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Hendershot generator parts

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  • Hendershot generator parts

    I have everything except for two transformers for Hendershot generator. I am not that wise to electrics and all I have to go on is 110V 220V 1.5 Ratio transformers. I can't see anything like that on ebay. Can anyone suggest an equivalent or give me an idea as to what I want please.

  • #2

    120v - 24v, (5:1) Very common transformer on ebay and cheap.
    Universal HVAC 24 Volt Transformer 120 Volt Primary | eBay
    1 New Transformer Pri 110 120V Sec 24VCT 0 3A 300mA 24 Volt | eBay
    Regards Arto.


    • #3

      The instructions say 1.5 ratio 110v 220v is what I need. the transformers you suggest seem to be completely different, 5.1ratio I am very grateful that you took the time to answer. If you still think what you suggest will do, may you have an ebay item number please


      • #4
        Originally posted by mick4361 View Post
        The instructions say 1.5 ratio 110v 220v is what I need. the transformers you suggest seem to be completely different, 5.1ratio I am very grateful that you took the time to answer. If you still think what you suggest will do, may you have an ebay item number please
        Oops! sorry, I see those are the links to this item. Could you let me know, if you think these will still work please


        • #5
          Some one time suggestions

          Hi mick,

          Welcome to this forum. I believe you are probably pretty young and don't know a lot about forums. So I am going to make a suggestion to you. You really need to learn how to use the search functions of a forum. For instance if you had used the search function of this forum you would have found there are already several threads about the Hendershot generator on here. There are two that are fairly active and some of the posts are pretty recent. If you had read those threads you would have found that almost everyone that has actively worked on the puzzle of the Hendershot generator believes the video on Youtube is a fake and total waste of time.

          By your own admission you don't know much about electronics. And you have proven that when you are confused about whether a 1:5 transformer is the same as a 5:1 transformer. They are exactly the same thing. It just depends on how you hook it up. Can I respectfully make another one time suggestion. If you want to build something that is electronic you really should look up some online electronics courses and spend the time it takes for you to get a good grasp of electronics. Without it you are only going to get very frustrated when you constantly burn up parts and waste a lot of money. And how can you possibly expect to build something that works if you don't understand what it would take to make it work. There are some guys on here that have strong backgrounds in electronics that have been working on the Hendershot generator for years and they still haven't gotten one to work.

          And one last one time suggestion. When someone gives you some advice you should at least look into it. On the other thread you started you were given a link to some info you really should study. If you can't understand the information that is just further proof you need to spend a lot of time learning about electronics before tackling a project like the Hendershot generator.

          Respectfully, Carroll
          Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


          • #6

            I have just had a similar attitude from the electronics section of yahoo answers. I was mocked because I am a novice. I am not young, I have grand children 23 years of age and have a good chance of being well old enough to be your father. I have an interest in electrics but that is all. I want to build one of these because I am a trier. I don't care if it works or not. I no longer work and give myself projects to keep busy. I have already had all the nose in the air and holier than you attitude from yahoo answers. Not one helpful answer, just mockery. I also have skills and if I am asked, I help, I do not mock because I am more advanced. I don't know how this site works, as you were quick to mention. If you do not want to give advice, then please do not answer posts, just to gloat. Thank you.


            • #7
              No gloating

              I am sincerely sorry you took my attempt to respectfully help as an attitude of gloating. That was not my intention at all. I have retired from working in electronics for over 50 years. I was only trying to give you some advice that would give you some chance at being able to make some electronic devices that actually worked. Electronic projects can be a very fascinating hobby, but it takes time to learn the basics. I just recently got back into the hobby of radio controlled airplanes. That world has changed immensely since I was involved 25 years ago. I spent literally a couple of weeks reading forums and studying so I could understand all the new terminology and technology involved in modern RC flying. I did that so if I had problems or a question I could at least seem simi-literate when talking to someone else about RC.

              Again I apologize if you thought I was gloating. I most certainly was not. I love trying to help people that want to learn about electronics.

              Again with respect, Carroll

              PS: I did answer your question. A 1:5 transformer is the same thing as a 5:1 transformer.
              Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


              • #8

                Originally posted by mick4361 View Post
                I have everything except for two transformers for Hendershot generator. I am not that wise to electrics and all I have to go on is 110V 220V 1.5 Ratio transformers. I can't see anything like that on ebay. Can anyone suggest an equivalent or give me an idea as to what I want please.
                I have tinkered with the Hendershot stuff. Not a full replication, more like half the replication.
                I wouldn't worry too much about getting EXACT components. Hendershot managed to make things out of JUNK, like coffee cans, for instance.
                The challenge of making something work will require some intuition and some understanding of electricity and magnetism.
                It seeks a path of least resistance thru a circuit.
                So really, you don't want resistance. You don't want LONG wires.
                You don't want, weak magnets.
                Hendershot hat this unusual 3-pole magnet. The center pole may have been constructed and added to a normal horseshoe magnet.
                You have to study the photographs and look for clues.
                You have to experiment with the various schematics, and there are MANY proposed schematics. Most of them look very unconventional.
                There are hand-made capacitors to make -- and we are not sure if they even work capacitors. Hendershot had his own special name for these things.
                The magnet-bar-solenoid device is not well understood. How many turns of wires on the solenoids. What type of wire?
                All this stuff is unknown really, so there are no SPECIFICATIONS you can just read to help you replicate. That is why making such a thing from JUNK is perfectly acceptable. So don't BUY stuff on ebay. Harvest junk electronics instead.

                Don't BUY someone's scam video or book either. All this Hendershot information can be found for FREE using Google search.
                Develop your own "Wild Talents".

