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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • QEG modelling

    Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
    Hi everyone,

    I was out most of the day but had a chance to further test and video what happens when it hits resonance.

    Please note, once I finished this test video the two rotor set screws had worked them self loose with the powerful vibrations.

    I don't think I can go any further with this tests device as my design was mostly to confirm the effect Inductance parametric change have and confirm the effects that have been shared. My design becomes a disk brake at Resonance because the powerful vibrations flexes the rotor and the cores rub together, so I can't confirm how it affect the prime mover at Resonance.
    I know that's the big question but I ask myself, why would it not be as they say since all the other effects are as shared.

    Link to video:

    Luc, could you tell me where you hooked up the light bulbs and what the wattage and voltage is for them. I am trying to simulate this in my model.

    Thanks, PmgR
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    Last edited by pmgriphone; 04-12-2014, 02:32 AM.


    • Originally posted by pmgriphone View Post
      Luc, could you tell me where you hooked up the light bulbs and what the wattage and voltage is for them. I am trying to simulate this in my model.

      Thanks, PmgR
      The bulbs are 120v 40 watts each and are connected to the lower voltage coil of each MOT



      • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
        The bulbs are 120v 40 watts each and are connected to the lower voltage coil of each MOT

        Luc, can you post a schematic (including the value of the capacitors and where they are connected: low voltage side and/or high voltage side, etc.

        Thanks, PmgR
        Help stop the persecution of Falun Dafa in China!
        Stop organ harvesting from living people in China's labor camps
        Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient Chinese
        self-cultivation practice, based on the principles of
        * Truthfulness * Compassion * Tolerance *
        Great for improvement of health and mental well-being!


        • Originally posted by pmgriphone View Post
          Luc, can you post a schematic (including the value of the capacitors and where they are connected: low voltage side and/or high voltage side, etc.

          Thanks, PmgR
          You don't need a schematic. The two mot high voltage coils are in series and connected to the series 2.5uf cap. The two120v 40w bulbs are separately connected to each low voltage coils of each mot.



          • Sterling Allan on QEG - 4/10/14 This Week in Free Energy

            Sterling Allan on QEG - 4/10/14 This Week in Free Energy

            This Week in Free Energyâ„¢ April 10, 2014 - YouTube at 22 minutes and 22 seconds.





            • QEG Start up explained

              Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
              You don't need a schematic. The two mot high voltage coils are in series and connected to the series 2.5uf cap. The two120v 40w bulbs are separately connected to each low voltage coils of each mot.

              @Luc, thanks for the info.

              Originally posted by vidbid View Post

              It would be interesting to see the rotor vibrate as it approaches a set of poles.


              The rotor will vibrate because of the magnetic forces that build up in the core. Simulations show that a force does build up between rotor and core when flux moves through the rotor. These forces can become quite large and thus a sturdy build with tight tolerances is necessary.

              I have done quite a few simulations now analyzing the complete system with inductances, mutual inductances, resonances, etc. and here is what I find from the simulations:

              1. The system is started up by parametric excitation of the inductance of the primary coils. Quite a few links have been posted in this thread about parametric excitation, so if you wish know what that is all about, read some of those papers (a lot of them were written in the 1930s).

              2. Starting up the system is no magic. It can all be explained with normal electrical equations. Current noise (e.g. a pA in my simulations) in the coils will grow to about a few 100mA in the primary coils and the voltages associated with that run in the kV range. In my simulations I have seen voltages oscillate with magnitudes of 1kV to 20kV depending on system parameters that you set (inductances, modulation index of inductances, coil resistances, etc.). The capacitance sets the electrical resonance frequency. Tuning the system (electrically and mechanically), it is very easy to get high voltage spikes that can burn out the isolation on the coils (which is what happened in Taiwan). From my simulations, I find typical stable voltages for the primary coils around 2kV-5kV range. The secondary coils run at a factor Nsec/Nprim = 350/3100 = 0.113 lower than that, so in the couple of 100 volt range.

              3. The humming that was witnessed is most likely caused by the enormous flux densities in the transformer core and due to the fact that the core is laminated. A normal transformer also hums. Vibrations occur when the rotor closes in to the core or moves away from it AND a flux is going from core through rotor back to core.

              4. Parametric excitation can occur at multiple frequencies. Typically, the inductance is modulated at a frequency of 2v (v= Greek nu) while the electrical resonance is set at f = n*v/2 with n an integer. It is easiest to find a stable region when the electrical resonance is set at the smallest n number (n=1). In this particular case, the rotor runs at frequency v and the inductance is modulated at 4v, so the electrical resonance should be preferably set at 2v. In this case it appears the resonance starts occurring at a rotor speed of 1500rpm (about 25 Hz), so inductance is modulated at 100Hz. James indicates the output frequency is around 400Hz, which would mean he set the electrical frequency at a multiplier of n=8.

              5. The second set of coils is basically a copy of the first set of coils and they perform a similar role. I hope to discuss this in more detail later.

              I have attached a few figures that show how the high voltage develops in the primary coils. You have to pick the parameters right to get a steady state solution. It is very easy for the voltage to go out of bound (which would fry the coils due to high voltage arcing).

              The image QEG_StartUp.jpg shows how the resonance starts from 1pA of noise in the primary coils.

              The image QEG_Transient.jpg shows the transient behavior from startup to steady state. You can see the voltage initially overshoot to over 4kV, then settle down to about 2.8kV.

              The image QEG_SteadyState.jpg show the steady state in detail: as explained before the inductance is modulated at 4v (4x per rotation). The electrical resonance frequency is tuned to 2v with the capacitance. Both the voltage and current oscillate at 2v (50Hz). Note that the capacitance can be choosen so as to resonate at a higher harmonic (e.g. in James' case n=8).

              But now comes the questionable part of all of the above.

              The problem with parametric excitation is that it is very hard to get any kind of power out of the system without destroying the resonance condition. The energy in the primary system runs about a 2-3 joules. Energy for each of the elements is 1/2L*i*i for the coils, 1/2C*V*V for the capacitor and power loss is R*i*i in the coil resistance. All these translate to about 125W total in the coil and capacitor together and about 3W loss in the coil resistance.

              So the question now remains if it is possible to extract energy from this parametric system without destroying the resonance...

              For that I would like to know exactly how the bulbs are hooked up into the system and if the exciter is present or not when Taiwan tried to tune the QEG to resonance.

              Enjoy! PmgR
              Help stop the persecution of Falun Dafa in China!
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              Attached Files
              Last edited by pmgriphone; 04-12-2014, 06:30 AM.


              • Old Interview of Tim Thrapp by Sterling Allan back in 2009

                MP3 File:

                Source: Timothy Thrapp of WITTS and the 'dominant energy' field





                • Originally posted by pmgriphone View Post
                  @Luc, thanks for the info.


                  The rotor will vibrate because of the magnetic forces that build up in the core. Simulations show that a force does build up between rotor and core when flux moves through the rotor. These forces can become quite large and thus a sturdy build with tight tolerances is necessary.

                  I have done quite a few simulations now analyzing the complete system with inductances, mutual inductances, resonances, etc. and here is what I find from the simulations:

                  1. The system is started up by parametric excitation of the inductance of the primary coils. Quite a few links have been posted in this thread about parametric excitation, so if you wish know what that is all about, read some of those papers (a lot of them were written in the 1930s).

                  2. Starting up the system is no magic. It can all be explained with normal electrical equations. Current noise (e.g. a pA in my simulations) in the coils will grow to about a few 100mA in the primary coils and the voltages associated with that run in the kV range. In my simulations I have seen voltages oscillate with magnitudes of 1kV to 20kV depending on system parameters that you set (inductances, modulation index of inductances, coil resistances, etc.). The capacitance sets the electrical resonance frequency. Tuning the system (electrically and mechanically), it is very easy to get high voltage spikes that can burn out the isolation on the coils (which is what happened in Taiwan). From my simulations, I find typical stable voltages for the primary coils around 2kV-5kV range. The secondary coils run at a factor Nsec/Nprim = 350/3100 = 0.113 lower than that, so in the couple of 100 volt range.

                  3. The humming that was witnessed is most likely caused by the enormous flux densities in the transformer core and due to the fact that the core is laminated. A normal transformer also hums. Vibrations occur when the rotor closes in to the core or moves away from it AND a flux is going from core through rotor back to core.

                  4. Parametric excitation can occur at multiple frequencies. Typically, the inductance is modulated at a frequency of 2v (v= Greek nu) while the electrical resonance is set at f = n*v/2 with n an integer. It is easiest to find a stable region when the electrical resonance is set at the smallest n number (n=1). In this particular case, the rotor runs at frequency v and the inductance is modulated at 4v, so the electrical resonance should be preferably set at 2v. In this case it appears the resonance starts occurring at a rotor speed of 1500rpm (about 25 Hz), so inductance is modulated at 100Hz. James indicates the output frequency is around 400Hz, which would mean he set the electrical frequency at a multiplier of n=8.

                  5. The second set of coils is basically a copy of the first set of coils and they perform a similar role. I hope to discuss this in more detail later.

                  I have attached a few figures that show how the high voltage develops in the primary coils. You have to pick the parameters right to get a steady state solution. It is very easy for the voltage to go out of bound (which would fry the coils due to high voltage arcing).

                  The image QEG_StartUp.jpg shows how the resonance starts from 1pA of noise in the primary coils.

                  The image QEG_Transient.jpg shows the transient behavior from startup to steady state. You can see the voltage initially overshoot to over 4kV, then settle down to about 2.8kV.

                  The image QEG_SteadyState.jpg show the steady state in detail: as explained before the inductance is modulated at 4v (4x per rotation). The electrical resonance frequency is tuned to 2v with the capacitance. Both the voltage and current oscillate at 2v (50Hz). Note that the capacitance can be choosen so as to resonate at a higher harmonic (e.g. in James' case n=8).

                  But now comes the questionable part of all of the above.

                  The problem with parametric excitation is that it is very hard to get any kind of power out of the system without destroying the resonance condition. The energy in the primary system runs about a 2-3 joules. Energy for each of the elements is 1/2L*i*i for the coils, 1/2C*V*V for the capacitor and power loss is R*i*i in the coil resistance. All these translate to about 125W total in the coil and capacitor together and about 3W loss in the coil resistance.

                  So the question now remains if it is possible to extract energy from this parametric system without destroying the resonance...

                  For that I would like to know exactly how the bulbs are hooked up into the system and if the exciter is present or not when Taiwan tried to tune the QEG to resonance.

                  Enjoy! PmgR
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                  Thank you for your very thoughtful comments.

                  Much appreciated.





                  • WITTS Generator Shown To Operate For About 11 Minutes Straight

                    Apparently, the WITTS generator is able to operate for long periods of time.

                    [] Self-Running 40kW (40,000 Watt) Fuelless Generator (Full Version) - YouTube

                    The generator starts (goes into resonance) at about 5 minutes and 13 seconds, and then the generator is turned off at about 16 minutes and 29 seconds.

                    Basically, the generator runs for about 11 minutes straight.

                    During that time, the generator appears to be powering load of about 1,500 Watts.





                    • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                      Hi everyone,

                      I was out most of the day but had a chance to further test and video what happens when it hits resonance.

                      Link to video:

                      If you want to save time and money look at rotoverter.Ask Hector


                      • Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                        Hi everyone,

                        I was out most of the day but had a chance to further test and video what happens when it hits resonance.

                        Please note, once I finished this test video the two rotor set screws had worked them self loose with the powerful vibrations.

                        I don't think I can go any further with this tests device as my design was mostly to confirm the effect Inductance parametric change have and confirm the effects that have been shared. My design becomes a disk brake at Resonance because the powerful vibrations flexes the rotor and the cores rub together, so I can't confirm how it affect the prime mover at Resonance.

                        Have you dared to record visually whether the Rotor, Core, or both physically are drawn to one another approaching resonance?
                        I'm wondering if your 2HP shaft runout tolerances are coming into play once the MOT Core and/or rotor resonates and the shaft is suddenly drawn into the core (or do the MOT mounting screws time-warp a few mm toward the rotor during the event )?

                        Need to drop a light in the box, and poke a snake camera in there (or put a really good helmet with plexy shield on), no?
                        Careful, tho!

                        Edit: One thing to note though: Your demonstration differs from the QEG, in that the QEG rotor, as presented, guides flux (to vary inductance) from a balanced opposition relative to apposing core nodes, whereas your configuration offers no such countering geometry/force. Be careful dude!
                        Last edited by Beamgate; 04-12-2014, 09:45 PM.
                        Resonance to all !


                        • I was testing hitting the MOT cores with metal like woopy did and found what causes the voltage.

                          I also checked for magnetism in my I cores and could not conclude anything.

                          Link to video:



                          • @Luc

                            Review my revised previous post again.

                            Good stuff!
                            Resonance to all !


                            • Latest news from QEG

                              Only real Peepz/builders will understand

                              Quantum Energy Generator Forum :: Topic: Fix the world project (1/1)

                              I think we should continue our own projects, waz funn while it lasted, and i hope they prove me wrong

                              Greets JB


                              • Hi everyone,

                                It was suggested to connect bulbs in series on the high voltage side to helped stabilize the Resonance.

                                Here is the video demo:


