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ACMMJB Device that does not notice it load, Underunity to start with

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  • ACMMJB Device that does not notice it load, Underunity to start with

    I have decided to start my own thread, as no one can delete my **** from here.

    I have no claims of overunity, but i can do claim underuntiy ( underunity is any load connected to the device does not affect the input, so bringing input down, and adding more pickup coils will or can give you overunity no matter what other say)

    I dont post to much, but since this QEG **** i have to start my own thread, and share my own details for bringing peepz closer to overunity.

    First of all I am Tesla inspired, and will never show any wrong Tesla patent with a device that is not it.

    I can claim that any toroid device has its unique charater, that you will not come across other devices, and they wat i found out is to only build it. I dont need simulations, calculations, i discover my **** pure by testing and hooking up diff stuff, even if it doesnt makes sence, but the doesnt make sense part does boost my energy.

    Im not here to crowd fund, get money or what ever ( only thing would be nice if i could get more spareparts to scale it up.

    But for now i will post here what i got.

    Please dont over post on this topic with theories, ima post, and if you feel like it you build it, if yr not interested then dont post here.

    This is the device that i have bui,d with all its magical properties, build it with love, and do it good. No need for calculations cause i did not calculate anything sofare, only input verses output, untill you have underunity

    Underunity is a device that does not recognise the loads connected to it.

    This is the device
    Tesla Patent 381,970 - System of Electrical Distribution

    I will post all details as much as i can, now that i feel like it. Cause i cant stand peepz sharing free energy devices and never really works, or it works but peepz never get to see it, whats up with that?

    Im JB and im a Coder and Builder, and ima share my stuff in this thread with anybody whois is interested.

    Please dont post any TPU, ECD, QEG news in here. No links to other devices, or theories

    I made a skype chatroom for whenever you feel like asking or sharing stuff,
    skype:?chat&blob=eRb6wbBy_mzNF3NcqJ3yoUcD4xidHsNF-ZBDBsfMxuSBiQG6BMCIjtA26LC9UhgK-Jn4_9bt6nMuj6az0HYAu6V9iu2FQDAfoqUbyf_paFuTI6HFPlA SukHBaeP5klFBCZrSMePwmyZDX4LY7irrFhqh8zSEiNPxh15WQ X2QXYe_di--PPzVSTMxGssDs0Lm6aml_Y58ZsO_rlBsePDokQTyDxPSlcpVib eWdJ2xb7aBN1J59g

    Just cope and paste it into any skype convo and it will redirect you to this chatroom,

    I aint no troll ( but i can act like one as peepz say, i dont hate, i just have respects for peepz who dont bull****)

    I wil post all my knowledge in here, and yr welcome to test or to drop by to see it for yr self, no tricks, no crap, just real ****)

    I am JB

  • #2
    This was my first ACMMJB device, only thing wrong is that it was out of balance, i had to use different coils by then, but i made a new one

    This is my first one, i will make another detailed movie for yall on how to build it, i know its coils, but best part is, coils work allong, no need to be precise, but if you have the same specs as i do, you will get results.

    Almost done, TPU, ECD, ACMMJB, v2 - YouTube


    • #3
      T know when it works use a compass, if the compass spins yr doing good.

      But, the compass only turns on low frequencies, dont think that you can spin the compass at max speed, cause after a while the compass stopps spinning its because the turns, vortex, tornade goes to fast for the compas to keep up, and the same for when a magnet is spinning, so you only have a limit, till what speed you can make something turn, but turning an object is waist of amps, cause the real/energy stuff uses less amps.



      • #4
        Again for the show, or to test the vortex arround the ACMMJB i used a simple round magnet.

        And another entertainment that is not functional but still looks good, cause this device can enetertain, and deliver serius ****, depending on frequency.

        And another thing, the lower the fquency the higher the input amps,
        So the higher in frequency the lower the input amps. But when to high, there is not enough amps to create a magnetic field ( ask me info you dont get this one)

        Testing V2 ACMMJB TPU ECD, Tesla Egg Of Columbus spinning magnetic field test - YouTube


        • #5
          Testing ACMMJB v2 TPU ECD Plus Joule Thief, Special Effect With Iron Wire - YouTube

          There one of my first tests, iron can make the input amps go down, and from here was the start that the device does not notice the loads connected to it.

          And best is, with this device you have atleast 2 outputs.
          Output one is the loose coupled collector coils aka pickup coils.

          Testing ACMMJB v2 TPU ECD Plus Joule Thief, Special Effect With Iron Wire - YouTube

          The 2 output is using high speed switching diodes, to get the back emf ( may i call it like that ?) it concers the default setup of using diodes with a mosfet.

          This 2e output did not work before cause if i light up the bulb, my input would raise another 300mA but now using 2 phases, that output also does not get noticed but the input while its a part of the main circuit


          • #6
            Part 2 of the test with iron wire, but what i did not know then is that when my input goes down, the output goes down as well, but when using the output the input doesnt go up

            Testing ACMMJB v2 TPU ECD + Joule Thief & Iron Wire Untuned part 2 - YouTube


            • #7
              One of my firsts tests to see how strong the field is around the toroid

              Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD simple propeller test, inc compass test - YouTube


              • #8
                And from here i started to find out that the more picup coils you have the more power you can get out of it, and best is no drag effect. The device doesnt care it just flows on on it own frequency, but everything connected will have that frequency, unless you add a joule thief or flyback to the output.

                Testing ACMMJB ECD TPU Toroid with coil from vacuum cleaner and LED - YouTube


                • #9
                  Here to find out that the device has allot of torque, but in this setup its not tuned to go any faster cause my setup is to unstable and will shake if going to fast and then shut of when tuned to high

                  Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD simple generator test setup - YouTube

                  But torque it has


                  • #10
                    Here is my personal new record, cause normally i couls always light up lights, or leds, but never a motor with my output. Here i could finally run a motor

                    Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD QEG New Personal Record + DC Motor on Output - YouTube

                    So imagine you have input, and does not see the motor, but the motor can run a flywheel without disturbing the input. The possibilities are endless of this device, and again the more pickup coils, the more you get.

                    Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD QEG New Personal Record + DC Motor on Output - YouTube


                    • #11
                      Here another setup to let the motor drive a simp,e spcalled flywheel, and it does work, but the noise is crazy/irritating as ****.

                      Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD QEG output load and simple gen setup - YouTube

                      But again more is posible


                      • #12
                        And in my last movie i proof again that input does not get affected by any load on output

                        ACMMJB TPU ECD Light Bulb Test Underunity - YouTube


                        • #13
                          Now that i have givin a lil of info, i can say this device is the best i ever build, not even the bedini could handle this, cause some time ago i made bedinies, but the copper drag was an issue, now its solid state, no drag, only amps are used to drive the main circuit.

                          And that bring me to a question?

                          Does anybody have a good solid 2 phase circuit without using a 555 timer, and i dont need self resonance circuits as like a joule thief, cause a self resonance circuit is not also tuned to deliver the most output. It must be tunable


                          • #14
                            Some lill details for now

                            The core is iron and zinc, and only costed me 2,99 euro from the Hema,

                            HEMA ijzerdraad – online – altijd verrassend lage prijzen!
                            Not sure if the link works, otherwise goto HEMA - verrassend lage prijzen in de online winkel and search for ijzerdraad

                            On that i added insulation tape so i could wind the primaries, the primaries consist of 4 parts, i dont know how many turns cause i used weight to measure turns, and sofare every part has 40 gram of copper, and with a simple multimeter the Ohms of every coil is 50ohm( aint that a coincidence with them radio/ham peepz, 50 ohm is same as a dummy load)

                            Every one of the four parts took me atleast 4 hours to wind a 50ohm coil

                            From there any 555 timer circuit with adjustable duty cycle will do, then a frequency devider, if you like phases as me ( havent done tests yet with diff frequencies) then after the frequency devider i have now 1 mosfet driver with 2 output on the high side, and the go true a resistor into the 4 mosfets connected to my coils.

                            All pickup coils are just wounded around the toroid and sofare i used 2.5mm and about 17 to 20 turns to capture the energy from the magneto vortex.

                            The wire for the primaries is
                            A spool of 200 gram of copper and the spool itself weighs 13grams so total 213 grams.

                            The primaries are 0.22 mm, brand is block, Fa-nr 325499, length 429 meters
                            Koperlakdraad CUL Draaddiameter 0.22 mm 429 m Block in de Conrad online shop

                            The first layer must be done with love and as good as posible, but second layers can be a little less perfect, take yr time to wind, have a beer chill and wind, cause it takes about 4 hours of hand winding for only 1 piece.

                            I added an litz wire as in the ms tpu, but those wires have no effect at all, useless to say now.

                            Coil 1 50.6ohm
                            Coil 2 50.2ohm
                            Coil 3 50.0ohm
                            Coil 4 50.6ohm

                            When capturing the back emf of those coils it will be above a 1000volts and enough milli amps to start lighting up a indescant light buld, but, its diodes connected between the coil comming from plus and at the end of the end of the coil, if proper in phase this output will also not affect the input.

                            Another good thing of this device is, that any shortcircuit on the output side will not **** up yr power supply, cause it also does not notice the short circuit.

                            The temperature of the device is room temp, the only thing that can get a little warm is the transistor of the joulethief connected to the output. The 3055 to transistor has some extra advantages, cause it will ring to, as other transistors dont, and one transistor the bd412 ( cant remeber exactly the name of this transistor, but it gave me 2 watts out when using that transistor for the joule thief) the to 3055 has a way allowing a way to mix high voltage with current from another source, so you can mix high unusable voltage with low voltage current and both combine a higher output, i had that yesterday, could not film it cause i burned my last to 3055 to, but i ordered new ones so in 4/5 days i can film and show that, cause i found something new, whereby voltage goes up and current goes down on output, but more lights will light, crazy **** but ima film it so you can see for yrself.

                            Some other facts at 15.34v and 220mA input
                            And the output coils give.

                            Coil 1 gives pure 3.48v, 61.2mA
                            Coil 2 gives 3.33v, 56mA
                            Coil 3 gives 3.7v, 66.5mA
                            Coil 4 gives 3.9, 52.5mA

                            I added 2 more pickup coils
                            Coil 5 4.6v, 48mA
                            Coil 6 4.9v, 58mA

                            When i short circuit the output of the joule thief i get 350+mA but no volts on output. When taking one wire from the hot on the joule thief and connected it back to the cap that gets filled by ouput by number one my buld loads up as bright as it can and so does my loose coupled led light, so that shows that i am capable of mixing current with high voltage, but the transistor of the joulethief will just diewhen i off the joule thief and switch it on cause of the surge of energy going into the circuit ( i ordered 1 high voltage transistor of 825v and about 8 amps), to see if i can use that)

                            Sofare my record is 2 watt out, while givin 3 watts in, but that 3 watt is only being used by the circuit, and depens on frequency. So now i need to add more pickup coils, and a more efficient circuit. ( any suggestions for a simple 2 phase circuit? Without IC?)

                            When my whole circuit is in resonance its about 70khz, while on signal gen it can show a signal of about 10khz when on max, and 5khz when i tuned it to the same amps out as from the input.

                            Amps aint a problem, now its about mixing high voltage with dc current, i was able to hook up a flyback on the output to see if i could mix like that, but it did not work, but what worked is when adding a cap in series from on source to another, like when building a fm transmitter, a loose coupling capacitor.

                            May you have any tests for me please let me know.

                            And just a question from my self, instead of shortcircuiting my circuit kn the output to see the most amps i can get out, is there another way to force my output to show its max output witout short circuiting?

                            Btw the device likes only load that does work, no load is low coltage but max amps, if a motor is connected it shows volts and max amps out sofare.

                            Any other tests i can do?, you tell me, and ima film it

                            Greets JB

                            Thats it for now!
                            Last edited by JohnnBlade; 04-16-2014, 12:57 AM. Reason: Added links


                            • #15
                              Besides the currents generated in the secondary coils by dynamo-magnetic induction other currents will be set up in the same coils in consequence of any variations in the intensity of the poles in the ring A. This should be avoided by maintaining the intensity of the poles constant, to accomplish which care should be taken in designing and proportioning the generator and in distributing the coils in the ring A, and balancing their effect.

