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  • Non static

    Hi Ufo, so if you have a layer of coils fixed to a flat surface , and spinning, then add a layer of magnets (spinning opposite), more coils, ...just keep adding layers .?
    But everything is moving, Am I even close?


    • Originally posted by shylo View Post
      Hi Ufo, so if you have a layer of coils fixed to a flat surface ,
      Hey Shylo,

      Is not wound on a "flat surface"...but coils are "interleaved" within the "proper" magnetic field "flow" they get induced...

      and spinning,
      Yes, spinning...did you know Faraday discover that by just spinning a cylindrical magnet (made of conductive material of course)...and setting the Galvanometer on the "equator line" or center outer ring...while the other on the shaft, He got electricity out of this so simple "scenario"?

      What does this tells you?

      ...then add a layer of magnets (spinning opposite),...
      Nope, no need -for now- to spin them opposite my friend...everything spinning the same way...all as a only "unit"

      more coils, ...just keep adding layers .?
      Yes, after you really understand all the above...then adding more "Modules"...not exactly layers...
      But everything is moving, Am I even close?
      Yes...everything is moving, same static components...just a mass of magnets, insulators and copper...

      One thing this fact "enlightens" to all of that magnetic field is a completely separated "entity" from the magnet body or mass...We could "program" a piece of raw iron/ wrapping a coil and magnetizing it in a certain way...Physics would just say "We aligned all ferrite molecules in one direction...creating a magnet"...without actually and physically moving those molecules within...right?...Right...BUT, that comprehends ONLY what occurred on the metal mass...what about the "field"?... I would say we "programmed" that material to propagate "A Field" into interact with the Ether...or with the Vacuum...or plainly with Space.
      The FACT IS that We can "FEEL" that Field, is there, has an "elastic" could be "deviated", redirected...or amplified...or could deviate a light could deviate a flame...however, there is absolutely "no mass" attributed to this just propagates into space with "some strict limits"...and it could move other objects at a certain distance...does it moves along with the object that "generated" it..or "the magnet"...or is it "static" even though its creator is physically rotating?

      A "Program" like we could write some codes and make it run in a loop on our Servers...or PC...containing some ".exe" commands that send some "orders" to a "hardware"...and it could keep playing that loop over and over till we stop it...or it ceases to function because of some "external agent"...

      Also look at "The Geometry" how it should be in order that this works...that is very important.

      Faraday found the answer back in 1831, He was more excited about this "special property" of magnetism...than the Induction of the two pieces, magnet and wire, one moving, one "must be" static...nevertheless, We started building Machines that ignored this great attribute my friend...big error.


      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-19-2014, 03:23 AM.
      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • What do you reckon about the magnets in microwave ovens? In the magnetron? Ferrite, annular with about 2.5 inch diameter with 0.75 inch hole and half an inch thick? (most recycling centres have many of them which they are usually happy to get rid of strictly as spares only).


        • spinning

          Hi Ufo, you said , everything spinning as a complete unit??
          If the magnets and coils spin together as a fixed unit , how will the lines of flux be cut?
          My understanding is that ; the wires of the coil have to be induced by a constantly changing magnetic field, whether it be in strength or polarity?
          Also your last illustration, the yellow line is the coil correct? so does this send just a positive pulse of DC out ?
          Can you do an, end of view of that depiction??
          Your diagrams are the best, ....Your explanations leave my head spinning.
          Build it all with magnets and forget the steel.....steel doesn't like to let go of the magnet.


          • Sound good...

            Originally posted by wrtner View Post
            What do you reckon about the magnets in microwave ovens? In the magnetron? Ferrite, annular with about 2.5 inch diameter with 0.75 inch hole and half an inch thick? (most recycling centres have many of them which they are usually happy to get rid of strictly as spares only).
            Hello Wrtner,

            Sounds good, small but they have pretty strong magnetic fields?


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Originally posted by shylo View Post
              Hi Ufo, you said , everything spinning as a complete unit??
              Hi Shylo, yes that is exactly what I said...

              If the magnets and coils spin together as a fixed unit , how will the lines of flux be cut?
              You must think FIRST of the Spatial Magnetic Field (not magnet)...and the "theoretical" lines of force belong to the Magnetic Field, NOT to the Magnet...So, the Magnet could spin...but not the magnetic field...
              However, if You spin within the SAME ROTATIONAL SPACE RING, a North and a South...whenever the North body of magnet replaces the Space where the South "was" even in a nano enough to cancel the Spatial Lines of Force to Zero...So, the Rotational Space of each Pole MUST BE ONLY for that Pole, whether N or S...

              My understanding is that ; the wires of the coil have to be induced by a constantly changing magnetic field, whether it be in strength or polarity?
              Yes, that is also correct!...That was ONE of the WAYS Faraday Discover Induction back in 1831...BUT WHO TOLD YOU (Who did that harm to you Shylo?...)...That it was the ONLY WAY to "convert" Electrical Energy from Magnetic Fields??!!

              The Basic Abstract of Induction bolts down to "A Conductor of Electricity cutting the Lines of force from A Magnetic Field in a Perpendicular Angle (Faraday found out it could be even at 70º) will generate a current..."

              So, if We "separate" in our minds Magnet from Magnetic Two completely different Entities...where Magnet is just a "Hardware that was Programmed"...while Magnetic Field is the Executed Program "RUNNING THE FINAL PRODUCT"...then We will understand this whole thing better.

              Also your last illustration, the yellow line is the coil correct? so does this send just a positive pulse of DC out ?
              Can you do an, end of view of that depiction??
              Yes, this type of arrangement produces a DC Output..."a DC Output"...Shylo, "AC" is an "Artificially" produced current/electricity...where "An specific Machine when it rotates, produces a combination of "Plus and Minuses Values" represented through a Sinewave as seen in a Scope.

              A REAL Electricity, produced naturally through some chemical reaction is ALWAYS a DC Output.

              We also need to discern between "man fabricated products" and Natural ones.

              However, no problema...we get an Inverter...

              Your diagrams are the best, ....Your explanations leave my head spinning.
              Build it all with magnets and forget the steel.....steel doesn't like to let go of the magnet.
              Thanks, sorry about spinning your head...but maybe in one of those head get a heck of an idea...we never know friend...

              It does not need to be steel but a conductor of electricity...however, re-directing elements need to be "Ferro-Magnetic"

              Just magnets would produce low potential electrical power...not the one "They have taught Us" in order to run everything...and to get Potential (Voltage) we need coils...not Solid Discs.


              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                Hello Wrtner,

                Sounds good, small but they have pretty strong magnetic fields?


                It is hard to quantify. When stuck together, they can be separated, but with quite a lot of effort, and possibly the odd profanity.

                Here is a video of how they are extracted. Skip to the 4 min mark.



                • Thanks

                  Originally posted by wrtner View Post
                  It is hard to quantify. When stuck together, they can be separated, but with quite a lot of effort, and possibly the odd profanity.

                  Here is a video of how they are extracted. Skip to the 4 min mark.

                  Hey Wrtner thanks!

                  Yeah, after reading about Beryllium consequences...I rather keep using my Speaker Magnets...they look strong...but really not that much...not like Rare Earth Neo's...which would be the ideal type, since their Field Propagation is way bigger that would allow Us more room to elongate our also much stronger .

                  But, anyways thanks Wrtner

                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • [QUOTE=Ufopolitics;252414]Hi Shylo, yes that is exactly what I said...

                    You must think FIRST of the Spatial Magnetic Field (not magnet)...and the "theoretical" lines of force belong to the Magnetic Field, NOT to the Magnet...So, the Magnet could spin...but not the magnetic field...
                    However, if You spin within the SAME ROTATIONAL SPACE RING, a North and a South...whenever the North body of magnet replaces the Space where the South "was" even in a nano enough to cancel the Spatial Lines of Force to Zero...So, the Rotational Space of each Pole MUST BE ONLY for that Pole, whether N or S...

                    Hi UFO , trying to see if I can add a quote, If you rotate the coil with the magnets , will the same part of the coil not always see the same magnetic field?
                    If I sandwich a coil between 2 magnets ,on a central shaft, then spin it, is that the basics of this machine?
                    When you spin a magnet the field it is projecting moves with it, so you can't " spin the magnet...but not the field" or am I wrong?
                    One thing I have found is ,if you spin a disc of all same pole magnets you create the opposite pole at the center ,and the circumference. This isolates the lines of force to a specific area. Might turn out to be useful?

                    Looking forward to your progress.


                    • Defining Concepts...

                      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                      Hi Shylo, yes that is exactly what I said...

                      You must think FIRST of the Spatial Magnetic Field (not magnet)...and the "theoretical" lines of force belong to the Magnetic Field, NOT to the Magnet...So, the Magnet could spin...but not the magnetic field...
                      However, if You spin within the SAME ROTATIONAL SPACE RING, a North and a South...whenever the North body of magnet replaces the Space where the South "was" even in a nano enough to cancel the Spatial Lines of Force to Zero...So, the Rotational Space of each Pole MUST BE ONLY for that Pole, whether N or S...
                      Hi UFO , trying to see if I can add a quote, If you rotate the coil with the magnets , will the same part of the coil not always see the same magnetic field?
                      Hi Shylo,

                      Nope, realize the Coil is moving within a Static Field...while magnet also spins...apply Faraday..."Conductor CUTS the lines of force of a Static Magnetic Field in a perpendicular fashion..."
                      If I sandwich a coil between 2 magnets ,on a central shaft, then spin it, is that the basics of this machine?
                      Exactly right!...BUT...You must define/clarify in your mind... what kind of Magnetic Field that Magnet is projecting RELATED to the spinning Shaft.

                      When you spin a magnet the field it is projecting moves with it, so you can't " spin the magnet...but not the field" or am I wrong?
                      One thing I have found is ,if you spin a disc of all same pole magnets you create the opposite pole at the center ,and the circumference. This isolates the lines of force to a specific area. Might turn out to be useful?

                      Looking forward to your progress.
                      Look Shylo, what I am trying to define here is pretty simple...and I can NOT do ANY PROGRESS IF You guys do not understand me or "picture" the BIG Difference...and TRUST ME, this concept will radically redefine the way we see every machine out there.


                      Above is a 3D Model I generated for you...

                      Please note that no matter how fast I spin that shaft...the NORTH FIELD will ALWAYS BE on your Right side...while the South Field would be on Left.

                      Now, Imagine the Cylindrical Magnet inside is a Holographic Projector...that simply generates that Transparent Toroidal Field 3D Picture with Blue-Red half Donuts... at 360º SPHERICAL PROJECTION into Space...imagine its projecting Lens are a Sphere.

                      Ok, so rotate that Projector through Shaft...and you will see, absolutely NO change in that Field Holographic Picture Color Positioning...

                      CORRECT SO FAR?

                      Now let's change the type of "Projection Image" of that EXACTLY SAME Cylindrical Projector shuts out to below:


                      What happens now when you rotate that shaft?...Does the 3D Holographic Image changes the colors positioning?


                      Yes, it WILL CHANGE the "Colors" to a point -in speed increase- that it will create a perfect BLEND of mixing RED+BLUE... we will see a PURPLE Toroid...
                      That is EXACTLY what happens whenever you rotate Magnetic Fields this way...and the way WE ALL have been designing Electrodynamic Machines (so far) is by using the SECOND type of "Projection" my friend...

                      And must of Us have never noticed this...just because we have always considered the Magnetic Field as a "Secondary and not that Important Component"...Now, every Motor or Generator we have ever built...except the N-Machine or Faraday Homopolar Disc and other cylindrical concepts/tests He some experimental models...use this type of projection.

                      On the Second Projection (Radial) used everyday...every single time we rotate that shaft, and the North and South swap SPATIAL POSITIONING...they cancel each others to a BIG ZERO on Space Force/Strength and lines of force...BUT, an even more important side is when we use electromagnets, instead of Permanent Magnets...and that is a very common deal on real, every time we rotate a radially projected Electromagnet...we REVERSE the FLUX within that METAL CORE...So we have to "refill" back every time, NOT STARTING FROM SCRATCH OR ZERO...BUT FROM -FIELD...MINUS FIELD means that Core was SOUTH...and in order to SCALE BACK to NORTH FIELD it MUST travel -all the way- from SOUTH TO NORTH Passing through a ZERO OR NEUTRAL POINT...then draw increases every nano a point of Saturation, we all consider "NORMAL LOSSES" in consumption due to a rotating electromagnetic Generator or a Motor as Magnetic Drag or Friction...BUT THEY ARE NOT! descends to "nickel and dimes"...if we would have utilized the FIRST APPROACH...Plus all other consequences related to the Interactions they perform with other static or rotary fields...travels like a "Domino effect"...

                      Example: A very "new" design of a Mecc Alte Brushless Rotary Exciting Fields Two Pole Rotor exposed on my bench...a typical radial excitation.


                      That is a "Geometry" We all must fix...if we want to reach our goals.

                      I want to clarify something explanation above is not "adding" confusion:

                      What am basically referring here are Spatial Distant Projected Magnetic Fields, almost NOT "noticeable" when we use very tiny AIR GAPS, like is recommended whenever designing Electrodynamic Machines...utilizing the closest surface areas of both CORES of whether all electromagnets or permanent magnets and electromagnets combinations, we are using the MINIMAL SPATIAL AREA next to Cores, and that is where field starts generating, therefore stronger...however, the concept still applies for the Spatial explanation above.
                      Plus considering high speed rotations...this changes in Magnetic Field drop/refill will never be noticed.

                      Regards Friend

                      Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-23-2014, 05:09 PM.
                      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                      • Start small

                        Hi UFO, I think I understand,....the magnets are moving ,but the field is static..??
                        Does the 180 degrees of free rotation from the magnet, to the earths' magnetic field, .. add?
                        How much force does the earths magnetic field exert?
                        Still spinning.


                        • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                          Hey Wrtner thanks!

                          Yeah, after reading about Beryllium consequences...I rather keep using my Speaker Magnets...they look strong...but really not that much...not like Rare Earth Neo's...which would be the ideal type, since their Field Propagation is way bigger that would allow Us more room to elongate our windings...
                          Disc magnets, especially with a hole in them, are hard to find and very expensive when found.

                          Can we use block magnets, accepting a reduction in performance?


                          • Phi Transformer

                            The Phi Transformer might be the way, but modified so that the toroid spins with the magnet.

                            I am starting to sense an experiment proposal in the process of forming.

                            Phi Transformer (Opposite to Induction Motor)

                            Hey guys, you surely heard about transformer, but some of you might never heard about the PHI transformer, actually it is FI transformer and the interesting thing is that, it generates the Voltages of the frequency given by the formula f = (n * p)/120, where

                            n = speed of the rotating bar magnet inside

                            p = no. of poles per phase

                            f = frequency of voltage generated

                            This machine consist of a rounded structure called yoke, which is laminated as shown in figure and winded with a coil, the number of coils decides the frequency as explained before. In between the yoke there is a bar magnet which rotates with a RPM of n revolutions per second, and create a rotational magnetic field as same as induction motor, and generates the voltages.
                            The above diagram shows the basic principle behind the generation of the voltages.

                            Source: Electronics basics: Phi Transformer (Opposite to Induction Motor)

                            Last edited by vidbid; 03-30-2014, 09:05 PM.



                            • @wrtner, you can use block magnets its just a matter of how you arrange them, you can create an amplified field if you think about it, research the borderlands build, with 12 block magnets on each side you can make some strong flux through the disc, UFO will probably understand what I'm getting at.


                              • Qeg misses a fulwave bridge rectifier, and in some other ways its just doesnt makes sence they way they show it. And whats that cable doing going of the table on the left, and the woman says, once into resonance the lights will go off, does she know what she is talking about, or she just a spokes woman?
                                Last edited by JohnnBlade; 04-04-2014, 10:05 PM. Reason: Correction

