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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    They have friends with helicopters so yeah they move where they are getting help. They are getting help from people who NEED their help.

    It's always been like that. The people in that country NEED free energy.

    The USA people are still living high on the hog, money for their loose lifestyle flows like a river here in the states. The USA has an industry of drug trafficking and child abuse trafficking, porn, Gay services you name it we are full of the big money.

    Running a 50 cent light bulb for a few bucks is not even part of the discussion.

    On the other hand some countries wish for more heat or hot running water and more light, something that the USA takes for granted.

    Some would suggest this move is fear of the USA justice dept making up false charges against them to stop them by tying them up in court or prison, would be correct. Many men have brought invention forth to help their fellow mate only to be demonized and jailed.

    The list is so long and you have no idea what I am talking about.

    The real inventors have witnessed this murdering trend for sometime now and are buying guns and leaving the county when needed, this is smart because they can come back and no one knows where they are.

    Not all inventors are completely nerdy fools.

    This world is in for a big surprise as the people are gaining the awareness that what I am saying adds up to a nation of beastly rules who promote the survival of the fittest doctrine.

    Glory. I am madly in love with my own preaching. I am from Detroit. I have watched the blood run in the streets with no one to help.

    The Donut shop cops are scared and rightfully so. No one backs them up either when they defend themselves and others.

    The little kids grow up revering the pimps and drug Lords who own the finest cars and guns. A few I know have gotten out. Very few, they live til their 30-40 years if that playing the big money.

    The rest of the people living out in the sticks have no idea what is going down in this world. 90 percent of the population lives in these huge Metro areas.

    If you are 15 -20 years you are the new ruler in your area. They go without sleep and food around the clock to make it big at that age. Without that money they would nearly starve in areas of Detroit.

    The condition exists by design and has been developing into pure filth for 50 years.

    The same people who run these is such a way as to gain control of the youth for anything they want also don't want the people of the world getting free from the burdens of oil produced energy.

    Most people would not last long in these Metro environments and therefore do not understand this grime reality I have painted for you.

    At the age of 19 years I hired into a mafia run factory not knowing that is was til later when i got out fast. This filth is all around. I won't give any details.

    Without this understanding you can not see why some smart inventors may choose to move around a bit. Good to hear someone is this smart instead of hearing about a bunch of mind washed tard style inventor walking right in to the trap.

    Your eyes are sealed shut and can only believe the utopian lies as shown in the movies. I am sorry for you.

    On the other hand if you could only see through mine.

    Mikey but I hope this helps you really I do. I still wake sometimes dreaming of escaping some situation where I am being surrounded for the change in my pockets as a young man. Put into the back seat of cars at gun point, hores going through my cloths. My heart is in continual weeping for the masses of innocent children.
    Nope, none of that helps me.
    Actually my life is good.
    But maybe you can get back ON-TOPIC and
    talk about how YOU are going to make YOUR QEG Over-Unity.
    Every QEG, in all 32 countries, are all Under-Unity.
    Actually, every QEG is severely Under-Unity.
    So, now we "learn" that HopeGirl and James Robitaille lied about
    their original QEG in PA being Over-Unity, it is Under-Unity, too.
    That was a big surprise to all you FE Cult Believers
    but not a surprise to me.

    So, what are YOU going to do differently to make your QEG "work"?


    • Witts Generator

      I have no thoughts on this specific device, but the statement that it can't be done irks me, and always reminds me of something taped to the wall in my grandpa's shop:

      It Couldn’t Be Done
      Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
      But he with a chuckle replied
      That “maybe it couldn’t,” but he would be one
      Who wouldn’t say so till he’d tried.
      So he buckled right in with the trace of a grin
      On his face. If he worried he hid it.
      He started to sing as he tackled the thing
      That couldn’t be done, and he did it!

      Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
      At least no one ever has done it;”
      But he took off his coat and he took off his hat
      And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
      With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
      Without any doubting or quiddit,
      He started to sing as he tackled the thing
      That couldn’t be done, and he did it.

      There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
      There are thousands to prophesy failure,
      There are thousands to point out to you one by one,
      The dangers that wait to assail you.
      But just buckle in with a bit of a grin,
      Just take off your coat and go to it;
      Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing
      That “cannot be done,” and you’ll do it.

      “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
      —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


      • Thank You

        Thanks for the poem.
        It speaks to the heart of all worldly activity.

        A couple of my favorites;

        A saint is a sinner who never gave up.

        “And may you always remember that obstacles in the path are not obstacles, they ARE the path.”

        ― Jane Lotter
        Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


        • Originally posted by sprocket View Post
          I think it's quite clear - they are (somehow) using reactive power to power a load! The fact that it contradicts your theorems is beside the point. Besides, Aaron, the owner of this web-site has seen this tech in operation and says it's legit. Personally, I don't care how many so-called laws of physics this thing violates as long as it works.
          Then I look forward to you actually using that technology to create an Over-Unity device.
          How long will I have to wait for that to become reality?


          • Tuning

            Originally posted by QEG View Post
            Then I look forward to you actually using that technology to create an Over-Unity device.
            How long will I have to wait for that to become reality?
            I assume you are referring to the tuning of this free energy machine. How much time do you have? Is 5 years to long? Will you be gone by then or do we have more time?

            The way I see tuning is very simple. Do you have one of these beautiful cores to work with? That would be awesome, wouldn't it?

            For any coil set a capacitor value must be arrived upon to form the resonant tank circuit. Then a voltage plus frequency of the waves as they rebound and overlap or meet each other.

            This is a standing wave. Even in any radio circuit finding a channel to listen to music is in a narrow band so in earlier radio some tuning gear was not set to get very good results. Every year radios got better tuning when the right way of tuning was finally establish.

            I think these tuning adjustments are in a tight range to get the perfect conditions. Each inventor buys a core or coil and core but as we all know every coils set will vary slightly.

            This is where some people are unable to continue. You need a radio man. In our digital age this is not as common as it use to be. Now the codes are preset to find the range of operation with crystal clocks and the whole 9 yard dump of technology we have under our belts for the last 100 years.

            Not so with every other new device that pops onto the scene.

            But it is my understanding that something happened when a standing wave is reached in these systems that is called resonant. The energy will recirculate even as it is being drawn off. I have heard from those who have successfully achieved this state say that once the standing resonant wave has been found it locks itself in and conditioning will begin.

            The surrounding fabric of energy will try to maintain this resonant lock and still permit extraction of energy at the same time.

            Like any new radio circuit will burn itself in over time.

            I know the way and have heard but this all takes time and like Turions poem, I am one who will never believe that it can't be done.

            Our gov has systems that allow right angle turns of aircraft at 10,000 mph so I know that these baby steps we are discussing are easy for them.

            Last edited by BroMikey; 09-30-2014, 06:40 PM.


            • Please give me detail about Poland team constructing QEG. I'd like to know how they are doing...
              Last edited by boguslaw; 09-30-2014, 07:50 PM. Reason: spell


              • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                I assume you are referring to the tuning of this free energy machine. How much time do you have? Is 5 years to long? Will you be gone by then or do we have more time?

                The way I see tuning is very simple. Do you have one of these beautiful cores to work with? That would be awesome, wouldn't it?

                For any coil set a capacitor value must be arrived upon to form the resonant tank circuit. Then a voltage plus frequency of the waves as they rebound and overlap or meet each other.

                This is a standing wave. Even in any radio circuit finding a channel to listen to music is in a narrow band so in earlier radio some tuning gear was not set to get very good results. Every year radios got better tuning when the right way of tuning was finally establish.

                I think these tuning adjustments are in a tight range to get the perfect conditions. Each inventor buys a core or coil and core but as we all know every coils set will vary slightly.

                This is where some people are unable to continue. You need a radio man. In our digital age this is not as common as it use to be. Now the codes are preset to find the range of operation with crystal clocks and the whole 9 yard dump of technology we have under our belts for the last 100 years.

                Not so with every other new device that pops onto the scene.

                But it is my understanding that something happened when a standing wave is reached in these systems that is called resonant. The energy will recirculate even as it is being drawn off. I have heard from those who have successfully achieved this state say that once the standing resonant wave has been found it locks itself in and conditioning will begin.

                The surrounding fabric of energy will try to maintain this resonant lock and still permit extraction of energy at the same time.

                Like any new radio circuit will burn itself in over time.

                I know the way and have heard but this all takes time and like Turions poem, I am one who will never believe that it can't be done.

                Our gov has systems that allow right angle turns of aircraft at 10,000 mph so I know that these baby steps we are discussing are easy for them.

                I plan on being here in 5 years, but only time will tell.

                Issue #1:
                I do not believe it is correct to call the L-C Tank circuit a "Standing Wave" at the resonant frequency.
                There could be a Standing Wave in an antenna, if connected and if cut to the proper length
                but there is no Standing Wave in the L-C Tank circuit.

                Issue #2:
                If you drain power from a Resonating L-C tank then the oscillation amplitude will be reduced.
                If you draw enough power the oscillations then they will actually stop. Yes, STOP.
                There is not an infinite amount of power in a resonating L-C tank.
                AM & FM Stations have all kinds of L-C Resonating circuits and not one of them is Over-Unity.

                Issue #3:
                There is no such thing as ...
                "The surrounding fabric of energy will try to maintain this resonant lock and still permit extraction of energy at the same time"
                There is no "black magic voo-doo" in a resonating circuit where energy can be extracted from the "surrounding fabric".

                If what you say is true then ...
                Q1) Why can't any of the existing QEG's use any of your theories to become Over-Unity?
                Q2) Why are all of the QEG's, around the world, still Under-Unity?
                Last edited by QEG; 09-30-2014, 11:37 PM.


                • My opinion about the QEG...

                  Hello to All,

                  After doing extensive research and development on Generators in general, plus all other "apparatuses" around including the QEG...

                  IMHO, the rotor in the QEG, which is actually a "Transfer/Bridge of Magnetic Flux/Polarities" interconnecting the four poles on the "Q" at 180º too small related to the size of core & winding it has...this causes to be very hard to "tune up" a very High Frequency and Rotation is required to reach the point where it will start generating power.

                  Because of the pictures I saw from Bro Mikey, I see it comes pretty "rough"...The Steel Lamination need to be smoothed out a lot ...before epoxying or wrapping in insulation the Q well as the rotor be machined out and balanced.

                  As I see this type of machine requires a very smooth running (no vibration at all), plus the Air Gap should be as small as possible to obtain a faster and more robust magnetic redirection at rotor face sweeping Q Core Pole Faces.

                  It is not a "Plug and Play" type of requires a lot of Mechanical and Magnetic Balance before it could be performing properly, so, unfortunately it will not be "many" of this QEG's that would reach Over Unity that simple.

                  Just my input on two cents.

                  Regards to all

                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Hello to All,

                    After doing extensive research and development on Generators in general, plus all other "apparatuses" around including the QEG...

                    IMHO, the rotor in the QEG, which is actually a "Transfer/Bridge of Magnetic Flux/Polarities" interconnecting the four poles on the "Q" at 180º too small related to the size of core & winding it has...this causes to be very hard to "tune up" a very High Frequency and Rotation is required to reach the point where it will start generating power.

                    Because of the pictures I saw from Bro Mikey, I see it comes pretty "rough"...The Steel Lamination need to be smoothed out a lot ...before epoxying or wrapping in insulation the Q well as the rotor be machined out and balanced.

                    As I see this type of machine requires a very smooth running (no vibration at all), plus the Air Gap should be as small as possible to obtain a faster and more robust magnetic redirection at rotor face sweeping Q Core Pole Faces.

                    It is not a "Plug and Play" type of requires a lot of Mechanical and Magnetic Balance before it could be performing properly, so, unfortunately it will not be "many" of this QEG's that would reach Over Unity that simple.

                    Just my input on two cents.

                    Regards to all

                    It has been 12 months now since James Robitaille of FTW "obtained" these plans from Timothy Thrapp of Witts. In those 12 months of "building, tuning & refining" what has been the highest efficiency given by "Real Watts Output divided by Real Watts Input" ?


                    • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                      I have no thoughts on this specific device, but the statement that it can't be done irks me, and always reminds me of something taped to the wall in my grandpa's shop:

                      Are you that naive that you think nothing is impossible?
                      There are many things that we humans cannot do.

                      Spinning a less than 100% efficient QEG
                      with a less than 100% efficient motor
                      and then claiming the overall system
                      can be greater than 100% efficient is insanity.


                      • Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                        I think it's quite clear - they are (somehow) using reactive power to power a load! The fact that it contradicts your theorems is beside the point. Besides, Aaron, the owner of this web-site has seen this tech in operation and says it's legit. Personally, I don't care how many so-called laws of physics this thing violates as long as it works.
                        If it is "quite clear" to you then show me, at least, the Block Diagram of the circuit.


                        • do you know the difference?

                          Originally posted by QEG View Post
                          Are you that naive that you think nothing is impossible?
                          There are many things that we humans cannot do.

                          Spinning a less than 100% efficient QEG
                          with a less than 100% efficient motor
                          and then claiming the overall system
                          can be greater than 100% efficient is insanity.
                          Legitimate overunity machines are 100% efficient theoretical max, but are usually under 100% efficient.

                          But the coefficient of performance can be more than 1.0.

                          A refrigerator might be 75% efficient, but is producing 200-250% more work in heat movement than the equivelant in watts leaving the wall. That is what real "overunity" is.

                          Even an older 1950's refrigerator with ultra poor efficiency and a power factor of 0.50 is still producing more work in heat movement than equivelant watts leaving the wall - it's overunity with a crappy efficiency.

                          You appear to not know the difference. I'm not a fan of the QEG hype, but it's obvious you are not qualified to debate any of it either.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • Turion is Right

                            Originally posted by QEG View Post
                            Are you that naive that you think nothing is impossible?
                            There are many things that we humans cannot do.

                            Spinning a less than 100% efficient QEG
                            with a less than 100% efficient motor
                            and then claiming the overall system
                            can be greater than 100% efficient is insanity.
                            Yes Dave is right, man has been endowed with great creative ability so why cut your self short?



                            • Farmhand Videos

                              Farmhand sounds half asleep in this video but does anyone know what this is? Is this a Witts?

                              Or just a toroid motor?



                              Last edited by BroMikey; 10-01-2014, 05:24 AM.


                              • That's just a two phase generator with a very poor makeshift rotor, I did it just
                                to show the two voltage phases 90 degrees difference with the rotor magnet
                                placing I used, nothing special, nothing to do with Witts at all, it is a toroid
                                wound similarly to Tesla's two phase generator and rotor with permanent
                                magnets rather than a wound rotor. It has no real working purpose except to
                                show the winding connections and configuration to get two phases from the
                                four separate coils wound on each quarter with opposite coils series connected.

                                Tesla patent on AC generator plant. The text stamped on the patent and
                                showing in the link should read "Best Available Copy" not
                                "Best available Cop" the "Y" didn;t come out in the stamping process.
                                Patent US390721 - Best available cop - Google Patents

                                Witts are scammers as is FTW and the QEG a scam.
                                Last edited by Farmhand; 10-01-2014, 09:12 AM.

