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Dr. Mehran Keshe entire free energy work--USB stick has been released to public

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  • Dr. Mehran Keshe entire free energy work--USB stick has been released to public

    This was shared by a new member At OU,com
    personally I have been unable to access this info [won't load ,stalls etc etc]

    ]## This info was released on March 15 2014 ##

    First, A Torrent which I could not load

    MT Keshe USB Stick Content zip Torrent Downloads - download free torrents!

    The content of the Keshe Technology USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group

    Link to the Keshe forum original post:
    The content of USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group - The Keshe Foundation Forum

    We have been informed by the Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group, according to our request, that they have today released the full contents of the USB stick given to governments of the world in 2012, which has been given to them by their government.

    The content of the USB stick was released to selected people around the world as per our wish today first that it could not be blocked by others.

    From today the knowledge for production of free food, health systems, materials, energy and motion is fully given and delivered to human race, unconditionally and as gift from us to humanity.

    We hope now this stops all the wars and conflicts as now you have enough to create enough food, energy, motion, all materials and keep the man healthy through the health patents released anywhere in the universe, which has never been disclosed before.

    Now we are not the only group or organization, which through simple systems can save the life of the man from any illness on this planet and beyond.

    Now you can help yourselves with all your medical, food, materials, motion and energy which you might need through development of these simple systems.

    Our mission is complete.

    Through our workshops we will teach you all the methods of the production and use of all systems.

    Now the health program of the Foundation through the patents which have not been disclosed before, through the release of the USB stick content by Taiwanese government to public, NOW they have become the world population intellectual right property.

    We thank the government of Taiwan and the honesty of the Keshe Foundation team in this country for sharing their gained information with the rest of humanity.

    This link has been provided by Taiwanese Keshe Foundation group for all the content of the USB stick.

    NEW LINK provided by Taiwanese Keshe Foundation to replace the old one

    The data can be open by WinRAR or Win ZIP.

    We advise you to spread this documents as fast as you can to as many people and groups that the human-race starts the new cycle of developments all together on equal opportunity.

    I thank all our supporters around the world and hope you find peace and prosperity with this disclosure.

    Please do not forget that these documents carries the world peace treaty paper, Sign yourself to it, that you never use this new knowledge to harm no one and use the information and technologies within these patents and blue prints and what to be gained from them, for peace and prosperous society for human-race and those beyond the boundaries of this planet.

    M T Keshe

    A comment on Alfred Webre's post:

    I and many persons have now downloaded and extracted files, and there are NO VIRUS in any of these files. There has been issues during downloading with incomplete files as some of the links seems to be uploading from personal computers and that uploading is being slowed by so many persons doing it at the same time. There are 17 files and when extracted, it shows 9,282 items and 16.2 Gigabytes of information. This IS A GOLDMINE! Its what we have been waiting for all these years! Thanks for sharing Alfred Lambremont Webre III! LOVE!
    Dr. Keshe was interviewed this past week by Kerry Cassidy. The 2.5 hour interview is at PROJECT CAMELOT: KESHE UNDER THREAT & FREE ENERGY - YouTube. Personally, I find his English somewhat difficult to understand; it needs close listening attention.
    Last edited by RAMSET; 03-19-2014, 03:02 PM.
    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!

  • #2
    Thanks Ramset,

    I've just read a few days ago about this on peswiki that apparently there is an assassination plot against Keshe by the US gov, this is why the info has been released.



    • #3
      Originally posted by Mario View Post
      Thanks Ramset,

      I've just read a few days ago about this on peswiki that apparently there is an assassination plot against Keshe by the US gov, this is why the info has been released.


      I think the rumors are designed to drum up some interest, add to the mystery?

      why does every failed attempt to harness 'free energy' end up a conspiracy?
      has MT Keshe and the Taiwan government made a pact?
      Mabye MT Keshe should hide out with fast Eddie Snowden?

      am I that familiar with the work of these experts?
      no of course not I am waiting for all the experts in this forum to turn their work into gold?

      MT Keshe - FAIL
      Rodin VBM - FAIL
      Searl SEG - FAIL
      Eric Dollard - FAIL but he at least offers a hollow sun?


      none of it ever adds up to its billing
      when is the movie and book coming out?
      that is all this nonsense ever amounts too.

      promises promises promises, false claims, books, dvds, and conferences are the only APPLICATIONS that seem to survive the truth quest ...

      but keep on truckin'
      Last edited by Raphael37; 03-19-2014, 06:01 PM.


      • #4
        No Charge [no pun intended]


        Keshe is not charging .....
        No Fee attached ,just open sharing of the work to date.

        Well.... I did see a Fee to contribute towards the space ship.

        However I have not been able to download the files,Have you tried
        or is your mind already made up?

        If you want to Change the world
        BE that change !!


        • #5
          Anyone have a link that actually works?


          • #6
            Zero fossil fuel forum

            Originally posted by Cadman View Post
            Anyone have a link that actually works?
            There is a link at the bottom of this video. I got it there:

            #358 Keshe releases USB stick contents - YouTube

            He recommends a zip file he has put together.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Raphael37 View Post
              Eric Dollard - FAIL
              Fail what? He's not spouting any free energy propaganda.

              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


              • #8
                Ramset may you can delete your other thread? you can do that by edit post - go advanced and delete at top.

                Someone else posted it allready, whe got 2 Links there, the torrent seems have a lot seeders and a direct link.

                I downloaded it, and asked me at first, why does it have files with dutch names on it. The rest from it isnt really convincing too, someone said something like "usually peoples allways asked at every presentation, will they reveal something this time?"
                There are few things on it what shows couple Patents and a idea how to build a flying disc, but i miss anyhow more practical examples on it.

                It looks more like, that someone copied all his collected stuff from Keshe on a memory card or a stick and did make it public.

                Here the 2 Links.

                KF_org data.rar - Ulož.to
                Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                • #9
                  Thanks RAMSET!

                  Hello RAMSET,

                  Many thanks friend for uploading all links here!

                  I downloaded from your last link "", all you need is to create a FREE Microsoft Account, login and that's it.

                  The Compacted ZIP Folder MUST BE 1.730 082 KB (1.7 GB)...or is NOT COMPLETE.

                  Awesome stuff...truly beautiful!

                  However, I would have added a Preface, DR Keshe did not:

                  1-"Please do not expect anybody to be able to digest all this in certain, specific time"


                  2- Not understandable by low level Education...


                  3-Not apt for Skeptics with Heart Problems...

                  Regards to All

                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • #10
                    This material should indeed have come with a preface. A much shorter one would have been sufficient, though:

                    Before getting too excited about Keshe's legendary "USB stick" material, those who are not familiar with Keshe's career as technology guru since 2005 should thoroughly read this thread:


                    One detail explained there is that Keshe is not a "Dr.". He never claimed that himself, this title is an invention by overeager fans. His university (as several people inquired) confirmed that he graduated with a bachelor degree. He has never published a single article in any recognized scientific publication.

                    The sad history of Keshe's "3-4kW generators" (for which about 150 people paid 500 EUR deposit) is described here:


                    The most recent (9th) delay is not yet covered there:

                    The full production phase will follow in the first weeks of 2014.

                    (Keshe on 12/19/2013)
                    Of course there is still not even a single working prototype.

                    Read also this compilation about the psychological background (Keshe claiming to be a prophet, to be omniscient, that his personal job is "the unification of all the races in the universe", etc.):


                    I was one of the first downloaders of Keshe's legendary "USB stick" material and perused it. Those who are hoping for any breakthroughs based on this material will be bitterly disappointed. It comprises mainly some utterly amateurish concept drawings of a flying saucer, and drafts for his known and some additional patent applications (that he apparently never filed after his earlier, known applications failed).

                    This is just more of what is contained in Keshe's known patent applications. Nobody will accomplish anything with this material. No wonder that only one of the about 18 nations that accepted Keshe's USB stick in 2012/2013 ever reacted to it (the one reaction came from the Italians, and had as conclusion: "Based on the known information, there exists no reason to consider Keshe's theories and inventions valid"). Some of Keshe's followers will surely try, but at best delude themselves with misinterpreted minuscule results like "energy generation" in the millivolt/microampere range or tiny "weight fluctuations", that are actually just unaccounted for ordinary physical effects or plain mismeasurements, as in Keshe's own experiments. Finally, it will hopefully dawn even on Keshe's most ardent supporters that his theories are just plain nonsense.


                    • #11
                      I was really interested in seeing what this big archive contained, especially any videos, reasoning if this was meant for governments, then they must be convincing. Well they aren't - the main video is the one that was released already, showing an alleged drop in reactor-weight while operating - amateurish and utterly unconvincing! And we are also told several times that reactor-specifics in question cannot be shown, which is just bizarre given the circumstances.

                      Given that Keshe has failed big-time to deliver up to now, this 'revealing' of his certainly doesn't look like it will do him any favors. Beginning to look more and more like another psy-op. Really disappointing.


                      • #12
                        Like I wrote before...

                        Quoting myself...again.

                        2- Not understandable by LOW LEVEL Education...
                        Meaning, simply...a level of High School Graduate...can not even start to discern this kind of Material, no offense and do not take it personally, please...take it as a "Constructive Criticism"...

                        BRING HERE a Nuclear Engineer...a Bio-Chemical Engineer...that could render their opinion about this (basically the European) Patents.

                        Please, do NOT bring here a "Repair Electrical and Maintenance "Janitor" Person" to tell me about this Material...because I will take that as a very HIGH INSULT to the Forum Members Intelligence Level ...and there is a pretty "decent" degree of it here...not much though...

                        I can not understand how some say "there are not enough info to build the Reactor"

                        What did you guys expect?...a list of "Parts" to go shopping at K-Mart or Radio Shack?...or the links to order at!

                        PATENT LAWS OF INTELLECTUAL PROTECTION, States that in order to "work"...they must be written in as GENERAL AND NOT SPECIFIC CONCEPTS as possible...meaning, not specific dimensions, not specific materials depicted...not specific nothing...nada...intentionally so you, can never build anything from them...HOWEVER in some European Patents in this Material from DR Keshe...there are ANNEX of great length...where it goes beyond those patent laws, to explain details...

                        What could we expect of a System where the "Engineering Department" is called to those who replace light bulbs and filters from air replace motors on a compressor is considered a "very hard and super difficult engineering task"...or render maintenance to Gas Generators in case of stormy weather...

                        We live in such A STUPID SYSTEM...that a High School "Journalist" or a "Face Book Writer"...LOL...Could come out in the open FORUMS or in any Network or Social Media...and "try" to destroy/degrade/criticize a CLEVER Scientist work of so many years...and so much information put together.

                        I wrote "try" because this stupid comments only work on ignorant sheeples...but do not worry...there are plenty around, so have fun!


                        It is the Reason why in Fukushima... Planet Earth almost disappear from orbit along with all this stinking majority of Ignorant People who live , **** and fart on its surface.

               called "Engineers" could not get the Main Reactor Cooling System to work...just because it was dependent on an Ancient Technology...A BIG FARTING DIESEL ENGINE GENERATOR that was not capable of a Huge "Intestine Discharge Farting Chain Reaction"...

                        Earth was at stake of disappearance from Solar System... just because the use of this stinking, farting technology up to now.

                        Yeah, We are doing problem, everything is SO fine, normal...

                        Keep laughing and spending time in criticizing this kind of work...and not in getting a Higher Level of Education,(which is not "precisely" reading Wikipedia) but reading old books before Oil took over, doing your own "homework"...research and development to better this piece of crap we live in.

                        Or soon Your "smiles" will freeze...eyes and mouth will be wide opened...not a "pretty face" though...

                        Mathew 7:6:

                        "Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs..."

                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 03-21-2014, 12:31 AM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • #13
                          @Ufopolitics: If you take Keshe's material serious, that paints a pretty bleak picture of your level of education. Furthermore, you obviously didn't read the threads I linked to. Otherwise you wouldn't still speak of Keshe's "patents", although he doesn't have any and never had any. And you would have read this quote from the renowed Italian astrophysicist Gianni Comoretto from the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence:

                          [N]umerous scientists from the following scientific institutes have evaluated Keshe’s technology in detail, entirely independent from the government:

                          - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica [National Institute of Astrophysics]
                          - Isittuto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare [National Institute of Nuclear Physics]
                          - Dipartimento di Chimica dell’Università degli Studi di Firenze [Department of Chemistry of the University of Florence]
                          - Scuola Normale Superiore [An elite university in Pisa]

                          I cite only people with whom I had direct contact, the list is surely MUCH longer.

                          The opinion was unanimous: Keshe is at best a person who has not the slightest idea of what a scientific theory is, his theories are words without meaning, and his “patent” drawings are scribbles on a sheet of paper, absolutely useless for anything (and therefore rightly rejected by the European Patent Office). In the worst (and most likely) case he is a con artist.

                          ( ; translated from Italian by me)
                          Even the designation "scientist" for Keshe is questionable. As I mentioned above, he has only a bachelor degree (in nuclear engineering) and never published a single article in any reputable scientific publication. There is not a single reputable actual scientist who takes Keshe's ideas serious. For good reason.

                          If you think Keshe's material has any value, impress the audience and build something actually working based on it (beyond a "coke bottle reactor") -- a task at which Keshe himself and all his followers failed.


                          • #14
                            April 21st Brussels

                            Mehran Keshe is going to hold a demonstration of his space technology on 21st April in Brussels. There are 50 seats available to the public. The remaining 50 are reserved for govt. officials, space agencies and scientific organisations. This will be the 1st public demonstration of his technology .

                            should be interesting.

                            If you want to Change the world
                            BE that change !!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Galaxion View Post
                              @Ufopolitics: If you take Keshe's material serious, that paints a pretty bleak picture of your level of education. Furthermore, you obviously didn't read the threads I linked to. Otherwise you wouldn't still speak of Keshe's "patents", although he doesn't have any and never had any. And you would have read this quote from the renowed Italian astrophysicist Gianni Comoretto from the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory in Florence:

                              Even the designation "scientist" for Keshe is questionable. As I mentioned above, he has only a bachelor degree (in nuclear engineering) and never published a single article in any reputable scientific publication. There is not a single reputable actual scientist who takes Keshe's ideas serious. For good reason.

                              If you think Keshe's material has any value, impress the audience and build something actually working based on it (beyond a "coke bottle reactor") -- a task at which Keshe himself and all his followers failed.
                     my post on your own Thread, now "revived" by me...
                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

