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  • Theory of Anti-Relativity by Eric P. Dollard 3

    Steinmetz here transforms all space dimension relations of distance along the transmission line from centimeters to LIGHT - SECONDS. The Light - Year is an equivalent metrical relation.

    This is given as,

    (9) Centimeters, or Centimeter - Second per Second,

    Or, in the form of

    (10) Velocity - Second, or Centimeter

    Hence, the space dimension of distance, in centimeters, has been replaced by the product of Luminal Velocity, c, in centimeters per second, and the Time, t, in seconds, or light - seconds, ct, in a manner like Minkowski. Space factors and time factors are rendered additive thru velocity measure. This methodology allowed Steinmetz to discover previously unknown transient waves on transmission systems. Here given is the Steinmetz Theory of Relativity, a basic, easy to understand engineering tool. Late in his life C. P. Steinmetz wrote an entire book on his view of a General Theory of Relativity.

    It should be noted that the Relativity of Steinmetz, and its velocity measure, is only useful in a Transverse Electro-magnetic situation. This is such in an E.M. transmission line as found in power and telephone work. Here all propagation is in terms of the factor one over c square. For situations involving transformer windings, or the networks utilized by the transmission systems of N. Tesla, E.F.W. Alexanderson, or even G. Marconi, this system of Relativity is not applicable. Propagation in these configurations cannot be represented by one over c square, nor any velocity at all. See the “Transmission and Reception of Telluric Electric Waves”, by E. P. Dollard.

    The mathematical work of C. P. Steinmetz follows a basic engineer’s path as originated by Oliver Heaviside. It also is primarily directed into the dimension of time, little is given on the dimension of space, other than in a relation involving a propagation velocity, or for the determination of inductance and capacitance. Steinmetz methods fall short when propagation in transformer windings are involved. Here one must turn to the later efforts of L. V. Bewly, in “Traveling Waves on Transmission Systems”.

    It is, in the transmission systems here discussed, the inductive fields of electricity are not involved in a motional metallic - dielectric geometry. That is to say, the inductors and the capacitors are stationary in space. However these have been given in a condition of relative motion internally, as with parameter variation. Here the inductive fields of induction are CLOSED within the metallic - dielectric geometry, which in its self is stationary in space.

    The theory of relativity as expressed by Einstein involves a condition where the inductors and capacitors, along with their magnetic and dielectric fields respectively, are forcibly moved about in space. Here the electric induction is made to move at a velocity other than that of its natural velocity. The writings of J. J. Thompson deal extensively with this condition but Einstein makes no reference to this important work. With Einstein’s Relativity the electricity is forced into a motion beyond its own force of movement.

    An example is a common bar magnet, engendering an extensive magnetic field of induction. When the magnet is at rest its magnetic lines of force exhibit only internal aetheric motions, outside this they are stationary. However, if this magnet is forced into motion, the magnetic lines of force react to this force of motion. This is a reactive force, much like the E.M.F. As with the E.M.F. or the brakes on a car, this reactive force only manifests during a change in velocity with respect to time.

    (11) Velocity per Second, or Acceleration,


    (12) Centimeter per Second Square

    If the velocity remains constant the reactive force is zero. This is to say, if the magnet is moving at a uniform velocity, as well as its inductive field, no forces are developed. However, the energy consumed by this motional accelerative force upon the magnet is partly given to the momentum of the mass of the magnet and partly to a stored energy in the magnetic field. Now a condition exists where a magnetic field has an apparent mechanical momentum, just as does the physical mass of the magnet. Hence the total momentum is greater than if the body of the magnet was not magnetized. One may wrongly infer the physical body gains mass in proportion to the energy of momentum. In actuality, it is stored by the magnetic field of induction. The Einsteinian concept is that the magnet gets “heavier”, as the magnet moves faster, ignoring the electrical momentum. This is faulty reasoning from the standpoint of the Faraday - Thomson understanding of electric induction. It is considered that this inertial, or reactive force, gains a considerable magnitude, as well as the quantity of stored energy, this when the velocity of the magnet nears luminal velocity. If the motional velocity is equal to the luminal velocity, the magnitude of the line of force, and the quantity of the stored energy is infinite. Here represented is the so called “limiting velocity of the speed of light, the axiom of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The bar magnet is considered to “gain mass” in a certain proportion to the velocity of the magnet, becoming infinite at luminal velocity. Hence, nothing can go faster than light, or even as fast for that matter. Very simple idea, but founded upon a faulty inference when considered electrically.

    Oliver Heaviside wrote quite extensively on the subject of the motional electric field, but this is ignored. He may as well have not even written it. No wonder he painted his fingernails pink! One fact unmentioned here with regard to the relativistic theory is the bar magnet carries with it a magnetic field of induction, where as, in general physical mass does not. Is it then a limiting velocity condition for “un-charged” matter? Or is it all matter carries some amount of electric induction, which gives rise to a limiting velocity? To consider the gross physical mass as an increase with its physical velocity, ignoring the momentum of the electric field, seems absurd. Here lay the lack of watertight integrity in the Titanic of Einstein’s Relativity. See page 22 to 24, “Electricity and Matter”, J. J. Thompson, and “Occult Aether Physics”, by W. Lyne.

    Electricity, Atomic Science, and Relativity:

    It has been developed thus far the general meaning of the concept One Over c Squared. Hence a broader understanding of what is meant by the “speed of light” has been obtained. The factor, c, is best not considered a velocity, it is a proportionality ratio of time and space. By virtue of c being a ratio it is dimensionally equivalent to a velocity, but c should not be considered a velocity in and of itself.

    Also given has been that light should not be considered a material projection, it is not, light is not the “Cereal Shot From Guns”. It has a propagation of the medium itself. For a motional transmitter, the so called “Doppler Effect” maintains the energy balance, raising the frequency in proportion to the motional velocity of the transmitter. The wavelength accordingly gets shorter. Thus the luminal velocity of the transmitted wave is always c, a constant. The concept of “hysteresis, or velocity,” was touched upon.

    Finally, it was given thru the Faraday - Thompson concepts, that the mechanical momentum and the electrical momentum are two distinct forms of energy storage. This obviates any so called “Mass - Energy Equivalency,” no E equals mc squared. It is in reality, not relativity, the momentum of the electric field itself that grows asymptotically in magnitude when the physical velocity nears luminal velocity. These ideas are based upon the very foundation of Electrical Theory. This is shown in “Electricity and Matter”. Albert Einstein ignores these concepts in his Theory of Relativity, they just do not exist. This is given in “Occult Aether Physics”. Einstein has substituted a form of mysticism to replace logical reasoning, he is a mystic.

    Reviewing the writings of J. J. Thompson, Atomic Science is here seen to emerge in its infant form. Concepts now considered the realm of Albert Einstein, in actuality were those of J. J. Thompson. For example, in his book “Electricity and Matter”, the idea of the Planck, a quantity of induction, is given, quote from page 63;

    “The Faraday tubes stretching thru the Aether cannot be regarded as entirely filling it. They are rather to be looked upon as discrete threads embedded in a continuous Aether, giving to the latter a fibrous structure; but if this is the case, then on this the view we have taken of a wave of light the wave itself must have a structure, and the front of the wave, instead of being, as it were, uniformly illuminated, will be represented by a series of bright specks corresponding to the places where the Faraday tubes cut the front.” Hence the Planck, Q. Here Thompson gives its size as that of a unit Faraday Tube, this being one Coulomb. So, how bit is a Planck?
    Aaron Murakami

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    RPX & MWO


    • Theory of Anti-Relativity by Eric P. Dollard 4

      In his “Electricity and Matter” J. J. Thompson establishes the concept of Atomic Energy, pre-dating Einstein by a decade. To quote, from page 111;

      “Let us take the case of the Hydrogen atom for which n equals 1000, (n is the number of Faraday tubes, or electronic corpuscles), and take for a the value usually assumed in the kinetic theory of gases for the radius of the atom, i.e., 10 to the minus 8 centimeter. Then the energy is 1.02 time 10 to the plus 19 ergs; this amount of energy would be sufficient to lift a million tons thru a height exceeding one hundred yards.” Here J. J. Thompson gives not only a dimensional relation for Atomic Energy, but establishes the size of the Planck via the tubes of induction within the Hydrogen atom. Thompson gives 1000 corpuscles, we say one electron. Hereby given is a dielectric induction, psi, in Coulomb, of 1000 lines per electron. The Planck can now be quantified. How is it that Einstein ignores all of this information in his Theory of Relativity?

      In order to better understand the Einstein concept of “Relativity” certain concepts must be given;

      (1) Galilean Transformation
      (2) Lorentz Transformation
      (3) Minkowski Space - Time

      These subjects are normally out of the realm of Electrical Engineering. In brief, the Galilean Transform affixes a point of reference in space from which to observe motions in that space. Nothing is attributed to space itself. Here derived is the concept that the Earth is not the center of the Universe, it only appears so when moving with the Earth. When the system of co-ordinates for observation is “Transformed” from those of the Earth to those of the Sun, the Sun now appears the center of the universe. This transformation process can be carried, stage by stage, until a co-ordinate system at universal rest is reached, the “Cosmic Ground”. Nikola Tesla achieved this thru electrical means. Einstein’s Relativity says this is not possible, no Cosmic Ground can be found. Everything is relative, and must be so.

      Einstein replaces the idea of a Galilean Transform with that of the Lorentz Transform. The Lorentz Transformation is in some ways like the Doppler effect, it is a numeric factor by which the impedance to motion increases asymptotically as the motional velocity nears luminal velocity. It is given by the relation,

      (1) One minus the ratio of the velocity square to c square

      Denoting this relation as the factor gamma square, this is the difference of alpha square and beta square, it is given by

      (2) Gamma square, or alpha square minus beta square

      Here alpha equals one, and beta is defined as the ratio of motional velocity, v, and the Luminal Velocity, c. Hence relation (2) represents that of a hyperbola. Hereby gamma square is

      (3) One squared minus v squared over c squared

      The Lorentz transform is then defined as one over gamma, and it is unity for zero motional velocity, and is infinite for a motional velocity of the speed of light. Hence the impedance to physical motion is infinite at a velocity of c, via relativistic reasoning. However is it that this is only valid for charged particles and not gross physical matter?

      Because the Lorentz transform is the square root of a hyperbolic function, it can be inferred here by the existence of another “so called Universe” where a particle cannot slow down to the speed of light. Hence a pair of conditions exist here. One group of particles cannot be accelerated up to the speed of light, and a conjugate group of particles cannot be de-accelerated down to the speed of light. Wow Mr. Wizard, Einstein never told us that!

      Minkowski space - time has already been discussed, but in review, Cartesian third order space is made Minkowski fourth order space by the addition of a fictitious co-ordinate, or length, derived as a light - second, ct. To be “cool” Minkowski affixes a versor operator, the square root of minus one, to this fictional length. Gaussian co-ordinates are utilized.

      Combining terms from the versor hyperbolic function of the Lorentz transform to the terms of the Minkowski four - space produces a resultant 16 co-ordinates, (or wrongly dimesions). Consider the versor operator on the fourth co-ordinate, or light - second, here exists four distinct “space - time continuums” in two quadrature time frames, all this with the velocity of light as a common pole. This has now become in-ordinatly overcomplicated, but thru the lawyer style skill of the Einsteinian Physicists all terms are erased that do not fit the chosen idea. It may be inferred that A. Einstein was not much of a mathematician, and by ignoring J. J. Thompson he was not much of a scientist. Not a mathematician, not a scientist, not an engineer, so just what was Albert Einstein anyway? He was a Mystic.

      Basic electrical knowledge is based upon the theories known as “Faraday - Maxwell”. Out of this basic “arch-form” have grown the

      (1) Maxwell - Thompson Theory
      (2) Maxwell - Heaviside Theory
      (3) Maxwell - Lorentz Theory
      (4) Maxwell - Einstein Theory

      It is that Maxwell has many interpreters, but where is Maxwell’s words? This is much like Christianity. Many religions, many churches, but no Jesus. Jesus is not a welcome guest in any church, nor is Maxwell. Here given is an intrinsic property of Human Society. It is written, it is invariably terminal, Jesus at age 33.

      In the advancement of electrical engineering theory C. P. Steinmetz dropped Maxwell all together. Hereby Steinmetz developed his important transformer equations, the very foundation of transformer theory. The first vestige of a theory on longitudinal electric waves is seen here. Steinmetz primarily directed his efforts to the metrical dimension of time, using ideas and terms finding their origin in Oliver Heaviside. The dimension of space is primarily treated only in terms of a velocity, that is, as space - time. In his development of the Faraday concepts and inductance & capacitance the dimension of space is considered on its own, but to a limited extent. It seems that we just simply cannot separate space from the velocity of light.
      The Lamare Longitudinal Transmission Experiment/N.F.G Interlude:

      I received Lamare’s package of material, very good to see the activity it has roused. I am not sure as to how the spherical antenna is made, nor the field patterns it engenders so I can offer no comment.

      Plenty of N.F.G. here in Lone Pine. Here N.F.G. for me was the Annenburg Foundation of Los Angeles. Useless Einsteiners. Same story, Oh yes I will help you, let me store your driveshaft, it will be fine. Then it all vanished. Duped again. Further, oriental mysticism blocks my writing on forum!

      I fail to understand why what I have shown repeatedly thru experiment and theory just seems to fly over everyone’s head. I use no more than high school science and math. The impediment can only be attributed to a pathological mysticism, or mental retardation. While the latter is intrinsic, the former is induced. Is it no surprise that the only man in Lone Pone who gets what I am saying is a truck driver, Bart. My Einstein series was initiated by him and is thus dedicated to him.

      The mystical experience is the force which moves one to science. It is transitory. The mysticism dissolves into Science and then bears fruit as Engineering. Mysticism, as defined in my writing, is not transitory. It is continuous and thus hates Science. Without a mystery the mystic is no longer the priest. This is a Platonic Epistemology. It is based upon Faith, not upon Reason. This is a necessity in Christianity, however in the majority of situations this Faith is based upon nebulous reasoning. With Lawyer like skill it’s factors change meaning depending upon their position in space, time, or “attitude”. Platonic reasoning is ultimately Totalitarian. See “Occult Science Dictatorship” by Lyne.

      This Platonic reasoning is next taken up by Einstein and formed into a Kabalistic-Existentialist view of physical reality, this in direct conflict with Nature’s Laws. Einstein is the image of an ultimate and infallible creature who should be regarded as a God. The i force society of today is the flower, me, my, I, and you, you’re a piece of ****! Here lay the foundation for the extinction of Science and Engineering in the U.S.A. Wow, Mr. Wizard, do they want to kill us? See the Commonweal - Michael - Lerner, Judaic - Buddistic Global Religion Philosophy. To say any more on Einstein would be, as Oliver said, “Slaying the slain.” Let dead dogs lay.

      However, to continue pandering, Bearden takes us right back to mysticism. But more so, he is a dis-informer making sure no one figures out Tesla. What would Israel say about “Tesla Weapons” in Iran? Or, would we want them in the hands of Israel?

      Then we have the Corum, K.L. and J.F. This is the P.E.E.E. Forget them, no Tesla knowledge exists here. And then A. Puharich (not real name). Remember at the “Last Supper” R. Josh Reynolds cut funding to A. Puharich, stating I had done more on Food Stamps than he had with millions of dollars. I am QRU on all this. In reality only I seem to be able to understand Tesla and I guess that should make me feel good, so that’s that.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Theory of Anti-Relativity by Eric P. Dollard 5

        At this time I am engaged in the study of details for the continuation of Inductance and Capacitance series of writings. The established dimensional relations are N.F.G., even in the writings of C.P. Steinmetz. Too many canceled dimensions thru unit values, and lots of missing versors in space. For example, in Inductance calculations the radius of a circle is a line, the circumference of a circle is a circle. Here we have two distinct co-ordinate systems, or vector expressions, a kind of space quadrature. Thus

        c = 2 πr Centimeters

        is not vectorally complete, it is

        c = 2 πkr Centimeters

        where k is a versor operator. Hence it is that c and 2πr are not interchangeable. Here is an important complication in the dimensional relations for Inductance and Capacitance.
        As for the factor pi over two in the Longitudinal Velocity, it represents an integration and is not an actual velocity, per-se. This pi over two also can result from improper derivation of the distributed constants for transmission structures. This is shown in the paper (I.R.E.) “Electrical Oscillations in Antennae and Induction Coils”, J. Miller, 1919.
        The propagation of a Transverse Electro-Magnetic Wave is given by the dimensional relation

        Centimeter per Second,

        Or Velocity, v

        This represents the ratio of space, centimeter, to time, second.

        In a conjugate form the propagation constant of a Longitudinal Magneto-Dielectric Wave is given by the dimensional relation,

        Per Centimeter, per Second,

        Or per (Centimeter - Second)

        Counter - Velocity, u.

        This is the ratio of counterspace, per centimeter, to time, seconds.

        In an alternate form of expression, the T.E.M. propagation constant is the square root of the product

        Henry per Second, Mu


        Farad per Second, Epsilon.

        And for the L.M.D. propagation constant, it is the square root of the product

        Per (Henry - Centimeter)


        Per (Farad - Centimeter)

        The composite propagation constant hence is the superposition of the velocity, v, and the counter velocity, u. The two are not dimensionally additive so a versor and a dimensional transform of centimeter square is required.

        The T.E.M. wave is always along the axis of the metallic geometry, tangent to the metallic boundary. Such is given by the “Co-axial Cable”. Conversely, the L.M.D. wave is always perpendicular to the axis of the metallic geometry, normal to the metallic boundary. Such is given by the “Transformer Winding”. The resulting complex propagation of v and u is a spiral with a tilt angle from the metallic axes of the coiled winding. Where T.E.M. waves drag into the metallic (electron flow) the L.M.D. wave bypasses the metallic (no electron flow) hence no Ohmic resistance. The factor pi over two is the composite propagation for only a unique set of parameters. See “The Oscillating Coil” part of the “Theory of Wireless Power” E.P. Dollard. Note here that errors found a way into the tables, but the equations are right. Now why could not the Corum’s figure this out? Why is it they make no reference to any work on this by Blume, Bewely, Dollard, and etc? The Corums, Well?

        One very important fact that escapes notice (Meyl, et al) is that Tesla’s transmission networks are Mono-Polar. The dipolar concepts so dear to all now swirl down the toilet bowl (burp). Forget Bearden, Forget Meyl, it is crap for the crapper! Tesla circumvents the concept of plus and minus, there is one pole only, plus. Here is a true “Single Phase” Alternating Current, one wire only. This is a philosophically disruptive concept for the God vs. Devil duality. God has no opposite pole, it is one, positive only. This is the secret to the Tesla transmission concept. Action vs. Reaction now is voided.

        When considering a resonant coil in its fundamental mode of oscillation, as the Tesla “Extra Coil”, the potential e at the terminal end is 90º (Ï€/2 radians) ahead in time phase compared to the E.M.F. E at the lower end. This is given by the relation

        E = (b/a)*jE


        e, the Electrostatic Potential in Volts

        E, is the Electro-Motive Force in Volts

        a, is the Power Factor

        b, is the Induction Factor of the Oscillating Coil

        It is hereby seen that no circulation of flux lines is possible, hence the coil becomes “Longitudinally Transmissive.” Potential e and E.M.F. E exist in separate time frames. This relationship cannot be produced by a two wire (T.E.M. quarter wave line because here the laws of circuitation rule. It must be a single wire so configured as to allow propagation normal to the axis of the metallic boundary, (L.M.D.).

        Hereby enclosing the electrostatic terminal of a Tesla transmission system within a metallic sphere will fail to shield the radial dielectric lines of force, whereas a dipolar system within the metallic sphere cannot get out of this sphere except that leaking thru the transmission line entry opening. It is that simple, but no one gets it. Every one jumps back to Bearden, Corum, Meyl, and stays mystified, WHY?
        Aaron Murakami

        Books & Videos
        RPX & MWO


        • Theory of Anti-Relativity by Eric P. Dollard 6

          Certain considerations present themselves when applying the notion of “Antenna Gain” with regard to T.E.M. and L.M.D. propagation. The directivity of T.E.M. waves is based on the spatial dimensional relation of area. High gain is a large aperture, centimeter square, (a big dish). It is given dimensionally as

          Area equals

          Width times k*Height

          This is a cross product, k is the right angle operator, a versor of dimensionless form. Wave propagation is normal to the surface of this area of width cross height, on the axis of versor k. Heaviside calls this

          Vwh = l

          The transverse product of width and height is length. V is his vector product operator.

          The situation is much different for the L.M.D. wave. Directivity here is co-linear, or axial. Dimensionally it is given as

          Length times Length

          Equals Length squared

          Wave propagation is co-linear with this length squared. This axial “Antenna” must now be counter - spatial in form, that is, it must be subdivided. The apparent physical length here is now only an integrated resultant derived from the summation of counterspatial spans. A ruler with 16th inch spans has a physical length of one foot. Hereby it may be that a “Big Dish” is not the way to go for L.M.D. waves.

          However, by another line of reasoning, since we have no established Truths as of yet, consider “Electric Sound Waves” in the Aether. After all that is what Tesla said. See Thornberg’s work on “Maxwellian electric sound waves in the Aether”. So it is required to make an electrical analog to sound. Helmholtz works to cover this but Heaviside points out the math is no good.

          The P and S seismic wave analog looks good. What is needed is an alternative to Mu in Henry per centimeter and Epsilon in Farad per centimeter. In the L.M.D. theory it is not Mu nor Epsilon but per (Henry - cm) and per (Farad - cm). This is seen in the P & S wave papers sent to me by Lamare. Tesla praised Helmholtz but it may take another Oliver to make it work. Here a “Big Dish” may work.

          Finally, I put out on the “Heretical Builder” forum an Alexanderson “Antenna” for the 160 meter ham band. It is a scalar (space) wave guide structure and has no wavelength, hence “space scalar”. This network is scaled upon the 18.6 kilo-cycle version made for the Navy at station KET, Bolinas, California. A scale of 100 to 1 was selected hence 18.6 kc becomes 1860 kc, a ham frequency. This network produces a Longitudinal Dielectric form of propagation, with no magnetic component. Pure “Dielectric Waves” ala J.J. Thomson. Space scalar transmission may be possible between identical units in phase sync. A great ham radio project, but you will not find it in QST. But no one makes it, has Ham radio, once considered a National Technical Asset, now become a useless hobby of self denial? If so, the F.C.C. will no longer consider it valid and take steps to phase it out of existence by some “911 phantasy laws”. So do we run back to Bearden’s dipoles smashing electrons on the 405 freeway, back to Meyl’s Edmund Scientific Toys, and back to the Corum math masterbations upon the resonant coil, back to the feet of the one wing parrot? I hope not!

          Einstein, Tesla, and the Wizard of Oz:

          Einstein and his theories can be expressed by an animal story: As understood thru his writing Relativity as a “package of ideas” is in many ways similar to the “egg of the coo-coo bird”. The coo-coo bird builds no nest of its own, it looks for the right next among those other birds. Here found it lays its egg in the selected next of another bird. Upon hatching its chick forces the others out of the nest, over the side. Such is the growth cycle of Relativity, as given by Einstein.

          In order to understand the Einsteinian reasoning certain logical relationships are taken from “Relativity”, by Albert Einstein, Random House Publisher, 1916, page 50. Here given is;

          (1) Proposition (A) is Electro-Dynamic Theory, Maxwell - Lorentz.
          (2) Proposition (B) is Relativistic Theory Einstein - Minkowski.
          (3) There are many experiments in favor of (A), or also in favor of (B).
          (4) These experiments “limit the theoretical possibilities” so that only (A) holds to the test of experience.
          (5) Certain experiments conform to (A) thru an “Auxiliary Hypothesis” which is “extraneous without (B).”

          Consider Einstein’s statement on the same page 50;

          “In the theoretical treatment of these electrons we are faced with the difficulty that electro-dynamic theory of itself is unable to give an account of their nature.” “For since electrical masses constituting the electron would necessarily be scattered under the influence of their mutual repulsions, unless there are forces of another kind operating between them the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us.”

          Forces of another kind, you mean the dielectric lines of force, removed from obscurity by the Faraday - Thompson concept of induction? Every electron is a motional terminus of a quantity of dielectric lines of force, these lines contracting and stretching like rubber bands, giving motion to the terminus electron. The thermionic electron contracts, pulling the electron, the cathode ray stretching, pulled by the electron. In the former case the lines of force are dissipated, in the latter case the line of force are projected, both cases the electrons assume ray like motion, with non participating lines of force filling the voids, directing the electrons. Hence, it is the electrons travel in straight lines, that is, rays.

          These facts have been known from the initial invention of the “Vacuum Tube” by Sir William Crookes, leading to the extensive experimental work into atomic science by J. J. Thompson, and Nikola Tesla. It is here seen that the so-called electron is only a shadow, its apparent physical mass is only an electrical momentum. There is no rest mass to an electron. It is given here the electron is no more than a broken loose “hold fast” under the grip of the tensions within the dielectric lines of force. They are the broken ends of the split in half package of spaghetti. Obviously this reasoning is not welcome in the realm of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Are we to believe that Einstein had no prior knowledge of the most prominent theoretical and experimental work of his time?

          Continuing from “Relativity” by Albert Einstein, page 51.

          “The second class of facts to which we have alluded has a reference to the question whether or not the motion of the Earth in space can be made perceptible in terrestrial experiments.”…”All attempts of this nature led to a negative result.” Einstein’s Relativity leads to the conclusion that no point of reference in the Galilean sense can actually exist, that is, all points of reference are relative to each other. This relativity is in a Lorentz transform rather that a Galilean Transform. No absolute reference possible, it is everything is relative. This is tantamount to the denial of the existence of God. Forgotten is that relativity did not find favor in its day, for this very reason, it is atheistic. Like Existentialism, or Cubism, Relativism represents a most destructive philosophical construct by which to afflict modern man. The destructive philosophical forces flowered as the “Third Reich”.

          The monophasic dielectric forces developed thru the work of Nikola Tesla nullify relativistic relations. Tesla, thru a unique space-time hysteresis electrically “grounded” to a zero order Galilean coordinate system. It is also the cathode ray projector tubes utilized by Tesla in his atomic studies also nullify relativistic relations. Tesla’s remarks about “radiant matter” indicate the existence of cosmic rays of immense penetrating power moving fifty (50) times faster than the velocity of light (Le Sage particles). Here Albert Einstein is in direct contradiction with the experimental researches of Nikola Tesla, and in complete ignorance of the experimental researches of J. J. Thompson. Einstein “layed his egg” in the “nest of Faraday”. From here it is that “Theoretical Physics” is henceforth divorced from “Electrical Science”. In turn Theoretical Physics made a “Wh*re” of Maxwell, the “offspring” of Faraday.
          Recently, in the “Los Angeles Times” newspaper, a series of page long editorials were given on Einstein, this as “Damage Control” over the European C.E.R.N. superluminal particle experiments. The L.A . Times is harsh, stating that C.E.R.N. was irresponsible, and must ask for permission to publish such findings! Later editorial writings express Einstein as the supreme authority, the spiritual master, etc. Well, after all, He pushed to make an E equals mc squared bomb to effect the genocide of the German People. A real holy man, don’t you think?

          In epilogue, when Albert Einstein came to America, amid the accolades, and the fanfare, he was naturally introduced to T. A. Edison, the “Axle grease and timbers” all American Scientist-Inventor. The “coyote like” Edison cunningly produced one of his company intelligence tests for Einstein to complete. Einstein did not do so good on Edison’s company examination, he did not know the speed of sound! Is it possible here that Einstein is just another version of Marconi, both in defiance to Tesla. Finally, January 1, 200 A Time Magazine cover declares Albert Einstein the “Man of the Century”. We verily have been duped!

          So here we stand. We have penetrated the Giant One Winged Parrot. While the multitudes have been quivering at the feet of this awesome idol, the Poodle went around to the rear of it, revealing no more than a diminutive circus operator at a small control panel. This formidable idol is no more than a giant CIRCUS PROP! Now can we go back to Kansas?

          73 DE N6KPH SK
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • Keeping up to speed

            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Certain considerations present themselves when applying the notion of “Antenna Gain” with regard to T.E.M. and L.M.D. propagation. The directivity of T.E.M. waves is based on the spatial dimensional relation of area. High gain is a large aperture, centimeter square, (a big dish). It is given dimensionally as

            Area equals

            Width times k*Height

            This is a cross product, k is the right angle operator, a versor of dimensionless form. Wave propagation is normal to the surface of this area of width cross height, on the axis of versor k. Heaviside calls this

            Vwh = l

            The transverse product of width and height is length. V is his vector product operator.

            The situation is much different for the L.M.D. wave. Directivity here is co-linear, or axial. Dimensionally it is given as

            Length times Length

            Equals Length squared

            Wave propagation is co-linear with this length squared. This axial “Antenna” must now be counter - spatial in form, that is, it must be subdivided. The apparent physical length here is now only an integrated resultant derived from the summation of counterspatial spans. A ruler with 16th inch spans has a physical length of one foot. Hereby it may be that a “Big Dish” is not the way to go for L.M.D. waves.

            However, by another line of reasoning, since we have no established Truths as of yet, consider “Electric Sound Waves” in the Aether. After all that is what Tesla said. See Thornberg’s work on “Maxwellian electric sound waves in the Aether”. So it is required to make an electrical analog to sound. Helmholtz works to cover this but Heaviside points out the math is no good.

            The P and S seismic wave analog looks good. What is needed is an alternative to Mu in Henry per centimeter and Epsilon in Farad per centimeter. In the L.M.D. theory it is not Mu nor Epsilon but per (Henry - cm) and per (Farad - cm). This is seen in the P & S wave papers sent to me by Lamare. Tesla praised Helmholtz but it may take another Oliver to make it work. Here a “Big Dish” may work.

            Finally, I put out on the “Heretical Builder” forum an Alexanderson “Antenna” for the 160 meter ham band. It is a scalar (space) wave guide structure and has no wavelength, hence “space scalar”. This network is scaled upon the 18.6 kilo-cycle version made for the Navy at station KET, Bolinas, California. A scale of 100 to 1 was selected hence 18.6 kc becomes 1860 kc, a ham frequency. This network produces a Longitudinal Dielectric form of propagation, with no magnetic component. Pure “Dielectric Waves” ala J.J. Thomson. Space scalar transmission may be possible between identical units in phase sync. A great ham radio project, but you will not find it in QST. But no one makes it, has Ham radio, once considered a National Technical Asset, now become a useless hobby of self denial? If so, the F.C.C. will no longer consider it valid and take steps to phase it out of existence by some “911 phantasy laws”. So do we run back to Bearden’s dipoles smashing electrons on the 405 freeway, back to Meyl’s Edmund Scientific Toys, and back to the Corum math masterbations upon the resonant coil, back to the feet of the one wing parrot? I hope not!

            Einstein, Tesla, and the Wizard of Oz:

            Einstein and his theories can be expressed by an animal story: As understood thru his writing Relativity as a “package of ideas” is in many ways similar to the “egg of the coo-coo bird”. The coo-coo bird builds no nest of its own, it looks for the right next among those other birds. Here found it lays its egg in the selected next of another bird. Upon hatching its chick forces the others out of the nest, over the side. Such is the growth cycle of Relativity, as given by Einstein.

            In order to understand the Einsteinian reasoning certain logical relationships are taken from “Relativity”, by Albert Einstein, Random House Publisher, 1916, page 50. Here given is;

            (1) Proposition (A) is Electro-Dynamic Theory, Maxwell - Lorentz.
            (2) Proposition (B) is Relativistic Theory Einstein - Minkowski.
            (3) There are many experiments in favor of (A), or also in favor of (B).
            (4) These experiments “limit the theoretical possibilities” so that only (A) holds to the test of experience.
            (5) Certain experiments conform to (A) thru an “Auxiliary Hypothesis” which is “extraneous without (B).”

            Consider Einstein’s statement on the same page 50;

            “In the theoretical treatment of these electrons we are faced with the difficulty that electro-dynamic theory of itself is unable to give an account of their nature.” “For since electrical masses constituting the electron would necessarily be scattered under the influence of their mutual repulsions, unless there are forces of another kind operating between them the nature of which has hitherto remained obscure to us.”

            Forces of another kind, you mean the dielectric lines of force, removed from obscurity by the Faraday - Thompson concept of induction? Every electron is a motional terminus of a quantity of dielectric lines of force, these lines contracting and stretching like rubber bands, giving motion to the terminus electron. The thermionic electron contracts, pulling the electron, the cathode ray stretching, pulled by the electron. In the former case the lines of force are dissipated, in the latter case the line of force are projected, both cases the electrons assume ray like motion, with non participating lines of force filling the voids, directing the electrons. Hence, it is the electrons travel in straight lines, that is, rays.

            These facts have been known from the initial invention of the “Vacuum Tube” by Sir William Crookes, leading to the extensive experimental work into atomic science by J. J. Thompson, and Nikola Tesla. It is here seen that the so-called electron is only a shadow, its apparent physical mass is only an electrical momentum. There is no rest mass to an electron. It is given here the electron is no more than a broken loose “hold fast” under the grip of the tensions within the dielectric lines of force. They are the broken ends of the split in half package of spaghetti. Obviously this reasoning is not welcome in the realm of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. Are we to believe that Einstein had no prior knowledge of the most prominent theoretical and experimental work of his time?

            Continuing from “Relativity” by Albert Einstein, page 51.

            “The second class of facts to which we have alluded has a reference to the question whether or not the motion of the Earth in space can be made perceptible in terrestrial experiments.”…”All attempts of this nature led to a negative result.” Einstein’s Relativity leads to the conclusion that no point of reference in the Galilean sense can actually exist, that is, all points of reference are relative to each other. This relativity is in a Lorentz transform rather that a Galilean Transform. No absolute reference possible, it is everything is relative. This is tantamount to the denial of the existence of God. Forgotten is that relativity did not find favor in its day, for this very reason, it is atheistic. Like Existentialism, or Cubism, Relativism represents a most destructive philosophical construct by which to afflict modern man. The destructive philosophical forces flowered as the “Third Reich”.

            The monophasic dielectric forces developed thru the work of Nikola Tesla nullify relativistic relations. Tesla, thru a unique space-time hysteresis electrically “grounded” to a zero order Galilean coordinate system. It is also the cathode ray projector tubes utilized by Tesla in his atomic studies also nullify relativistic relations. Tesla’s remarks about “radiant matter” indicate the existence of cosmic rays of immense penetrating power moving fifty (50) times faster than the velocity of light (Le Sage particles). Here Albert Einstein is in direct contradiction with the experimental researches of Nikola Tesla, and in complete ignorance of the experimental researches of J. J. Thompson. Einstein “layed his egg” in the “nest of Faraday”. From here it is that “Theoretical Physics” is henceforth divorced from “Electrical Science”. In turn Theoretical Physics made a “Wh*re” of Maxwell, the “offspring” of Faraday.
            Recently, in the “Los Angeles Times” newspaper, a series of page long editorials were given on Einstein, this as “Damage Control” over the European C.E.R.N. superluminal particle experiments. The L.A . Times is harsh, stating that C.E.R.N. was irresponsible, and must ask for permission to publish such findings! Later editorial writings express Einstein as the supreme authority, the spiritual master, etc. Well, after all, He pushed to make an E equals mc squared bomb to effect the genocide of the German People. A real holy man, don’t you think?

            In epilogue, when Albert Einstein came to America, amid the accolades, and the fanfare, he was naturally introduced to T. A. Edison, the “Axle grease and timbers” all American Scientist-Inventor. The “coyote like” Edison cunningly produced one of his company intelligence tests for Einstein to complete. Einstein did not do so good on Edison’s company examination, he did not know the speed of sound! Is it possible here that Einstein is just another version of Marconi, both in defiance to Tesla. Finally, January 1, 200 A Time Magazine cover declares Albert Einstein the “Man of the Century”. We verily have been duped!

            So here we stand. We have penetrated the Giant One Winged Parrot. While the multitudes have been quivering at the feet of this awesome idol, the Poodle went around to the rear of it, revealing no more than a diminutive circus operator at a small control panel. This formidable idol is no more than a giant CIRCUS PROP! Now can we go back to Kansas?

            73 DE N6KPH SK
            Nice work Eric

            This is my kind of preaching and will take some time to assimilate.

            Deepest regards, Mike


            • Let him go back to Kansas. Have some primary education perhaps.

              Eric could save himself a lot of time if he would just give a list of his source material.
              Would save me time too, reading through his fantasies, misinterpretations and mathematical incompetence.

              It's a computation for 1/2 the energy of a 2 body problem i.e. a collision
              It's the energy of one of the objects.
              I want to know how Einstein gets C^2. He just randomly throughs it into the second law of motion so he can equate the V^2 with C^2. He wants to clamp velocity to the speed of light. So he goes ... SQRT of 1-V^2/C^2 . Circular reasoning if you ask me. there is no logical reason to use C^2 at all.
              Really now????

              You guys really understand everything! Don't you? I'm speechless.

              If there is another forum where there actually IS some intelligence, let me know.
              Time to go.



              • @Ernst

                Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                Let him go back to Kansas. Have some primary education perhaps.

                Eric could save himself a lot of time if he would just give a list of his source material.
                Would save me time too, reading through his fantasies, misinterpretations and mathematical incompetence.

                Really now????

                You guys really understand everything! Don't you? I'm speechless.

                If there is another forum where there actually IS some intelligence, let me know.
                Time to go.

                All you do is talk, talk, talk... why don't you post something you built based on your understanding of this science? You don't even know the proper definition of energy so you are one of the few here demonstrating the lack of understanding and incompetence.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Turning Tail to run

                  Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                  All you do is talk, talk, talk... why don't you post something you built based on your understanding of this science? You don't even know the proper definition of energy so you are one of the few here demonstrating the lack of understanding and incompetence.
                  See what happens Aaron when these university level folks get presented with real hard data that they never thought was there? Bye Bye he says cause were stupid.

                  This reminds me of the little boy who wanted to know of the worlds secrets in a single setting yet he's not really young enough to study the real science being all burnt out since grade school mind-washed gov/religion.

                  Like you said these folks will defend insanity with a passion, otherwise they would have to apologize to the entire staff plus all their buddies who pride themselves with higher learning.

                  This is their response like you see now, total and complete rejection of any materials that our not given in their college.

                  Can you imagine Tesla following the cronies of his day?

                  Either way this is a wonderful work that is something intelligent for us all to consider. A truth investigator will consider every possible side of any coin, not just throw it out cause it came from Eric.

                  The truth is that I don't study these big words all of the time and they are not on the tip of my tongue yet I do know good sound doctrine when i hear it.

                  I do know many of these terms as presented by Eric, then all of the dark energy doc's that mainstream forwards are all thrown into a big pile to burn by these types of individuals who refuse new information.

                  Well it is not new, but for the sake of friendly fire we will say it is new to them. Poor things won't open the door.

                  Regular mainstream science is an insult to clear thought and is best suited for grade schoolers. Then maybe by 6th grade even a 12 year will find the contradictions though he may be a afraid to go against his entire school, his fearless leader called teacher running the risk of belittlement and driven out labeled as trouble maker.

                  It is time for Eric to head to the principles office to be scolded for his insolence. Eric reminds me of me.



                  • Skepticlowns

                    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                    See what happens Aaron when these university level folks get presented with real hard data that they never thought was there? Bye Bye he says cause were stupid.

                    This reminds me of the little boy who wanted to know of the worlds secrets in a single setting yet he's not really young enough to study the real science being all burnt out since grade school mind-washed gov/religion.

                    Like you said these folks will defend insanity with a passion, otherwise they would have to apologize to the entire staff plus all their buddies who pride themselves with higher learning.

                    This is their response like you see now, total and complete rejection of any materials that our not given in their college.

                    Can you imagine Tesla following the cronies of his day?

                    Either way this is a wonderful work that is something intelligent for us all to consider. A truth investigator will consider every possible side of any coin, not just throw it out cause it came from Eric.

                    The truth is that I don't study these big words all of the time and they are not on the tip of my tongue yet I do know good sound doctrine when i hear it.

                    I do know many of these terms as presented by Eric, then all of the dark energy doc's that mainstream forwards are all thrown into a big pile to burn by these types of individuals who refuse new information.

                    Well it is not new, but for the sake of friendly fire we will say it is new to them. Poor things won't open the door.

                    Regular mainstream science is an insult to clear thought and is best suited for grade schoolers. Then maybe by 6th grade even a 12 year will find the contradictions though he may be a afraid to go against his entire school, his fearless leader called teacher running the risk of belittlement and driven out labeled as trouble maker.

                    It is time for Eric to head to the principles office to be scolded for his insolence. Eric reminds me of me.


                    Well, you can see how a couple of them jumped to every possible explanation in order to get around the plain and simple fact that their definition of energy is completely contradictory to the very unit of measurement of energy, the joule being actual work and not potential work.

                    When we have that kind of intellectual dishonesty, there isn't much that can be done with a mentality like that as their ego is more important than swallowing their pride and admitting that they've believed in many irrational things dealing with basic science but never were able to think properly in order to see it - oh well!

                    Eric Dollard has built many Telsa/Alexanderson type transmission systems with electrostatic longitudinal propagation that is INSTANTANEOUS from one end to the other meaning that all the BS about light speed limits, etc... are all garbage. That kind of propagation does NOT even have a velocity so it is not traveling faster than the speed of light, it is INSTANT at the receiving end. None of these "rocket scientists", physics teachers, etc... are even qualified to discuss the matter because they're out of their league and for Eric's explanations to be dismissed in such a pathetic fashion just makes me laugh.

                    Regardless of how Eric explains himself, he is demonstrating, indisputably, many WORKING MODELS that all these cynics combined have ever accomplished collectively in their entire lives - they have NO room to talk because they're not qualified to analyze any of it!

                    Documentation beats conversation any day of the week and these cynics have NEVER built anything other than what fits inside of their claustrophobic self-limited pre-conceived reality of how things are supposed to be.

                    That is why some of us have results that they will never have because their arrogance and smugness in all of their delusions keeps them trapped in ignorance.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • Originally posted by Ernst View Post

                      Really now????

                      You guys really understand everything! Don't you? I'm speechless.

                      If there is another forum where there actually IS some intelligence, let me know.
                      Time to go.

                      Not really sure which part you have a problem with.

                      I am aware that 1/2 is derived using the chain rule of calculus but that is hardly a physical rationale.

                      The equation for the kinetic energy of an inelastic collision

                      KE = 1/2 mv2 + 1/2 mv2

                      Now let me ask this. Can the force exerted by a moving object be measured without a collision?

                      You can scour the internet for the reason for using 1/2. You will not find a answer other than the rules of calculus told me so. Wikipedia asserts 1/2 is a constant if you can believe that. It is a fudge factor is you ask me and has been embroiled in controversy. Incidentally 1/2 is called a coefficient in that article.
                      The problem lies with integrating a composite function at zero.
                      Don't let 0 x n = 0 stop you.

                      then again maybe your problem is with my opinion of Einstein....
                      C^2 was pulled out of his butt. There was no experiment that lead to "If we use C^2 our mathematical model works!"

                      It was more like. "I feel like limiting V^2 to C^2. We shall now look for phenomena that fits my model!"

                      If you think V isn't clamped to C check this


                      Using the formula SQRT of 1-V^2/C^2

                      1-25/9 = 1-2.77 = -1.77

                      What is the SQRT of -1.77?

                      Oh ya ... there isn't one!
                      Therefore no massive object can go faster than C because our mathematical rules say no.


                      • It's a Pack Mentality

                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                        Well, you can see how a couple of them jumped to every possible explanation in order to get around the plain and simple fact that their definition of energy is completely contradictory to the very unit of measurement of energy, the joule being actual work and not potential work.

                        When we have that kind of intellectual dishonesty, there isn't much that can be done with a mentality like that as their ego is more important than swallowing their pride and admitting that they've believed in many irrational things dealing with basic science but never were able to think properly in order to see it - oh well!

                        Eric Dollard has built many Telsa/Alexanderson type transmission systems with electrostatic longitudinal propagation that is INSTANTANEOUS from one end to the other meaning that all the BS about light speed limits, etc... are all garbage. That kind of propagation does NOT even have a velocity so it is not traveling faster than the speed of light, it is INSTANT at the receiving end. None of these "rocket scientists", physics teachers, etc... are even qualified to discuss the matter because they're out of their league and for Eric's explanations to be dismissed in such a pathetic fashion just makes me laugh.

                        Regardless of how Eric explains himself, he is demonstrating, indisputably, many WORKING MODELS that all these cynics combined have ever accomplished collectively in their entire lives - they have NO room to talk because they're not qualified to analyze any of it!

                        Documentation beats conversation any day of the week and these cynics have NEVER built anything other than what fits inside of their claustrophobic self-limited pre-conceived reality of how things are supposed to be.

                        That is why some of us have results that they will never have because their arrogance and smugness in all of their delusions keeps them trapped in ignorance.

                        Most people who live in America today that are blonde hair and blue eyes think they are smarter than the rest. The minorities are the underclassmen or underdogs.

                        The group think tank has produced a pack animal thought process that helps to herd the masses so as to control their minds to get them to do what THEY want them to do.

                        It is that simple trust me.

                        For instance when the next generation of children reach the right age THEY (the planners) start placing truck driving adds before and after the cartoon shows. Then produce shows with truck drivers in the cartoons.

                        The control frec's are at it 24/7. In this way THEY can produce a flock of truck drivers to fill their needs.

                        I know this is a crude example but this holds true on many levels of programming of the pack dog schools.

                        Crazy like wolves and willing to go to any means to intimidate like their training has burned unto their souls. Once folks are indoctrinated there is little hope if any of an outside force interacting with their known set of rules.

                        However like coyotes the pack animal training makes sure that large numbers are in their favor before they move in for the kill. In this setting the kill is getting rid of outside evidence that puts buck shot through their paper thin coverings.

                        The pack must first spend large amounts of time frightening those to be devoured long before 10-12 pack animals that are all twice as big as the prey move in.(ya know mr big stuff thinks he is twice as exceptable with his line of bull)

                        So the picture here shows a group of boys who grew to be men under the control of gov/relig. It reminds me of the dark ages and that period of the crusades.

                        It is a prefect picture of herd dog society that is all around you now.

                        It is not enough to kill the prey, the pack must thoroughly destroy the confidence of the surrounded. Instill fear, belittle, threaten and so on and this is what identifies the oppressor. This is our schools way.

                        The pack leader will stoop to new lows of intellectual dishonesty as you put it. The pack dog has no principles fairness or morality. These are trained to bully and only group thought qualifies for protection.

                        This is how most house holds are run today in America as their children can lie cheat and steal and if it is their son, it doesn't matter.

                        So there is more here than a science book at stake, it is complete lack of good values.

                        Eric is so far out there we are going to have to see his work for quite some time before we will ever catch up.

                        What Eric has done so far has thrilled me to watch. I remember the seeming ly insignificant videos where Eric sets up a receiver and demonstrates. My heart is filled with wonder and I know it is beyond what others can show.


                        Last edited by BroMikey; 04-23-2014, 06:30 AM.


                        • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                          Finally, it has been disclosed by insiders within the space program, N.A.S.A., of a “certain complication”. It was found that when far outside the Earth’s field of influence the stars and sun are NOT VISIBLE! However, the Earth and the Moon are plainly visible. No direct light in outer space, only that made visible by gross physical matter. This gives rise to an important question, does the “light” from the sun propagate with a velocity at all, or is it simply a function of time. The “time delay” may be no more than a hysteresis of the luminiferous aether.

                          It should be noted it is only by the time delay that we can consider velocity in many situations. Otherwise also needed is the wavelength. Is it the primary luminal induction, say from the Sun, a hysteresis in order to engender visible light on Earth? Now we are dug in deep!

                          So, what meaning do we attribute to one over c square? It is a velocity, an index, a ratio, a proportionality factor, and even a constituent of the Farad. It is in everything, and now we hang Einstein’s Theory of Relativity on top of it all. Such is one over c square.
                          Listen this:

                          And this:

                          Light is refraction of upper atmosphere by Peter Lindemann:


                          So Peter says this: "You can't see the stars and The Sun out of atmosphere", but what about The Moon? Did N.A.S.A. inside informers lie about The Moon in the context of "certain complications" asserting that The Moon is exception of (by Eric D. & Peter L. and others) postulated theory of luminiferous ether and it's function of refraction of radiation that comes from the direction of the Sun and the Stars but not from the direction of The Moon too?

                          Peter asserted that above upper atmosphere Sun could blind you if you gazed in the direction where the Sun is located although you wouldn't be aware that you are looking in the direction of the Sun because Sun is invisible up there...

                          So, those guys who had desperately gazed and gazed (who knows how often and for how long they had stared "in the wrong direction") all around upper atmosphere sky, looking for the Sun and Stars and Moon (which they had not been able to see up there), have been certainly horrified after they had realised that mother Earth is all that anyone could possibly see up there ..., but they have not been blinded anyway rendering their fruitless Sun&Star&Moon necked eyes surveying mission above the upper atmosphere...

                          That is why (their eyes have not been injured) i have to ask next question: what is the real temperature in outer space or in Jupiter or in Uranus or in Pluto?

                          And now, sorry, but i have to refer one more time to this:
                          As shown in the above diagram, the new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and sun...Most people will be mystified if you ask them where to look for a full moon or a new moon. If you understand the geometry of the illumination, the answer is obvious. A new moon must rise and set with the Sun. A full moon must rise around sunset and set around sunrise.
                          So, New Moon you can exclusively see between 9 a.m. and 3 p. m.
                          It means you can't see New Moon in the night, right?
                          If so, someone has to be able to explain these photographs:
                          PanSTARRS comet: Remarkable time-lapse video captures comet's trek across skies of Georgia | Mail Online

                          So, we should not be able to shut pictures like this one:

                          But, since there is whole bunch of pictures like this, our deluded scientist tried to explain it by totally preposterous theory so called "the reflection of a reflection"!?!?!? Bear in mind that we "can't see" New Moon in the night sky!!!
                          Many have laboured hard to make it appear that these phenomena are the result of what they have assumed to be light reflected from the earth--"Earth light," "the reflection of a reflection." The sun's light thrown back from the moon to the earth and returned from the earth to the moon! It seems never to have occurred to these "students of imagination" that this so-called "earth-light" is most intense when the moon is youngest, and therefore illuminates the earth the least. When the operating cause is least intense, the effect is much the greatest.
                          How about this:

                          "In the lunar eclipses of July 17th, 1590; November 3rd, 1648; June 16th, 1666; and May 26th, 1668; the moon rose eclipsed whilst the sun was still apparently above the horizon. Those horizontal eclipses were
                          noticed as early as the time of Pliny." 3
                          On the 17th of January, 1870, a similar phenomenon occurred; .and again in July of the same year. 4
                          Now we have another exotic explanation of insane scientist so called "refraction of the earth's atmosphere":

                          The only explanation which has been given of this phenomenon is the refraction caused by the earth's atmosphere. This, at first sight, is a plausible and fairly satisfactory solution; but on carefully examining the subject, it is found to be utterly inadequate; and those who have recourse to it cannot be aware that the refraction of an object and that of a shadow are in opposite directions. An object by refraction is bent upwards; but the
                          shadow of any object is bent downwards, as will be seen by the following very simple experiment. Take a plain white shallow basin, and place it ten or twelve inches from a light in such a position that the shadow of the edge of the basin touches the centre of the bottom. Hold a rod vertically over and on the edge of the shadow, to denote its true position. Now let water be gradually poured into the basin, and the shadow will be seen to recede or shorten inwards and downwards; but if a rod or a spoon is allowed to rest, with its upper end towards the light, and the lower end in the bottom of the vessel, it will be seen, as the water is poured in, to bend upwards--thus proving that if refraction operated at all, it would do so by elevating the moon above its true position, and throwing the earth's shadow downwards, or directly away from the moon's surface. Hence it is clear that a lunar eclipse by a shadow of the earth is an utter impossibility.
                          Last edited by cikljamas; 04-23-2014, 01:10 PM.
                          "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                          • Just thought I'd throw this out there...
                            The Tragic Story of How Einstein’s Brain Was Stolen and Wasn’t Even Special – Phenomena: Only Human

                            The myth of Einstein is in it's death throes.


                            • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Regardless of how Eric explains himself, he is demonstrating, indisputably, many WORKING MODELS...
                              I've seen quite a few of Eric's videos but the ones I've seen have all been about transmission rather than generation.

                              From “Tesla Describes his Efforts in Various Fields of Work” Electrical Review,11/30/1898

                              “As to the idea of rendering the energy of the sun available for industrial purposes, it fascinated me early but I must admit it was only long after I discovered the rotating magnetic field that it took a firm hold upon my mind. In assailing the problem I found two possible ways of solving it. Either power was to be developed on the spot by converting the energy of the sun’s radiations or the energy of vast reservoirs was to be transmitted economically to any distance. Though there were other possible sources of economical power, only the two solutions mentioned offer the ideal feature of power being obtained without any consumption of material. After long thought I finally arrived at two solutions, but on the first of these, namely, that referring to the development of power in any locality from the sun’s radiations, I can not dwell at present."
                              There is a very weak link between the fuelless power "developed on the spot by converting the energy of the sun’s radiations" (Dr. Tesla's "radiant energy collector") and his transmission systems, in that the power of the sun and other celestial bodies is delivered to the earth wirelessly.

                              One can look at Dr. Tesla's "magnifying transmitter" as a model for the sun/space/earth system. The sun is the primary coil (his not having had a fusion generator). The secondary is the space in the sun/space/earth system. The "extra coil" is the van Allen radiation belts (maybe - the van Allen belts were unknown in his time). The top load of the magnifying transformer is the body of the earth. And the earth's atmosphere is the dielectric around the top load.

                              Has Eric developed any devices that produce power without the consumption of fuel? Any links will be greatly appreciated.


                              • Eric Live

                                Hey guys I found this link about what Eric Dollard is working on.

                                Eric Dollard - History and Theory of Electricity - YouTube

                                I hope this helps.


                                Hey Eric that was a great talk thanks so much I needed that.

                                Hi All

                                I just have to say that Eric has aged well and is a sweet gentle person that is impossible to hate unless you hate truth you can't dislike Eric. Then on top of that he is funny as he expresses the facts of these great mens lives, how they were severely treated.

                                Eric is teaching me things that I never knew about all of the other figures who didn't suit the money peoples profile so their children picked up on it and were the kind who have been getting away with murder since birth. Same today.

                                These children stoned one great thinker everyday and eventually he couldn't get out of his house and died.

                                I just wanted to cry. This reminds me of the way so many men have been threatened over ideas living in dread for fear of losing their lives. Some still alive who can still fear and the others are not feeling anything as they are 6 feet under.

                                All of the intricate details about how the big money folks used the inventor or Engineer then cast them aside so easy.

                                Eric is so careful with everyone's feelings as he delivers the truth without offending those listening to where they would want to get up and chase him with a sword.

                                That will be the method of delivering the facts in a time to come. Either way many still do not believe these facts all written in many books and they are all somehow pushed out of the gov/relig/schools that are funded by the big money folks.

                                Their is nobody like Eric Dollard. Good going Eric a very real and heart rendering take. Funny too.
                                Last edited by BroMikey; 04-24-2014, 07:45 PM.

