generators use
                        heuristic parametric control to do this. It could very well be that is the
                        reason for the inclusion of the KBIC-240 speed controller and the extra
                        bridge rectifier is that it may be the designers where giving multiple
                        different transfer functions, to provide different speed control "stiffness" to
                        set these heuristic parameters could be adjusted even while using the same

                        The way this would work is like this; Set these speed control at the LC
                        frequency of the resonant field at full load. As the load on the line
                        decreases the motor speed will speed up slightly creating an out of
                        resonance condition so that the maximum voltage of the resonant field
                        drops, therefore decreasing the generators internal power. One would tune
                        the device to maximize resonance while the device is at maximum
                        desirable line load.

                        I suspect that the variac may be used to adjust the general power of device
                        and the KBIC speed control is used to match the exact motor speed
                        (frequency) to the field resonant frequency or to phase lock with it. This
                        will not need to change as long as capacitors net value don't change.

                        One needs to understand that both the KBIC speed controller and the Variac
                        are probably being used outside manufacture specifications for use at an
                        input power at a frequency around 400Hz.


                        Motors for this application;

                        These 1HP->3HP 180Volt DC universal AC/DC brush type drive Motors are
                        used extensively in a consumer product: *Treadmills* and therefore there
                        are numerous options to obtain a reasonably priced drive motor.
                        Google, "treadmill motor" for sale, to see these. So there should be no
                        reason to pay high prices for this drive function. As a Note: the universal
                        brush motors can and also do function as DC PM generators resulting in
                        180VDC output at 760Watts per HP at rated RPM for other applications by
                        applying mechanical power to the shaft.


                        Digital Inverter Generators;

                        Also one should understand recent trends in local portable electric
                        generators. More and more low power portable generators are being
                        converted to "digital inverter generators". The level is that anything
                        under 15KW is converting to these type generators". Inverter
                        generators use a multipole alternator to generate DC power that is stored
                        locally and then used to drive a built-in DC to AC sine wave Inverter. This
                        frees up the prime mover, often an ICE engine, to set the RPM vs. Torque
                        point to wherever it likes, at whatever adjustment speed it wants and then
                        the inverter independently sets the output line frequency and regulates
                        voltage. This provides utility quality line power output for the generator.
                        This same system is suggested for use in this WiTTS generator.


                        System Inverter and Options;

                        Because the inverter increases system price, it is probably desirable to
                        produce two forms of the Witts generator one with inverter for developed
                        and one without for less developed countries. The other thing is *if* the
                        inverter can include a day-to-day utility demand buffer battery bank of
                        25KWh to 35KWh. When one does this the generator will only the need for
                        one power output level of 1500Watts, to supply average household power
                        demands. The battery controller will then issue a start/stop only signals to
                        the generator and demand will be at a fixed power level. When one does this
                        one can also include inverter utility-line interactive connection controls.
                        This is used to sell excess power back to the electrical utilities. I suspect the
                        reason for utility interactive line controls will eventually go away as large
                        numbers of customers begin doing this. So the inverter should have utility
                        line interactive as well as 240VAC 60Hz / 220V 50Hz split phase options.

                        Last edited by mscoffman; 04-06-2014, 06:47 PM.


                        • Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
                          High voltage burned coil windings.
                          Go to forum and read most recent posts!
                          Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topic: IMPORTANT UPDATE: from the Taiwan Team - April 6 (1/1)

                          Plans are already afoot for a proof of concept small model.
                          Hmm.. Interesting

                          Originally posted by James

                          While testing the prototype in Taiwan, we encountered a problem we need to inform all of you about. There appears to be a weakness in the insulation system on the core that will need to be addressed. Just after we verified that we had output from the generator (you’ve probably seen the Taiwan video showing the first time we ran it up to resonance), we began to test and document the output parameters. We started with a light load of about 600 watts. As we brought up the power, we heard a snap that is characteristic of a high voltage arc. There didn’t seem to be any damage, so we continued to document the readings at that power level. We heard another snap and stopped the generator to try to determine the cause.

                          We examined all the connections and did not find any problem. We resumed testing at the same level and heard a 3rd HV arc. This time we lost the output and stopped the generator to investigate. Everything looked ok until we checked the inductance of the ‘A’ primary coil (3100 turn coil on the side nearest the motor). The DC resistance looked ok, but we could not read inductance. This indicates one or more (probably more) shorted turns of wire. We had no choice but to cut off all the wire and look for shorted turns. We found 5 turns where the insulation had burned, and all 5 were shorted together. The shorted turns were not at the bottom of the coil near the steel, or at the 90° corners where the wire makes a sharp turn around the core (you motor guys know these are the most suspect areas for problems). The shorts were within the coil about 1/3 of the way up on the winding.

                          The head engineer here (our host) and the guys you saw in the video are just amazing! They immediately jumped on this problem and called in two experts within about an hour. They determined that interlayer insulation was probably needed (insulation between each layer of wire) to prevent this happening again. So off we go tomorrow, to the transformer company and then to the toroid winding company here, to get the core rebuilt and rewound with the improved insulation system. They have already designed several improvements to the system in addition to the interlayer insulation.

                          So it looks like we’ll have a 2-3 day delay before we can get back to testing… and we’ll be staying here to see it through!

                          We’d also like to call upon any experts out there who are experienced with building high voltage coils, transformers and similar devices, to bring their knowledge to bear on this project. We’re looking at this as an early opportunity to improve and ruggedize the design further.

                          I think we pushed it a little too hard here. Maybe rushing too much to get it done. If you're not on the main resonant frequency when loading it up, the high voltage tends to build up in the core.. doesn't transfer into the output coils. It looks like we dialed up the rpm too high while on a harmonic, and the HV went up too high too fast. There is some technique involved with tuning. When we get the core back, we'll monitor the HV VERY carefully while tuning. On our prototype, I was carefully watching the HV level while tuning. We had a lot of cooks here, and you know sometimes it's hard to watch everything

                          I've written to Matt (from Torelco) to tell him hold off on production until we speak to him.
                          Originally posted by Hopegirl

                          I just wanted to let everyone know about the amazing experience that this delay has brought about. The entire team here in Taiwan banded together to attack the problem and come up with solutions at record speed. Also I noticed that bringing in as many brilliant minds as possible in this way was most probably part of a greater cosmic plan to roll out. I mentioned before that the QEG appears to be bringing about Unity Consciousness in a way that is very real and effective. This is a great example. So while there is a delay, this is an incredible opportunity for the entire co-development process around the QEG and will bring all of those working on this closer together and strengthen us to bring this all the way through until everyone has access to free energy technology and WE THE PEOPLE upgrade the entire energy industry.

                          NB about the video "QEG Taiwan Has Resonance". We had to blur the faces because one of the engineers from China was in jeopardy of losing his job if he was seen before we reposted it the video had over 12,000 views!
                          Time for more analysis.



                          • Originally posted by vidbid View Post

                            Thank you for your B at Zero suggestion. I had earlier thought of it, but thought it was wrong until I realized the output coils could generate energy from their collapsing fields.

                            So, I think the quantum energy comes from the collapsing field of the output coils.


                            I actually do agree with you,Vidbid. Did some experiments with the make and brake circuites, they push out extreme high voltages. The newest results from Taiwan show this behavior very well. If you can,for example, collect all the pulses in a capacitor bank, it is no problem to connect a load without facing a mechanical load to the generator - but only as long as your load keeps the voltage in the caps a good bit higher than the induced
                            voltage of the coils (hope this is understandable).
                            This does probably not fully explain the principles of the QEG but might go in the right direction.


                            • [\QUOTE]

                              [QUOTE=Stephen Brown;253483]High voltage burned coil windings.
                              Go to forum and read most recent posts!
                              Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topic: IMPORTANT UPDATE: from the Taiwan Team - April 6 (1/1)

                              I was worried this would happen. I think that this problem might
                              be resolvable by using some of the techniques used in insulation inside
                              highvoltage 40KV flyback transformers in previous generation
                              of Color TV anode circuits even though I don't know what they are.
                              Going with thicker insulation such as Teflon is an option but may be
                              limited by physical dimensions of the toroid. This must be controlled
                              if the generator is to have a long useful life.

                              High Power Utility Generators limit is 2KVAC despite the need
                              for very expensive step-up transformer switchfields this
                              does not suggest easy solutions to HV generators.

                              Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
                              Plans are already afoot for a proof of concept small model.
                              What does your first quote suggest about the second? One needs to
                              have an accurate theory of overunity operation before one makes
                              design changes. On the other hand overuntity critics have *no* clue.

                              Last edited by mscoffman; 04-06-2014, 07:53 PM.


                              • Hi Parametric,
                                thank you for your hints. This can be helpful too, need a bit more time to read it complety.
                                Where are you based?

