Theory of Anti-Relativity by Eric P. Dollard 3
Steinmetz here transforms all space dimension relations of distance along the transmission line from centimeters to LIGHT - SECONDS. The Light - Year is an equivalent metrical relation.
This is given as,
(9) Centimeters, or Centimeter - Second per Second,
Or, in the form of
(10) Velocity - Second, or Centimeter
Hence, the space dimension of distance, in centimeters, has been replaced by the product of Luminal Velocity, c, in centimeters per second, and the Time, t, in seconds, or light - seconds, ct, in a manner like Minkowski. Space factors and time factors are rendered additive thru velocity measure. This methodology allowed Steinmetz to discover previously unknown transient waves on transmission systems. Here given is the Steinmetz Theory of Relativity, a basic, easy to understand engineering tool. Late in his life C. P. Steinmetz wrote an entire book on his view of a General Theory of Relativity.
It should be noted that the Relativity of Steinmetz, and its velocity measure, is only useful in a Transverse Electro-magnetic situation. This is such in an E.M. transmission line as found in power and telephone work. Here all propagation is in terms of the factor one over c square. For situations involving transformer windings, or the networks utilized by the transmission systems of N. Tesla, E.F.W. Alexanderson, or even G. Marconi, this system of Relativity is not applicable. Propagation in these configurations cannot be represented by one over c square, nor any velocity at all. See the “Transmission and Reception of Telluric Electric Waves”, by E. P. Dollard.
The mathematical work of C. P. Steinmetz follows a basic engineer’s path as originated by Oliver Heaviside. It also is primarily directed into the dimension of time, little is given on the dimension of space, other than in a relation involving a propagation velocity, or for the determination of inductance and capacitance. Steinmetz methods fall short when propagation in transformer windings are involved. Here one must turn to the later efforts of L. V. Bewly, in “Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems”.
It is, in the transmission systems here discussed, the inductive fields of electricity are not involved in a motional metallic - dielectric geometry. That is to say, the inductors and the capacitors are stationary in space. However these have been given in a condition of relative motion internally, as with parameter variation. Here the inductive fields of induction are CLOSED within the metallic - dielectric geometry, which in its self is stationary in space.
The theory of relativity as expressed by Einstein involves a condition where the inductors and capacitors, along with their magnetic and dielectric fields respectively, are forcibly moved about in space. Here the electric induction is made to move at a velocity other than that of its natural velocity. The writings of J. J. Thompson deal extensively with this condition but Einstein makes no reference to this important work. With Einstein’s Relativity the electricity is forced into a motion beyond its own force of movement.
An example is a common bar magnet, engendering an extensive magnetic field of induction. When the magnet is at rest its magnetic lines of force exhibit only internal aetheric motions, outside this they are stationary. However, if this magnet is forced into motion, the magnetic lines of force react to this force of motion. This is a reactive force, much like the E.M.F. As with the E.M.F. or the brakes on a car, this reactive force only manifests during a change in velocity with respect to time.
(11) Velocity per Second, or Acceleration,
(12) Centimeter per Second Square
If the velocity remains constant the reactive force is zero. This is to say, if the magnet is moving at a uniform velocity, as well as its inductive field, no forces are developed. However, the energy consumed by this motional accelerative force upon the magnet is partly given to the momentum of the mass of the magnet and partly to a stored energy in the magnetic field. Now a condition exists where a magnetic field has an apparent mechanical momentum, just as does the physical mass of the magnet. Hence the total momentum is greater than if the body of the magnet was not magnetized. One may wrongly infer the physical body gains mass in proportion to the energy of momentum. In actuality, it is stored by the magnetic field of induction. The Einsteinian concept is that the magnet gets “heavier”, as the magnet moves faster, ignoring the electrical momentum. This is faulty reasoning from the standpoint of the Faraday - Thomson understanding of electric induction. It is considered that this inertial, or reactive force, gains a considerable magnitude, as well as the quantity of stored energy, this when the velocity of the magnet nears luminal velocity. If the motional velocity is equal to the luminal velocity, the magnitude of the line of force, and the quantity of the stored energy is infinite. Here represented is the so called “limiting velocity of the speed of light, the axiom of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The bar magnet is considered to “gain mass” in a certain proportion to the velocity of the magnet, becoming infinite at luminal velocity. Hence, nothing can go faster than light, or even as fast for that matter. Very simple idea, but founded upon a faulty inference when considered electrically.
Oliver Heaviside wrote quite extensively on the subject of the motional electric field, but this is ignored. He may as well have not even written it. No wonder he painted his fingernails pink! One fact unmentioned here with regard to the relativistic theory is the bar magnet carries with it a magnetic field of induction, where as, in general physical mass does not. Is it then a limiting velocity condition for “un-charged” matter? Or is it all matter carries some amount of electric induction, which gives rise to a limiting velocity? To consider the gross physical mass as an increase with its physical velocity, ignoring the momentum of the electric field, seems absurd. Here lay the lack of watertight integrity in the Titanic of Einstein’s Relativity. See page 22 to 24, “Electricity and Matter”, J. J. Thompson, and “Occult Aether Physics”, by W. Lyne.
Electricity, Atomic Science, and Relativity:
It has been developed thus far the general meaning of the concept One Over c Squared. Hence a broader understanding of what is meant by the “speed of light” has been obtained. The factor, c, is best not considered a velocity, it is a proportionality ratio of time and space. By virtue of c being a ratio it is dimensionally equivalent to a velocity, but c should not be considered a velocity in and of itself.
Also given has been that light should not be considered a material projection, it is not, light is not the “Cereal Shot From Guns”. It has a propagation of the medium itself. For a motional transmitter, the so called “Doppler Effect” maintains the energy balance, raising the frequency in proportion to the motional velocity of the transmitter. The wavelength accordingly gets shorter. Thus the luminal velocity of the transmitted wave is always c, a constant. The concept of “hysteresis, or velocity,” was touched upon.
Finally, it was given thru the Faraday - Thompson concepts, that the mechanical momentum and the electrical momentum are two distinct forms of energy storage. This obviates any so called “Mass - Energy Equivalency,” no E equals mc squared. It is in reality, not relativity, the momentum of the electric field itself that grows asymptotically in magnitude when the physical velocity nears luminal velocity. These ideas are based upon the very foundation of Electrical Theory. This is shown in “Electricity and Matter”. Albert Einstein ignores these concepts in his Theory of Relativity, they just do not exist. This is given in “Occult Aether Physics”. Einstein has substituted a form of mysticism to replace logical reasoning, he is a mystic.
Reviewing the writings of J. J. Thompson, Atomic Science is here seen to emerge in its infant form. Concepts now considered the realm of Albert Einstein, in actuality were those of J. J. Thompson. For example, in his book “Electricity and Matter”, the idea of the Planck, a quantity of induction, is given, quote from page 63;
“The Faraday tubes stretching thru the Aether cannot be regarded as entirely filling it. They are rather to be looked upon as discrete threads embedded in a continuous Aether, giving to the latter a fibrous structure; but if this is the case, then on this the view we have taken of a wave of light the wave itself must have a structure, and the front of the wave, instead of being, as it were, uniformly illuminated, will be represented by a series of bright specks corresponding to the places where the Faraday tubes cut the front.” Hence the Planck, Q. Here Thompson gives its size as that of a unit Faraday Tube, this being one Coulomb. So, how bit is a Planck?
Steinmetz here transforms all space dimension relations of distance along the transmission line from centimeters to LIGHT - SECONDS. The Light - Year is an equivalent metrical relation.
This is given as,
(9) Centimeters, or Centimeter - Second per Second,
Or, in the form of
(10) Velocity - Second, or Centimeter
Hence, the space dimension of distance, in centimeters, has been replaced by the product of Luminal Velocity, c, in centimeters per second, and the Time, t, in seconds, or light - seconds, ct, in a manner like Minkowski. Space factors and time factors are rendered additive thru velocity measure. This methodology allowed Steinmetz to discover previously unknown transient waves on transmission systems. Here given is the Steinmetz Theory of Relativity, a basic, easy to understand engineering tool. Late in his life C. P. Steinmetz wrote an entire book on his view of a General Theory of Relativity.
It should be noted that the Relativity of Steinmetz, and its velocity measure, is only useful in a Transverse Electro-magnetic situation. This is such in an E.M. transmission line as found in power and telephone work. Here all propagation is in terms of the factor one over c square. For situations involving transformer windings, or the networks utilized by the transmission systems of N. Tesla, E.F.W. Alexanderson, or even G. Marconi, this system of Relativity is not applicable. Propagation in these configurations cannot be represented by one over c square, nor any velocity at all. See the “Transmission and Reception of Telluric Electric Waves”, by E. P. Dollard.
The mathematical work of C. P. Steinmetz follows a basic engineer’s path as originated by Oliver Heaviside. It also is primarily directed into the dimension of time, little is given on the dimension of space, other than in a relation involving a propagation velocity, or for the determination of inductance and capacitance. Steinmetz methods fall short when propagation in transformer windings are involved. Here one must turn to the later efforts of L. V. Bewly, in “Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems”.
It is, in the transmission systems here discussed, the inductive fields of electricity are not involved in a motional metallic - dielectric geometry. That is to say, the inductors and the capacitors are stationary in space. However these have been given in a condition of relative motion internally, as with parameter variation. Here the inductive fields of induction are CLOSED within the metallic - dielectric geometry, which in its self is stationary in space.
The theory of relativity as expressed by Einstein involves a condition where the inductors and capacitors, along with their magnetic and dielectric fields respectively, are forcibly moved about in space. Here the electric induction is made to move at a velocity other than that of its natural velocity. The writings of J. J. Thompson deal extensively with this condition but Einstein makes no reference to this important work. With Einstein’s Relativity the electricity is forced into a motion beyond its own force of movement.
An example is a common bar magnet, engendering an extensive magnetic field of induction. When the magnet is at rest its magnetic lines of force exhibit only internal aetheric motions, outside this they are stationary. However, if this magnet is forced into motion, the magnetic lines of force react to this force of motion. This is a reactive force, much like the E.M.F. As with the E.M.F. or the brakes on a car, this reactive force only manifests during a change in velocity with respect to time.
(11) Velocity per Second, or Acceleration,
(12) Centimeter per Second Square
If the velocity remains constant the reactive force is zero. This is to say, if the magnet is moving at a uniform velocity, as well as its inductive field, no forces are developed. However, the energy consumed by this motional accelerative force upon the magnet is partly given to the momentum of the mass of the magnet and partly to a stored energy in the magnetic field. Now a condition exists where a magnetic field has an apparent mechanical momentum, just as does the physical mass of the magnet. Hence the total momentum is greater than if the body of the magnet was not magnetized. One may wrongly infer the physical body gains mass in proportion to the energy of momentum. In actuality, it is stored by the magnetic field of induction. The Einsteinian concept is that the magnet gets “heavier”, as the magnet moves faster, ignoring the electrical momentum. This is faulty reasoning from the standpoint of the Faraday - Thomson understanding of electric induction. It is considered that this inertial, or reactive force, gains a considerable magnitude, as well as the quantity of stored energy, this when the velocity of the magnet nears luminal velocity. If the motional velocity is equal to the luminal velocity, the magnitude of the line of force, and the quantity of the stored energy is infinite. Here represented is the so called “limiting velocity of the speed of light, the axiom of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The bar magnet is considered to “gain mass” in a certain proportion to the velocity of the magnet, becoming infinite at luminal velocity. Hence, nothing can go faster than light, or even as fast for that matter. Very simple idea, but founded upon a faulty inference when considered electrically.
Oliver Heaviside wrote quite extensively on the subject of the motional electric field, but this is ignored. He may as well have not even written it. No wonder he painted his fingernails pink! One fact unmentioned here with regard to the relativistic theory is the bar magnet carries with it a magnetic field of induction, where as, in general physical mass does not. Is it then a limiting velocity condition for “un-charged” matter? Or is it all matter carries some amount of electric induction, which gives rise to a limiting velocity? To consider the gross physical mass as an increase with its physical velocity, ignoring the momentum of the electric field, seems absurd. Here lay the lack of watertight integrity in the Titanic of Einstein’s Relativity. See page 22 to 24, “Electricity and Matter”, J. J. Thompson, and “Occult Aether Physics”, by W. Lyne.
Electricity, Atomic Science, and Relativity:
It has been developed thus far the general meaning of the concept One Over c Squared. Hence a broader understanding of what is meant by the “speed of light” has been obtained. The factor, c, is best not considered a velocity, it is a proportionality ratio of time and space. By virtue of c being a ratio it is dimensionally equivalent to a velocity, but c should not be considered a velocity in and of itself.
Also given has been that light should not be considered a material projection, it is not, light is not the “Cereal Shot From Guns”. It has a propagation of the medium itself. For a motional transmitter, the so called “Doppler Effect” maintains the energy balance, raising the frequency in proportion to the motional velocity of the transmitter. The wavelength accordingly gets shorter. Thus the luminal velocity of the transmitted wave is always c, a constant. The concept of “hysteresis, or velocity,” was touched upon.
Finally, it was given thru the Faraday - Thompson concepts, that the mechanical momentum and the electrical momentum are two distinct forms of energy storage. This obviates any so called “Mass - Energy Equivalency,” no E equals mc squared. It is in reality, not relativity, the momentum of the electric field itself that grows asymptotically in magnitude when the physical velocity nears luminal velocity. These ideas are based upon the very foundation of Electrical Theory. This is shown in “Electricity and Matter”. Albert Einstein ignores these concepts in his Theory of Relativity, they just do not exist. This is given in “Occult Aether Physics”. Einstein has substituted a form of mysticism to replace logical reasoning, he is a mystic.
Reviewing the writings of J. J. Thompson, Atomic Science is here seen to emerge in its infant form. Concepts now considered the realm of Albert Einstein, in actuality were those of J. J. Thompson. For example, in his book “Electricity and Matter”, the idea of the Planck, a quantity of induction, is given, quote from page 63;
“The Faraday tubes stretching thru the Aether cannot be regarded as entirely filling it. They are rather to be looked upon as discrete threads embedded in a continuous Aether, giving to the latter a fibrous structure; but if this is the case, then on this the view we have taken of a wave of light the wave itself must have a structure, and the front of the wave, instead of being, as it were, uniformly illuminated, will be represented by a series of bright specks corresponding to the places where the Faraday tubes cut the front.” Hence the Planck, Q. Here Thompson gives its size as that of a unit Faraday Tube, this being one Coulomb. So, how bit is a Planck?