DePalma spinning ball not effect of aerodynamics
The spinning ball goes up higher FASTER and goes out further and comes down FASTER as well.

Many conventional believers have tried to dismiss the results as aerodynamic effects but the NASA example does not even apply.
This diagram above that you reference is showing a horizontal axis and is showing lift is 90 degrees perpendicular to that axis.
The spinning ball experiment of DePalma is spinning with a VERTICAL axis meaning any aerodynamic effects according to the NASA website would be in the horizontal plane.
Nice try but no cigar.
For extraluminal propagation, you should study Dollard's old Longitudinal presentations from Borderlands.
Originally posted by I_Like_Science
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Many conventional believers have tried to dismiss the results as aerodynamic effects but the NASA example does not even apply.
This diagram above that you reference is showing a horizontal axis and is showing lift is 90 degrees perpendicular to that axis.
The spinning ball experiment of DePalma is spinning with a VERTICAL axis meaning any aerodynamic effects according to the NASA website would be in the horizontal plane.
Nice try but no cigar.
For extraluminal propagation, you should study Dollard's old Longitudinal presentations from Borderlands.