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ACMMJB Device that does not notice it load, Underunity to start with

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  • #31

    A solid state TPU a la Stephen Mark would be the perfect energy device. Any success yet with overunity?


    • #32
      Hi Bakari,

      no overunity but the underunity effect, any load that i connect to the output does not affect the input in a way that we would expect.

      Greets JB

      Originally posted by bakiri View Post
      A solid state TPU a la Stephen Mark would be the perfect energy device. Any success yet with overunity?


      • #33
        Watched the movie of Sweet Floyd from 1987, with Bearden and Bedini.

        and there i saw how Sparky used a metal object on top a magnet to find the magnets resonant point. when i saw that i thought let me test that and see if the frequency he says is about correct.

        here is that movie ( to see the magnetic resonance effect check from 41:40 )

        In the movie Sparky mentioned that the frequency lays around 11/12hz, when i did this test my magnet resonance frequency was about 14.5/15.5hz so he is correct on that part.

        here is my movie

        why i am testing this is because i am now trying to mix high voltage with dc currents. but when i do that my JT will only work for a small time before it burns out. so i ordered 3 more, and a high voltage transistor. all got delivered today but the shop where i bought it online made a mistake instead of sending me 3 2n3055 transistors the sent me 3 full wave bridge rectifiers that i can use in the future, i called them and the sayed i can keep them and they will resend them again.

        Happy Easter Holidays!

        Greets JB


        • #34
          Originally posted by JohnnBlade View Post
          Hi Bakari,

          no overunity but the underunity effect, any load that i connect to the output does not affect the input in a way that we would expect.

          Greets JB
          As you know, Thane Heins accomplished that using his BiToroid Transformer.
          The power factor was the same after he connected a load to the transformer output.

          Any conventional transformer will be affected if you connect a load to it. BiToroid has a kind of back mmf MagnetoMotive Force blockage that prevents the mmf to be reflected to the source.


          • #35
            here is the circuit drawing of the pickup coils that i am using now.


            Greets JB


            • #36
              Thnx AetherScientist,

              i will look him up to.

              Greets JB

              Originally posted by AetherScientist View Post
              As you know, Thane Heins accomplished that using his BiToroid Transformer.
              The power factor was the same after he connected a load to the transformer output.

              Any conventional transformer will be affected if you connect a load to it. BiToroid has a kind of back mmf MagnetoMotive Force blockage that prevents the mmf to be reflected to the source.


              • #37
                Here i did some test by switching on my flyback, my flyback is not in any way connected to the ACMMJB circuit.

                When i set my ACMMJB to 50hz and switch my flyback on it lights up the bulb a bit, but if i should connect the bulb directly to the flyback nothing happens.

                Testing ACMMJB TPU ECD QEG TV Flyback can loosen up energy - YouTube

                Greets JB


                • #38
                  I was checking out this site

                  Robert Adams & Harold Aspden --- Free Energy / Over-Unity Motor-Generator

                  And by my surprise i saw a drawing that almost look the same as my pickup coil setup.

                  I am really surprised by the simularities

                  Greets JB

                  Originally posted by JohnnBlade View Post
                  here is the circuit drawing of the pickup coils that i am using now.


                  Greets JB


                  • #39
                    2 Things.
                    First, for the coils, if someone is interested, the right and left hand rule still holds.
                    Means, when you start winding your coil clockwise, (right) then you will get a north pole at the end of the coil.
                    If you wind them counterclockwise, you will get a southpole at the end from the coil.

                    Second Lenz law, where its idiotic that peoples only use a name from a guy what make some claims on an effect. Its simple a kind of counterinduction,
                    like when you drop a magnet through a coppertube and the mangnet slows down.
                    That kind of counterinduction you got all time when you lead a magnetfield through a coil.
                    What it is real can someone guess about it, but for sure not some theoretical electrons.
                    Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                    • #40
                      Decided to give my bread board ghetto gen his own box, cause for every one out there if you wanna be playing around with signals and you dont have a the real stuff, but what works is a home made one just to get you started and it doesnt have to be difficult at all, no rocket science. ( and to measure any thing, always have a spool with coil with a led connected, or an avramenko switch, those will help you detect the sweet point when most energy is being received or transmitted.

                      I will make a circuit drawing of what i have in my gray box ( hahahaha )
                      555 timer circuit, with adjustable duty cycle, and freq range from 6hz to 255khz. ( sofare high freq aint usefull for me ( but i will be doing some tests with a tank circuit on the 1.3 / 15mhz )) the switch is just a 12 switch in to select diff cap styles for ranges.


                      Greets JB


                      • #41
                        Greets Joit,

                        Originally posted by Joit View Post
                        2 Things.
                        First, for the coils, if someone is interested, the right and left hand rule still holds.

                        I tried, but sofare i stick to wind all primaries the same way, cw or ccw.

                        Means, when you start winding your coil clockwise, (right) then you will get a north pole at the end of the coil.
                        I thought so to, but it was the other way around

                        If you wind them counterclockwise, you will get a southpole at the end from the coil. I thought so to, but vica versa.

                        Cause when i made my coils my rule was to turn all ccw, but then north was on that end, cause i thought where i start is where north is, starting lead is south, end lead is north.

                        Second Lenz law, where its idiotic that peoples only use a name from a guy what make some claims on an effect. Its simple a kind of counterinduction,
                        like when you drop a magnet through a coppertube and the mangnet slows down.
                        ( hahahahahaha no joke what about to say, like 4 hours ago, i had my kids and famz kids around, and i showed them a trick with an allimunim tube and dropping a magnet into it ( hahahaha just cools that should mention that )

                        That kind of counterinduction you got all time when you lead a magnetfield through a coil.
                        But a magnet slows down, but my device doesn't, she doesn't just care who takes what, as long as you find harvest ways as much as you can. And so fare pickup coil in my way likes to be connected in series, combining different coils from diff setups can cause for issues, or boost) in a way showing less amps out then hooking up something the wrong way.

                        And another funny thing is, you need load that runs on amps, and you need load load that uses voltage. Cause some lamps only go on with amps, and some only with voltage ( how my device works, while testing ) its like a balancing scale, what im get out is how i want to devide it

                        What it is real can someone guess about it, but for sure not some theoretical electrons.
                        Greets JB


                        • #42
                          I will do some new test, since i can run a flyback timer circuit, motor, leds, small bulbs.

                          I will now try to move parts of the main circuit to the output side, and see how much it can run of itself, i will try with he sig gen circuit first. But one thing that i have to fix is i dont want the main circuit to know anything about the other circuit while hooking it. Like a trigger, coil on frequency devider input, or opto coupling, but it must be loose.

                          Greets JB


                          • #43

                            How you wind the Coils at last is your thing, but i mentioned it to better visualize it when you want to set up the coils in a certain way.
                            You set them up at your ring that the magnetic field is circling around the core. At teslas patents it looks like they are set up the same way. But when someone are unsure about, to wind them left or right, whats mostly the question when you start winding something, then it may can help.

                            Originally posted by JohnnBlade View Post
                            Greets Joit,

                            But a magnet slows down, but my device doesn't, she doesn't just care who takes what, as long as you find harvest ways as much as you can. And so fare pickup coil in my way likes to be connected in series, combining different coils from diff setups can cause for issues, or boost) in a way showing less amps out then hooking up something the wrong way

                            Greets JB
                            Well, thats the Point what most from this selfclaimed experts miss in most of her comments, when they guess that there must be a slowing down couterinduction in any case. And then they try to teach anyone her crap. Thats the gap what they dont get, and her brain stops before and dont move over this point of knowledge.
                            Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                            • #44
                              Self running signal gen on ACMMJB output

                              Today i managed to connect the signal gen to the output of the ACMMJB.

                              to kick start it i have to take 2 leads from the power suply and touch the cap on the output for the whole system to start.

                              the only things running at the main circuit is the freq devider, mosfet driver and coils.

                              only i have an issue with is fine tuning it, it seems less responsive now to adjust the signal gen on output.

                              i will see how much more i can move/run on the output side


                              greets JB


                              • #45
                                So much to do, so little time

