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QEG Positive Critics/ Builders thread

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  • QEG Positive Critics/ Builders thread

    Dont tell me whats good about the QEG,

    Share what is wrong with the QEG,

    Any facts?

    Let me get yall started,

    No real circuit drawing, no useless movies of the device, no proper Tesla circuit, only seminars on old **** we already seen on youtube, crowd funding, coils burning true cause of high voltage while they only have a few amps, aint socalled energy spose to go on top of the wires instead of going true it.

    Etc etc

    Please dont mind me, but i would like to know what the positive critics think about this device, not how it works, but the whole hype around it

    Greets JB

    Ps: if yr from qeg, make sure you post under a diff name, and trying to talk it good, but here i will sniff you out. Delete my ass now.

    I might stop if any moderator on this forum tells me so

    And side effect is, the qeg team will know now how to react to the public because of this thread, and make it sound more beautyfull.

    Lets start with this by hope gurl

    And this is by me, find the differences

    Quick N Brite Cleaner - YouTube

    @ Shean from QEG forum, thnx for the support ass a hole

  • #2
    Hhahaha nothing new when once in a while someone comes around with his eyes open. And stimulating yall, and this is what i get hahahaha
    Attached Files


    • #3
      I have been busy checking out peepz who claim ****, but never really showed anything usefull.

      Why i am acting like this is cause anytime i see a new person doing something good ( efficient device, selfrunner ) they act all cocky and ****, and peepz ask them real question without even being offending but then those peepz reply in a disrespectfull maner, untill that person comes across a person who can say more then one of those ass a holes.

      I did not ask for this, but the way they promote/show/share sheit with attitude, i get a feeling to like dude, if you can do this, then i can do this to them, cause in a few years i seen trolls come and go, cocky peepz come and go, and more, and i kept my cools ( just another read on the internet ) but now i must be tired of peepz bull****ting more on the net then them real good peepz, so i cant stand that, so ima do back what i feel ( and offcourse if i dont "like" im must be a troll im not, im just tired of trolls talking to much sheit, and they continue thinking they can do whatever to fool peepz, dude i have now time for that, so if i see crap and im paying for internet i might as well involve myself cause reading and doing **** aint gonna change the real trolls it might or them peepz with cockyness, they must just know that in time you will face someone who gone tell you ****, and it aint scientific at all.

      Only by the way peepz write online i see a character, but if it suck and yr pushing it, im test you, and if im going to far to you may try to do or tell me ****, but **** is, im more down to earth then those talking to much ass a holes acting like internet knowledge, energy divas ( not only woman )

      So from lately, i will insult or provoke ass a holes if i see they aint showing respect online, dude, on the street you would shut the f up, but online yr mouth is soo goooooooooooogle.

      To most of the online community/internetters looking for their own interest, dont talk **** **** to them, cause ima show you inter **** aka Thugnology

      @Everyone, Bless,

      I am JB aka ( maybe now the ( effiencient devices ) Troll Hunter )

      Greets JB,
      Last edited by JohnnBlade; 04-19-2014, 03:35 AM.


      • #4
        In a way, being critical of something is a no-win situation, especially if you are rooting for the project. Be critical and the sycophants label you as being a troll, whereas if you are openly lauding their efforts you are deemed as being overly naive by the other crowd.

        I'm mystified by the support that the QEG seems to be gathering, on practically no evidence that it actually works! For instance, I have just come across the following link here claiming that the QEG project has now found major funding. The initial claims of 10KW (momentary) and 5KW (continuous) must have been false given James' admission that they have not been able to generate any more than 5 amps of current.

        One other point, on two 'new-age-type' forums that are heavily promoting the QEG, I posted about the contrary evidence that is coming to light - and on both occasions within minutes, the posts were deleted! I know that most new-agers have a poor grip on reality to begin with, but I'm also beginning to wonder if this QEG might not be part of a wider psyops project.


        • #5
          The story sounds familiar:
          - Get someone who can produce a cascade of interesting terms without making any sense at all
          - Have this person claim "Free Energy" (preferably based on Tesla's work)
          - Give him major funds
          - Sit back and watch him fail while bringing:
          - discredit to Tesla's work
          - disbelieve in "Free Energy"
          - unwillingness to support new projects

          This is a carbon copy of Keshe's story? Including the 5 and 10 KW machines "soon to be available".



          • #6
            So many people claim so many things.

            But they fail to deliver the one item that is wanted, namely, a clear statement, with measurement details and any assumptions, of "Power in" and another clear statement of "Power out".


            • #7
              proper testing is key

              Originally posted by sprocket View Post
              In a way, being critical of something is a no-win situation, especially if you are rooting for the project. Be critical and the sycophants label you as being a troll, whereas if you are openly lauding their efforts you are deemed as being overly naive by the other crowd.

              I'm mystified by the support that the QEG seems to be gathering, on practically no evidence that it actually works! For instance, I have just come across the following link here claiming that the QEG project has now found major funding. The initial claims of 10KW (momentary) and 5KW (continuous) must have been false given James' admission that they have not been able to generate any more than 5 amps of current.

              One other point, on two 'new-age-type' forums that are heavily promoting the QEG, I posted about the contrary evidence that is coming to light - and on both occasions within minutes, the posts were deleted! I know that most new-agers have a poor grip on reality to begin with, but I'm also beginning to wonder if this QEG might not be part of a wider psyops project.
              I believe that proper testing is key in determining the right course. For example I see many claims of over-unity proof with the pulse motors. In those cases electrical power is taken from the generator and while doing so an increase in RPM and / or decrease of input power is observed. This guy takes the test one step further with enlightening results.
              It seems to me that the bifilar coil , which forms a serial LCR resonance circuit , is loading the generator. When a load (resistor) is connected to the coil, the capacitor is effectively shorted and the resonance is stopped.
              Checking the output with a scope should have revealed this oscillation.

              take care!


              • #8
                Damn, that's quite a depressing video to watch! Is it possible that Thane Heinz hasn't considered this? Putting on my tin-foil hat for a minute, I was thinking as I watched the video, "wow, he sure has got some expensive kit there - could it be a paid-for debunking exercise". Although I hope he's wrong, he's pretty convincing nonetheless.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                  Damn, that's quite a depressing video to watch! Is it possible that Thane Heinz hasn't considered this? Putting on my tin-foil hat for a minute, I was thinking as I watched the video, "wow, he sure has got some expensive kit there - could it be a paid-for debunking exercise". Although I hope he's wrong, he's pretty convincing nonetheless.
                  Hi Sprocket.
                  Nature is a bit depressing now and then. But there are upsides to it as well. I didn't expect that the electrical resonance in the coil has such a big influence on the motor power consumption. Now we all know and we have to keep that in mind.

                  The other positive thing is that we can use this resonance to our benefit.
                  Tesla wrote in his patent no 512,340
                  I have found that in every coil there exists a certain relation between its self-induction and capacity that permits a current of given frequency and potential to pass through it with no other opposition than that of ohmic resistance, or, in other words, as though it possessed no self-induction.
                  So the bifilar coils need to be matched to the combination of number of poles and RPM. Or alternatively use a single coil and an external variable capacitor. In the latter the choice can be serial resonance if low voltage / high amps is required or serial resonance when high voltage / low amps is required.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Ben2503 View Post

                    Hi Sprocket.
                    Nature is a bit depressing now and then. But there are upsides to it as well. I didn't expect that the electrical resonance in the coil has such a big influence on the motor power consumption. Now we all know and we have to keep that in mind.

                    The other positive thing is that we can use this resonance to our benefit.
                    Tesla wrote in his patent no 512,340

                    So the bifilar coils need to be matched to the combination of number of poles and RPM. Or alternatively use a single coil and an external variable capacitor. In the latter the choice can be serial resonance if low voltage / high amps is required or serial resonance when high voltage / low amps is required.
                    With the bifilar open, there can be no current flowing through it, therefore no magnetic field can build up around it - so how can there be Lenz-effect loading? Yet there is loading of some sort taking place. Whereas with the single-coil open, there is no loading seen, as expected. This effect must be well known. I'm confused.


                    • #11
                      Been There, Done That....

                      Hey Folks,

                      Here is an email I have sent to a number of people asking me about the QEG.

                      Thank you for your email. The QEG plans show a simple, switched reluctance generator powered by an external electric motor. (page 7) This has nothing to do with Tesla!!! This exact design was first proposed by John Ecklin in 1979. I was a member of a group of researchers in Santa Barbara who built and tested many variations of this class of generator through the 1980s. These machines are generally called "switched reluctance generators" or more correctly "variable inductance generators."

                      If you put a capacitor in series with the input, as shown, the unit will "self-excite" if there is a slight amount of magnetism in the rotor or stator material. There are specific speeds where the electrical output power goes up due to the resonance event, but during these episodes, the requirement of mechanical energy input goes up as well. If you just meter the voltage and the amperage, it looks really good, but it's mostly reactive power as the volts and amps are out of phase.

                      If the output removes magnetic energy from the core, then there is less to circulate in the resonant tank (LC circuit) created by the input coils and the capacitor bank. The system has a specific number of joules of energy (real power) circulating in the magnetic core and any real energy removed is produced by the reversal of the field in the output coils by the rotor shifting position. Rotation of the rotor produces the mechanical shifting of the magnetic fields and reinforces the currents oscillating in the input coils. One of the patent filings I produced back then was titled "Mechanical Rotary Transformer" and covered a design similar to this in many ways. The best tests we produced with our prototypes had a COP = 1.2 (120% efficient). The people involved in the Santa Barbara group included myself, Mike Knox, Bruce DePalma, Chris Carson, and later Eric Dollard. In a parallel development, John Bedini duplicated much of the same series of experiments and concluded the same thing! The best the machines could do was about 120%. All of this happened before the internet, and since the experimental results were disappointing, no final report was ever produced.

                      Knowing what I know about this class of machine, I do not believe anyone is going to build one of these in their backyard and power their home with it. We spent over $30k building and $50k testing prototypes of these machines between 1981 and 1987. This is not going to go where you think it is going.

                      I stand by what I said in the newsletter. An "open source" project based on these ideas will not go anywhere. In fact, this was all "open sourced" in the 1980s by John Ecklin. Look here at these links, taken from the archive at Rex Research: John W Ecklin -- Stationary armature generator -- US Patent 3879633, US Patent 4567407, 12 articles
                      and here:

                      In the image of the article "ecklin1", John Ecklin is suggesting 400% efficiency was possible, but it never was experimentally demonstrated. In the image of the article "ecklin8", the design of the machine on the left shows the same structure as the one in the QEG plans. The drawing on the right is from my patent filing, first reported on by Paul Brown in 1981. Both Paul and I knew John Ecklin.

                      Sorry, but I am trying to help people understand that this has been looked at, in depth, over 30 years ago, and it doesn't work well enough to produce a self-running machine.

                      I have no knowledge of the "Fix the World" group or their motives for putting these plans together, but it is my belief that this sort of machine is not perfected yet, and should not be "open sourced" to a community of enthusiastic people who do not have the machine shop skills or the sophisticated electrical engineering and mathematical background to understand the significant subtleties of a variable inductance machine.

                      That about covers it!

                      Best regards,
                      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                        With the bifilar open, there can be no current flowing through it, therefore no magnetic field can build up around it - so how can there be Lenz-effect loading? Yet there is loading of some sort taking place. Whereas with the single-coil open, there is no loading seen, as expected. This effect must be well known. I'm confused.
                        Hi Spocket.
                        With the coil open, no DC can flow. But as there is a small capacitance between the terminals, AC at a high frequency will flow and load the generator.
                        HF AC can bring along very unexpected behavior. At certain frequencies (quarter wavelength), shorts may appear as high impedances, and open circuits as low impedances.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                          Hey Folks,

                          The best tests we produced with our prototypes had a COP = 1.2 (120% efficient). The people involved in the Santa Barbara group included myself, Mike Knox, Bruce DePalma, Chris Carson, and later Eric Dollard. In a parallel development, John Bedini duplicated much of the same series of experiments and concluded the same thing! The best the machines could do was about 120%. All of this happened before the internet, and since the experimental results were disappointing, no final report was ever produced.
                          Thanks Peter.
                          Wow 120% efficient. That sounds very promising to me.
                          Do you have any idea where this additional energy came from?
                          Best regards,


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ben2503 View Post
                            Hi Spocket.
                            With the coil open, no DC can flow. But as there is a small capacitance between the terminals, AC at a high frequency will flow and load the generator.
                            HF AC can bring along very unexpected behavior. At certain frequencies (quarter wavelength), shorts may appear as high impedances, and open circuits as low impedances.
                            Ben, although that is a plausible explanation, I have difficulty seeing how the miniscule amount of capacitance that I would think exists between the bifilar output terminals could account for a load of 160W on the motor, especially at as low a frequency of 860Hz. The single-coil contains a considerable amount of wire and produces an output voltage >600V versus >1000V (his estimate) for the bifilar - so it should have an appreciable amount of capacitance as well (relative to that of the bifilar) between its terminals - yet at the same frequency, there is no loading-effect at all in evidence. I think there must be more involved here, but hey, I'm just thinking out loud!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                              Ben, although that is a plausible explanation, I have difficulty seeing how the miniscule amount of capacitance that I would think exists between the bifilar output terminals could account for a load of 160W on the motor, especially at as low a frequency of 860Hz. The single-coil contains a considerable amount of wire and produces an output voltage >600V versus >1000V (his estimate) for the bifilar - so it should have an appreciable amount of capacitance as well (relative to that of the bifilar) between its terminals - yet at the same frequency, there is no loading-effect at all in evidence. I think there must be more involved here, but hey, I'm just thinking out loud!
                              In a serial resonance situation, the impedance is equal to the DC resistance. Bifilar coils are known for their high capacitance. The high capacitance was Tesla's objective when he invented them.
                              We are both guessing, as no scope shots or elaborate test results are provided.
                              I have seen oscillations smoking my home build audio amps in the past.

                              best regards,

