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Tesla's Wireless Power Transmission

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  • #31
    Mach 3

    Originally posted by Ernst View Post

    Almost. Nothing (no matter/mass anyway) can travel FTL as light speed is the fastest speed that ether can move (this is my personal interpretation, the 'true theory' says that it is the rate at which ether can oscillate). By such extreme suddenness you try to force the ether into behaviour that it can not display. This results that you stack-up waves on top of each other analogue to exceeding MACH 1.
    It results in a very powerful electromagnetic pulse. But no light, because light requires a wavelength of 400-800 nm and a single pulse does not have a wavelength....
    It is a shock wave.


    I have not studied the efficiency of a dipole, perhaps someone else can answer that.
    As for the second part... The large surfaces are usually large capacitances, made large to cause a large current (=charge displacement). This current then causes either an impulse through the ground or by making this wire thin it will radiate more of its energy through the air.
    (so it is the wire that radiates, not the capacitance at the top)

    (this is my interpretation of Tesla's work, and is consistent with my experiments. But others may have a different opinion, of course)

    In the past scientist claimed that the human body could not stand speeds of more than 20 Mph. then they claimed that the speed of sound was the speed limit. Nowadays jets easily pass the MACH 3 mark.

    I think that wire radiates EM waves as current is passing thru the wire thus generating EM fields. The top capacitor's could act as means to radiate an electrical field, an electrical pressure as Tesla called it.

    I recall that Tesla used a frequency of about 15 KHz and his secondary coil wire length was ¼ wavelength. So that would be something like 6 KM of wire! By adding a top load, the wire length can be reduced significantly, while still have the ¼ wavelength behavior.

    take care.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Ben2503 View Post
      I agree with you that Meyl's claim is bogus, in order to see the 'shielding effect' the 'shield' needs to be much larger than the length of the applied wave. The wavelength at 1.8 MHz is 211 meters!

      With the two towers so close to each other, i don't think you can eliminate the RF air part. Also, I believe that Tesla's idea was to make the coupling between the two towers resonant as well. So perhaps you have to adjust your frequency slightly?
      The coils are matched and tuned. My reference to non-tuned detectors is to point out the fact that energy can be received from the earth itself around the transmitter earth terminal in a similar way to how people use the high voltage end.

      While it may be true that the coils are quite close (about 2.8 metres apart), there is not enough power available (in the air) at that point to light LEDs in any way, shape or form, the receiver must be connected to earth to receive anything.

      Also the "through the air" hypothesis doesn't account for the fact that the amount of received energy can be varied through adjusting the distance between the earth terminals alone, the coils remain precisely the same distance apart in space therefore according to that hypothesis the received energy should be identical in all tests. But the graph shows that it is not the case. If it was through the air then the earth terminal positioning would make no difference.

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • #33
        Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
        The coils are matched and tuned. My reference to non-tuned detectors is to point out the fact that energy can be received from the earth itself around the transmitter earth terminal in a similar way to how people use the high voltage end.

        While it may be true that the coils are quite close (about 2.8 metres apart), there is not enough power available (in the air) at that point to light LEDs in any way, shape or form, the receiver must be connected to earth to receive anything.

        Also the "through the air" hypothesis doesn't account for the fact that the amount of received energy can be varied through adjusting the distance between the earth terminals alone, the coils remain precisely the same distance apart in space therefore according to that hypothesis the received energy should be identical in all tests. But the graph shows that it is not the case. If it was through the air then the earth terminal positioning would make no difference.
        wow, did you manage to get about 50 meters of wire on the model.

        The air part cannot explain the power received. My point is that you cannot ignore that coupling either. It is basically determined by the 'antenna gains'

        According to Tesla's theory, this change in power vs distance should not happen. On the other hand, we should keep in mind that at these frequencies, small changes in the configuration (like placing your hand close to the tower top) may have significant impact.
        I am not convinced that the coupling between the two towers is resonant in all your test cases.
        Perhaps Ernst has some ideas on this?

        Best regards,


        • #34
          Originally posted by Ben2503 View Post
          wow, did you manage to get about 50 meters of wire on the model.

          The air part cannot explain the power received. My point is that you cannot ignore that coupling either. It is basically determined by the 'antenna gains'

          According to Tesla's theory, this change in power vs distance should not happen. On the other hand, we should keep in mind that at these frequencies, small changes in the configuration (like placing your hand close to the tower top) may have significant impact.
          I am not convinced that the coupling between the two towers is resonant in all your test cases.
          Perhaps Ernst has some ideas on this?

          Best regards,
          It's for the 160 metre band so about 40 metres total.

          What do you mean by "I am not convinced that the coupling between the two towers is resonant"? Each coil is considered as a "standalone" unit, that is, they are independently tuned to the same frequency, as a radio transmitter goes online at the station's pre-determined frequency and the only consideration for the engineers is the transmitter. The receiver plays no role in the transmitter's tuning or setup. The receiver is independently tuned to the same frequency in order to receive the signal. That's why by placing your hand close to it you detune the coil and the signal goes away. This happens whether it's done at the transmitter or the receiver, likewise tuning the transmitter (or receiver) to a different frequency has the same effect. Therefore if they were not resonant then it wouldn't be working at all.

          [edit] As for power over distance, we will discover more on that in the near future. But what can be seen with the basic setup so far is even though the power drops off with distance, there's a lot more available energy at any given point than there "should" be according to conventional calculations of energy at a distance from a radiating source.
          Last edited by dR-Green; 04-23-2014, 12:44 AM.

          "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

          "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


          • #35
            Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
            [edit] As for power over distance, we will discover more on that in the near future. But what can be seen with the basic setup so far is even though the power drops off with distance, there's a lot more available energy at any given point than there "should" be according to conventional calculations of energy at a distance from a radiating source.
            Do you really think there should be more power at *any* point? Methinks the distance to power relationship should be sinusoidal IF we are thinking in terms of standing waves. That means that there are points where power is zero.

            In fact in certain VHF situations, the power should drop off very close to the transmitter if standing waves are formed with the receiver, while there is a gain in amplitude farther out, and then a drop, etc... Sinusoidally.

            This, of course, is thinking in terms of transmitting via earth-conduction, or perhaps single-wire power.


            • #36
              Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
              What do you mean by "I am not convinced that the coupling between the two towers is resonant"? Each coil is considered as a "standalone" unit, that is, they are independently tuned to the same frequency, as a radio transmitter goes online at the station's pre-determined frequency and the only consideration for the engineers is the transmitter. The receiver plays no role in the transmitter's tuning or setup. The receiver is independently tuned to the same frequency in order to receive the signal. That's why by placing your hand close to it you detune the coil and the signal goes away. This happens whether it's done at the transmitter or the receiver, likewise tuning the transmitter (or receiver) to a different frequency has the same effect. Therefore if they were not resonant then it wouldn't be working at all.
              Hi Dr Green.
              In one of the articles, Tesla compares the earth to a giant copper sheet or ball. In other instances he compares it to a water filled balloon. That brought me to the idea that the ground coupling is that of a parallel LCR circuit. The R is determined by the ratio length / area of the ground path.

              Additionally he stated that:
              1. The frequency used should be low 30,000 to 35,000 Hz max
              2. the voltage as high as possible.
              3. Large self inductance.
              4. Low Capacitance.
              5. a good ground connection is required.

              I noticed in one of the vid's that Meyl adjusted the frequency after changing the distance between the towers and from that I assumed that perhaps the transmission path, acts as a parallel LC circuit with capacitive coupling provided by the antenna's and inductive by the 'ground' wire.

              Perhaps you already know this article http
              Best regards,

