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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • I watched the video but basically nothing on how the WITTS generator or the QEG functions or operates.

    It would have been nice to see a diagram or a schematic.





    • More Video of Building the QEG in the Shop

      Taiwan QEG CICU A Tour Around the Factory, Building in Process - YouTube about 4 minutes.

      Video shows several people working on and building the QEG.


      Last edited by vidbid; 04-04-2014, 02:27 AM.



      • Patent #2,816,240 by Robert L. Zimmerman


        Patent #2,816,240 by Robert L. Zimmerman.





        • In Zimmerman's patent, you can see how the changing flux path induces in AC signal into the output coils.





          • Turned on it side.


            Last edited by vidbid; 04-04-2014, 06:04 AM.



            • Starting to look like the QEG.





              • Now, it's really starting to look like a QEG.





                • What about this?

                  What about this?

                  It may not be pretty or even overunity, but I think it would work.


                  Last edited by vidbid; 04-04-2014, 07:18 AM.



                  • Flux bridge transformer

                    Patent US2547783 - Flux bridge transformer - Google Patents

                    Understanding the flux bridge is what it's all about.



                    • Q & A with Taiwan

                      From QEG Forum.
                      No self run or big power yet!

                      Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topic: Q&A with the QEG team in Taiwan, April 4 (1/1)

                      Q & A with the Taiwan Team
                      Potential, is a terrible thing to waste.


                      • Hi Vidbid,
                        thank you for your permanent work here.
                        I was reading the Tesla patent which was given with the QEG plans and came to the conclusion, there is something wrong. It is not related to the QEG at all...
                        The patents are showing up now seem to do this much better. Will have to read a wee bit more about it.
                        I was talking to a small number of friends the last few days, we are going to build on of these generators, just checking out the possibilities we have in our different workshops. It is more expensive than I thougt as for example the right steel sheet is quite dear. Lasering would be no problem and rather cheep to get. Winding of the coils by hand is probably not a good idea, just checked even the mass of the copper, Jesus, that's a lot.
                        The offer you got seems now not bad to me, 3000 bucks for the whole body with core and coils....
                        Keep you informed about the fortgoing process..


                        • The Chinese Have Got The QEG Working!

                          Taiwanese have a working QEG.


                          Check it out!

                          QEG Taiwan Has Resonance!!! - YouTube






                          • Taiwan Q & A on the QEG

                            Here's the text of that PDF:

                            April 4, 2014:

                            This is the edited version of the Question & Answer session in Skype with the QEG team, currently in Taiwan.

                            Q: Has anyone seriously considered winding a core by hand? Maybe with a small team to take turns, pun intended. Tedious but cheap. How practical/impractical would it be to achieve for a one off?
                            A: you cannot wind by hand - we tried - impossible. The wire must be continuous so you have to squeeze the spool through the hole in the stator over 10,000 times - and it has to be perfect - only a machine will do this

                            Q: Is the QEG noisy?
                            A: yes the generator is noisy. We've managed to tone it down a bit with the shrouds but we'll have to come up with noise insulation in the packaging to make it better.

                            Q: Does the QEG run hot or cold when operating?
                            A: The QEG does not run hot - it's a cool thing

                            Q: About the "conditioning" that takes place by using the exciter coil.
                            A. There will be an updated section on the exciter coil/spark gap very soon. We were so rushed to get the manual out there and so had to omit this. Briefly, the exciter coil uses one of the high earth resonant frequencies (1.3 MHz). It's used after the generator is built to maximize the output.

                            Q: How are they currently getting from 400hz to 50/60hz so they utilize the energy? How will they do that in Morocco?
                            A: it's now a system, we need an inverter, so that we can adjust 400 hz to 50-60 and any kinds of volts you want. It's no longer a generator only. The QEG itself makes outputs with 400 hz working frequency, ac, 200 something volts 2.1 amp. that's what we have in Taiwan today (april 4) 2.1 amp so far. Just beginning output testing. Then, we need a bridge rectifier to make ac to dc so that an inverter can accept.

                            Q: What are the top two or three hurdles to overcome?
                            A: we found that winding, good capcitors and good wires are the three most tough tasks, because good winding machines are expensive at the beginning. And we bought our capcitors from USA and mainland China. A couple of people have posted DIY winders but they are unacceptable because there's much more wire on the spool than these winders can handle. English to metric conversions is also a big hurdle.

                            Q: Is anyone working on an array of capcitors and wiring that are more easy to get that will work?
                            A: Yes

                            Q: i am newly joined and from South Africa. What is cost of a unit please? What are the total costs of building the QEG?
                            A: the cost of a unit will depend on many factors. We know a fully processed core costs around $3,000 and the rest of the parts will vary. At first we think it will cost around $5,000-$7,000 USD. But this is still very new and because its been open-sourced, it is in the hands of humanity. Many are getting very creative and finding cheaper parts and innovative ways to source them so that shipping is not that expensive. We estimate that in about 6 months, because of the demand for QEG's, many manufacturers will lower prices on the standard parts.

                            Q: About "A considerable level of knowledge in quantum physics is also required."
                            A: We put this in there because it is a non-conventional energy concept that we're talking about and you need to start thinking outside the box or you'll get stuck. There are no physics papers on this as far as we know. this knowledge has been suppressed for over 100 years.

                            Q: Can you go a further into the quantum-fysics part? Does it have to do with resonance?
                            A: because the energy is coming from the quantum field and not from heat or an explosion, as is the conventional way, it is important you understand quantum physics/mechanics. Maybe you do not need to know so much about it but it made sense to us to put it in there. When one learns to be a psychiatrist they must also study the physiology of the brain because it has something to do with it. Jamie can better answer questions about resonance.

                            Q: Is the resonance frequency reached to get full output power the same in every location? And if yes can a governor be added to the dc drive motor to reach the magic rpm?
                            A: Yes, the resonant frequency for full power output is the same in any location, and yes, we envision that before long, we'll have a totally automated startup system to reach the resonance rpm. I have to mention, it's not critical that these be the exact capacitors that are in the manual. With a little mixing and matching (series/parallel combinations) you can come up with the right value, and still have reasonable availibility and cost. For example, if you need a 2.5uF /2000 volt cap, you can parallel two 1.25uF caps which have better availibility (and cost). Cap values add in parallel, but voltage rating stays the same. Keep the 2000 volt rating so your series string will be able to handle up to 24,000 volts or so. A 1.0uF cap at 2000 volts is reasonably available. 1.5uf (at 2000 volts) is probably twice as hard to find. So 2.0, and 2.5uF are much harder yet to find (and cost goes up rapidly). So mix and match for getting it going without having to wait for lead times.

                            Q: What is responsible for that freq? Differently asked: what should/could be changed in the design if we want to change that freq?
                            A: briefly, there are 2 main components in setting the frequency: the electrical resonance and the mechanical resonance. This is actually a variable frequency generator so changing capacitor value changes electrical resonant frequency and rpm where resonance is reached.

                            Q: About the link that someone posted:

                            Film Capacitors | Mouser

                            A: If you use a 1600v cap then you would need to use more in series to meet the 25,000v rating. There are online calculators to determine final value of multiple caps in series - just remember voltages add in series but not uF value. two caps in series have less uF than either alone.

                            Q:How much wire is needed per area of winding?
                            A:In the manuel

                            Q: What is the operating temperature of the device?
                            A: We don't know yet but it's NOT hot - you can touch the motor and the bearings after you shut it down

                            Q: Regarding the steel for EU builders
                            A: M350-65A with C5 coating is appropriate

                            ok awesome engineers, we have to go. Please keep posting your questions/comments - we'll get to them!! Love you all so much and so proud to have you with us on this journey. Namaste (heart) James Robitaille: We (or someone in the group) could do a graph showing cap value vs. freqency, and there are online calculators to determine resonant frequency of a tank cicuit, but this thing won't run at 60Hz (or 50Hz) directly. I tried. The RPM is too low. It has to run faster. We are rectifying the output (AC to DC) and using that to drive an inverter. The inverter takes care of the frequency conversion and interface to the grid (if you're connecting to the grid).

                            Thanks so much to you all... We will answer more questions just as soon as we get a little more time.
                            Love to All,

                            Hopegirl: I have to say how beautiful this is. There are 175 people from all over the world in this group, and all of us are helping each other to bring forward free energy openly sharing. I'm sitting here with Jamie, Val, Gonz, Patrick and Wei Wei watching everyone answer questions. I honestly don't think anyone has ever done this before, we are all pioneers and and I am so proud to be a part of this human family of free energy. Tesla is smiling. This is true unity consciousness. Earlier this day: from the QEG Team in Taiwan

                            Taiwan's got raw power/resonance!!!!!!!
                            QEG Taiwan Has Resonance!!! - YouTube

                            -we're almost there - first you get resonance (got it), then you tune it, then it runs itself, then it stays running about 385 watts.
                            -506 watts when they add extra capacitors
                            -we are about a day and 1/2 from having a self-running QEG in Taiwan - we'll have a video after that.
                            -they're fast - they (the Team in Taiwan) did in 4 days what it took us 4 months to do. of course we were developing it during that time but they learned very quickly - many engineers here now from China.
                            Last edited by Berg; 04-04-2014, 10:52 PM.


                            • QEG Technical Forum

                     • View topic - Technical issues

                              So, basically a new forum.



                              • I agree, the patent is wrong, the mixed with the pantent, 381.970 i have been testing this setup now lately, and i have better result then making a shaft turn, solid state style i get more power from pickup coils the if i did from a moving shaft. And best performance the centerblocks must be magnetic, i tried that to, but the attraction of the magnets can be slowing down to cause of the core.

                                I could believe the qeg can work, but the way they present is to weird, or something like unreal.

                                The lady even says, when in resonance the lights go off, and what about that wire running on the left on the table, and the guy is just playing with the dimmer, aka variac to switch on the lights and of.

                                My gut feeling tells me that there is something fishy about the qeg, or they misinforming us so we get distracted.

                                Http:// is where i posts all my latest test concerning all kinds of different setups and test with the acmm aka 381.970

                                And the frequencies that they talk about are weird to, and the say that its not posible to wind by hind is a lie, i wounded mine by hand and i made 2 of them, took me 16 hours for to complete my coil, spread in about 2 days, and it works better then i expected.

                                Greets JB

                                Originally posted by Gizeh View Post
                                Hi Vidbid,
                                thank you for your permanent work here.
                                I was reading the Tesla patent which was given with the QEG plans and came to the conclusion, there is something wrong. It is not related to the QEG at all...
                                The patents are showing up now seem to do this much better. Will have to read a wee bit more about it.
                                I was talking to a small number of friends the last few days, we are going to build on of these generators, just checking out the possibilities we have in our different workshops. It is more expensive than I thougt as for example the right steel sheet is quite dear. Lasering would be no problem and rather cheep to get. Winding of the coils by hand is probably not a good idea, just checked even the mass of the copper, Jesus, that's a lot.
                                The offer you got seems now not bad to me, 3000 bucks for the whole body with core and coils....
                                Keep you informed about the fortgoing process..

