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Proof that flyback is enough to sustain a self-runner

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  • #16
    Originally posted by brian516 View Post
    Keep telling yourself that you aren't good with electronics and you won't allow yourself to learn more!!
    Well said

    Originally posted by brian516 View Post
    Do you have a link to the patent for the Lockridge device?
    There is no patent and no working device. The best details we have is in the Energy from the Vacuum 14 video THE LOCKRIDGE DEVICE this has lead to claims that it was a hoax. Through experimentation, I have been able to establish that the physical components shown in the video, have the potential to produce a real machine without change. The modifications to the case and the brushes, fit in exactly with what would be needed to make the thing work, and I don't see anything that does not have a real purpose. Its too specific to be a hoax. Get the video and look at what John shows you, the specific parts, do not take much notice of the speculation on how it works, form your own opinions.

    Peters videos "electric motor secrets" point out some useful concepts in understanding how to make some of it work, and have a couple of additional details of the device. This device is an attempted reconstruction and so has never worked. Its a guessing game about how it worked.

    In my work I have stayed with the actual components and let that lead me, so I think my work is the closest to the original that anyone has done.

    There is a patent that is relevant to the method of operation but physically the device is different so its only one aspect that is relevant.

    Originally posted by brian516 View Post
    Pics of the setup I've been speaking of:
    Not Ideal but we can work with it

    Originally posted by brian516 View Post
    What are the advantages of using a square core over a round one??
    When I talk of a square core i meen something like this with a slot cut in the top for the magnets to pass through.

    Originally posted by brian516 View Post
    When you speak of 'transformer action', you are speaking of the transformation of magnetic energy (or flux) into electrical energy via a coil on the core, correct??
    Yes, One coil to another either directly or via the core.

    Originally posted by brian516 View Post
    One thing I think I'm missing here, is that I was thinking that the generator coil and transformer coil were one in the same, but it seems I am wrong... can you elaborate? Is 'transformer coil' being used as a loose term for any coil acting as a transformer, whether it be the power coil, or generator coil?? I believe this is an essential part of your description that I am completely missing....

    Generally a transformer coil only has interactions with a core and another coil or coils. A generator coil has the primary function of generating, but if there is another coil on the same core with varying currents in it, there may be interference, These I call transformer actions.

    --Just so you know where I am right now with the whole transformer thing, I know a transformer to be any coil of wire around a core that is connected to an input coil/core or magnetic device via the same core, that 'transforms' that input signal into USABLE electrical energy... therefore, when you are speaking of a transformer and power coil together, I'm picturing a bifilar (or tri, multi..) coil where one or more wires is used as power, and others are being used as a transformer output..... and when you are saying "transformer to power a motor" I am picturing that output energy being put right back into the power wires of the coil...... and the only way I see that really working is if there is an inductor of sorts between input and output that is being used to amplify the 'signal' via collapsing magnetic fields, since the same action taking place in the bifilar coil is going to be nearly the exact same 'power' on both wires(due to being on the same spool, same core, same magnetic field)... therefore needing some external amplification to improve the signal to compensate for the losses..... are you following me, or did I completely confuse you? I could be wrong, and making no sense, but that's how I'm seeing it with my current understanding of all of this.

    Also what I see problematic about what I'm picturing that you are speaking of, is that, when the magnetic field collapses, its output is reverse polarity, higher frequency, etc.... so it most definitely will require an 'outside' device (**such as inductor, caps, fet... like a standard signal booster circuit**) to adjust the output before attempting to feed it back into the power coil. My understanding of magnetic fields and collapse effects, signal boosting, losses, all that stuff, is in it's infancy, so I could be completely off base, and if I am, please do correct me!! I don't want to continue learning something incorrectly and be stuck forgetting it all and starting over again!!

    ** If I am correct about this, and we do need to use a signal booster circuit, we could use the commutator to control the 'fet gate, that way it is all still in proper timing with the rest of the device, but we are going to need to constantly adjust the commutator until we get the right settings, so maybe for this, something a little different would be best, maybe the Arduino setup?? Which kinda bums me a little, because I'm learning so much already, and if that is the case, I'm going to have to learn more circuitry and also code.... which I don't really have a problem with doing, but it is going to take time away from the actual hands on with the machine... :/ and I don't have any arduino stuff, so i'll have to go buy it when ive got the money.. Talking it all over, and just giving it a shot with the commutator is probably the only way we are going to find out for sure. I know people have a natural problem with tending to overcomplicate things, so we will just start simple for now.... I hope I'm not frustrating you by talking about all this stuff that our project could lead to!! If I am just tell me, and I will just put it on paper for now and we will stick to what we must and get to the other stuff as we progress. Actually that sounds like a good idea to me, if it works for you!!
    Lets keep it simple

    We will have a basic transformer like the link above, no bifilar windings or windings on top of windings. The transformer will be 1 to 1 ratio with separate coils. This will result in an output that is less than the input, especially as there will be air gaps. If we get the polarity of the magnets and coils correct, the extra flux put into the core by the magnets will boost our output from our secondary. (External amplification)

    The generator coils can be around the rest of the wheel which is a second output. so now we have 2 outputs for 1 input. Hopefully if the build is good enough we will have more power coming out than we put in. This is as far as we need to go for proof of concept. Its a simple project but I have never seen anyone have a serious try at this. If successful, we will have proved that the electrical power is not converted into torque in a motor, and that magnetic force is a free bi-product of current passing through a wire. It does not sound much but this has profound implications.

    Of course it would be nice to make it a self runner and we can look at that as a second part of the project, but we may have to change the transformer ratio and the generator coil specs. If we succeed in doing this there are prizes up for grabs.

    Now if we place a generator coil on our transformer core, it will need to be at the pole face to get better generation. But because of the flux developed by the transformer passing through it, there will be an interference in the generator coil. Both AC and DC in the same coil. Our goal here is to make the AC into DC in the coil using magnetic flux. I don't know if it can be done, but there are a couple of things I would like to try, if you have the patience. If this can be done we can use the generator coil as the secondary of the transformer and we have simplified the construction. We will also have built a simplified version of the Lockridge device but any discussion about that I would like to put in a different thread.


    • #17
      I have 'Peter Lindemann - Electric Motor Secrets - Lockridge Device' - don't have money to buy anything right now. (((hmmmmm I'm getting it... from a friend. I should have it in time to watch it tomorrow when I get home from work)))) Starting a new job tomorrow wish me luck!! Once I get some money up, I can pay the 180 I need to get my general contractors license valid, and then I'm well on my way to having my own company...... and at that time, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't have plenty of money to put into parts n equipment! I'm definitely going to get the essentials, like a scope and more meters, but I'm going to be shopping for a lathe, a 3d printer, and possibly having my friend help me build a CNC table... he did a pretty good job on his.. I just need to convince him to do it all over again!!! haha

      I'm going to start doing some studying on the Lockridge, so any suggestions on what materials to get, and what patent is the one you speak of. I think I know it, so tell me if I'm correct here..... 'Ecklin #4,567,407 -- Biased Unitized Motor Generator with stationary armature and field'

      What is it that has you so drawn into this machine specifically? That no one has successfully replicated it yet? That it was invented and built in ww2 Nazi Germany from car parts? All of the above??? I know all those things fascinate me now that I'm aware of them! I have an unhealthy fascination with Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia...... and no, I'm no fascist or communist... haha but let's face it, people were smarter and more creative and resourceful back then.... damn social engineering and toxic food and poisoned water!!! they want us dumb!!!! ahhhhh I wont get into that, but it drives me nuts!! let's put a few boots up their arses!!! hahaha all the way up til they essssplode their noodles!!

      Anyway, I could use a good visual design and animation program, like one that a mechanical engineer would use. Do you happen to know of any worth mentioning? It would definitely help me out with understanding how the device functioned, once I know the details of what it looks like.. but it's time to gather resources and study for a few, gonna watch the vids I do have on it, then I need to pass out. have to get up at 5AM and go to work 35 miles away....... at least this specific job is only for a few days, then i'll be working closer to town for a while..
      Last edited by brian516; 04-07-2014, 01:45 AM.


      • #18
        Good look with the new Job

        Its obvious I am going to have to start a new thread about the Lockridge but I dont want to use "Lockridge" in the description. This is because it is just my idea about how it works, and is different from how some other people believe it works, and I don't want to take away from them the credit they deserve, and I am grateful for what they have taught me.

        I don't feel ready yet to start this new thread as I want to prove a couple of things to myself first before sticking my neck on the chopping block. lets just talk about the Lockridge here first Imhotep's Lab Interactive FAQ - View topic - The lockridge device. I am a moderator on this site.

        The patent I am referring to is for this device I believe it is known as the Alexander patent, but all the links I have to the patent are broken and I get an error 403 forbidden.

        What has me so drawn into this machine? I don't know, call it a hunch.

        I agree with your view on history and the world


        • #19
          I just watched the beginning of Peter Lindemann's presentation for it, and stopped once all the speculation began. I don't want to cloud my mind with speculation that obviously failed miserably to date, and formulate my own ideas on how it could work. Here are some things we need to find out:

          in '42 - '43 Nazi Germany, what was butcher paper made from? what kind of wax was it? what was the common thickness of most available copper sheet at the time, and where could he have salvaged it from? What gauge wire was most commonly available, and it's probable source? What was the measurement standard at that time?

          I also noticed that these dummies gave their guess measurements on the materials in IMPERIAL STANDARD UNITS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean, come the hell on, man.... It was METERS, most likely 9 or 10 for the copper sheet for the capacitors, and I'm too tired to look into what their measurement standards were for wire back then, but it sure as hell wasn't AWG.

          Time for me to pass out and maybe i'll dream up some ideas and answers for how it works. But as far as a replica goes, I'm going to go for 100% original, if there's a chance in hell I can find a 6V bosch volkswagon generator or a Delco Remy 12v auto gen if the bosch hunt fails..... im gonna have to put some feelers out in the antique cars and parts community, and maybe hit up some ppl like Antique Archaeology (those crackers that have their own tv show) and have them keep an eye out for one, or even MAYBE someone who has one of the last surviving devices. I know there is still at least one out there somewhere, in some old man's garage full 'o' goodies somewhere.... I can FEEL it.


          • #20
            I have replied here Imhotep's Lab Interactive FAQ - View topic - The lockridge device

