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Analysis of the WITTS Generator

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  • My Analysis...on the QEG/WITTS GEN

    Hello to All,

    I like this Machine, it's got "something" about it that is pretty simple and complex at same time...and I love it.

    However, there are some things I can not find relation to...or understand them quite well.

    On the QEG pdf they mention the Tesla Patent related to a reciprocating Generator, and they say they just "transfer" same principle to a Rotary Device...When we read the Tesla Patent, in essence He is Synchronizing Two Resonances, one is a completely Mechanical one...A Spring loaded, then released to obtain that "Self Vibration" controlled to be in one vector of also Magnetic Resonance is controlled to go same directional vector, and Tesla mentions the Electromagnetic Resonance should be near the Mechanical one, but mechanical should be always above...understood why perfectly...a great patent.

    Now...Neither on the QEG or the WITTS Generators...I can´t seem to find any Mechanical Resonance obtained by rotation...¿?

    On the other hand Mr. Lindemann relates to this Machine as a "Reluctance Generator"...

    Reluctance means Resistance applied to electromotive forces...Magnetic Resistance...Magnetic Reluctance...same thing.

    On ALL the Reluctance Motors and Generators I have searched far (maybe I missed "the one")..I have not found just one...where the Coils are in a Toroidal Shape "away" from their magnetic fields (like QEG/WITTS), whether self induced or excited...conflicting directly with laminated pure steel, honestly, I can not see any magnetic "reluctance or resistance" here at all....and, for sake of simplicity...we could call it...Magnetic Drag.






    I do understand perfectly, that by turning coils like all those Reluctance Machines above...the Steel Rotor would be "suffering" a huge and constant magnetic drag (steel is "dancing" within a 100% magnetic field(s) environment)...just because a simple knowledge about magnetic field projection perpendicular to coil "flat plane" created/defined by its circular/square/rectangular windings...

    But, a Toroidal Winding Shape...everything changes!! we all know the magnetic field is projected within the Toroid Geometric, never projecting directly against steel matter if rotor contains windings as well...

    Nikola Tesla has so many Patents...where he builds this type of Toroidal Generating Windings, where the Exciting Fields (Stators) Rotors, are never encountering a "Face to Face" magnetic field projection...therefore they are all...almost "magnetic drag or resistance free".

    I have mentioned this big time difference all along my posts here...

    In conclusion...Mr. Lindemann, I could not see any direct/frontal Magnetic Reluctance/Resistance on the QEG or WITTS, could you please, clear my ignorance, enlightening me on this fields... as why you categorize this type of design as the reluctance type?

    Thanks in advance Mr. Lindemann!

    Kind Regards to All

    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-28-2014, 01:44 PM.
    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Originally posted by gene gene View Post
      Hi all,

      We have engineers from at least 5 different countries, builders, specialists etc... plus two lovely gentlemen arrived from the UK a few days ago with a professional video camera AND very high tech equipment for measuring all aspects of the QEG output and "over unity"!!!


      that sounds promising!!


      • Analysis...cont.

        Hello again,

        The QEG, as it has been analyzed here in great detail previously...offers a redirection of magnetic fields from within its toroidal coils design:


        We could only have Two Instances shown by red circles...whenever flux path changes, circled in red above.

        1- An Attraction, given by Flow from N to S, where the redirection that will take place on cross member frontal stator core would be a very weak North, unless rotor would be "bridging" (redirecting-diverging) from a North/South Field opposed at 180º, and South is at that end of rotor...but, only if, stronger than S Field at toroid coil...then flux will travel through.

        2- A Repulsion between two Norths (or two Souths) will create a stronger redirection of North...however, still weaker than Toroid body traveling flow Magnetic Field.

        Therefore, in either case, the strength of Magnetic Field could be compared to those where Coils are wound Radially, projecting Magnetic Field Directly to Steel Rotor Face.

        If We notice QEG Stator Design, all four cross members, have a protuberance on its exterior side...and I do not think is just there for the looks, or to "retain" wires...this mass of steel redirects a flow towards outer space of toroid...for a reason.

        In my opinion, this exterior salient poles, besides weakening even more the fields by "dual" redirection (reducing even more any possible drag)...this ends are in direct contact/projection towards Toroid Outer Space Field...generating an alignment of its environment energies...whether Aether, Radiant or "Quantum" baptized...

        What I feel we need to look to define its Modular configuration, in order to be reproduced within same circumference into more elements/modules, generating more energy for lesser RPM' drag not need to be reduced by changing its design any more.

        Regards to All

        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-28-2014, 03:05 PM.
        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
          Hello to All,

          In conclusion...Mr. Lindemann, I could not see any direct/frontal Magnetic Reluctance/Resistance on the QEG or WITTS, could you please, clear my ignorance, enlightening me on this fields... as why you categorize this type of design as the reluctance type?

          Thanks in advance Mr. Lindemann!

          Kind Regards to All



          I'm not Peter (you did say hello to all) and I'm not positive I understand what you are asking (too many big words for me to get it all), however, I do understand to the smallest extent, the similarities between this QEG and a reluctance generator.

          Looking at the GIF I attached...(can even download and look at each individual frame); you can perhaps see the similarities.

          It doesn't matter that this example is built as a square. It is still a closed magnetic path and could actually be built as a proper toroid.

          It doesn't matter that there are six poles on the rotor, the principle of reluctance is still evident.

          You could view the magnets as a Remanent field and draw circuitry to reinforce that field during operation.

          As each set of rotor poles come into alignment with the stator poles, the magnetic flux increases to a maximum where the reluctance is at a minimum. This flux path is flowing through the rotor as well as the coils generating, in this case, an alternating field.

          Perhaps you see something in the QEG that I do not. I can be pretty DIM WITT ED sometimes.

          If this isn't what you are looking for then please excuse my observations.
          Attached Files


          • Applause in Morocco

            James has done it again.

            QEG Resonance in Morocco - OPC: Aouchtam 04/28/14 - YouTube

            Source: Stillness in the Storm : Status of QEG Build Morocco: Build Day 3 - Initial Resonance Achieved! (Video)


            Attached Files
            Last edited by vidbid; 05-01-2014, 05:15 AM.



            • Hi everyone,

              I edited the new video demo of the QEG test in Morocco so I could listen to it using headphones with volume maxed out to see if I could detect any change in RPM sound of the prime mover for the first seconds when resonance kicks in and before people start screaming. I repeated it 10 times and added the end segment which is also quiet.
              I decide to share this instead of keeping this edited video for my study, so I upload it unlisted on my youtube account to help others who would like to see this. I also kept it in full HD so no Quality is lost.

              To the best of my ability I could not detect much change in sound of the prime mover. Nothing compared to my test unit anyways, and they have 500 watts of load!
              The thing I notice is the flashing of the bulbs. To me this is hard to believe 400Hz is involved. That is the main thing that does not look right to me at this time.

              Please share your observations


              Link to my edited version:

              Link to original video:


              • Reluctance=Resistance

                Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post

                I'm not Peter (you did say hello to all) and I'm not positive I understand what you are asking (too many big words for me to get it all), however, I do understand to the smallest extent, the similarities between this QEG and a reluctance generator.
                Hello OLS,

                I can see that you are not Peter...
                First, I was addressing Mr Lindemann about his post on another thread related to the QEG and the Reluctance Generators. Second, I was not "asking" anything, I was just sharing my thoughts on two main issues I was not clear with.

                1- Tesla Patent versus QEG
                2-QEG and Reluctance Generators difference in their windings.

                Was this a short way, without "big words", to express myself clearer now?

                Looking at the GIF I attached...(can even download and look at each individual frame); you can perhaps see the similarities.

                It doesn't matter that this example is built as a square. It is still a closed magnetic path and could actually be built as a proper toroid.
                Similarities?...Oh does have similarities...just as an Induction AC Motor and a Reluctance Motor just have different rotors is a laminated steel cylinder drum...the other is a "star like" salient poles rotor...but they are similar right?..

                That GIF is a joke OLS...Magnetic Flux does not flows like that at all when rotor is spinning...first, it forms a Spiral shape...and second, Flux does not goes "strictly" where you are showing it, like directed by an Army of soldiers ordering to follow that "perfect" and strict path, gun on flux head......basically NOT with the Six Pole Rotor you are showing there.

                It doesn't matter that there are six poles on the rotor, the principle of reluctance is still evident.
                Yes it does matter...or is it the same a 28 pole motor or a 5 pole motor?...or a Generator of Four Poles versus a Two Pole?...same deal OLS?

                You could view the magnets as a Remanent field and draw circuitry to reinforce that field during operation.

                As each set of rotor poles come into alignment with the stator poles, the magnetic flux increases to a maximum where the reluctance is at a minimum. This flux path is flowing through the rotor as well as the coils generating, in this case, an alternating field.

                Perhaps you see something in the QEG that I do not. I can be pretty DIM WITT ED sometimes...

                If this isn't what you are looking for then please excuse my observations.
                You are displaying a change of flux direction, therefore, an AC Induction on the coils through an Inner Flow within Core Frame...and I do not see it that way...I see a flow in Space, between the rotor and the whole stator side that face those rotor poles.

                I do see more in the QEG...but if you keep relating, looking for similarities to a mere "Reluctance Machine"...then you will never see the differences.

                Many people has stated many times that Electrodynamic Machines didn't need any more improvements...that they are "pretty efficient as they were built"

                ...and they were ALL dead wrong!

                "If Nikola Tesla had not been censured, we could have been traveling between the stars by now..." - Nassim Haramein


                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Nice work GotoLuc

                  Originally posted by gotoluc View Post
                  Hi everyone,

                  I edited the new video demo of the QEG test in Morocco so I could listen to it using headphones with volume maxed out to see if I could detect any change in RPM sound of the prime mover for the first seconds when resonance kicks in and before people start screaming. I repeated it 10 times and added the end segment which is also quiet.
                  I decide to share this instead of keeping this edited video for my study, so I upload it unlisted on my youtube account to help others who would like to see this. I also kept it in full HD so no Quality is lost.

                  To the best of my ability I could not detect much change in sound of the prime mover. Nothing compared to my test unit anyways, and they have 500 watts of load!
                  The thing I notice is the flashing of the bulbs. To me this is hard to believe 400Hz is involved. That is the main thing that does not look right to me at this time.

                  Please share your observations


                  Link to my edited version:

                  Link to original video:
                  Hello Gotoluc,

                  Nice work there!...I did not feel any difference on the RPM's either once the resonance spot and lighting bulbs.

                  I observed something else, and thanks to your Track repeating...

                  At the very beginning, the start of each sequence, we can notice a very bright and very white flash of huge energy, not observed, even when potentiometer dialed to full brightness on bulbs. If you go by the shadow of the clock on the will show a darker shadow, and a brighter wall.


                  Normal Lighting Frame 1305


                  Start of Big Flash


                  Second Sequence of Flash

                  Final Flash Frame (812)

                  This reminds me when I was pulsing my Coils about two years ago...a big "dump" of Energy in the very beginning of the very low hertz pulses shown at the CFL's......Radiant "enters" exactly this way...a big flash at very low hertz Luc.

                  It is great to repeat well as slow motion this track...

                  And to avoid skeptics comments...that ain't no Camera Flash...look at the clock shadow...where its center of projection comes directly from the Bulbs at Generator table...



                  Edit 1: On a separate observation...did you noticed Bulbs do not light up "evenly"...nor they flash up that way either?...but at a very specific "Location"...if we observe at Full Flash of the bulbs is not lit at all at right seems like the light is concentrating on a single "space" ignoring the far away from that space bulbs...interesting isn't it?
                  Last edited by Ufopolitics; 04-29-2014, 01:35 PM.
                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Hello UFOP

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Hello OLS,

                    I can see that you are not Peter...
                    First, I was addressing Mr Lindemann about his post on another thread related to the QEG and the Reluctance Generators. Second, I was not "asking" anything, I was just sharing my thoughts on two main issues I was not clear with.

                    1- Tesla Patent versus QEG
                    2-QEG and Reluctance Generators difference in their windings.

                    Was this a short way, without "big words", to express myself clearer now?

                    As you can plainly see below, you were asking a question. I was trying to be helpful and answer, and with respect to you and Peter.

                    And no, your "short way" doesn't help me understand the technical verbiage of your longer post, but I see now that is doesn't matter to me anymore.

                    In my comments, there was no sarcarsm, only an honest statement of my inability to keep up.

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                    In conclusion...Mr. Lindemann, I could not see any direct/frontal Magnetic Reluctance/Resistance on the QEG or WITTS, could you please, clear my ignorance, enlightening me on this fields... as why you categorize this type of design as the reluctance type?

                    Thanks in advance Mr. Lindemann!


                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    That GIF is a joke OLS...Magnetic Flux does not flows like that at all when rotor is spinning...first, it forms a Spiral shape...and second, Flux does not goes "strictly" where you are showing it, like directed by an Army of soldiers ordering to follow that "perfect" and strict path, gun on flux head......basically NOT with the Six Pole Rotor you are showing there.
                    GIF is a joke? Well, I didn't create it and I'm not married to it but I thought it was a pretty good illustration for such a simple graphic. I'm not sure I understand why you would take it so literally or dismiss it so completely. Nor do I understand what you are trying to say about the six pole rotor not working and yes it will work with more rotor poles as well.

                    This flux switched alternator is used in military rockets utilizing an auxilliary exhaust stream spinning a turbine. Maybe we should call the Pentagon and tell them their design doesn't work?

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    You are displaying a change of flux direction, therefore, an AC Induction on the coils through an Inner Flow within Core Frame...and I do not see it that way...I see a flow in Space, between the rotor and the whole stator side that face those rotor poles.
                    Are you saying that you do not see iron as, at the very least a magnetic waveguide? Not a flux concentrator? Then can we create overunity galore with nothing but plastic rotor and stator? You see, this is the what I mean about not being able to understand your words or keep up. I don't know if it is a language or cultural barrier or that I am just dirt stupid.

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    I do see more in the QEG...but if you keep relating, looking for similarities to a mere "Reluctance Machine"...then you will never see the differences.
                    I see......
                    A motor spinning a generator connected to a PFC capacitor network. Upon reaching a rotation speed that creates a resonant voltage peak high enough to light the light bulbs, they come on. The higher potential causes the iron core plates to rattle, a typical laminated core transformer issue.

                    I don't see.... A belief system makes it work or not work as claimed.
                    DNA resonating with the generator as claimed.
                    Ten kilowatts output.

                    What I wish I had never seen.... people Ommmmming to a machine of purely underunity characteristics.
                    Or any machine for that matter.

                    I am not in any way trying to be disrespectful. You are free to believe as you wish.

                    I think I just have to walk away with an "agree to disagree" attitude.


                    • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Hello Gotoluc,

                      Nice work there!...I did not feel any difference on the RPM's either once the resonance spot and lighting bulbs.

                      I observed something else, and thanks to your Track repeating...

                      At the very beginning, the start of each sequence, we can notice a very bright and very white flash of huge energy

                      On a separate observation...did you noticed Bulbs do not light up "evenly"...nor they flash up that way either?...but at a very specific "Location"...if we observe at Full Flash of the bulbs is not lit at all at right seems like the light is concentrating on a single "space" ignoring the far away from that space bulbs...interesting isn't it?
                      Glad it helped UFO

                      as for the bulbs not all lighting at the same time. I noticed this also and concluded he has them connected in series since he's figured out this is more a a high voltage device. So maybe that can explain some of the light variations in the beginning.



                      • Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                        Hello UFOP
                        Hello OLS,

                        As you can plainly see below, you were asking a question. I was trying to be helpful and answer, and with respect to you and Peter.

                        And no, your "short way" doesn't help me understand the technical verbiage of your longer post, but I see now that is doesn't matter to me anymore.

                        In my comments, there was no sarcarsm, only an honest statement of my inability to keep up.
                        Ok, got it.

                        GIF is a joke? Well, I didn't create it and I'm not married to it but I thought it was a pretty good illustration for such a simple graphic. I'm not sure I understand why you would take it so literally or dismiss it so completely. Nor do I understand what you are trying to say about the six pole rotor not working and yes it will work with more rotor poles as well.

                        This flux switched alternator is used in military rockets utilizing an auxilliary exhaust stream spinning a turbine. Maybe we should call the Pentagon and tell them their design doesn't work?
                        I never said the device itself did not work at all.

                        All I referred was to the way "virtual" arrows behave in that GIF, not at the Device.

                        Are you saying that you do not see iron as, at the very least a magnetic waveguide? Not a flux concentrator?
                        Of course I do see Iron as a magnetic channel, a transmitter of ...!...and I have repeatedly mentioned that laminated steel or solid steel is best magnetic field redirection. But the point is not about the "transmission channeling" of steel cores, that is understood by a First Grade Student...but in the revolving space field of an electrodynamic machine...what is happening there?...and that is the success when you are able to see and move that in your mind without the necessity of a GIF nor an Animated and more sophisticated program that follows your "painting" "Paper will take anything you write on it..."

                        Then can we create overunity galore with nothing but plastic rotor and stator? You see, this is the what I mean about not being able to understand your words or keep up. I don't know if it is a language or cultural barrier or that I am just dirt stupid.
                        Well, I have done Transformer effects without steel...nor ANY Metal...just Plastic...but referring to Radiant/Cold Electricity...not hot, typical currents.

                        I have built motors with Plastic...and even metals either, except copper commutators and wires for the coils, plus couple of bolts and nuts...and so have done many of my guys at my Thread(s)....and still get Radiant Out...

                        So, yes, We it without steel...

                        Faraday said it back in 1831..."Steel Core is NOT required..."

                        I see......
                        Do You really?...

                        A motor spinning a generator connected to a PFC capacitor network. Upon reaching a rotation speed that creates a resonant voltage peak high enough to light the light bulbs, they come on. The higher potential causes the iron core plates to rattle, a typical laminated core transformer issue.

                        I don't see.... A belief system makes it work or not work as claimed.
                        DNA resonating with the generator as claimed.
                        Ten kilowatts output.

                        What I wish I had never seen.... people Ommmmming to a machine of purely underunity characteristics.
                        Or any machine for that matter.

                        I am not in any way trying to be disrespectful. You are free to believe as you wish.

                        I think I just have to walk away with an "agree to disagree" attitude.
                        Maybe you could blame all those "Ommmmming People" to a whole System of Control that has been allowed up to now by people that have accepted it -Blindly- as "NORMAL" and Typical Part of their life's...normally known as SHEEPLE'S...A System that has Seized/Censured/ all Kind of OLD SCHOOL of Engineering from the 1800's up to KATZ ...just thirsty to make more and more legal tender keep storing more and more power...FAT KATZ...Allowed to rule Us all...maybe if you realized this FACT...then you will understand those People...willing to see even a shimmering Light at the End of their Tunnel of Slavery...forced to use everyday just Farting, Obsolete Dinosaurs Machines...Diesel's, Gas...Gasoline...Oil...Transmission Fluids...Antifreeze...Brake Fluids...all kind of FLUIDS LETHAL TO EARTH.

                        But We WON'T very soon...

                        So I do like those I understand Them perfectly well...

                        Obviously You Do not.

                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Greets UFO, ( have we met before )

                          The problem is whith all of them qeg, the motor need to be a tesla motor, aka brushless, and the main core should be a complete system of eletrical distribution. The have the unfinished core ( good for en if it works). But they might as well make it 4 quadrants, and ontop those coarser wire that will do the work for them.

                          Greets JB,

                          ( yeah you know me )

                          Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          Hello Stephen,

                          Yes I agree there is not a lot of power...BUT, from Prime Mover...or Motor.

                          It is obvious as we all can notice Motor "hesitation" on lower RPM' Bulbs start to flicker as a monitoring guide. A typical failure from Symmetric Motors at low RPM's can't keep up high torque or power.

                          IMHO all this nice Generator needs is a stronger, faster and more economical running machine...then let's see assembly running more balanced...and self looping.

                          Peter said, if I remember right, that this device(s) needed more research and development...that they could not keep going cause of lack of funding...
                          Lack of Funding, unfortunately, restrict Us from testing better built machines...with high end accuracy and machining required for every single Electrodynamic exploring into different, more robust, more clever, reinforced and multiplied number of elements, modules, etc.




                          • My ass Jamie did it again.

                            Today i had to find the resonance point of one of my new coils, and where was the press.

                            Call the press for anyone who has made a joule thief, or tesla coils.

                            Its the selfrunner that would be cools, if he had resonance cools, nothing special ( fart and you have resonance )

                            And why fix the morroco one, while the taiwain model s broken

                            ( but i must stop typing here cause thise the VidBid thread )

                            I Jamie would have taken the time to work a few hours longer, like adding the rectifier, and pullin a switch and film to see what happens sofare when trying to selfrunn)

                            Oja, i forgot i made a positive critics thread,

                            Greets JB

                            FTW ( ill bet yall know what i think when i keep on hearing that " Fock The world" )

                            Ps: still no reaction on this one from Virgin



                            • Just a thought, when i test, i got wires are al over the place. ( unless i tidy up a bit for a YT movie, leaving all whats needed on top of the table, nothing runs under my table)

                              Then why does the mains cable from the motor run over the table, the wires to caps go over the table, but i dont see no wires from the light bulb ( unless they had the most time to fix the wires nicely under the table ?)

                              Greets JB


                              • @UFOPolitics

                                I don't really think it matters whether or not a magnetic field changes its' orientation while spinning. The only thing that matters is using that field in the most advantageous manner. Other than heat pumps and the like taking energy from the ambient, I haven't seen any repeatable proof of an electrodynamic gen/alt operation over unity. Of course, I'm talking about something to bring substantial heat and/or light into my house.

                                I don't understand why you think you are creating radiant energy. Taking this term from the days of Crooke and Tesla do we really have a solid definition and understanding of what radiant energy is?

                                If I flip the switch on and off quickly in my house with CFL they glow green. Do you not attribute that to "radiant"? Did I miss something in your videos?

                                Try making a neon bulb without the normal additive of argon and try to make it flash purple. I think you will find you cannot do it. It isn't just my opinion that argon will ionize and flash purple leaving the neon quiescent.

                                Isn't that why you have to tune your system to just the right level? I'm not the only person who thinks this. The first person who suggested this was viciously attacked. I remember even physical threats to either him or another one of your critics.

                                Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

                                Maybe you could blame all those "Ommmmming People" to a whole System of Control that has been allowed up to now by people that have accepted it -Blindly- as "NORMAL" and Typical Part of their life's...normally known as SHEEPLE'S...A System that has Seized/Censured/ all Kind of OLD SCHOOL of Engineering from the 1800's up to KATZ ...just thirsty to make more and more legal tender keep storing more and more power...FAT KATZ...Allowed to rule Us all...maybe if you realized this FACT...then you will understand those People...willing to see even a shimmering Light at the End of their Tunnel of Slavery...forced to use everyday just Farting, Obsolete Dinosaurs Machines...Diesel's, Gas...Gasoline...Oil...Transmission Fluids...Antifreeze...Brake Fluids...all kind of FLUIDS LETHAL TO EARTH.

                                But We WON'T very soon...

                                So I do like those I understand Them perfectly well...

                                Obviously You Do not.

                                This answer is reactionary and simply not correct. It is a simple matter to see the tyranny of fascism falling like a yoke around our heads.

                                I think I understand these people perfectly. They have so much hope for a happy future of freedom that such a device could bring that they have become gullible. They are filled with the emotional joy that comes from being with a group of like minded people believing what their heart sees and feels. They are so engulfed in their hope and this quest that they are easily deceived. From one shepherd to the next. Baaaaaa

                                You think I do not like these people? I love these people. I am a spiritual being. I love them enough to stand up and say that I believe this to be nothing but a scam. It will never put out ten kilowatts with a one horse input. It will never exceed the input....period! Nor will your devices.

                                Am I wrong? Prove it! Don't get mad. Don't get sarcastic. Show me the way in a clear, concise manner. I will be more than happy to apologize and buy a working system because I know how this ends. It will be either the peaceful transition that many of us are trying to manifest, or it will end with the power grid going down and starving people doing the unthinkable.

                                It is not these peoples fault. It is the fault of those who mislead and give false hope.

                                I understand perfectly well. I think you are the one who is confused.

                                That's the beauty of debate. I don't dislike you. I think we have a great deal in common. Except we are polar opposites on one issue.

                                I'm not a conventional thinking scientist so you can't say I would never understand. I think Turion's system shows great promise. I think Bedini makes the best battery charger on planet Earth. I think there is something special about both their systems. QEG---nothing. If I thought for second it was real I would throw money, time, and effort at it.

