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Newman Motor Finally Explained?

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  • Newman, Prophet of God?

    Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
    I guess you and others felt that Norm was making a political move by using his standing to discredit Newman while advancing another agenda.

    This must be the reason he didn't just talk motor parts, well remember
    this was 40 years ago and Norm did start that way.

    According to Norm he followed and tried many designs over the years and
    no other inventor got so severally criticized. I won't call him a
    liar but when dealing with a lying person the issue of lying does seem to
    get off of everyone, meaning that people tend to think the whole group
    of them must be lying.

    It is the nature of a lying spirit. Same with the sexual perversion aspects
    of opposing a person, outsiders tend to think anyone revealing the fact
    must be twisting ideas to cover their own involvement when that was not
    the case.

    That is the nature of a perverse spirit and so on. We need to weigh each
    communication fairly an objectively and that is not always easy to do when
    subject is so difficult or traumatic.

    Feelings of insecurity, denial, roll reversal, cracking lewd jokes and
    complete rejection of every source of info, hidden in plain sight.
    Mind freezing. Willingly blinded by the light.

    Change the channel.

    May The Lord help us all. This is our test. You've
    been set up to be tried.


    I'm not sure about Norm's motives, but Newman probably did him wrong. With that being said, I find Newman's jabberings tiring. For example:


    Newman Preparing for the Ride of Your Life! - YouTube

    Prophet of God, yeah right.

    However, I'm not concerned with Newman's theology. I can't judge the child (Newman's motor) based on the actions of its father (Joseph Newman). I'm concerned with his technology. That's it.
    Last edited by vidbid; 02-15-2019, 04:43 AM.



    • Bro - To expand just a little - EPD and CC and now AC as well you humble servant I, with my limited understanding are telling you ' There is a different dimension'. The units and space and the norm no longer exist.
      (at least electrically) in simple maths - a circle is the plot base of a sine wave and a pendulum . what isn't a sin wave is by infinitesimal maths taken to be a cosine. An impulse that is infinitively small there for cannot exists (in theory) a square wave cannot change state instantly ergo it cannot ever be square. So -
      a circle cannot be perfect . nor a square. and certainly not an impulse . you also assume the vertical of this square wave you only visualize 'as perfect' cannot be pushed backward because it would violate the dimension you think of as time.
      It transpires that in electrical practice an infinite amount of the infinitesimal is a possibility and a dimension ignored.
      all school children are taught the Pi ratio 3.142..... some know its an irregular number . electrics has rounded it up because they had to , given it space and time and everything you are taught is based on that being absolute.
      ask yourself this question and dwell on it -- is pi infinity big or infinity small ? It is true there is a dimension based on boundless to the small . There is certainly another .
      Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


      • Originally posted by vidbid View Post

        I'm not sure about Norm's motives, but Newman probably did him wrong. With that being said, I find Newman's jabberings tiring. For example:


        Newman Preparing for the Ride of Your Life! - YouTube

        Prophet of God, yeah right.

        More like dementia saturated delusion.



        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-04-2017, 08:14 AM.


        • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
          Bro - To expand just a little

          There is a different dimension'.

          what isn't a sin wave is by infinitesimal maths
          taken to be a cosine.

          An impulse that is infinitely small there for
          cannot exists (in theory)

          in electrical practice an infinite amount of the infinitesimal is a
          possibility and a dimension ignored

          There is certainly another
          That other dimension you talk about is so real, I heard that space
          was like a fabric but your brain storm is far better to hear. Yes as
          with the never ending sub-atomic list getting longer with more and
          more space between those units on top of all of the space we are
          taught (And is true) between a simple nucleus and electron.

          My goodness that seems like an awful lot of wasted space with just
          one atom. And what holds all of that together so perfectly?

          It must be a powerful force I wonder what it is? I love
          to talk about the limitless self existent one. Oh HE is there right inside
          all that space in your eye when you look down a telescope trying to
          find who is out there.

          Limitless is so cool.


          • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

            More like dementia saturated delusion.

            THIS IS TO MUCH


            I think he was the only one who believed what came out of his mouth.

            I heard that in the end, he had to dismantle Big Eureka and sell the copper wire as scrap because he was having money troubles.


            DOOMSDAY Solution: CrAzY MarK TV, part 3 - YouTube

            It's a very sad case. Poor bastard didn't know how much he was out in left field.



            • Josepf Newman College

              Welcome to Joseph Newman College

              Course Lecture #1

              Course Lecture #2

              Course Lecture #3

              Congratulations after watching and listening to the above.

              You're an expert.



              • Look Vidbid just because you can show proof that J.Newman was
                a complete and total wack job doesn't he really meant all those things
                he had said. I can believe what I want so I think I'll build a Newman
                motor and prove it works.

                Shame on you VIDBID for hurting Joe's reputation, right when I was
                about to get it running. You know Joe never thought the end of the
                world was coming, he didn't mean that.

                And when I get back I'll prove Newman was right. Oh in about another
                50 years.

                I almost got it. BRB

                Last edited by BroMikey; 01-05-2017, 01:19 AM.


                • Biss motor

                  Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                  Look Vidbid just because you can show proof that J.Newman was
                  a complete and total wack job doesn't he really meant all those things
                  he had said. I can believe what I want so I think I'll build a Newman
                  motor and prove it works.

                  Shame on you VIDBID for hurting Joe's reputation, right when I was
                  about to get it running. You know Joe never thought the end of the
                  world was coming, he didn't mean that.

                  And when I get back I'll prove Newman was right. Oh in about another
                  50 years.

                  I almost got it. BRB

                  Originally posted by Norm Biss

                  I (not Joe Newman) completely designed a motor from his sketchy information.
                  (Joe evidently didn't put much thought, research or effort into his life's
                  work!) I worked out all mathematics for the electrical and mechanical aspects
                  of this motor. Furthermore, I did all the drafting and mechanical drawings for
                  the prototype. These drawings are copyrighted and patent is pending!

                  Norm Biss
                  Erie, PA
                  August 13, 1998

                  Source: Joe Newman - free energy claimant accused of incompetance
                  Maybe you should call it a BISS MOTOR.

                  Back story info: Directory:Joseph Newman Motor -

                  If you do decide to go forward with your plans to build a Newman (Biss) Motor, consider taking a look J. L. Naudin's work:

                  Main Page on Newman: The Newman's Energy Machine tested by JL Naudin

                  1. Housing:

                  2. Commutator & Power Supply:

                  3. Tuning:

                  4. Test Results:

                  5. Additional Comments:

                  6. Segmented Commutator Required for Overunity (temporary and partial):

                  7. Newman's Keys:

                  Originally posted by J. L. Naudin

                  THE NEWMAN'S MACHINE KEYS FOUNDS on 06-27-98

                  Key ONE : The FREE energy must be tapped from the collector (inductor) WHILE it charges itself with its own magnetic energy,

                  Key TWO : HIGHER the POTENTIAL, HIGHER the NEGATIVE POWER tapped.

                  Key THREE : GREATER THE NUMBER of STEPS (Broken flow) DURING THE CHARGING PHASE of the "collector", GREATER the efficiency.....

                  Key FOUR : To get more electrical power back from the coil, the pulse duration must be at least 1/20th of the L/R time constant and, at the same time, a very big _changing_ magnetic field must be applied (generated by a rotating permanent magnet rotor).

                  Key FIVE : The negative current comes from the DISRUPTIVE EFFECT caused by the "Broken segments" or a bumpy surface during the firing sequence. The negative energy (the real Free Energy) is pumped from the vacuum DURING THE DROPS OF POSITIVE CURRENT. These drops create a kind of "siphon effect" in the Aether which pumps free energy and creates these deep and strong spikes showed in my scope picture.

                  Key SIX : The duration or the "life" of this negative current can be SUSTAINED by SMALL FLUCTUATIONS in the dropping potential, just after the disruption. This can be done by some SPECIAL SPARK-GAP DESIGN or a SPECIAL SHAPE of the "Broken segments".

                  more keys coming soon.....
                  One thing that I notice about the Newman device by Stephan Hartmann in the image below

                  is it looks a lot like the motor/generator device in the image below this comment:

                  We all know who the folks are who own the above device.

                  Check it out:
                  Maybe they got Newman's (Biss) Motor to work, after all.

                  By the way, it looks a lot like this:

                  How do you like those apples?

                  I hate to say this but as CRAZY as Newman was, if you separate his religiously dogmatic remarks from just the technical facts that he rarely gives out and you focus on how his machine functions, you MIGHT have something, but the ratio is about 90% religious dogmatism to about 10% technical information, so maybe it's better to watch videos of his motor in operation with the audio turn way down or off.
                  Last edited by vidbid; 02-15-2019, 04:49 AM.



                  • And if you ignore your prejudice to the man what can you discover on the + side of the equation ?
                    after all I'm not really interested in 'Joe Newman' only the machine and its operation .
                    Like John Hutchinson in the comments here I think the machine 'good work' (probably) and say so
                    reading the testimonials of many skilled folks who tested this machine supports that view.
                    Joseph Newman Motor replications by Geoffrey Miller of EnergyBat Labs -- Historic and Recent - YouTube
                    I think I see at least some of the principle used . I have ordered a few odds and sods so I might try the ambition.
                    - Bro you asked for a little more on reactive current and power. The infinite I was writing of related mathematically (It might also apply to deity's I don't know) I don't know your electrical training & so don't really know where to start . Perhaps if you could research a little bit on the difference between electrical series and parallel resonance it would be a very good spring board.
                    regards Duncan
                    PS - great research as usual Vidbid
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                      I don't know your electrical training & so don't really know where to start . Perhaps if you could research a little bit on the difference between electrical series and parallel resonance it would be a very good spring board.
                      The level of my training is all over the place but in the late 60's our
                      class was building the first transistor TV in the country. Quadratic equations
                      to a little calculus before leaving high school but all of the electronics like

                      It is basic stuff

                      And these

                      Just baby steps, I have not used them lately but it was easy.

                      Later the frequency cutoff stuff and it has been so long.
                      All of a sudden I remember stuff that surprises me.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 01-05-2017, 07:55 AM.


                      • Originally posted by vidbid View Post
                        , but the ratio is about 90% religious dogmatism to about 10% technical information, so maybe it's better to watch videos of his motor in operation with the audio turn way down or off.
                        The key video is the test result. And Jnaudin clearly stated that he
                        could not conclude that it was OU. He stated that he was still testing.

                        The rest is the same rehash about how many ways he tried it.

                        I like the fact that you compile video's and collect things up
                        putting them together. In the end the test result is best, then work
                        backwards from there if a conclusion can be positive.

                        Jnaudin said he needed a better scope or something like that and never
                        validated Newman motors. I write this for those who look at the graph
                        thinking it is a done did OU machine.

                        Scopes and data are not the final test. The only way to prove these
                        type of devices it to loop one back. Some of them ran for minutes and
                        some for days in every case over a 50 year period.

                        I am not saying OU can not be had, I am saying that the Newman
                        motor must not have been shared in it's entirety because Newman wanted
                        to milk out his flim flam years, tempting investors with a mere $100,000
                        dollar package that he said would revolutionized the globe.

                        It is estimated that after years of pitching the sales of his motors that
                        Newman took in millions (after lawyer fees)from those who would write
                        it off on their income tax anyway.

                        Newman was a smooth talker and using his education the knowledge
                        of the law in fine print kept him in the clear regardless. Got to read the
                        fine print while your ears are ringing from the high pressure sales.

                        Suckin in and blow'em out. It is no different than any get rich scheme.

                        You are fool enough to get sucked in then the judge is there to laugh.

                        That is why Newman mixed his Bible talking points in with his motor
                        sales, buyers forgive easy when they are being command to.

                        Very improper to say the least. I have seen all these Newman Bible
                        messages before but forgot about them all. He stole and idea that
                        probably works and suckered as many as he could.

                        Someone already has it working by now but they don't call it a Newman
                        motor, it is more like JB window motor.

                        This is the video where he says that 50 men all working together
                        came up with the first OU device and over many years this machine
                        was born.

                        In other words 50 men took 1 year to make a device that was very
                        little OU, so 50 years into the future and after many years like say
                        10-15 year this machine was created so 500 - 700 years into the

                        See the power of unity? It can bring OVER UNITY.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-05-2017, 09:26 AM.


                        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          The key video is the test result. And Jnaudin clearly stated that he
                          could not conclude that it was OU. He stated that he was still testing.

                          The rest is the same rehash about how many ways he tried it.

                          I like the fact that you compile video's and collect things up
                          putting them together. In the end the test result is best, then work
                          backwards from there if a conclusion can be positive.

                          Jnaudin said he needed a better scope or something like that and never
                          validated Newman motors. I write this for those who look at the graph
                          thinking it is a done did OU machine.

                          Scopes and data are not the final test. The only way to prove these
                          type of devices it to loop one back. Some of them ran for minutes and
                          some for days in every case over a 50 year period.

                          I am not saying OU can not be had, I am saying that the Newman
                          motor must not have been shared in it's entirety because Newman wanted
                          to milk out his flim flam years, tempting investors with a mere $100,000
                          dollar package that he said would revolutionized the globe.

                          It is estimated that after years of pitching the sales of his motors that
                          Newman took in millions (after lawyer fees)from those who would write
                          it off on their income tax anyway.

                          Newman was a smooth talker and using his education the knowledge
                          of the law in fine print kept him in the clear regardless. Got to read the
                          fine print while your ears are ringing from the high pressure sales.

                          Suckin in and blow'em out. It is no different than any get rich scheme.

                          You are fool enough to get sucked in then the judge is there to laugh.

                          That is why Newman mixed his Bible talking points in with his motor
                          sales, buyers forgive easy when they are being command to.

                          Very improper to say the least. I have seen all these Newman Bible
                          messages before but forgot about them all. He stole and idea that
                          probably works and suckered as many as he could.

                          Someone already has it working by now but they don't call it a Newman
                          motor, it is more like JB window motor.

                          This is the video where he says that 50 men all working together
                          came up with the first OU device and over many years this machine
                          was born.

                          In other words 50 men took 1 year to make a device that was very
                          little OU, so 50 years into the future and after many years like say
                          10-15 year this machine was created so 500 - 700 years into the

                          See the power of unity? It can bring OVER UNITY.

                          I was hoping we could keep this thread free of the QEG. I see now that that hope was in vain.


                          Free Energy Machine ? Scam ? from - QEG ? Scam ? inspired model ? - YouTube

                          I have no faith in the QEG, at all.

                          Stephan Hartmann explained how you-know-who could have faked the entire demonstration, but that doesn't mean that what they copied from "Space Chicken" didn't work.



                          • Broken Segments

                            Getting back on track.

                            I have also redesigned the brushes setup for optimizing the current flow and this has given me the result showed in the scope pictures above. The secret of a good tuning reside in the brushes slope above the surface of the broken segments. The brushes must FLY ABOVE the surface of these contacts, like the R/W heads of a hard disk drive used in computers. The lower gap must be adjusted for obtaining some very weak sparks at the running voltage and the slope of the brush must be very gradual. So, by this way, you build up an gradual spark gap Vs the angle of rotation. The positive current will be considerably reduced and the negative current flow will be amplified.....

                            The speed is now 500 RPM at 626 Volts and the interesting effect noticed, is that the MOTOR RUN ITSELF FOR about 4 mn 30 sec AFTER that the power supply has been switched off. In the previous version (v1.3) my Newman's machine, has stopped after 1 mn maximum. This mean that the average current flow in this new version (v1.4) is very very weak in spite of the apparent mechanical power generated.

                            The above quote is an example of about what we have to work with, IMHO.

                            So, stay on target. Maybe the Newman (Biss) Motor works, but then again maybe not, but if you can get it to charge batteries, then I would say it's worth a try.



                            • Best reference

                              Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              And if you ignore your prejudice to the man what can you discover on the + side of the equation ?
                              after all I'm not really interested in 'Joe Newman' only the machine and its operation .
                              Like John Hutchinson in the comments here I think the machine 'good work' (probably) and say so
                              reading the testimonials of many skilled folks who tested this machine supports that view.
                              Joseph Newman Motor replications by Geoffrey Miller of EnergyBat Labs -- Historic and Recent - YouTube
                              I think I see at least some of the principle used . I have ordered a few odds and sods so I might try the ambition.
                              - Bro you asked for a little more on reactive current and power. The infinite I was writing of related mathematically (It might also apply to deity's I don't know) I don't know your electrical training & so don't really know where to start . Perhaps if you could research a little bit on the difference between electrical series and parallel resonance it would be a very good spring board.
                              regards Duncan
                              PS - great research as usual Vidbid
                              Thanks Duncan,
                              Miller has the only replication video so far that I've enjoyed watching. There's no instructions but he seems to have a history with inventors. I too been pondering the parts needed to re-build a smaller version of the Keppe motor or the "dare I mention his name" Newman motor.
                              As a "hobbyist" my builds are basic learning tools and enjoyment. Therefore you can deduct my level of training in this field. I always read and digest your post. Some post here l just ignore. It would be great if someone started, like marathonman did, a thread that allows only serious builders. I've no idea how or the temperament to do such.

                              Thanks Duncan always for good insights,
                              Good info Vidbid.


                              • Carbon Rods

                                Thanks for sharing that video.

                                I was aware that Newman used carbon rods as brushes on his commutator, but I didn't know there was a OU effect associated with their use.


