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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • #91
    3 Grand

    And now it starts.

    Who knows?

    If they ever show one running, and it's proven to work, one day, you might be able to buy one at your local hardware store.


    Last edited by vidbid; 04-03-2014, 12:29 AM.



    • #92
      James M. Robitaille & the QEG

      Originally posted by James M. Robitaille

      In basic terms, our machine reverses the conventions used to build electric motors, i.e., instead of using low voltage/high current construction, which wastes energy, our designs use high voltage/low current construction, which gives us a HUGE surplus of energy. A portion of the surplus energy is fed back to self-power the motor, and the excess energy is collected in capacitors and converted into house current (120 or 240 volt, at 50-200 Amperes, depending on scaling). This is known as over-unity (more output than input) which traditional educational institutions have historically taught us was impossible. It is not at all impossible, and does NOT operate outside the laws of physics.





      • #93
        QEG & The Fix The World Project

        This thing looks like it could become a big thing, that is, if the QEG works.

        Quantum Energy Generator





        • #94
          Video of the core being unboxed in Taiwan

          QEG Processed Core Arrives in Taiwan - YouTube

          Check out this video. Unloading off of a truck & opening a box containing a QEG.





          • #95
   QEG Thread

   is talking about the QEG now.

            Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)





            • #96
              Tesla Patent #390721

              The real QEG Tesla patent: 390721


              Tesla Patent 390,721 - Dynamo-Electric Machine

              Originally posted by jbignes5

              March 27, 2014, 03:42:06 PM

              Actually this Patent (referring to the patent in the QEG user manual) shown is his (Tesla's) Oscillator driven by a gas or steam. How is that applicable to what they are doing?

              They are misdirecting people.

              The real patent is this: Tesla Patent 390,721 - Dynamo-Electric Machine

              Every element they mention in their schematic can be linked directly to this patent. 3 section are very distinct, 1 Exciter, 2 Generator, 3 Prime mover(motor) all on a single shaft by Tesla's method.

              I have shown this patent add numb. No one seems to get it. Look at what they are showing and you will see that the link I present is the device they are showing. It IS real! It does work but they are trying to keep it a secret. The patent they are showing is a random Tesla patent made to deceive you till they secure a working model and a bogus patent claim of their own. Tesla owned the patent and it is now in the public domain. No one owns it, So NO ONE could sell it legally! It is an attempt to shirk what Tesla secured in patenting and then letting the patent go to public domain. It is our gift and was in plain sight all along.
              Source: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)





              • #97
                Tesla Patent #390721

                Tesla Patent #390721

                I suggest you all download this patent and study it.


                Tesla Patent 390,721 - Dynamo-Electric Machine





                • #98
                  90 degrees


                  Interesting relating to power amplification.

                  See amazing quote below:

                  Originally posted by jbignes5

                  The patent I showed is the basic design. Capacitors could be used to improve the efficiency at the appropriate spots. There is also control circuitry not included in the basic patent.

                  With their design the 4 poles would indeed slow the unit down when power is extracted but in the tesla patent that I showed there are no poles per say. In fact Tesla said that the ring generators field cores would act like they had infinite poles. This is accomplished by the many many winds of copper around the ring field core. Each turn of each wind would be considered a pole.

                  Another reference to the Tesla method has already been shown by

                  Now this is not the exact method that the patent That I have shown shows. It is in exact opposite and actually a hybrid. Where the magneto (exciter) and generator sections were merged. I don't believe this will work that well because of the fact that the permanent magnets are inside of the generator ring. The magneto needs to be 2 phase. And the generator field coils utilize the 2 phase from the magentos to create a standard Tesla rotating magnetic field within the toroid. The field cores are excited by High voltage which gets transformed in the rotor core's 2 phase generator coils. When this happens a huge magnetic field is created in the Rotor core and loops back to the toroid field cores generating even more high voltage and continues to do so in a loop. You can tap the loop via the rotor generating coils and utilized in the way Tesla has shown in the patent. Once this process is started no additional energy is required to feed this system once it is up to speed. and because the field cores have no real poles there is very little effect on the speed of the rotor as the prime mover rotates the rotor shaft.

                  In the case of the above video he has chosen a pulse motor. Thats fine and dandy but the real power of the system should utilize a motor as shown in the Tesla patent. This will allow for a more robust system that can generate much more then what the video shows above.

                  Also you must adhere to transformer rules when utilizing Tesla's methods. Keeping the strong magnetic fields in the rotors core allows conservation of the magnetic field to strengthen the effect of this kind of system.

                  Tesla also tried to tell us about the direction of the high voltage field and it's relationship to the rotor's direction of turning. Allowing the field coils to travel in the opposite direction of the rotor allows for a better efficiency of the generators section, especially at lower speeds.

                  So lets take this one step at a time:

                  Magneto (exciter): -- A magneto is an electrical generator that uses permanent magnets to produce periodic pulses of alternating current.
                  This should be a standard High voltage Magneto in a isolated two phase design. This means there is no common ground. Each phase is completely separated.

                  Generator: High voltage field coils on a non polled core: Standard Tesla toroidial transformer 4 subsections. Two coils per phase diametrically opposite per pair.
                  The rotor should be Two Phase 90 degrees out of phase in winding. So a cross design. The field coils should be energized in opposition to the rotor turning direction (to increase low speed generation).
                  The field cores should be able to channel a good amount of the magnetic field producible by the rotors two phase coils. <- This might be limiting factor of the total power obtainable from the system.
                  The rotor coils should be of heavy gauge and the field coils should be of very light gauge.

                  Prime mover (motor): This can be made as strong as one needs. The more powerful the Motor the better it can be tapped for useful energy as mechanical output. It must be of the design Tesla notes in his Patent.

                  Both Current and mechanical energy can be taken from this system. This is what Tesla was testing in 1932 with the Pierce Arrow experiment. He had Westinghouse build the motor/generator for him but made the control circuitry himself. This was to control the output of the unit and used up to 12 tubes for that purpose.
                  Several other Patents Tesla used were the magnetic control valve for the Gas pedal so to speak and various other patents provided by him. All of the other PAtents were done after he refined his ideas. Each one not directly tied to this device but as a subset of patents.

                  Again lets refer to the Patent:

                  Tesla Patent 390,721 - Dynamo-Electric Machine <--Whole system generic layout without control systems
                  Tesla Patent 390,820 - Regulator for Alternate-Current Motors <--Controller for Prime mover (Gas Pedal)
                  Tesla Patent 382,282 - Method of Converting and Distributing Electric Currents <--This is a more detailed description of the transformer in the system patent

                  One other note of interest is that the generator section if shorted would act like an AC motor. Direct shorting should not be employed on the generator section as this would fight the prime mover. So control circuitry must be used to keep it from direct shorting the generating Rotor.

                  The reason for the belt in the original patent was for mechanical extraction. The more you retard the rotor the more it becomes unsynchronized and the more current it generates per the text. In this mode it is a constant velocity system and an attempt to retard the rotor via mechanical extraction correspondingly increases the generated currents. Although this would be best in mechanical extraction I doubt this is the design that won in Tesla's mind. The option I allude to creates a symbiotic relationship to variable output without the need to retard the rotor since the Prime mover is included on the same shaft and hence generates a constant current. This would mean that when not in use it would generate huge heat values due to current pooling which was a reported issue in Tesla's Roadster test that made him include a sizable fan to keep it from overheating on the shaft as well.

                  One curious point is that when Tesla was looking at the impulses and how they affected static metal is that a huge heat value was attained. This is due to current pooling in the static metal. If the current has no where to go it will build to a point of melting the metal in the field and this is where I draw my conclusions about heat related issues in the Roadster experiment. When the current is not extracted it builds and a high value of heat is generated because it can not flow.

                  Tesla also elluded that metal wires even though straight had a variable static capacity. The variable part being the elevation above ground level. When that capacity is overshot it will react in various ways that also include explosions of that variable static capacity just like when you overfill a capacitor it will explode with such violence that he likened it to the best dynamite of the day.
                  Source: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)



                  PS: Update on that video (90 degrees)
                  Last edited by vidbid; 04-03-2014, 04:13 AM.



                  • #99
                    Newest Update from HopeGirl

                    “If you Build It, and Give it Away, They will come.” QEG Full Disclosure. | HOPEGIRL BLOG

                    Watch for Updated User Manuals as development progresses. They will be here: QEG Open Source Documents

                    ..we will be doing a free weekly radio show with James Robitaille and HopeGirl on Mission I’m Possible Radio called “Ask James about the QEG”. Here, people can call in or send questions that James and Hope will answer on the air. The shows will be archived, and we will find a transcriber to type out all of the Questions and Answers and post them in forums for others to find the answers they need. Check the radio station for scheduled show times: ExpandingU Radio Online Radio by ExpandingU RADIO | BlogTalkRadio




                    • Notice Anything Familiar?

                      Enter Patent #4,567,407 by John W. Eckland.

                      Check out what he shows as the prior art:


                      Now check out the QEG:


                      Last edited by vidbid; 04-03-2014, 01:41 PM.



                      • Reporting on Comments about the QEG

                        QEG is generating some interesting comments about how it possibly operates.

                        Originally posted by mscoffman

                        Yes Vince; I think the rotor is just a flux bridge between field coils on the right and left. The field is oscillating in resonance which modulates output with the resonant frequency. Note the incredible 25KV Working Voltage capacitor bank implying a resonant Q of 100. This is what resonance can do to the LC tank voltage in right power applications. The generator stator core seems to have extra insulation in order to be able to handle this field voltage. The generator operating in this mode is called a magnetic amplifier. That Stanley guy used an automobile alternator in the same way by modulating the field coil as part of his hydrogen HHO generator.

                        Amazingly, I saw a schematic of a standard household generator that was almost exactly the same as this except that there was no field resonance, it was that simple, AVR automatic voltage regulation seemed to be implemented by parametric modification. So I think this may be a standard generator with more insulation on the field and heavy duty resonance on the field.

                        Nothing in the above implies overunity to me...except the 25KV makes the generator sensitive to incoming free electrons. I suspect that this is at least part of the overunity being displayed, if any. The belt drive is part of the static antenna, I think. 25KV is beyond the anode voltage of a BW CRT, but with significant more power. *HV Caution* is definitely warranted IMHO.

                        If that Qmogen mechanical theory previously on was correct "luging" of the drive motor is critical which may not happen unless the generator is loaded with a dummy resistive load not shown in the schematic.


                        You will notice that this set up is similar to the generators labeled "prior-art2" and "prior-art3" in the Ecklin patent but with electromagnet field coils in place of the permanent magnets. The Ecklin generator main drawing shows a winding on the rotor implying brushes. These other guys are all brush free...OK, I guess.


                        Originally posted by jbignes5

                        The reason for the slip rings in the patent I have shown is that the induction in the rotating transformer(generator) is already being used. Any attempt to use induction to make it brushless will kill the loop we are employing to generate any extra current we see from the loop. Unfortunately slip rings are the only way to extract anything useful from this process. If you wrap the field coils with extraction coils it will destroy the loop and a normal transformer action will ensue. Any extraction must be done at the rotor coils in order to increase the loop strength. The more current pulled out of the rotor coils will increase the magnetic coupling of the field coils and the rotor and this will increase the output.

                        Alot of this is strictly theory at this point. But when I restart my efforts to build it, it will become proof.

                        Some work has been done as the videos show but again traditional applications with slight modifications are what we are seeing. We need to go back to the original setup and start testing this in order to realign ourselves with the designers aims. What we have seen commercialized from these patents is only what they could break and make it so we have to sustain the generation by replacing the loop with fuel consumption. This was a bastardization of the original idea to get them what they wanted (an income stream) and "They", well we all know who "They" are.
                        Source: Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) Open Sourced (by HopeGirl)


                        Last edited by vidbid; 04-03-2014, 01:30 PM.



                        • WITTS response on the QEG

                          Email from them on April 2, 2014.





                          • The Smoking Gun.

                            Now we see how WHITTS was involved!
                            "I'm assuming this is who she's talking about."
                            She thanked them at first and now has exposed them.
                            Well Done.
                            They were the kings of suppression.

                            Hope Girl Disclosure

                            FIX THE WORLD PUBLIC STATEMENT:

                            We are not in the prove it business, we are in the do it business. We are doing the work, teaching others how to do it and showing the process so that it is available to all. The most important thing is to get this technology directly into the hands of the people, which is what we are doing. Our working prototype will be proven to the world through the people who believe in free energy enough to do the work needed to bring it out of suppression. Therefore the people will be the ones to make the announcements, which will be more effective, and the people will get all the glory.

                            130 years ago, Nikola Tesla designed an over unity fuelless generator that could provide enough power to power your home. This technology was heavily suppressed as a way to control the people of this planet through dependence on oil. Tesla’s designs and patents are in the public domain.

                            Through research, study, help from others, divine inspiration, and over 30 years of electronics engineering experience, James Robitaille of the Fix the World Organization (FTW) took one 1-hour class with an organization who has been building (and suppressing) these generators for over 20 years, and was able to figure out how to build it. We raised the money for the prototype through crowdfunding and donations from over 1,000 people who believed in us. It took us 5 months to build the prototype, and once we got raw power, on March 25th of 2014 we open sourced the plans and gave away the technology to the world. Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself. Now that this raw power source is achieved and shared so freely, there will be many variations and improvements. Humanity will be co-developing the future of the QEG, and will be free from the enslavement of the oil and energy industries.
                            Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                            • WITTS Ministries &amp; the QEG

                              Originally posted by Stephen Brown View Post
                              Now we see how WHITTS was involved!
                              "I'm assuming this is who she's talking about."
                              She thanked them at first and now has exposed them.
                              Well Done.
                              They were the kings of suppression.

                              Hope Girl Disclosure

                              FIX THE WORLD PUBLIC STATEMENT:

                              We are not in the prove it business, we are in the do it business. We are doing the work, teaching others how to do it and showing the process so that it is available to all. The most important thing is to get this technology directly into the hands of the people, which is what we are doing. Our working prototype will be proven to the world through the people who believe in free energy enough to do the work needed to bring it out of suppression. Therefore the people will be the ones to make the announcements, which will be more effective, and the people will get all the glory.

                              130 years ago, Nikola Tesla designed an over unity fuelless generator that could provide enough power to power your home. This technology was heavily suppressed as a way to control the people of this planet through dependence on oil. Tesla’s designs and patents are in the public domain.

                              Through research, study, help from others, divine inspiration, and over 30 years of electronics engineering experience, James Robitaille of the Fix the World Organization (FTW) took one 1-hour class with an organization who has been building (and suppressing) these generators for over 20 years, and was able to figure out how to build it. We raised the money for the prototype through crowdfunding and donations from over 1,000 people who believed in us. It took us 5 months to build the prototype, and once we got raw power, on March 25th of 2014 we open sourced the plans and gave away the technology to the world. Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself. Now that this raw power source is achieved and shared so freely, there will be many variations and improvements. Humanity will be co-developing the future of the QEG, and will be free from the enslavement of the oil and energy industries.
                              Originally posted by
                              Through research, study, help from others, divine inspiration, and over 30 years of electronics engineering experience, James Robitaille of the Fix the World Organization (FTW) took one 1-hour class with an organization who has been building (and suppressing) these generators for over 20 years, and was able to figure out how to build it.
                              Why are we given hints? Why are we given ambiguity? Shouldn't the author of the above quoted statement be direct or not bring up the issue at all?

                              While I can confirm that that page currently states that, that is, the above quoted statement at this time, we don't actually know who the author is, but whoever is the author of that statement, he or she doesn't directly accuse WITTS Ministries by name of suppression.

                              WITTS Ministries has released four videos about the WITTS generator; however, to my knowledge, they have not released construction plans of their WITTS generator, unless the author of the QEG constructions plans is their proxy.

                              However, you should consider that the author of the QEG construction plans gives Tim Thrapp credit in their QEG construction plans and issued the following dedication to him on page 6:

                              Originally posted by qeg-user-manual-3-25-14.pdf

                              We would like to dedicate the success we’ve experienced to our first teacher, Sir Timothy Thrapp, and WITTS Ministries, without whose guidance none of this would be available so soon. We acknowledge and honor the work WITTS has done for over 200 years bringing technology forward, and hope that you will consider making a donation to the ministry for their great work.
                              Anyhow, back to video presentation that this email message is alluding to:

                              I'm guessing that that video will be available to view in about a week.

                              You should be able to see it at

                              WITTS Advanced Technology Teaching Archives

                              I'm thinking that it will be video #189.


                              Last edited by vidbid; 04-03-2014, 06:40 PM.



                              • Video #189 is already out

                                That was fast.

                                #189 More Adventures With Our Heavenly Father, God!; QEG & 40KW Generator; Guest Rob Abreu - Authority & Health - World Improvement Through The Spirit Ministries

                                I haven't watched it yet, but I will after I post this.




