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Planet Earth Free Energy, from Faraday 1831 to date.
Geo centric
Hello All.
Now that we are discussing the Earth, I ask you to approach watching this video with an open mind.
It mentions why Aether had to be written out of history. It clarifies why Tesla is ignored and Einstein and the like promoted. edited by MasterBlaster; 02-28-2014, 10:43 AM.
I highly recommend this Free E-Book: The Evolution of Matter...It will greatly help Us to "Digest" many aspects, many laws...and many phenomena that Classic Physics can not...or have not taught Us.
There is also another side to this coin rarely mentioned which should fill in the gaps. Two other scientists named Ampere and Weber were also developing theories around the same time as Faraday and performing a great deal of experiments. The missing piece relates to Weber Electrodynamics which was all but forgotten because nobody knew what to do with it. The science we know is not the only science known but more so popular opinion.
You see Weber discovered a force which should not exist that nobody could fully explain. Now if we merge the two thoughts we may see that there is another field of science which was never acknowledged (Weber) and there is a good reason why explained by Gustav Le Bon. We tend to fear and disregard things we do not fully understand which do not fall in line with popular opinion.
ACLast edited by Allcanadian; 02-28-2014, 02:16 PM.
UFO thank you for posting book by Le Bon. I am quite surprised. I understand why in 1949 the photovoltaic was developed and why the development was so obscured. They took credit for his work and failed to disclose this. A major cover up by dishonorable dick heads and I just started reading it.
This is an awesome share ! UFO
My Pleasure.
Originally posted by mikrovolt View PostUFO thank you for posting book by Le Bon. I am quite surprised. I understand why in 1949 the photovoltaic was developed and why the development was so obscured. They took credit for his work and failed to disclose this. A major cover up by dishonorable dick heads and I just started reading it.
This is an awesome share ! UFO
Yes, exactly...but this is just "The Tip of a HUGE Iceberg" my still Scuba Diving on huge depths and still can not find its end...but recording all info on my way down...
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post@Ufo
Another book by Gustav Le Bon that I consider mandatory reading is "The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind" which will put many things in perspective. Namely how people can justify the things they do and the things they think which are quite insane. In order to think differently and see the other perspective first we must understand how and why we think the way we do.
There is also another side to this coin rarely mentioned which should fill in the gaps. Two other scientists named Ampere and Weber were also developing theories around the same time as Faraday and performing a great deal of experiments. The missing piece relates to Weber Electrodynamics which was all but forgotten because nobody knew what to do with it. The science we know is not the only science known but more so popular opinion.
Thanks AC,
I will read them ALL as well, in the Evolution of Matter, Le Bon dedicated a long chapter named "Objections"...with full details of all objections made to His Claims that were proven in so many Lab Work (He also have an extensive Chapter at very end where ALL His test are exposed in FULL Detail...and this is what I like about Scientists that gets hand on work and DO Things experimentally in order to PROVE their Claims...I do not like the ones that are "Pencil Pushers"...Mathematicians, Physics Professors of Universities, frustrated because they never could get a REAL Job Building Einstein...or Hendrik many, many more.
You see Weber discovered a force which should not exist that nobody could fully explain. Now if we merge the two thoughts we may see that there is another field of science which was never acknowledged (Weber) and there is a good reason why explained by Gustav Le Bon. We tend to fear and disregard things we do not fully understand which do not fall in line with popular opinion.
Faraday only gave the "Theory of the Lines of Force" being Directly Proportional to the number of conductors, as the speed of rotation...but how in this world could a pencil pusher bureaucrat ever find out how many lines were on a Magnetic Field?!
Faraday used Polarization/De-fragmentation of Light through an MF with transparent materials of all kind inserted between...also reporting light deviation and rotation because of Magnetic Field Forces...a full chapter on this ...
Actually Faraday never wrote the actual Mathematical Equations for Induction was written by his followers/scholars and other Scientists that helped him like James Clerk Maxwell. (I still have to post the Book He wrote on His Space Theories about Magnetic Fields/Induction.
And you briefly explained the reasons in above quoted text.
Now, my friend...We (We, as all Humanity) took the wrong turn...between the middle to fall of the 1800's and the first years of the 1900's.
We could blame some part to Human reaction in front of the "unknown", plus the "very difficult material" to write in numbers and equations...but mainly, We had at that time some very powerful enemies making sure the truth will never be revealed...and they did a heck of a job...they did not care about spending fortunes on this conspiracy, since it will guarantee the wealth of many of their families future generations.
The System that we live in now, do not "create" out of nowhere INDEPENDENT Scientists of the type of Faraday, Le Bon, Maxwell, Weber, Ampere, etc...and so many more in this past decades from 1800's to early 1900's...just looking at Nikola Tesla history, we realize what "They" did with Him...but now is even worst...All Scientific Development well funded, is done through Corporations...they handle the "Legalization of the Art Work" written on the Corp's name...Scientist obtain some Material Benefits...a well paid career...and a nice Signature on "NDA Contracts" or Inventor Secrecy Act Laws...and that means the End of our Evolution.
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
In many parts of the world the Google Books cannot be read or seen so I include here a link to another forum where a member provided download possibilities for the Le Bon book 'Evolution of Matter' you mentioned and there is another 'Evolution of Forces'. Here is the thread at the ou forum:
I found Gustave Le Bon's missing book called "Synthetic Radioactivity"!
rgds, Gyula
Thanks Gyula!
Originally posted by gyula View PostHi UFO,
In many parts of the world the Google Books cannot be read or seen so I include here a link to another forum where a member provided download possibilities for the Le Bon book 'Evolution of Matter' you mentioned and there is another 'Evolution of Forces'. Here is the thread at the ou forum:
I found Gustave Le Bon's missing book called "Synthetic Radioactivity"!
rgds, Gyula
Here is the link for "Evolution of Forces"
The Evolution of Matter, as they say in OU, is not necessarily about "Synthetic Radioactivity"...but even more He explains that every Matter, every Material...could become radioactive by a simple alloy (fusion process with other material) process...according to its atomic not necessarily has to be Radium...or Uranium...Cobalt, etc,etc
He changes the Attributes/Properties of Aluminum by adding small amounts of Mercury...dissolved in water...a small "jungle" starts growing on its surface...
Simple materials...also like Tin.
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 03-02-2014, 09:54 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
The modern understanding of electricity parted ways with Aether science. It is evident that bias toward avenues of science that reported to finance portfolio management cut funding to aether science. The limiting factor to progress of modern alternative science is the ability to see thru the established errors.
A school of aether science would empower inventors to make better progress.
came across this info on a forum on aircrafts thought it might interest you :
Working on Aircraft My whole life. We always had to ground the airframe to the ground to remove static elecricity that can pop someone on the head and knock them out. That's when I started thinking about a Star Trek Stun Setting on their faser guns. I have seen guys knocked right out after walking under an area of an aircraft right after fight, A big PO on the head will knock you out cold. I think that would be better than teaser guns used by police. Maybe Someone could figure out how to use that kind of energy. Ya Think?? OH YEAH To ground air craft is to a copper rod about 12 feet long in the ground with just a couple inches high in a small hole on the ground. TAKES ALL THE SPARK AWAY. Ya Think??
Originally posted by Ufopolitics View PostPart 4
Earth Equator Line And Commercial Flights...
Now, please note that there are absolutely NO International Flights (Continent to Continent) flying (following) through Equator Line...or even the Tropics of Cancer or Capricorn...even though it is the shortest distance?
Then read all "Hypothesis" that Aviators are taught by "Officials/Authorities" as "possible causes"...that generates Turbulence and electrical-electromagnetic malfunctions of on board sensitive equipment... when flying over the Equator Line
The ITCZ (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone)
Or even for "Clear Blue Skies"...The CAT (Clear Air Turbulence)
Turbulence Over The Equator — Civil Aviation Forum |
This Guy offers a pretty good and different theory...Circumference of Planet Earth around Equator...versus Northern or Southern circumference...versus Earth Rotating Speed.
Here is a similar version related to the "Great Circle" (The Equator)
Air Travel: Why don't airplanes typically fly by equator? - Quora
Now, the fact is that Planes DO CRASH when trying to fly on Equator line...for a steady long period of time.
Ufopolitics“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Typical Induction still applied today...Part 1
Hello to All,
I need to come back to this order to fast review the Typical Induction Methods that are still in use today, related to ALL our Generators (referring to Generators available in the Market Shelves now ) ... based on the same old Methods, back to Faraday first days in 1835 discoveries of Induction.
And please...I know there are many new, advanced and excellent theories about Magnetism going on right now on this Forum...however, however, I will like to keep it FIRST...on typical "Vocabulary" We are all familiar with...this will ease the explanations, as well as the Conclusions...Thanks.
Whenever We conduct a search on line about ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION...or consult ANY Books related to magnetism...We get two simple and basic explanations, the first one I draw it above:
FIG 1- A Magnet (square or cylindrical shape) in front of a square or cylindrical HOLLOW coil ...
FIG 2- Then we observe as we approach Magnet (or could be the other way around: Approach Coil to Magnet, it does not matter) ...the point is that we observe a STARTING POSITIVE deflection on Galvanometer (Analog), or Digital matter which one We use.
FIG 3- We already see Magnet at end of its race towards the interior of Coil. and at this point there is a MAX Deflection observed on Meter.
FIG 4- As We start pulling away Magnet...the deflection goes back to zero and keeps traveling into the Negative Zone...(on DMM's Screen We see a Minus Sign in front of Voltage Value)
We also know that whenever we approach magnet and coil (not to deviate by which one moves and which one is static, that is all "noise"), coil starts a "SPATIAL" Magnetic Reaction within its embodiment, which reaction POLARITY OPPOSES our Magnet Polarity. We may not feel this opposition as Magnet and Coil approach each other, just because we are using either small coils, weak magnetic fields but MAINLY...BECAUSE We are NOT LOADING COIL.
This Opposing Reaction occurs at Entering both well as when they start moving away from each others. If We observe this Two Reactions ...They are BOTH, completely SYMMETRICAL, MIRRORED...just exactly like that.
Now, another Typical "SCENARIO" we learn for Induction is shown in Diagram below:
The difference here is that Magnet is NOT entering INSIDE COIL...but the EMPTY, HOLLOW Coil (or conductor(s)) is passing by a Magnetic Field ruled by a North in front of a South Poles.
If you noticed, in both FIG 3's of each Diagram, I have shown deflection on Galvanometer to be different, nope it is NOT an error...the "weaker" by not reaching the "V+" end is in this last (2nd) type of set up/scenario...and this is completely REAL, and you guys could do this testing case you have any doubts...
All this Stuff, most of Us are very familiar with...
My question is...WHY?...Why do you think it is STRONGER when Cylinder travels WITHIN Coil...than when it just "passes by" a Magnetic Field?
And of course. the perfect and fair comparison would be to use same coil of wire...and same magnet(s) when testing both methods...and yes, you could use TWO of those same magnets that you just introduced ONE within Coil...
... the second type of induction, Faraday Law states (and by the way, that "Law" was NOT, NEVER written by Michael Faraday himself) states that ONLY the Vertical part of the Coil Conductors, passing through the Magnetic Fields Lines of Force would be the ones Generating/Inducing Electricity.
And this is a reality, a fact...that only those conductors CUTTING the Lines of Force PERPENDICULARLY (90º angle) to the Lines of Force...are the ones that "Induce" a voltage...most of Us, knows that also...but how is that determined? to establish which conductors are vertical based on what?...since lines of force are multiple...meaning, CONFIGURING a whole SOLID 3D CUBE between both N-S Poles? is completely determined by the Way Coil(s) are Moved related to Magnetic Fields, meaning VECTOR OF MOVEMENT, versus LINES OF FORCE:
And of is "better" THEN, that We consider using SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR COILS SHAPES instead of round...that way every "Vertical" wire would be MORE DEFINED WITHIN A "PERPENDICULARITY" related to the magnetic lines of force...
Then if We have...:
We have Two set of Coils (FIG 1 and FIG 2) where both are running with arrow direction THROUGH TIME...BUT, on FIG 1, We have straight aligned Coils...but on FIG 2 We have Overlapped Coils...(same number of turns...), which one would be best at that movement through time?...of course...the overlapped coils would do a more "organized" sequential order when passing through Magnetic Field represented as the Black-Grey 3D Cube...besides, we could allow more room for more overlapped coils connected in SERIES.
This is the Typical Type of Induction that prevails in our Generators.
But...let's go back...Hey, what ever happened to the question on the Bar Magnet ENTERING EMPTY COIL?...Did You guys figured it out by now?...or still...
However...Our Classic Physics have "ADOPTED" this later the Main and Prevailing way when it comes to designing and building Generators of ANY kind out there...
To be continued...
Regards to all
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 08-24-2014, 05:15 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Redirection-Transfer of Magnetic Poles into Iron Cores...Part 2
Hello again,
One ESSENTIAL SIDE to understand Actual Induction in existing Generator an Attribute Magnetism contains intrinsically...the Property to "Transfer or Redirect" its Magnetic Polarity into Iron, Ferrous Materials (They call it magnetic alignment of their atoms...molecules, magnetic domains etc,etc) as iron cores approach the SPATIAL MAGNETIC FIELD...Now, depending on the properties of this steel, iron to retain magnetism...then the capacity to "switch ON-OFF" from redirection polarity as magnet or electromagnet "leaves" or "enters" the AIR GAP/ FIELD SCOPE where there is FULL TRANSFER in Strength without touching it. It is understood that if there is physical contact between magnet-iron bar, then strength would reach MAX Values, but this is not the case when analyzing typical Generators, since they do not "touch" Rotor-Stators.
Picture below shows different Air Gaps...
I set different shades of Blue-Red...from Pale to Stronger colors of Red and represent Magnetic Strength becomes higher as Air Gap becomes smaller.
This are real, typical reactions of magnetism, as there are many Machines that utilizes this Transfer to work...and you guys could test this simple facts
An example is the Car Alternator "Rotary Stator" or Exciting Fields below:
This Magnetic Attribute is ESSENTIAL in order to understand actual Generators, from this point of view, as their rotating Static Poles or "Exciters" (to set a common type) oriented N-S (Two Pole Generator) FIRST MAKES THIS MAGNETIC REDIRECTION TO IRON CORES, BEFORE STARTING THE INDUCTION, We will all understand how they can generate as much with just one Pole sweeping the Induced Coils or Fields...
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 08-24-2014, 06:16 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Redirection-Transfer of Magnetic Poles into Iron Cores...Part 3
Hello to All,
Ok, so on Diagram below I have set a "ROTARY REDIRECTION"...on an Eight Pole Laminated Iron Stator Core...No Coils yet, therefore, no Induction.
On FIG 1 We have the Rotor Magnet positioned in perfect alignment with P1-P5, therefore, magnetic polarity reflects as shown, fully to max values.
FIG 2 is a "Transition" between Two Poles above (P1-P2) and Two Poles below (P5-P6) following rotation as curved may seem that Magnetic Strength (according to color shades) is identical, since Rotor is positioned EQUALLY distant from all Four Poles...Right?
but it is NOT!...if you look at Arrows direction on each adjacent pole One is coming OUT while the other one is getting IN...
One Pole have traveling OUT magnetic flow...While the POLE where Rotor is APPROACHING TO is receiving magnetic flow IN.
On FIG 3 I just finished the Cycle at Aligned Position of Magnetic Rotor with P2 & P6 to show the start of another stage...
If We all realize what is going on really simple.
Magnetically Polarized Rotor is Extending its magnetic polarity alternatively and sequentially (through time) to each independent pole, no matter if they are all mounted in an outer full/closed ring...the majority of the iron core mass is on each single pole.
My previous question...Why Cylinder Magnet entering Hollow, Core-less Coil...Induces more Energy than just a Core-less Coil passing through a N-S Magnetic Field ?...simple, the MAGNET BODY, ITS METAL, is sharing the same SPATIAL 3D VOLUME as COIL SPATIAL MAGNETIC FIELD by stepping INWARDS and all the way to fill completely coil length for a MAX INDUCTION...
If We look again at above Diagram...We visualize that Rotor is INJECTING (Expanding) then RETRACTING (Call back time) its MAGNETIC FIELD through each and every single pole element in the whole Stator Structure given the rotation shown...and doing it through a sequentially, timely order, regulated by a steady speed.
Without this Redirecting Action taking place...there would not be Induction...and if any at all, would be very weak.
Following Post would complicate more "things" as I will add coils and reflect Lenz Law Oppositions to Rotation...
I am sure, that by understanding this ESSENTIAL part completely, it would help Us a lot, to visualize other means of generating Magnetic Induction...through different Machines...
Regards to All
UfopoliticsLast edited by Ufopolitics; 08-25-2014, 03:04 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Induction and Lenz Law...Part 3
Ok, so now we have:
A Close up of previous Diagram/(FIG 2), but with Induced Coils at Interacting poles only...
Analyzing Lenz Law (Opposing Forces):
P1: Since Rotor Magnetic North Pole is "Pulling away" from P1, Lenz Law will generate an opposite reaction, in this case an External/End South Pole towards Rotor which will try to attract it.
P2: Rotor North Magnetic Field is entering P2, so based on Lenz, it will generate an opposing reaction as the North Rotor approaches...P2 end pole will then become North.
The same exact action-reaction occurs at 180º apart...except that the Entering and Pulling primary polarity from Rotor would be South...still Lenz Counter Forces apply related to South Pole entering, leaving.
P5: As Rotor South Pole pulls away from P5, Counter Forces will become North, attracting it against rotation.
P6: Rotor South Pole is Entering P6, Counter forces will become North...trying to repel entering forces.
And so on during the whole 360º then repeating again...and again.
It is the same exact deal, as in my first Diagram on this series of posts, shown below, again...and that we are all familiar with...except one have linear movement (In-Out) and here it is based on Rotation:
Analyzing Induction per Pole/Coil:
In order to analyze Energy Induced, let's adopt a "Convention" depending on Coil wire turning directions, and considering all coils are turned the same way...then, let's say that whenever North Pole from Rotor Enters Pole-Coil it would output a Positive Sine Wave (Blue)...a Sine wave because we have a smooth transition, delivered by rotation at approach and leave stages...So when South Enters it would generate a Negative Sine Wave (red).
Then We have:
P1: Rotor North is pulling away, so it would output a Red (Negative Sine-wave).
P2: Rotor North is entering P2 Pole/Coil, it then would generate a Positive (Blue) Sine.
P5: Rotor South is leaving, P5 Coil/Pole, then it will generate a Plus, Positive Blue Sine-wave.
P6: Rotor South is entering...according to our convention it would be a Negative (red) sine wave generated...
This way every full magnetic transfer/induction at 180º of Rotor Alignment with corresponding 180º apart same timing, if we connect them in series, (P1-P5=T1 +P2-P6=T2)...they will generate a Full Sine Wave, or Plus-Minus, Positive-Negative Wave during the whole sweeping angle.
Generators do not work or interact per "single pole" with Rotor also being a single pole width... like I have shown in the above examples...but normally Exciter Rotor expand with the "T" Elements through several poles of Stator/Generating Fields, as windings overlap as well, comprehending same geometrical Arc as Rotor per turns.
I did it like this for sake of simplicity and easier understanding...
UfopoliticsPrinciples for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
The analogy to earth and motors brings questions of why practical applications of Faraday principals advanced progressively why the same problems occur in more complicated arrangements. I bring up the old instructional movies because terminology and vast array of types of motors can bring some unity to discussion.
A study of early motor or generator development of how and why changes were made can be understood from the two videos DC and AC.
Looking at the AC four pole synchronous the geometry of the flux. The N-S-N-S poles and flux geometry. By that time had become an arc.
Interesting in DC movie the neutral plane, the relationship to the location of the brushes and phase distortion produce highly energetic quality battery charging sparks. Even though at the expense of brushes, heat and current draw are not practical the geometry of flux allowed the increase in speed of motor. In design the speed of the motor is usually related to counter EMF.
In permanent magnet motor I think a neutral plane should exists such as seen in a spark quench where the placement of magnets gives an energetic effect.
In many different experiments involving bucking fields such as Walter Russell optical-dynamo thought to be category space time others say it was somehow
related to gravitation. I think that between cones was explored using iron filings, it formed ring like saturn. This field could cut lines of force. The disk shape could be virtual hollow or type of Iron.Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-25-2014, 10:50 PM.