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COP 20.0 (2000%) Demonstration

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  • Nice Result

    Mario you have a nice looking waveform there.

    You say your using an audio amp ?
    Is the amp creating the input sine wave ?
    Is amps creating the driving signals for your switches ?

    Have you tried a normal AC transformer to provide your input signal ?

    For my setup regarding switching I'm going to reprogram a PIC controller with PC software control to be able to adjust the timing.

    I image that one of the things we have to be able to do is discharge the caps down to a certain voltage and not let them reverse bias.. i think. A good circuit may well need feedback off the caps to know when to switch them out.

    But i can't wait to get testing with this... time..
    Busy weekend coming up

    Regards, Dean.


    • Originally posted by CtrlKX View Post
      Mario you have a nice looking waveform there.

      You say your using an audio amp ?
      Is the amp creating the input sine wave ?
      Is amps creating the driving signals for your switches ?

      Have you tried a normal AC transformer to provide your input signal ?

      For my setup regarding switching I'm going to reprogram a PIC controller with PC software control to be able to adjust the timing.

      I image that one of the things we have to be able to do is discharge the caps down to a certain voltage and not let them reverse bias.. i think. A good circuit may well need feedback off the caps to know when to switch them out.

      But i can't wait to get testing with this... time..
      Busy weekend coming up

      Regards, Dean.
      Hi Dean,

      yes I started off with an audio amp. The 4 control square wave signals I recorded to a multitrack audio software, along with the sine wave to have them all in sync but still being able to nudge the individual signal back and forth in real time by small amounts. The sine wave goes to the amp which feeds a transformer. The control signals go to the switching setup. I've attached a couple pics.
      I started off like this because I wanted a fast proof of concept without having to build a complicated 0 crossing and control circuit.
      But I thing I'll build one next. On the OU forum someone has posted a 0 crossing circuit plus one to make the signal from that.

      Attached Files


      • Magnetic Energy Recovery

        I remembered hearing, "What Jim Murray calls Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply, Paul Babcock calls Magnetic Energy Recovery."

        So I did a search on magnetic energy recovery systems and found:

        But I don't know if it applies.





        • Originally posted by vidbid View Post
          I remembered hearing, "What Jim Murray calls Switched Energy Resonant Power Supply, Paul Babcock calls Magnetic Energy Recovery."

          So I did a search on magnetic energy recovery systems and found:

          But I don't know if it applies.


          Well, kinda for me.
          (Comment deleted because i am still not sure anymore where the power appears)
          From that picture #3 Fig 2 he shows a wild pulse, wonder how you can easy make that.
          I am still ponder about, what that break here at the screenshot did, where they showed input-output power

          Cap switching would look different

          A rule what i did read today:
          At inductivity are currents delayed, at capacities, currents are in front
          Last edited by Joit; 08-04-2014, 05:46 AM.
          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


          • All,

            In the Murray Babcock presentation time 01:28:45, Babcock states that in substituting a generator with a transformer, the transformer eats up the returned power. This is indicating that a practical SERPS device cannot work on a transmission line system with transformers.

            It would seem that to see this device work, it will have to be placed on a generator!

            Anyway attached are some results I have obtained. The energy meter is monitoring the input from a transformer. The power meter is monitoring the power in the load. Ignore the PF >1.00 this is due to rounding errors in the software. The scope current waveform is in red and the voltage waveform in yellow. The phase shift is about 73 deg.


            Attached Files


            • Paul is a generator guy so his thinking, as stated, is that the return power could be used to motor the coils in the generator. What if that return power went back to a separate coil on the input side of the transformer core? Small wire, many windings, and perfect timing. Oh, and maybe the right cap for some resonance on that winding. Don't know, just thinking out loud.


              Originally posted by Listener192 View Post

              In the Murray Babcock presentation time 01:28:45, Babcock states that in substituting a generator with a transformer, the transformer eats up the returned power. This is indicating that a practical SERPS device cannot work on a transmission line system with transformers.

              It would seem that to see this device work, it will have to be placed on a generator!

              Anyway attached are some results I have obtained. The energy meter is monitoring the input from a transformer. The power meter is monitoring the power in the load. Ignore the PF >1.00 this is due to rounding errors in the software. The scope current waveform is in red and the voltage waveform in yellow. The phase shift is about 73 deg.




              • Originally posted by Listener192 View Post
                It would seem that to see this device work, it will have to be placed on a generator!

                We have to find out if the generator will either see no load or begin to motor on its own. Jim Murray hinted at using an M/G to show what the SERPS is really capable of.

                I have an M/G platform to test on, so I'm hoping within the next few weeks I have some good news to report.
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Dog-One; 08-08-2014, 03:32 AM. Reason: Additions


                • Hi Dog-One,

                  I agree, an M/G set is the best way to go, as you can monitor the current draw of the driving motor to see if the SERPS switch off loads the generator. I may buy a cheap genset (800W) just to get the alternator so I can do the same.



                  • To simplify things, one could build a Bedini energizer type generator, with all norths out. This way the control is even simpler and you could use halls to do the switching.
                    Magnet approaches and the generator is a generator, then you pulse the energy back at TDC and it becomes a motor. Only two steps. The positive and the negative of the sine.
                    I believe you need the 4 quadrant switching with other type generators because they use a NSNS arrangement.

                    Last edited by Mario; 08-08-2014, 12:08 PM.


                    • I got no luck too.
                      I did take a sec microwave oven coil and made me a newman style coil, turning magnet inside and pulse it once per revolution for about 35-45%.
                      From the coil i connected 2 unpoled 0.1k caps to a rectifier. 1rect - cap - coil (-) coil (+) - cap - 1rect.
                      At the rectifier (+ and -) i got 2 poled 220µf Caps.
                      I added last days few caps directly between coil (+) and coil (-) with 0.1k, 0.15k 0,22k to got more 'moving' inside the coil (it helped a bit).

                      I switch the caps with another mounted wheel with 4 switches on the axes.
                      sw3 and sw4 from the switches are for charging the caps parallel twice per revolution.
                      sw 1 + sw2 switch is for to connnect plus rectifier/caps once per revolution, when the caps are in serie, to the batteries, and the batts are disconnected from the coil.
                      When i connect the caps at the same time as the batteries turns the rotor, it slows the whole thing down. That a pretty obvious sign.

                      I have seen it works better when i charge the caps after tdc (delayed power from an inductive load).
                      I could measure sometimes spikes with 40-120v at the caps or a charge?
                      But its still not enough to charge the batteries enough to keep it running faster.
                      I use 15-25v NI-MH and run them at the lower limit. This batteries are kinda new at the market, her entity is, that they hold the voltage longer until they run down at amps, different to the older batteries, what did loose both, voltage and ah during discharging. So, to see if there is any gain, you need to run them low at amps.
                      It looks like, i can increase the runtime but still not enough to have something unusual.
                      Last edited by Joit; 08-08-2014, 05:55 PM.
                      Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                      • Schematic
                        (Schematic updated 11.08, forgot to add a Diode)


                        Red (CH1) is across the coil, yellow across the bridge rectifier

                        It now runs since 12h on about 10.30 volts at the Batteries.

                        ....still running and running at the same voltage.
                        when i charge the batteries up they run down again until they reach the same voltage again.
                        Last edited by Joit; 08-11-2014, 05:44 PM.
                        Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                        • Originally posted by Listener192 View Post

                          In the Murray Babcock presentation time 01:28:45, Babcock states that in substituting a generator with a transformer, the transformer eats up the returned power. This is indicating that a practical SERPS device cannot work on a transmission line system with transformers.

                          It would seem that to see this device work, it will have to be placed on a generator!

                          I put now another coil at my device. I would say yes. The circuit needs to be on the generator/source itself.
                          If you want to take energy away from it, use a second Coil for induction where you run a load on it.
                          For a DC load ie a LED i used a coil and a rectifier, to feed it into 1000µf cap and run it from there.
                          Theorizer are like High Voltage. A lot hot Air with no Power behind but they are the dead of applied Work and Ideas.


                          • Jim Murray's comment

                            Jim has been reading this thread and we'll post his first comment by the end of next week.
                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Question for Jim...

                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Jim has been reading this thread and we'll post his first comment by the end of next week.
                              Excellent Aaron!

                              The major premise I get after watching all of Jim's videos is this:
                              Electrical energy that passes through a load, does not get consumed by the load. The electricity merely excites the load. This is why loads have two wires connected to them; if they only had one, then obviously there is no return path for the electrical energy to go to next.

                              Jim, if I'm way-off in this assessment, then I certainly do not understand what the SERPS device is doing. On the other hand, if I am correct, the SERPS is but one example of a device that keeps electrical energy in motion so it can continue to do useful work. This truly opens the door to some big things to come.


                              • I hope Jim will answer my question about the specifics of his claim.

                                Doesn't the claim made actually mean that the load is dissipating over 50 Joules
                                of energy per second while the supply is providing only just over 1 Joule of
                                energy per second to the device ?

                                Isn't that a claim of making energy ?

                                Seems like power is taken from one half cycle and dumped to the next. so it
                                seems that this power moved forward is borrowed right from the first cycle.

                                Just over 1 Joule per second input and just over 50 Joules per second output
                                is a claim of extra energy, where can this extra energy be measured to be
                                entering the circuit ?

                                Why is it not possible to run an inverter or electric motor generator from DC
                                and see the inverter or generator unloaded ?

                                It looks like the setup takes power from one polarity half cycle and dumps it
                                to the opposite polarity half cycle on a continuing basis I think that might
                                confuse the meters. I found most meters designed for AC power do not work
                                well and accurately with anything but sine waves.

                                I think we need to see the voltage and current wave forms from the AC line
                                before the variac. Then we can see the power - phase and energy transfer
                                from the AC supply line.

                                Or wave forms from both sides of the isolation transformer or variac the grid
                                side and the output side.

                                If in fact you can dissipate over 50 Joules per second in a load while
                                dissipating only just over joule per second as input energy (total) then you
                                have a world changing device which should make free energy possible for
                                every single person in the world if they have a device. Big claim. Huge claim.

                                The big question is why can we not see the grid line voltage and current as
                                that is the actual input for the claimed 1 Watt.

                                Sending power back to the grid is run of the mill, exporting energy to the grid
                                is a different matter, it requires a supply of energy to do that.

                                Last edited by Farmhand; 08-10-2014, 06:05 AM.

