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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
    I Agree. Well Said.

    "Teachers" need to wear their hat lightly.
    Now we can all put on our "student" hat and learn this new art.
    All glory to the people.
    All glory to God!

    Granted, James did receive some technical help with this technology from WITTS Ministries, but James was able to understand it, and what he learned, he refused to hoard. Instead, he ran with it and ultimately shared it with us.

    For that, I give him a huge amount of credit.

    I think we should listen to James and hear what he has to say with respect to the technology of the QEG.

    I think we can learn something.





    • patents

      It looks like James has a few patents to his credit...James M Robitaille - Inventor Patent Directory, Page 1

      Smart guy.


      • Scale Model QEG

        There is some discussion on scaling down the QEG found here-
        Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topic: Small model ? (1/3)

        Someone there is working on cad drawings and talk of using available parts for 1/4 or 1/8 scale also. A smaller (proof of concept) would be less expensive and I would think attract many more builders, and also have many uses. Camping, electric trolling boat motors, bike-scooter, the list could go on and on.

        Thanks vidbid for this thread. Hope you don't mind my linking to be-do, they seem to have the most up to date info on the QEG.

        Here can be found a pdf of a skype Q&A with the FTW team, and they will be having another Q&A on fri the 11th, if anyone is interested.
        Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topics in QEG Questions & Answers - FTW Team (1/1)

        Regards, Gene
        Last edited by gene gene; 04-09-2014, 04:03 PM.


        • I first became aware of the QEG when Timothy Thrapp and WITTS Ministries released their initial video about the QEG.

          From then to about a week ago, I wondered how it operated.

          Even after listening to James, I'm not completely sure how it operates.

          I think more study on it needs to be done.

          I would like to see a QEG built with the end plates being made of clear acrylic, so a strobe light can be shined on the rotor while in operation. I would like to see if the rotor really vibrates. A video of that would be worth having. That video and data should be shared with the community.

          Apparently, from WITTS website, the QEG goes back into the time of Ronald Brandt and Nikola Tesla, as can be seen in the following image:

          As I said earlier, I credit James with writing the manual and releasing it to us.

          That's all I really have to say about it, for now.



          PS: To Gene, you're welcome.



          • Hi all

            very interesting stuff this system

            i made just a small test

            resonance of steel creates electricity1 wmv - YouTube

            hope this helps



            • You are awesome Woopy!


              • Nice video woopy and kinda funny.
                But that both motors dont make any contact with the rotor to the core.
                Got maybe an better idea to create voltage without touching it?
                Else such device maybe only work with ie some unemployed what hits all the time the core.
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • Ima forget the QEg for now, seems to good to be true, cause 3 mistakes already. And all none builders are tripping on "we got resonance" like its the latest thing, any tesla coil and other objects can goto into resonance.

                  Those peepz could even make the real thinkers distract for a moment. Where is their youtube building history, hope gurl sayd, in resonance the lights go off, the circuit misses a rectifier, wrong Tesla patent picture, then funding and all can make money with us, out of the blue hype, coil burned, so new core design so what happen to those peepz who already ordered their v1 coils? Etc etc

                  And when we do stuff, we do it serius and realease more info even when we accomplished a lill bit, but again, out of the blue a new energy device, and thats good, but havent we seen allot already, whereby we can only build to see which path we have to go.

                  QEG hype is weird. Im not a trol ( damn thats the somany time today im saying since this qeg hype) or skeptic, i just dont want these peepz to spoil the name of builders who really try, cause if they **** up, its another bad name again for efficient energy builders, or any exotic builder.

                  But what is real, that any good toroid with pickup coils and right freq will produce workable energy, without affecting the input, no claims sofare but the effect is there.

                  Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD QEG New Personal Record + DC Motor on Output - YouTube

                  And another thing i wanna show yall is a shortcircuited series coil, that shows more amps the more it short circuits.

                  Thnx for reading!

                  Greets JB


                  • Originally posted by JohnnBlade View Post
                    Ima forget the QEg for now, seems to good to be true, cause 3 mistakes already. And all none builders are tripping on "we got resonance" like its the latest thing, any tesla coil and other objects can goto into resonance.

                    Those peepz could even make the real thinkers distract for a moment. Where is their youtube building history, hope gurl sayd, in resonance the lights go off, the circuit misses a rectifier, wrong Tesla patent picture, then funding and all can make money with us, out of the blue hype, coil burned, so new core design so what happen to those peepz who already ordered their v1 coils? Etc etc

                    And when we do stuff, we do it serius and realease more info even when we accomplished a lill bit, but again, out of the blue a new energy device, and thats good, but havent we seen allot already, whereby we can only build to see which path we have to go.

                    QEG hype is weird. Im not a trol ( damn thats the somany time today im saying since this qeg hype) or skeptic, i just dont want these peepz to spoil the name of builders who really try, cause if they **** up, its another bad name again for efficient energy builders, or any exotic builder.

                    But what is real, that any good toroid with pickup coils and right freq will produce workable energy, without affecting the input, no claims sofare but the effect is there.

                    Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD QEG New Personal Record + DC Motor on Output - YouTube

                    And another thing i wanna show yall is a shortcircuited series coil, that shows more amps the more it short circuits.

                    Thnx for reading!

                    Greets JB
                    If you look at the first post for this thread, it states:

                    Originally posted by Analysis of the WITTS Generator

                    Two possibilities exist with respect to the above device.

                    One: It's a fake.

                    Two. It might be real.

                    For all of those who believe it's a fake, I say to you, “Congratulations. You're done. Perhaps, it's possible for you to realize that there is no need for you to try to convince others to believe as you do. I would like to suggest that as long as you securely believe that the device is fake and you're okay with believing that, then that should be enough for you; however, if you're not satisfied with that suggestion, then I suggest you write and publish your own ideas as to why the device is a fake.”
                    That thread is at




                    • QEG modeling

                      I have been doing some modeling of the QEG to see what the flux inside the core and rotor looks like.

                      In the attached animated gif (excuse the tiny size as I had to scale it down so as to fit within 200kB file size limit), the primary coils (3100 turns) are on the top left and bottom right and the secondary coils (350 turns) are on the top right and bottom left.

                      Primary current was picked as 0.1A (DC) and secondary current as 1A (DC), about a factor of 10 difference (close to the turn ration 3100/350~8.85) such that the fluxes produced by primary and secondary coils are about the same in magnitude.

                      Note the difference for a rotor angle of 0deg (start of animation) and a rotor angle of 90deg. In the first case, the flux of all coils can add up and find a return path through the rotor (which has twice the flux density compared to the core). In the latter case, the flux from all coils cancel each other out.

                      Obviously, in real life the currents will vary with rotor angle as well, but this good for at least creating some kind of an image in your mind :-)

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                      • Originally posted by woopy View Post
                        Hi woopy
                        thanks for making a video of this successful test.
                        In my understanding the observed voltage is created in the following way:

                        Initially the iron of the transformer core is under influence of the earth magnetic field.
                        So it is (a little bit) polarized/magnetized. This is why a compass needle gets slightly deflected in the vicinity of any big piece of iron.

                        When one now brings another piece of iron close to this magnetized transformer core, the field lines of the original field get re-routed. That causes the change of inductance James Robitaille of QEG describes in the interview of Sterling from PESN with James from QEG; April 3, 2014 - YouTube

                        In other words: It is not the mechanical tapping of the core that causes the change of inductance and the voltage. The voltage in the coil is caused by the approach of the piece of iron in your hand to the MOT-core and the successive withdrawal from it - causing re-routing of the flux, that is naturally present.

                        In the QEG the approach and withdrawal is done by the rotor.

                        edit: In order for this effect to appear, the two components - in your case the piece of iron and the transformer core - have to come very close to each other but contact is not necessary. This is why the gap between the rotor and the stator in the QEG must be so narrow.
                        Last edited by marxist; 04-10-2014, 11:50 AM.


                        • Take a few minutes and watch the two youtubes linked from Victor -

                          Romero Experiments

                          What is the ac motor/gen out of? anyone seen anything like this with twin coils?


                          • @jonnblade you may wanna play a bit around with the input voltage too and retune it.

                            @garrypm That generator he uses in this videos are the waterpumps from washing machines. They have a ceramic magent inside magnetized upright (vertical), most time with 2 n and 2 s poles what i have seen. Wire is about 0.20mm (#24awg) and resistance about 80ohms from each coil. The core is a laminated u-shape, where the circle from the magnet is cutted half inside the core. They are easy to get usually.
                            Last edited by Joit; 04-10-2014, 12:01 PM.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • Cheers Joit, many thanks


                              • Great stuff

                                Originally posted by woopy View Post
                                Hi all

                                very interesting stuff this system

                                i made just a small test

                                resonance of steel creates electricity1 wmv - YouTube

                                hope this helps

                                Great stuff Laurent.
                                I am a great fan of your work, please keep making your experiments and videos.

                                With respect to this last experiment, would you be able to measure the resonance frequency and perhaps add a capacitor to the inductor to create an LC resonance circuit with the same resonance frequency?

                                BTW did you try to tap on the core with a piece of wood or plastic?

                                Best regards,

