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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • #61
    Next Step

    Add some more ideas from Tesla:





    • #62
      Hi Vidbid,
      this thread is going to be more and more fascinating for me. Got the plans ect.
      Unfortunately the plans concentrate rather in the mechanical construction than in function
      of the generator. I see most of you here discuss more or less how it could work. Is there anyone going to build it?
      You have pointed out some ideas about it, phase shift ect. Another point is the big amount of iron in the generator, this can cause another good effect: A delay in the pole switching.
      Step motors show this behavior very well.
      The pure iron rotor reminds me in the Ecklin Generator, i.e make and brake circuits?

      I think I will go and make one, efford is not too big, practical experince seems better to me than only speculations. Only the many windings on the ring core may take some time......



      • #63
        Originally posted by vidbid View Post

        From what I read, the rotor is a flux path, being a piece of laminated electrical steel, as show below from the QEG manual.


        Look here.
        Scroll down to Page 28, there is says wired core at the right picture. Bit confusing, isnt it.
        Or are there any other plans for the witts generator?
        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


        • #64
          Ecd Tpu

          Originally posted by Gizeh View Post
          Hi Vidbid,
          this thread is going to be more and more fascinating for me. Got the plans ect.
          Unfortunately the plans concentrate rather in the mechanical construction than in function
          of the generator. I see most of you here discuss more or less how it could work. Is there anyone going to build it?
          You have pointed out some ideas about it, phase shift ect. Another point is the big amount of iron in the generator, this can cause another good effect: A delay in the pole switching.
          Step motors show this behavior very well.
          The pure iron rotor reminds me in the Ecklin Generator, i.e make and brake circuits?

          I think I will go and make one, efford is not too big, practical experince seems better to me than only speculations. Only the many windings on the ring core may take some time......

          Hi Gizeh,

          Thanks for that reference and your opinion about the plans.

          I believe that you're referring to this document:


          ECD PDF Download

          With respect to distribution of labor, my contribution is research and theory. Of course, someone can come up with proposing what the component values should be. Another person can do some experimenting and report his results, perhaps, even writing a report and publishing it on the internet, and so on.

          My questions are:

          1. Does it work?

          2. Is it understandable?

          3. Is it easy to build?

          The WITTS generator doesn't look like it's that easy to build (unless you have access to a machine shop), but if we understand how the WITTS generator works, perhaps we can derive something that is easier to build.

          With the QEG, I hear too much esoteric language surrounding it. I prefer plain, straight talk.

          With respect to the point you address about the amount of iron in the core, I saw a comment at PESN address a part of that point:

          Originally posted by JDM

          400Hz power is in use (or was) in the military as reactive components can be smaller value for the same reactance as 60Hz components. It may be lossier for distant transmission, but would be a good choice for on-site generation if the loads were designed to accept it. Would also save the 10-15% efficiency loss of an inverter (as well as the cost) to generate 60Hz.

          Originally posted by Mark Coffman

          Yes, 400Hz makes the iron core smaller, but capacitive coupling loss become more important. I think it was used here because 60Hz transformers and other
          devices still work with it at lowered efficiency. What these people will do is combine it with an AC inverter front end. Sort of a "WITTS inverter generator"
          then use any drive motor. By the way these day days its 2% - 5% loss through a quality inverter. But yes somewhat expensive -but it's worth it if you get free energy. If one has this in front of them I think they can either make it work or say "hey this could never have worked because of X". All they need is 1500Watts and they can spread all the negatives out over 24/7 hours.
          Source: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced
          With respect to pole shifting, according to Tesla, very important, let me tell you, and from what I can tell, it's another one of his ideas. See my paper. (The first post of this thread.) I report on it.


          Last edited by vidbid; 03-30-2014, 10:09 PM.



          • #65
            Stator Core

            Originally posted by Joit View Post
            Look here.
            Scroll down to Page 28, there is says wired core at the right picture. Bit confusing, isnt it.
            Or are there any other plans for the witts generator?

            The wound core is the stator if you can call it that, using generator-speak.

            The core is a ring of laminated electrical steel flat rings. Once assembled, four copper wire coils are wound onto it.

            The rotor is also laminated steel, but a flat slab of laminated steel, that spins inside the hole of the ring that makes up the wound core.

            According to Tim Thrapp in one of his videos, the resonator (my term for it), that is, the generator doesn't have any magnet(s) in it.

            As far as I know, I'm the only one (besides the author of the QEG manual) who has written about the WITTS generator.





            • #66
              It still looks strange even with 300% Zoom.
              But well, Ok, its maybe different to Teslas Best available cop patent.
              I could figure that it works with the tank coils what gives the kick (thats a story what mentioned tesla too, that he observed guys thrown away from a transformer because on of this EM kicks) and the Rotor transfers the magnetism to the other side to the other Generator coil.
              Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


              • #67
                Tesla Patent #390414 or #511916

                The QEG distribution guidelines document (above) shows that it was created on 2/10/2014, and the PDF document properties indicate that the author is Hope Moore (presumably Hope Girl), yet the website where it can be downloaded from indicates that it was uploaded there four months ago, which would put the upload in December of 2013, although, I presume, that could also be a server error. The introduction is written by James M. Robitaille, having the title of Engineering Artist for the QEG. This document references Tesla's patent #390414. That page boldly states "Best available cop."

                Whereas the QEG user manual (below), a later document, shows that it was created on 3/25/2014 by Valerie, according to the PDF document properties, and this PDF file can be downloaded from:

                The introduction is written by James M. Robitaille, and the editor is Valerie Robitaille.

                This document references Tesla's patent #511916.

                Interesting that the two documents reference different Tesla patents.



                PS: By the way, my first document, Analysis of the WITTS Generator, Version 1.0.2, was initially released on February 8, 2014 with the creation of this thread, a full two days before the publication of the QEG distribution guidelines document, dated February 10, 2014.
                Last edited by vidbid; 03-31-2014, 04:51 AM.



                • #68
                  Originally posted by Joit View Post
                  It still looks strange even with 300% Zoom.
                  But well, Ok, its maybe different to Teslas Best available cop patent.
                  I could figure that it works with the tank coils what gives the kick (thats a story what mentioned tesla too, that he observed guys thrown away from a transformer because on of this EM kicks) and the Rotor transfers the magnetism to the other side to the other Generator coil.
                  Well said.

                  Originally posted by Joit View Post
                  Rotor transfers the magnetism to the other side to the other Generator coil.





                  • #69
                    Rest Magnetism or Cap Bank Charge

                    Originally posted by EMCSQ View Post
                    As already explained :rest magnetism
                    H.P.Torres explained , you could also connect a voltage to the coil parallel to the cap.
                    And the tank circuit will amplify this to the limits.

                    I wonder, there should be many motors , which consist of 4-pole stators, only for a basic setup for getting resonance.
                    The windings should be between the stator poles , not on the poles themselves.
                    And the rotor should consist of a laminated iron bar.
                    The two coils of the resonant circuit are wound opposite; look at the dots.
                    Eventually we must rewind one of them.
                    If turning the rotor does not result in an huge voltage for a given rpm, we could stop there , because requirements not met.
                    So looking for that pre-built 4-pole stator ... any ideas?
                    Hi EMCSQ,

                    Yes, rest magnetism is something to consider.

                    I have been thinking of another possible explanation.

                    I noticed that the vibrating coils and capacitor bank have a switch on them, according to what is written in the QEG construction plans (my term for it) and on page 20, it states "Starting with the wiring setup as shown in the schematic, disconnect the primary coils from the series capacitor string on one end (disconnect capacitors). This will prevent resonance momentarily." That statement indicates to me that there is a switch there to disconnect the vibrating coils from the cap bank. Perhaps, the cap banks stores an initial charge to assist the core to get into resonance while the rotor is turning. I noticed that Tim Thrapp turned on a switch (what I believe is the same switch as mentioned on page 20) before connecting the load. Observe Tim Thrapp flip this switch: WITTS Self Running 900 Watt Fuelless Electrical Generator! - YouTube at the 5 minute 12 second mark. The video will load a few seconds before that. (Wait for it.) This switch, I believe, connects the vibrating coils and the cap bank. Perhaps, the cap bank has a charge in it when the switch is flipped on and that assists resonance in the core.


                    Last edited by vidbid; 04-01-2014, 06:01 AM.



                    • #70
                      After the Plans from the QEG they put around 20-30µF of Capacitors into the Circuit. Its not to much for this coils. But maybe he disconnect it that the motor speeds up easier and then both kicks in.
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • #71
                        Series Cap Bank

                        Originally posted by Joit View Post
                        After the Plans from the QEG they put around 20-30µF of Capacitors into the Circuit. Its not to much for this coils. But maybe he disconnect it that the motor speeds up easier and then both kicks in.

                        Capacitors in Series: (1/CTOTAL) = (1/C1) + (1/C2) + (1/C3) ...

                        Capacitors in parallel: CTOTAL = C1 + C2 + C3 ...

                        Formula from

                        In this case, with the capacitors in series,

                        1/C = 1/C1 + C1 + C2 + C3 ... C12

                        1/2.5 = 0.4
                        0.4 x 12 = 4.8

                        1/4.8 = 0.2083 uF

                        Total series capacitance = 0.2083 uF

                        You can check my result at

                        If device is running at 400 Hz (cps), what is the total value for L for the two vibrating coils?

                        I get total inductance of 0.76003 H or 760.03 mH.

                        You can check my result at

                        What is the inductance for each vibrating coil?

                        Ls = L1 + L2

                        760.03 mH / 2 = 380.015 mH

                        You can check my result at

                        At 400 Hz (cps):
                        Vibrating Coil #1 = 380.015 mH
                        Vibrating Coil #2 = 380.015 mH

                        Please don't quote me on any of this. This is just my own educated guess. I'm not an electrical engineer, just a hobbyist. I feel in my gut that the value for L should be much higher, but I don't know how to prove it.



                        PS: By the way, you might notice that with the WITTS generator, the capacitors are not connected exclusively in series.

                        Last edited by vidbid; 04-02-2014, 08:33 AM.



                        • #73
                          WITTS Generator Schematic:


                          Last edited by vidbid; 04-01-2014, 08:00 PM.



                          • #74
                            I could see this circuit working if the inductive collapse from the drive motor was directed into a pair of the coils, with or without a cap. That would give a varying magnetic field, further modified by the rotor redirecting the flux path.


                            • #75
                              WITTS Generator Schematic Updated

                              The addition of component images might help people see what is what.




