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The 10 to 1 energy saver project, Jerry Thomas

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  • The 10 to 1 energy saver project, Jerry Thomas

    Found this yesterday Free Enery 101 after watching all the interviews, even tried to buy his ebook, but have gotten no response back with the pdf file or a link to it.

    Just guessing that he may not reach his funding goal by the May 4th 2014 End date. Free Energy 101 Interview- Second Hour with Guest Jerry Thomas Part 1 of 4 Free Energy 101 Interview- Second Hour with Guest Jerry Thomas Part 2 of 4 Free Energy 101 Interview- Second Hour with Guest Jerry Thomas Part 3 of 4 Free Energy 101 Interview- Second Hour with Guest Jerry Thomas Part 4 of 4 Free Energy Interview- Guest Jerry Thomas Part 1 Of 4 Free Energy Interview- Guest Jerry Thomas Part 2 Of 4 Free Energy Interview- Guest Jerry Thomas Part 3 Of 4 Free Energy Interview- Guest Jerry Thomas Part 4 Of 4

    Has anyone else been able to get a copy of this book? ?

    I feel the data in this book would be very relevant to the analysis of the QEG / WITTS Generator

    All for any help to get this data

  • #2
    I find it sad to see everyone trying to sell books, we really need to find other ways to make it happen.
    Jerry Thomas refers vaguely about LENR or cold fusion, something like Rossi.
    He states he can produce energy 10:1 but he cannot divulge specific information because it is proprietary.

    I think people are tired claims of " revealed secrets " where the secret does not get revealed and interviews where they are singing to the choir. When too many are using this means there becomes a flood of information and leaving many questions. New and useful inventions should use the scientific method to give proof and easy to replicate details. It is the cryptic and non-conventional symbols used in patents that I have found has wasted much of my time. It is open source models that well demonstrate principals that I have found most useful. I am more willing to listen to someone who does not use the book thing and who have not made proprietary business relationships. Never sign a non-disclosure statement that deals with an energy devise to save the world ! The whole energy control was forced on this generation at a time when resources and pollution have threatened survival, so non-disclosure is pure nonsense a mindset of the dinosaurs facing extinction. Read about cold fusion without the endless volumes claiming free energy 101 interview failed to deliver.

    He asks for support by donation for his book to help support him in his efforts to bring this forward. Says that companies like home depot would be likely to sell these units just like other appliances. Free Energy 101 is not open information it is soliciting expert advise on cold fusion. He appeals to investor type as an expert having inside information and that is ok. Propriety can make all the products they want but the claim is high, the most respected scientist are not professing world changing events or exclusive information. They are well aware that working on world energy crisis means having a large responsibility and do not refer to spin off technology and after market products in the same context as solving energy crisis. It is an appeal to business logic that promise of new markets is for the ears of business control entities.

    I believe that the path of success for energy is to give the information out and let people develop it openly in numbers all over.
    Jerry Thomas is starting out wrong but like many others could travel a better path by making the technical information public.

    I did not hear any connection to Witts or QEG.

    People who meditate or pray to continue the mission has emotional appeal and helps the sales of ebooks
    The video mentioned that they find it useful to COPE with the elite control of technology and the negative energy of corporate thugs by feeling united by a higher state of conciseness. Like Witts, I agree that stuff gets old. too many groups sound this way and follow an enlightened guru where spiritual awareness is used as an excuse for failing to demonstrate real and verifiable evidence of energy. I have found some on this forum were happy to share what they knew built products. It is this balance and hard work that has shown to make a contribution. Over a period of time the consistent evidence shows the scientist work I have no history on Thomas so it is difficult to know if he can show a working cold fusion or LENR and all the parts inside and how they can produce 10:1 but he would need to talk analogously which is painful to follow.
    Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-21-2014, 11:21 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
      Jerry Thomas refers vaguely about LENR or cold fusion, something like Rossi.
      The big difference is that Rossi had credentialed experts confirm many of his findings - and he was selling kit, not books!!! Why he managed to sell so few, or even get people to rent them, is another matter entirely.


      • #4
        We now have a copy of - Free Energy 101

        Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post

        I did not hear any connection to Witts or QEG.
        Looks like I sent my question to the list to soon, Jerry Thomas (LightWalker) is just one man on his own mission, not a big bank of automated servers responding to every order placed by the click of the mouse. It took a few hours (less than 24) but JT did send a few emails with all the chapters as attached pdf files. So I now have 300 + pages of reading to do.

        He has copyrighted the material and we respect that, so please do not ask me to send you a copy of these pdf files.

        However if after reading this data, something inspires me to try an experiment or two and post the results, that might well be a future happening.

        Haven’t read all the details but chapter 8 does have a section on the WITTS generator . . . . time will tell . . . .


