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Newman Motor Finally Explained?

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  • #91
    Renew this thread

    Hello and Merry Christmas to All,
    Does anyone agree to restart this thread?

    Thanks to Aaron's Newman-movie about Joseph Newman thread and the old YouTube links posted by Duncan, I remember some success with this build. But sadly the thread got sidelined and killed by all the negative posting by members for reasons I don't care to know about.

    Why can't threads be educational, helpful, same topic, positive, and no posting unless you stay the course.

    What do you all think?


    • #92
      Originally posted by wantomake View Post

      But sadly the thread got sidelined and killed by all the negative posting by members for reasons I don't care to know about.

      Why can't threads be educational, helpful, same topic, positive, and no posting unless you stay the course.

      What do you all think?
      I think Newman has been used as a figurehead "IDOL" frontman big
      name that everyone has grown to know after 50 years. Since everyone
      knows who Newman is like John Bedini many use their names as a
      drawing card to gain attention, I find nothing wrong with that.

      But let's be honest about the negative aspects of Joe's life and stop
      blaming the people such as my self who re-post the facts of his life
      that are ugly. HO HO HO

      If you are an honest person then you don't blame the messenger for
      the negatives of the person. If telling the truth about Joe has killed his
      50 year old life long mission then i would say that shows something
      about the integrity of the mans delivery.

      That attitude is a victim, poor pitiful me process that is an evasive
      maneuver that shows a manipulative behavior I find sickening. Truth
      is most important to me.

      If posting the details of Joe's message from God to have a sexual
      relation with his daughter and wife at the same time has destroyed
      his working model that after 50 years no one has quite replicated, then
      so be it.

      Some will be drawn by the fact that Joe had long hair or whatever and
      will become involved with free energy and this is good, but has nothing
      really to do with his inventions.

      It's like saying you don't mind allowing a MUSLIM to rape your daughters
      as long as you learn a new magic trick electrically. I never trusted him.
      As a Preacher I can not honestly say Joe is trustworthy knowing what
      the the fact show of his life.

      When I post details of Joe's own statements and am blamed as the one
      who must be the reason his stuff don't work, I get real. You have just
      signed your name to that.

      Newman desired to enter the body of his own daughter (in Grade school)
      and says GOD told him to do this, makes him a pervert and a dog.
      Yup Ho Ho HO, you want me to trust him?

      You trust him if you want. Forgiving him is not the issue so don't start
      that with me. Joe never called it a sin. Joe didn't say he was sorry and
      still felt he should have been given the girl many years later.

      Now many folks liked Joe and he has gotten the people to believe
      in free energy even tho no one has a working model. I am glad others
      are trying to learn the free energy but let's not throw the baby under
      the bus either.

      That is not to say that Joe did not discover something, all it means
      is that I personally do not trust that he has told us the truth about
      how to get it to work. I think the same way about EV Gray so Joe
      by no means is alone.

      Now maybe everyone will stop thinking Joe gave the right answers and
      we will find the missing link.

      A very very long time ago we were promised this lie.

      Joe stated before a live audience on Johnny Carson that a 3-400lb
      unit would power a home for free from that point on. Never did that
      appear over a 40 year time frame. I rest my case.

      Never a personal unit either in a 40 year period. Joe was a delusional

      Last edited by BroMikey; 12-26-2016, 10:31 AM.


      • #93
        Sorry I know nothing about this inventor other than the invention.

        I guess that's a "NO".



        • #94
          Originally posted by wantomake View Post
          Sorry I know nothing about this inventor other than the invention.

          I guess that's a "NO".

          The answer is whatever you want it to be. I think we should look
          at all of the experimental facts, including Newman's. However many
          inventors have no intention of giving the right answer and block the
          proper knowledge needed thru patents.

          The court documents are also facts. Newman scams are listed around
          the web so let's try to find the answers that work.

          This document is based on the court records.

          From WOKV-AM:

          Monday, March 29, 2010

          Wacky Inventor's Connection To A Notorious Local Murder
          Jeff Hess
          @ March 4, 2010 8:22 PM Permalink | Comments (1)
          A wacky inventor and a person of interest in a local murder share a
          bizarre connection.
          Doomsday prophet and debunked inventor Joseph Newman was once
          Jarred Harrell's step-father.

          When Harrell was a child, Newman married both his mother and 8-year
          old sister. Newman claimed that God told him to do it.

          That didn't hold and the kids went to live with their father. Harrell
          moved back with his mom when the two divorced five years later.

          Newman made predictions that the world will end in 2012.

          He made the biggest splash when he claimed to have invented a
          perpetual motion machine.
          He claimed the machine could do incredible things, and that landed
          him a spot on the Tonight Show. However scientific testing destroyed
          those claims.

          Newman tried for years to get a machine patented, but was denied
          on several occasions before giving up that quest. He still maintains a
          website touting the machine.

          Harrell is facing child porn and molestation charges. He is also a person
          of interest in the Somer Thompson murder. [UPDATE: Harrell has since
          been arrested for Somer's murder.]

          So God told him to marry Jarred Harrell's then eight-year
          old sister. I must be Anne Frank, then, because His Son preached to
          the Galileans about 2,000 years ago to "suffer the little children". He
          later told child abusers and molestors to go drown in the sea, because
          the wrath of God is superfierce when you harm the children.

          People like Newman, Phillip Garrido, Brian David Mitchell, and all other
          phoneys hide behind God to justify molesting children. If they truly
          believed in God, they would have attended Church and believed in
          and done His Word.

          It is not the Province of God to allow children to be molested.
          Instead of hiding behind God, they should seek help or turn
          themselves in.

          As to Harrell's abuse, did anybody help him get over the trauma when
          he was abused? NO! They let him fester until he was involved in
          child pornography. Instead of immediately arresting Harrell, Cook
          County Sheriff's in Florida sat on the investigation until Somer
          Thompson was kidnapped, raped, and murdered, and then found in
          a Georgia landfill.

          Before Harrell was involved in kiddie porn, authorities should have
          HELPED Harrell when he was a victim! Now, you have a grieving mother
          and family, because nobody turned and helped the abused person
          when he was only a victim.


          Last edited by BroMikey; 12-26-2016, 08:22 PM.


          • #95
            Newman Inventor

            Life in the fast lane of the rich and famous.


            Shortly before the Harrells separated, she was working as a secretary
            for Joe Newman, a married, eccentric local inventor. The two became
            lovers with the knowledge of Newman’s wife, while Annis still had
            custody of the children, the judge’s order states.

            In February 1989, Newman publicized what the order states
            is a 17-page “news release” in which he announced he was married not
            only to his wife, but to Annis Harrell and her 8-year-old daughter. The
            order does not indicate why the release was issued or how, but the
            order says Newman described himself as a prophet of God and that his
            wife believed him, among other things.

            Alerted to the public statements, state child welfare officials sought to
            take the children from their mother, who officially married
            Newman in September 1989. During a court hearing in the custody
            Newman said his marriage to the daughter was spiritual, not sexual,
            and that he would debate with God whether to consummate the
            marriage, the order states.

            The judge said he didn’t doubt the depth of the convictions of either
            Newman or Annis, but he ordered the children removed from their
            home. The girl went immediately with her father. Jarred, then 3,
            stayed with Annis’ mother until also moving in with Harrell.
            Last edited by BroMikey; 12-26-2016, 08:37 PM.


            • #96
              Newman success

              SUCCESS! NEWMAN'S +quot;GYRO-POWER+quot; CAR WORKS By
              Valeri Oliver Clarion-Ledge Gulf Coa



              • #97
                Here is a good place to start our study


                Last edited by BroMikey; 12-26-2016, 10:25 PM.


                • #98
                  Proof by experiment

                  Originally posted by Turion
                  If you really want to understand Joe Newman's device, you might want to start with the paper he wrote explaining his theories and see if any of them make sense, and then read his explanation (in the same paper) of how his device worked. That will probably give you more information than watching it run or watching old YouTube videos of those who tried to replicate it and failed.
                  Thanks Turion,
                  I built a small version of course. A PVC union 4" across with neodymium magnets and i was surprised the spikes that it produced. It ran for hours on a single "non-rechargeable" 9 volt battery.

                  The best and only way to know what is worth my precious time, resources, and study is to replicate and experience an idea.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Turion
                    If you really want to understand Joe Newman's
                    device, you might want to start with the paper he wrote explaining his
                    theories and see if any of them make sense, and then read his explanation (in the same paper) of how his device worked.

                    Yeah, I see he uses the commutator so his might work, even tho he never
                    shared the entire idea. Nobody thinks they are going to die, so they put
                    off sharing the complete detail till when they are in their 90's.

                    Glad to see you kicking around. I have been drinking MILK KEFIR and this
                    is a bunch of work to increase my health standing.

                    Did you read that paper? He was denied patents repeatedly.

                    The window motor looks like the same thing to me, just add a sparking
                    commutator. Paul B. says he was inspired to experiment by Joe.

                    Just because Joe was a huckster doesn't mean he couldn't have
                    taken other peoples ideas to write books on and make money selling
                    kits. That is what I think. He was a flim flam smooth talker and many
                    investors gave Joe millions rather than paying it all out in taxes.

                    That is the way it is when you hang out with rich engineers 40 years
                    convincing them to donate.


                    • Originally posted by Turion
                      Don't dismiss a sparking commutator as a means
                      to gaining energy. I have charged a battery with nothing BUT
                      a sparking commutator. When you combine a coil discharge with a
                      sparking commutator, the results CAN be very, very productive. Add to
                      that the fact that the coils Newman used were HUGE, and you might well
                      have something. He never said HOW MUCH over unity it was, and a
                      Bedini is over unity when constructed properly and run correctly.
                      Hey Turion man. I hope the knee is treating you right. I was to have surgery
                      for my knee when I was younger and never did but mine fixed itself, lucky
                      me huh?

                      No I didn't mean to sound like I was dissing the sparking connections,
                      after all doctor Frankenstein swore by them or he never would have
                      gotten the right effects.

                      All joking aside (we always said if you can't take a joke,
                      "WHAT GOOD ARE YOU"?) Tesla comes to mind when we look at the
                      principle that almost
                      all motor builders are following. When anyone first hears the name TESLA
                      they will hear about his spark gap coil combination as a static impulse generator.

                      So as far as I can tell you are correct in your assertions about sparking
                      commutators and coils. This have been witnessed first hand by some of
                      our key players like Mathew Jones or John Bedini. I am sure there are
                      many more names who have experimented with this effect where an
                      arcing connection gave the best results.

                      As we have learned the arcing of carbon brushes to copper/brass
                      commutator makes for an abrupt connect and disconnect seldom
                      achieved easily by the amateur.

                      The added length of wire would also increase the voltage making it
                      almost imperative to have a huge set of arcing mechanical contacts
                      that could stand up to the high level of stress normal electronic
                      components could never survive.
                      Last edited by BroMikey; 12-28-2016, 07:08 AM.


                      • seems ok to me - but its easy to be wrong !

                        This is probably the very easiest of all machines to explain the working principles of and a horrible bloody thing to build . thousands of winds of pretty thin wire are required (and winding gives me hives and a twitch) this looks very much like a DC circuit, you see the battery and assume its so - like Davids 3BGS of course - it isn't . But just for the moment and so you grasp just what is happening consider this very well known equation for an AC RMS circuit power = volts x amps x power factor
                        Newman's circuit trashes the power factor. of course its not true RMS but switched DC or if you like a square wave or even more accurately an impulse wave. when the power factor = 0 the circuit in electronic language is called 'resonant' and because of the way its wired we can say more accurately 'series resonant' any pure resistive load the battery sees will consume 'real power' hence Newman uses miles of pretty thin wire. having considered power in an AC RMS circuit it begs the question can an impulse or square wave be resonant ? how about we ask member gotoluc to show us. please grasp what the man says as he switches his signal generator from a sine wave to a square wave - It takes the square wave (and by extension every thing under the curve) and converts it to a resonance curve.
                        so IMHO the answer is yes with with the correct tuning to a resonant condition and miles of bloody wire this machine works as advertized. here's a few things to keep in mind . MMF = N x I (number of turns x current) and turns add resistance,and inductance whilst costing nothing.
                        energy = power x time (if no power is consumed because of zero power factor no energy is consumed)
                        those winding are counter wound but of course all the battery sees is one inductance , an inductance that can be also be connected with a capacitor if necessary to give a series resonant circuit. whilst I am quite convinced this machine works as advertised I know of no calculations for complex waves into a resonant circuit even though I can see ways it might be tuned . It could also not be looped in the same time domain as any altering of the input impedance must alter the resonant circuit .
                        kind regards D
                        Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                        • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                          a horrible bloody thing to build . thousands
                          of winds of pretty thin wire are required (and winding gives me hives
                          and a twitch) - like Davids 3BGS of course - it isn't .
                          kind regards D
                          Hey Duncan

                          very good way of looking at it I would say. It makes me think of it
                          another way. Take a 55 gal drum 3/4 full of water and set it on a
                          fulcrum point at the bottom. The large body of water represents the
                          huge mass of wire.

                          Next tilt the barrel 1" to the right and stop waiting for the momentum
                          of the solution to slow down and just before it stops completely start
                          your 1" push in the reverse direction.

                          Now what do we have? We have a great deal of work being performed
                          by moving a lot of water for hopefully the least amount of 1" travel in
                          a push.

                          Now what? Well that is a good question if you ask me because whether
                          it is a large mass or small, a smaller push or slightly bigger the amount
                          of input to output seems only speculative.

                          Sorry D didn't mean to throw water.


                          • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                            I can see ways it might be tuned . It could also not be looped in the same
                            time domain as any altering of the input impedance must alter the resonant circuit
                            kind regards D
                            Not very good, gonna do this gonna do that nothing motor.




                            • Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                              It takes the square wave (and by extension every thing under the curve) and converts it to a resonance curve.
                              So does just about every transformer style inverter. We can look at
                              a scope and find just about anything we want to. In a modified
                              set of stepped square pulses we can go to sine wave with a very very
                              short length of wire wound around a transformer core.

                              Seeing coils transform square pulses into AC is a very old practice.

                              Anyone who understands the radio wave circuits of the past knows that
                              waves are received in AC form and then manipulated by DC pulsating
                              circuits to amplify. This can alter the smooth AC signal to the point
                              that a simple filter is used to weed out the pure AC.

                              Nothing gained and nothing lost, just separated and or transformed.


                              • Hi BroMikey - I didn't know your real job was a preacher good work bro ! Its very difficult to discover just where the evil lies as you research what has been forced to become what is best described now as 'the free energy circus'
                                The legal system and social structure of countries are in the hands of elite. was Dennis lee imprisoned with no charge for over a year ? was all his equipment confiscated ? was Paul Pantone quickly maneuvered into a Utah mental hospital with no due process ? Was John Hutchinsons home raided and John arrested his equipment stolen and destroyed? was JB beaten up threatened and forced to tow the line? and just what did WE and I include myself in the big WE do about it ?
                                Just how many have been reported in newspapers for fraud or trickery ? I loose count it was certainly tried with Stan Meyer but of course the paint wouldn't stick and no investor would take the stand.
                                I guess as far as researchers into energy are concerned take anything in the rags with a pinch of snuff !
                                Did Newman Molest a youngster ? who really knows only Newman his conscious and his god (if he has one). I am not a particularly religious person myself BroMikey although the more I study this subject particularly at the margins of maths and science the more I become aware of a powerful organized hand controlling the universe and a planet that is designed to be benevolent to us.
                                Just my opinion of course but your speculation regarding the barrel isn't how I see things at all you are trying to apply standard science to the extraordinary. strangely a lot of the answer is shown in the second video you have just posted where 'lids' motor is spinning in proximity its noted else where that a magnet over twelve feet away from big Eureka would spin wildly I find some of the answer is in Aarons book 'The quantum key' it is also to a certain extent supported by EPD several times in his statements in this blistering video, of which JB once commented dryly "an unfortunate event"
                                particularly 'The first spacemen couldn't see anything at all in free space' and 'there are no transverse waves in free space' and more so in the case of the Newman machine the consideration of the operation of a transformer. If it doesn't and can't operate as we are taught then a viable alternative can only be external energy entering the transformer. The axle spinning with no coils whatsoever involved just about puts the tin hat on it !
                                The science you consider with your barrel example BroMikey uses only the accepted science of the transverse wave . The only science and maths taught since the absolute control of education,literature and media around the world circa 1912. This documentary tells of how oil,energy,greed and evil in belt and braces did that and why, (and yes religion too I'm afraid)
                                Alas if you think 'free energy' will resolve the situation open your peeps - the control levers are already being quickly moved.
                                In effect and in simple terms there are two magnetic (if you like) waves with us on our planet the transverse and the longitudinal we only know how to engineer the transverse wave - we have been intensionally blinded in one eye with salt being thrown at the other !
                                I shouldn't really post this connection I guess as David Waggoner and friends are trying to make a crust, my apologies to David, I'm afraid David Its the nature of the interweb that your works legion. David himself admits his 'fueless engine' is in turn plagiarized from Witts.(which also spawned Qeg) Newman, Bedini , Adams , and a host of other machines . Its an American disease to copy and claim,
                                Might I kindly suggest you dear reader contrive to download and save a copy of the fueless engine no 362, go to this post Vidbid has kindly provided on this thread and then to the creative science index download the fueless engine -362
                                your next task to study the operation principle and relate it directly to Newman , Bedini, Adams - make the connection just as David Waggoner has done . - and yes Mr Bowling sir specifically the 3BGS too!
                                the answers absolutely in plain sight now, and - In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king Desiderius Erasmus
                                kindest regards Duncan
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

