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Newman Motor Finally Explained?

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  • Tome

    Originally posted by Duncan View Post
    I confess Vidbid I have taken little notice of Newman's pages and pages of colourful writing - I did read a little of it but, it wasn't really exciting me and pulling my chain. I'm ashamed to admit I skip read these things and usually whatsoever is glaringly different from standard dogma stands out like a sore thumb and then I dig down into it.
    If it doesn't do that my attention span is about the same as a crushed ant. I believe this machine worked but I'm none to sure about Professor Newman's scribblings.
    It could be mighty time consuming wading around in what Vidbid rightly calls a tome. and I've got the rest of my life to be getting on with. Perhaps its written with good intent and is legit so please don't let me stop anyone else reading it - I Just suspect it is more likely to confuse than enlighten.
    I think rather than try and reverse engineer Newman's machine we shall be better served going back to basics and working out what made the machine tick. having done that we could make the commutator with precision or use an axial position counter/ generator and make the switching external to the shaft.
    Note the EHT capacitor
    Everybody has a story to tell. The first time I heard Newman's book referred to as a tome was by Paul M. Backcock.

    He calls it a big, old tome.

    But he also said that Newman made a simple observation about magnetism, that the power you expend to make a magnetic field has nothing to do with the strength of the magnetic field you create.

    He said from that moment on, he, that being Paul Babcock, has been on a quest.



    • Tom Bearden and John B. both said Newman's machine absolutely works. They probably know much better than any of us.



      • Originally posted by fan1701 View Post
        Tom Bearden and John B. both said Newman's machine absolutely works. They probably know much better than any of us.


        Of course it worked, just like the SSG works or the Adams motor or
        the rest of the "FREE ENERGY MOTORS" worked. But this is not the
        issue. The issue is that NEWMAN boasted that anyone building his
        motor correctly could run infinite COP. That means that it could
        run itself with 5000 percent left over.

        Of course it works. Chapter and verse from the Newman Bible it is
        a god sent invention to save the world? Right? It went round and round.

        What an insult to God and man. Buy yours today for $120,000 dollars.

        The real answer is here but nobody is asking. Someone on this group
        has given the correct answer to all of our questions that show how
        many of these free energy motors can be made to self run.

        P. Lindeman has shown us one such example. John Bedini used the idea
        also, it is called "splitting the positive" wake up people and stop wishing.

        If someone would just ask honestly without any preconceived notions
        about what they think the answer should be, thus a foolish question, the
        answer would come once again. Instead you all are stuck in the past.

        Remember John Bedini? He split the positive? None of you understand that.
        It is right in front of you and it goes right over your heads. The Newman
        motor is the same deal, it will work, but Newman never gave the rest
        of the story to make it work.

        Newman was a flat footed liar but his motor could self run if someone had
        the rest of the hookup details.

        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-08-2017, 03:51 AM.


        • Babcock



          Babcock does give Newman props.



          • Very Interesting Vidbid one of these video's I had watched but had forgotten about. everything is pertinent
            Just had a look at JL Naudin's attempt, wow over twelve miles of wire ! for his Newman attempt he must have some energetic winding elf's! Considering what you write Vidbid regarding Paul Babcock I too am in agreement and especially in respect to this machine too.
            None of it overturns such electrical theory as I have grasped however it is all right on the edge .If reading me you have grasped that in an RMS AC circuit Power = VI cos Ø and at resonance it can tend to zero (given a high R and so a high Q Factor) - hence miles and miles of wire.
            To keep it very simple the difference between parallel and series resonance is - Parallel resonance creates a very high impedance and so highest voltage minimal current . a typical example might be the tuning circuit at the front of a crystal set.
            Series resonance is not surprisingly exactly the reverse effect maximum current and so minimal voltage. In either case, at the state some call resonance (whichever one) and others know as VI cos Ø =0 ergo although nothings 'perfect' (like the assumed 'perfect pendulum' from school days ) you can get very close.
            so the state can exists where maximum (very big current) - and very low voltage are across the chosen load . (Newman's coils)
            The reason for this becomes very clear both in the case of Newman and Mr Babcock as soon as we have a look at the most basic magnetic formula H = NI/L where H = magnetic field strength. N= Number of turns I = current L= length of magnetic path.
            So you have just read that simple formula now stare at it for a little. Do you see power or volts anywhere?
            1/H is the topic ergo you can control/design it .2/ Number of turns ? fill your boots (you can wind all my share if you want) again you can design/ control it.3/ At series resonance you may have all the current you want Gratis (No voltage = no power = no energy) 4/ L length -- of course another thing totally in your control you can design/control 5/ can a square wave /pulse be made resonant ?- I have shown a video elsewhere of it being done .
            Bro - when you see and understand which will be very soon if I have my way I doubt you'll be able to explain whats happening in terms of maths science and formula. I'm trying hard but the language isn't available. you notice I guess I am always forced to the very extreme of each piece of classic formula and theory.
            for instance you might very easily do this with a loud speaker or even a Rosin'd Bow
            But could it be predicted and mathematically explained ? In other words there is factors missed out of mathematics (infinite - infinity - Chaos) It is being done but understandably not explainable .
            It is engineering towards 'what isn't' (or rather what isn't supposed to be but very evidently is)

            PS vidbid tried patent link wont let me see the page never mind patent
            Last edited by Duncan; 01-08-2017, 07:13 AM.
            Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


            • Improved Newman Commutator by VIDBID January 8, 2017

              After watching Babcock's video again, maybe what Newman was doing by shorting the coils is what Babcock refers to as "zero-stating" the coils or something like it. I thought shorting the coils would produce sparks, but maybe it's the flyback causing the sparks in his rotor.

              Anyhow, I thought why not short the coil across a load, so in order to do that the commutator would need to be redesigned in order to allow an output path from the coil to short out across a load, so hence my design.
              Last edited by vidbid; 02-15-2019, 05:00 AM. Reason: Correct Title



              • So did you build and run it the way Joe says to do it first? If not then why redesign it before runing it as shown? Just curious.



                • Originally posted by fan1701 View Post
                  So did you build and run it the way Joe says to do it first? If not then why redesign it before runing it as shown? Just curious.

                  Actually, I haven't build anything at this time, nor do I plan to anytime soon, unless I get some more money.

                  Joe is dead, nor I would I follow his suggestions were he alive.

                  My design is pretty much the same as his; however, instead of shorting out the coil across no load, it shorts out across an external load.

                  By the way, I don't have access to a machine shop, nor do I have the time or the money to spend on building my design. However, to draw a diagram and express a point of view to share with my fellow forum members, well, I can afford that.



                  • Splitting the positive ? whats this mean ? Where is the answer to this in classic electrical theory ? The inference is that the electric we know and love can be divided into two. when I write this I do not mean simple volts and amps but obviously that the electricity itself is made up of two or more different entities.
                    You point out Adams , Bedini , Murray, Babcock -- uncle Tom cobbley an all have demonstrated it , quite true, many many years ago in a lot of cases . So whats changed world wide? Why are people still taking out patents on the same thing over and over again?
                    why if I want a shoe box in my garage to run my house do I have to make it myself ? What about all the other people in my village?
                    You Rant at Newman Bro and If (and thats a big If) he actually did the things he stands accused of then maybe your right to get your dander up. still perhaps he guilty about as much as Paul Pantone was Insane?
                    Regardless avarice and greed take over and as far as I can see Newman's no more guilty than the rest you mention - pissing about in a corrupt system, rotten to the core, trying to benefit from 'patents' The result is quite as you observed 'a showman' and a 'free energy circus' we are part of.
                    Babcock (just posted) is a case in point he points out , "My machines the same as Murry's in fact they are all the same."
                    So who's patent is valid ? and whats the point of yet another to join the mouldering hundreds arrested in the system? It is simply Newman's machine I consider as for the man himself just another shaggy dog story surly ?
                    I really do like reading JL Naudin still I have yet to hear of him shouting over unity. Here is the commutator he has worked to

                    well there's three commutator connections and we have already seen in the 'real thing' which Vidbid posted things are a bit more serious than that.
                    Just as a starting point Imagine you have the state I have scribbled on the back of this envelope and that you have the wherewithal to turn off or even reverse the magnetic orientation of the top and bottom coil is it easy enough to pick the points where a very quick reversal is required?
                    If you had to collapse the field very quickly at some point in the rotation what better than a quick short just before TDC and BDC ? (depending on the orientation of the permanent magnets)
                    There's quite a few things I'm non to happy about with JNL s circuit and I see no way it can be COP +1 still as a very rough starting point - better than nothing

                    And as I have been trying (badly) to get across that instant (overtones) is very important . I think the ambition is a 'perfect' (or at least as perfect as you can get) square wave. there is no quicker way I know of to collapse a field than to short the coil out for a fraction of time.
                    like you Vidbid I have no workshop and no ambition to hand wind with miles of wire - still I am thinking of ways this might be tested and shown using cheap off the self bits and pieces.
                    There's not much point being yet another individual, with yet another machine, hidden in the garage is there?
                    Or yet another contraption on the circus route - I think there's more than enough Coco's jumping up and down and waving their patent's in the air
                    don't you?
                    Last edited by Duncan; 01-09-2017, 06:24 AM.
                    Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                    • Flyback

                      Originally posted by Duncan View Post
                      Splitting the positive ? whats this mean ? Where is the answer to this in classic electrical theory ? The inference is that the electric we know and love can be divided into two. when I write this I do not mean simple volts and amps but obviously that the electricity itself is made up of two or more different entities.
                      You point out Adams , Bedini , Murray, Babcock -- uncle Tom cobbley an all have demonstrated it , quite true, many many years ago in a lot of cases . So whats changed world wide? Why are people still taking out patents on the same thing over and over again?
                      why if I want a shoe box in my garage to run my house do I have to make it myself ? What about all the other people in my village?
                      You Rant at Newman Bro and If (and thats a big If) he actually did the things he stands accused of then maybe your right to get your dander up. still perhaps he guilty about as much as Paul Pantone was Insane?
                      Regardless avarice and greed take over and as far as I can see Newman's no more guilty than the rest you mention - pissing about in a corrupt system, rotten to the core, trying to benefit from 'patents' The result is quite as you observed 'a showman' and a 'free energy circus' we are part of.
                      Babcock (just posted) is a case in point he points out , "My machines the same as Murry's in fact they are all the same."
                      So who's patent is valid ? and whats the point of yet another to join the mouldering hundreds arrested in the system? It is simply Newman's machine I consider as for the man himself just another shaggy dog story surly ?
                      I really do like reading JL Naudin still I have yet to hear of him shouting over unity. Here is the commutator he has worked to

                      well there's three commutator connections and we have already seen in the 'real thing' which Vidbid posted things are a bit more serious than that.
                      Just as a starting point Imagine you have the state I have scribbled on the back of this envelope and that you have the wherewithal to turn off or even reverse the magnetic orientation of the top and bottom coil is it easy enough to pick the points where a very quick reversal is required?
                      If you had to collapse the field very quickly at some point in the rotation what better than a quick short just before TDC and BDC ? (depending on the orientation of the permanent magnets)
                      There's quite a few things I'm non to happy about with JNL s circuit and I see no way it can be COP +1 still as a very rough starting point - better than nothing

                      And as I have been trying (badly) to get across that instant (overtones) is very important . I think the ambition is a 'perfect' (or at least as perfect as you can get) square wave. there is no quicker way I know of to collapse a field than to short the coil out for a fraction of time.
                      like you Vidbid I have no workshop and no ambition to hand wind with miles of wire - still I am thinking of ways this might be tested and shown using cheap off the self bits and pieces.
                      There's not much point being yet another individual, with yet another machine, hidden in the garage is there?
                      Or yet another contraption on the circus route - I think there's more than enough Coco's jumping up and down and waving their patent's in the air
                      don't you?

                      I can certainly appreciate your point of view. I've been thinking about this stuff for a long time. My mind pulls in imagery of Newman's (Biss) machine in operation from video clips I've watched of the various incarnations of his machine over the span of his adult life. One memory surfaces of one of his first machines, in the video, I remember the sparks which jumped from the commutator as it slowly revolved lighting up the screen, a sort a white-out for an instant, and then a few moments later, another screen whiting-out spark, and then another, and then the film segment switches to another vantage of his machine. Now that I think about it, the spark could have been from a charged coil discharging across one of the many short-out segments of the commutator, or it could have been a spark caused by flyback from one of the many firing segments from the very same commutator.

                      Convergently, that is, bringing in ideas from various places, I think of Imhotep's design to capture flyback. I wonder if the flyback from the coil in Newman's machine could be fed back to the batteries and somehow be charging them as it was alleged by a few successful replicators. I wonder if the flyback from Newman's machine could be captured as it was done with Imhotep's design.

                      Those are things to ponder. Perhaps, I'll do so tonight.
                      Last edited by vidbid; 01-09-2017, 07:15 AM.



                      • Hey "D"

                        You mean you missed it last year when Peter built and ENERGIZER
                        splitting the pos.................?? Dude, shame shame. To bad 4 U.

                        He posted on the BASIC FREE ENERGY DEVICE, the whole deal.

                        Can I say it simple? Take a coil of wire being pulsed, no diode to
                        force the direction of flow. Just pulse the coils, turn them on and off
                        using a battery to drive a a battery to charge.

                        However you need a differential to get a flow direction going so run
                        with 24vdc and charge at 12vdc. When the motor coils pulse they keep
                        both sets of battery up. It is that simple. Now go do it and see.

                        Peter did it. I am doing it. Now don't ask me to explain it. It is all about
                        external circuit paths, not a magic motor, though an "Energizer" is best.
                        Well by conventional standards it is magic to the batteries but not

                        And don't ask me to explain what an "ENERGIZER" is either cause I am
                        bad at doing it , I just build them. A rotating set of coils is best
                        switched on and off with a set of cheap graphite brushes.

                        I my case I am using and off the shelf scooter motor as an ENERGIZER"

                        Here is what happens when you do the split pos...... it works. The run
                        batteries do not drop and the charge battery goes right up. This is only
                        with 2 coils. If you listen to inventors who build these motor generators
                        you will hear them say that their motor has 5 sets of coils or some
                        number greater than 2 coils as generally shown in a basic model to
                        learn by.

                        2 coils to run and others for generating. In Turions case 16 generator
                        coils and only 2 run coils. In Peter's case, let me think it was
                        so many run and a bunch of charge coils, I'll have to go back and read
                        it again in the "BASIC FREE ENERGY DEVICE" thread.

                        The lights have turned on for me. I can't explain it very well. Bedini
                        had it hidden right under our noses when he used a run battery and
                        a charge battery.

                        Go find Peter's machine. He is clear about the improvement and he
                        only made a first step. There is more to be done.

                        The truth is everybody and their brother could use many different pulse
                        motor coils designs and collect back the energy the same way and I am
                        sure they are doing just that. Even Joe Blow's design might work.

                        Better check out the split pos....

                        Once you see the effect using the split pos........ network in conjunction
                        with a properly tuned set (2coils) of coils you begin to realize that it
                        must be noise or what?. charging both sets? I donno but it does. and it
                        won't work on store bought motors.

                        Now it is easy to see the 800 watts Dave gets OU. Thanks Dave.
                        Thanks Peter

                        Keep asking maybe I'll think of a way to explain this.

                        My rotor is coming along and I will be way OU soon. But to explain
                        it I say it is noise following the waves. Bad I know, me no good.


                        My Dad always explained the unexplainable when asked what he thought

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 01-09-2017, 09:03 AM.


                        • Oh I don't dispute the events BroMikey just the terminology and comprehension . to split the positive or to split the negative is a very lose term - we are taught this odd stuff (electricity) which has no smell,no taste, no weight , in a manner of 'force' from the Lorentz/Einstein force law. good as far as it goes but the electrostatic vector is simply missed out.
                          again this means there is effectively another sort of electricity running alongside and part and parcel of the electricity you are familiar with.
                          Because there is another sort of electricity (and I use the term 'electricity' reluctantly because instruments don't see this stuff only a secondary effect as it charges batteries.
                          Still because there's another sort of electricity there has to be another sort of radio - and there is - Wireless. using the longitudinal wave. - The system Tesla developed, (long since buried). As the clip Vidbid posted tells us the cone or ball can only transmit the longitudinal wave.
                          Recall the the EPD video I posted ? He tells us loud and clear " The transverse wave doesn't occur in free space" - The longitudinal wave however is omni-present.
                          In electrical terms then you are looking at a waveform and the effects of only 1/2 of the entity. The instruments that we use oscilloscopes. DVMs, ect - are next to useless . as are the formula and science,Its very different stuff!
                          These old hands - The Tesla's ,Thomson's ,Heaviside's , Steinmetz et al -- didn't have any of these instruments .
                          No chips , no programmable - anything . using them is blinding , so blinding its impossible to see!
                          They had a mathematical picture. a construct . Tesla and Steinmetz worked at very high frequencies (for the time) but in so much as they had an instrument it was akin to a couple a timing lights you might use on a car in heterodyne.
                          They could it seems see much more than we can now. If you regard a complex wave on an oscilloscope (for instance) The sine waves may be made up of more sine waves and so on - ad infinitum . you may adjust your scope, measure and do what you will . and conclude that is all there is - because its all you can see and all you can measure.
                          "So nat'ralists observe, a flea
                          Has smaller fleas that on him prey;
                          And these have smaller fleas to bite 'em.
                          And so proceeds Ad infinitum." Dean Jonathan Swift

                          The mathematics says otherwise . (to the instruments that is) , Just as there is a wireless system which transmits from a Ball and a radio system that transmits from a wire. so electricity is made up of two fundamental shapes.
                          The impulse and the circular (sine wave) , you do not see or measure the impulse. It is a mathematical construct.
                          as is the sine wave. Its rather a case of what you decide to make ' Ad infinitum' and if what you choose to make zero is actually huge -- well somethings out of kilter.
                          Splitting the positive " - splitting electricity ? can we agree on? I can live with that, lets look at a rustic inverter - thats impulse wave !
                          for radio to work a 'perfect' sine wave is required for energy transform either way. For a Newton machine (or any of its clones ) then I suspect a perfect square wave is required. -- (hence the short circuit Vidbid)
                          Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                          • Originally posted by Turion
                            BroMikey and all,

                            we have shown at least TWO ways to get around that. The first is to run a BOOST module on battery 3 to take power out of it back to the two primary batteries. The second calls for rotating batteries from position 3 back to one of the primary positions.

                            Time to build and improve, not endlessly talk.

                            Yes so true Turion man

                            Hello Dave

                            I agree so many details can be addressed concerning these split pos...
                            systems and the battery resting and boosting is a great improvement
                            that is a must for a load that runs on 2 pos...... terminals.

                            This is why John Bedini always had the SSG pumping action, a sort of
                            booster if you will and of course John taught us to rest the batteries.

                            Yet it has been discussed that in the long run caps may replace batteries
                            and this limitation will be eliminated. I thank you for coming here to
                            correct the particulars.

                            On the other hand we need to go over the basics which these guys
                            have no clue because they have not built one. I think. So I will keep
                            trying to get thru.

                            Now to the rest of you @all

                            The 3 battery system is really a 2 battery system, 2 batteries in
                            series and 1 to charge.......................wait I must stop..........

                            What am I doing here, I am on a Joe Blow thread, am I posting this
                            in the right space? Of course. What am I talking about? Anyone?

                            Am I correcting everyone and showing off? Am I just babbling endlessly
                            and no one hears or cares? Yeah I think so sometimes.

                            How do you think Peter feels? Yeah he does all this work, I even point
                            it out and nobody digs it out just ignores the posts I post completely.

                            Unless people try to follow what I am pointing out then we are not
                            having a conversation. It is blowing in the wind and unless we see
                            that a Newman or any other pulse motor is fair game for this hookup,
                            we will be looking for the golden goose in all the wrong places.

                            Matt Jones has 3 working free energy devices and so does Turion.

                            Did you hear me? No you didn't. And I don't mean a Newman motor.

                            What am I doing? What am I saying?

                            I am saying that the answer is in the connection setup. Did anyone
                            hear me that time? Throw your books down for a minute and do like
                            Turion man says. Oh you don't like Dave's statement?

                            You wonder why Dave will leave? Because the answer is right here
                            and you can't see it so this is hard to endure.

                            People use a Newman motor the way the SSG is set up fine. A run
                            battery and a charge battery. We have all heard that battery one
                            collects the whiplash and runs much much longer.

                            That is not the end.


                            Use the BASIC FREE ENERGY DEVICE thread to see all of the details.

                            Turion just said it again and it feels like a waste of time, I agree.

                            Go read the thread and use the mod motor off a scooter design and
                            remember the rewind job is just like all of these simple Joe Blow motors
                            having 2 poles or 2 sides or however you want to see it.

                            Is it all here, explain it in math? Nope. Sit here for hours and make
                            run on sentences? Nope. I'll keep on you til you see.

                            Now what is your question?

                            I am not trying to nice ultra-man nice guy,
                            Last edited by BroMikey; 01-10-2017, 01:36 AM.


                            • Afraid I do not agree with this David
                              We have ALL the pieces. People just need to put them together. Time to build and improve, not endlessly talk.

                              We do not have many of the pieces at all - we do not have the maths, the science or the formula . we do not have even the equivelent of ohms law.
                              Time to build ? perhaps for those who have a workshop and money to spare. Its also Perhaps time for those with an acedemic vent to re-apprase dogma on events that are reported.
                              Maybe disabled folks reading you would like to write/ talk/contribute ? Those with no space apart from a kitchen table might do what thay can. It could well be your time to build, 11hrs a day at the grind stone along with driving makes it a tad difficult for me right now. And I quess everyone (bar non) is in a different situation . - we all march to the tune of a different drum and I guess for the most part do what we can.
                              Build build build t'was the Edison way (nothing wrong with that) But-

                              “If he [Thomas Edison] had a needle to find in a haystack, he would not stop to reason where it was most likely to be, but would proceed at once with the feverish diligence of a bee, to examine straw after straw until he found the object of his search. … Just a little theory and calculation would have saved him ninety percent of his labor.” Tesla

                              Ah - you might be right David but I can't help feeling that we should be thinking about what is being built, why its being built , and how it might be engineered. I also don't feel inclined to tell folks what they should be doing, IMHO jaw jaw is better than war war or a waste of money and time,
                              not that it isn't effective you understand - Edison was outstanding. Still we are wrestling with the endless?? free energy circus here .
                              Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.


                              • Are you mad Bro ? I know only to well David has COP> 1 machines . I know Matt does too . and so have I . I know Matt and David personally and have run one or or two of their offerings, I have seen energy blasting in.
                                I had no doubts. anymore than I have ever had any doubts of Bedini's stuff (for example)
                                It is not (never was) a case of disbelieving for I have seen it myself . Its rather a case of why , and immaculate replication .
                                There are hundreds --- No thousands of COP > 1 systems that have raised their heads over the years (not so?)
                                If theres no Maths - no science - no engineering - no scale - no immaculate reproduction - Its not worth the snuff of a candle. ask Fleischmann or Pons (both stitched up like a kipper) - and the hundreds of others.
                                Last edited by Duncan; 01-09-2017, 10:36 PM.
                                Whatever you can do,or dream you can,begin it.Boldness has genius,power and magic in it.Begin it now.

