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  • Playing Your Own Music

    Originally posted by erfinder View Post
    The method isn't being disclosed, and I find it unfortunate, but this is was expected. I can and do respect that the inventor(s) must protect their interests and the that of their investors, investor isn't limited to those who fund your research. With that being said, I don't think its necessary to try and figure out what they are doing, I think it wiser to find a similar method, one which is by no means the same thing, but could be considered as a step in a similar direction.

    I offer the following, not for discussion, I offer it simply for your private contemplation and consideration.


    Hey E

    I said the same thing 2 post back. It is like trying to copy a rock bands music (if you have a band) you can only play what comes out of YOU and then it doesn't sound like the band you were copying.

    Then a guy will copy an experiment and he can't get all of the pieces or parts to complete the mission and comes up with a new find.

    The process we all go throgh is finding any common denominator. Now that is a job so we look in on all of these inventors with their inventions thinking humm... what does that have to do with anything.

    The list grows as to what I thought might contribute to special effects with no end in sight. It is like a drunk blind man trying to climb the mountain.

    So when I gave up trying to copy everyone exactly I decided to look at the Patents many years ago. I became even more confused because the document are often delivered in such a fashion as to mislead you intentionally.

    I don't know what to think anymore. Just get some magnets and put then into spin and see if you can get mechanical? Well maybe this and maybe that.

    I have no idea what the common denominator is and when someone finds that let me know. Till then I figure keep my hands busy learning the basics of how to make pulses.

    As far as we are concerned here the SERPS is just another proprietary unit and very well should be since none of us are entitle to another mans work for free and taking for granted that someone should just hand it over free of charge is disgusting to any thinking person.

    There is nothing worse than a man who demands everything and takes it all for granted, however I don't see anything wrong with looking in on the basic operation of these guys invention and rejoicing with them in their success story.

    You never know when some of us panning for gold will strike it rich

    Last edited by BroMikey; 07-18-2014, 06:17 AM.


    • SERPS comments

      Originally posted by erfinder View Post
      With that being said, I don't think its necessary to try and figure out what they are doing, I think it wiser to find a similar method, one which is by no means the same thing, but could be considered as a step in a similar direction.
      If anyone looks at that 1.1 watt waveform from the transformer output and focuses on accomplishing THAT by whatever schematic, that is probably the best place to start for experimenters.

      This four quadrant principle as applied in the SERPS has never been discussed before. What Jim is sharing about the SERPS and Paul's partnership in helping to make the science itself understandable, this is way more than anyone has received who were required to sign NCND's, etc...

      erfinder - this is not addressed to you, just a general message. This is really a whole "new" way of looking at how to "recycle" AC electricity - new to everyone but Jim and maybe a few others - and most people with something of this magnitude are so paranoid behind the scenes they'll never come forward. It is really a ground breaking presentation that can put people on a very fruitful path if they just focus on applying the principles shared.

      From my perspective, it is way simpler to forget about all the reactive power jargon, because it really is different than that. Jim says Reactive Watts, but that is because it is actual work being done on the reflection back.

      I had a long talk with Peter a few days ago about the technical details of what is going on and although we see things different in terms of semantics and a few specific definitions of what is going on based on our own way of viewing things - and some I can't really form an opinion on yet because Peter has a much larger background in these principles than I do (so Peter has left me in a position to have to do more research! lol) - we definitely agree that it is still completely in alignment with the principles that operate in all other "overunity" devices including the Bedini SG and others.

      Although there is no "magic" going on with the SERPS, it is a complete mind blower. Jim did say in the Japanese demo that there is extra energy in the current.

      I don't know if this is a proper analogy, but Bearden describes how the "Heaviside Flow" (aetheric current) over a wire - only 1/11 trillionth of it gets diverged into the copper of the wire and gets the electrons (electron current) to jiggle downline in the opposite direction. With that being said, isn't there plenty of potential available to do all kinds of work if there was a way to just tap into more of what is already there?

      Bearden (I think) mentioned that conceptually because of that, a little AA battery could power a battleship. I can't think of another machine that demonstrates the reality of this concept than the SERPS.

      And, it has never been proven that anything is "consumed" in a light bulb to make light. The idea that electrons are turning into photons and emitting as light is nothing more than an old idea that rarely goes challenged.

      I already accept it as an indisputable fact (until evidence shows otherwise) that the magnetic field in an inductor is not proportionate to the energy moving through it. I know this by theory and experimental results. Paul Babcock's Magnetic Energy Secrets presentation shows this for example... the field is created by the movement of electricity through the coil and not by the consumption of it. Something along these lines appears to be happening in the light bulb.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Originally posted by Aaron View Post

        I don't know if this is a proper analogy, but Bearden describes how the "Heaviside Flow" (aetheric current) over a wire - only 1/11 trillionth of it gets diverged into the copper of the wire and gets the electrons (electron current) to jiggle downline in the opposite direction. With that being said, isn't there plenty of potential available to do all kinds of work if there was a way to just tap into more of what is already there?
        I have no idea what Tom Bearden knows or what he doesn't know. My gut tells me the authorities know more than they are saying. I say that because, US Patent no.:

        6,392,370 Device and Method of a Back EMF Permanent Electromagnetic Motor Generator

        has a section in it where the author, who reads like Tom Bearden, has a "reworded" version and or explanation of the "Heavyside Flow", the author also goes as far as to suggest the means by which one, in this case the author and his associates, can modify specific circuit parameters, enabling one, again the author and his associates, to capture more of this Heavyside Flow.

        Quote from 6,392,370:

        Once the generator or battery source dipole is formed (the dipole is attached also to the external circuit), it is well known in particle physics that the dipole (as is any charge) is a broken symmetry in the vacuum energy flux. By definition, this means that the source dipole extracts and orders part of that energy received from its vacuum interaction, and pours that energy out as the energy flowing through all space surrounding the external conductors in the attached circuit. Most of this enormous energy flow surging through space surrounding the external circuit does not strike the circuit at all, and does not get intercepted or utilized. Neither is it diverged into the circuit to power the electrons, but passes on out into space and is just "wasted". Only a small "sheath" of the energy flow along the surface of the conductors strikes the surface charges in those conductors and is thereby diverged into the circuit to power the electrons. Standard texts show the huge available but wasted energy flow component, but only calculate the small portion of the energy flow that strikes the circuit, is caught by it, and is utilized to power it.

        In a typical circuit, the huge available but "wasted" component of the energy flow is about 10.sup.13 times as large as is the small component intercepted by the surface charges and diverged into the circuit to power it. Hence, around every circuit and circuit element such as a coil, there exists a huge non-intercepted, non-diverged energy flow that is far greater than the small energy flow being diverted and used by the circuit or element.

        Thus there exists an enormous untapped energy flow immediately surrounding every EMF power circuit, from which available excess energy can be intercepted and collected by the circuit, if respective non-linear actions are initiated that sharply affect and increase the reaction cross section of the circuit (i.e., its ability to intercept this available but usually wasted energy flow).

        The method in which the motor of the present invention alters the reaction cross section of the coils in the circuit, is by a novel use, which momentarily changes the reaction cross section of the coil in which it is invoked. Thus, by this new motor using only a small amount of current in the form of a triggering pulse, it is able to evoke and control the immediate change of the coil's reaction cross section to this normally wasted energy flow component. As a result, the motor captures and directs some of this usually wasted environmental energy, collecting the available excess energy in the coil and then releasing it for use in the motor. By timing and switching, the innovative gate design in this new motor directs the available excess energy so that it overcomes and reverses the return EMF of the rotor-stator pole combination during what would normally be the back EMF and demonstrates the creation of the second back EMF of the system. Now instead of an "equal retardation" force being produced in the back EMF region, a forward EMF is produced that is additive to the rotor/flywheel energy and not subtractive. In short, it further accelerates the rotor/flywheel.

        This results in a non-conservative magnetic field along the rotor's path. The line integral of the field around that path (i.e., the net work on the rotor/flywheel to increase its energy and angular momentum) is not zero but a significant amount. Hence, the creation of an asymmetrical back EMF impulse magnetic motor: 1) takes its available excess energy from a known external source, the huge usually non-intercepted portion of the energy flow around the coil; 2) further increases the source dipolarity by this back EMF energy; and 3) produces available excess energy flow directly from the source dipole's increased broken symmetry in its fierce energy exchange with the local vacuum.

        End Quote.

        I find it interesting how the work of Heavyside has become someone else's intellectual property? Its fascinating how all of the authorities are basically saying the same thing, sad thing is none of them are willing to just outright say they have spent years convincing themselves and their fan base to believe. Is free energy real...? No, is overunity real....? No. Is there more energy available but just out of reach surrounding "Power EMF" circuits...yup! Will those in the know demonstrate how to effectively change the "reactive cross section" so that we can do what is being suggested in all of these emerging "principles"?



        • Sorry guys, one PC of mine crashed and
          I had to rebuild it the last 3 days, so I have to catch up again.
          I will be getting the New video from the conference

          The Secret of Tesla's Power Magnification by Jim Murray & Paul Babcock

          when I am done with rebuilding the PC.
          and then post my comments and reread all the postings here, which
          were posted in the last 3 days.
          Many thanks for all the input and stay tuned.

          Regards, Stefan.


          • I would like to add that Paul did post a schematic for an inductor type of SERPS machine he stumbled upon while in Alaska... so there is a real schematic of a machine that one could build that save a lot of gas and it probably wasn't tuned to maximize the effect. Paul didn't understand at the time why it worked and only later connected it with the SERPS concept.

            So there is some practical things in the video.

            And, the reason Paul talks so much about using his switch with the SERPS is NOT because of the fast timing, it is because it acts most like a true mechanical switch in that it controls an SCR and is able to turn it on and off at will.... an SCR has practically no voltage drop across it so it does not dissipate energy like a MOSFET or a BJT. But MOSFETs still work ok.


            • Transformer

              @ Efinder Thanks for the notes on invention, I get lazy and won't go look them up anymore. Pretty good though.

              @ ALL
              Here is another shot of the transformer in the video. It has a non closed core if that means anything and since I am unable to go as far into the subject matter as the rest here I still noted this item.

              I don't know why but I think it is important somehow.



              • SERPS, etc.

                Originally posted by erfinder View Post
                I have no idea what Tom Bearden knows or what he doesn't know. My gut tells me the authorities know more than they are saying. I say that because, US Patent no.:

                6,392,370 Device and Method of a Back EMF Permanent Electromagnetic Motor Generator

                End Quote.

                I find it interesting how the work of Heavyside has become someone else's intellectual property? Its fascinating how all of the authorities are basically saying the same thing, sad thing is none of them are willing to just outright say they have spent years convincing themselves and their fan base to believe. Is free energy real...? No, is overunity real....? No. Is there more energy available but just out of reach surrounding "Power EMF" circuits...yup! Will those in the know demonstrate how to effectively change the "reactive cross section" so that we can do what is being suggested in all of these emerging "principles"?
                Depends on who the "authorities" are - I believe the military industrial complex has EVERY advanced solution to ever single problem in the world - energy, medical, etc... G.E., you name it...

                The popular names "authorities" out in front of the public on these matters have their own well-being to consider, and they should but they are coming forward to show more and more every year.

                I haven't read that Bedini patent for years, but that is exactly what I'm talking about and the SERPS demonstrates this. What else accounts for "extra energy in the current"?

                I don't think the patent claims rights to Heaviside's science as "physics can't be patented" but just a practical method to tap into what the science said is supposed to be there.

                Here is something to consider... Eric Dollard says the the energy or watt seconds represents the rate at which electricity is being destroyed. John Bedini has said for years that the meters only measure what is wasted. They're talking about the same thing. What the meters see is that small component of electron current induced into movement by the "Heaviside Flow", which destroys the dipole at a certain rate. Therefore, the real electricity that does things is really that Heaviside Flow or the "dielectricity" component termed by Eric, which moves over the wires as if the wires are the wave guide. So whatever the significance of this - it is something that should be considered in all of this.

                The denial of free energy, etc... I know this from my experience listening to many of these people for a long time. "Free Energy" "Overunity", etc... it is all semantics. My opinion, yes, there is free energy.

                Bedini would say there is no free energy because you have to pay for it - you have to invest something to get it. While that is true, meaning you're obviously getting a return on your investment, the environmental source potential that comes in and does real work is free. Free work is being done above and beyond what we have to contribute so therefore it is free energy. Jim Murray and Paul Babcock don't like the terms free energy or overunity for similar reasons. So this "denial" of free energy really is just a very pragmatic opinion.

                Jim Murray says the SERPS results are not from the aether, etc... and can be explained by very common and known electrical understanding. But the moment any AC generator, etc... starts to turn, there is a breaking of the symmetry of the vacuum or polarizing of the aether so all the electricity still is manifest by that organized flow of dielectricity or "Heaviside Flow". It certainly isn't required to believe any of this in order to make a machine that works.

                So I'd just encourage everyone to focus on what really matters and it isn't the definitions or semantics of the language people use to describe things. What matters is that there is a scope shot of what leaves the transformer and there are a limited amount of practical ways to accomplish that with normal transformers, caps, resistors, etc... And like Silver to Gold said, Paul did show a diagram of what reduced the load the generator saw - it isn't the same SERPS circuit, but it accomplishes what is described in the presentation. That presentation is worth more than its weight in gold.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post
                  I would like to add that Paul did post a schematic for an inductor type of SERPS machine he stumbled upon while in Alaska... so there is a real schematic of a machine that one could build that save a lot of gas and it probably wasn't tuned to maximize the effect. Paul didn't understand at the time why it worked and only later connected it with the SERPS concept.

                  So there is some practical things in the video.

                  And, the reason Paul talks so much about using his switch with the SERPS is NOT because of the fast timing, it is because it acts most like a true mechanical switch in that it controls an SCR and is able to turn it on and off at will.... an SCR has practically no voltage drop across it so it does not dissipate energy like a MOSFET or a BJT. But MOSFETs still work ok.
                  I agree, seems it's been done already?

                  Emitter turn off thyristor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                  • Series and parallel operation of the emitter turn-off

                    By dramatically decreasing the storage time, the emitter turn-off thyristor (ETO) has a very good match in storage time. Storage time dispersion of less than [+ or -]100 ns is normal for ETOs and can be further reduced through adjustment of the emitter switch gate resistance. Thus, the capacitance required for dynamic voltage balancing in the ETO series connection is significantly reduced. Uniform current sharing for parallel-connected ETOs is also guaranteed at the device level through the open-base p-n-p turn-off mechanism. The current-balancing inductance can be essentially removed. Theoretical analysis and experimental results of 53-mm ETOs are presented. Index Terms--Emitter turn-off, emitter turn-off thyristor, gate turn-off thyristor, integrated gate-commutated thyristor, MOS turn-off thyristor, thyristor, unity gain turn-off.

                    Series and parallel operation of the emitter turn-off (ETO) thyristor.(Abstract) - Version details - Trove

                    These designs are made for series/parallel operations.

                    Thanks for the heads up Mario. It is another piece of the puzzle.

                    That DVD should help the guys who can build these circuits that produce that wave shape. Some of the guys here can build any circuit in few minutes.



                    • Building a generator of Tesla's time one parameter is frequency.
                      18.5 kHz might be a little slow concidering skin effect but 185 kHz is still a lot of turns.
                      Harmonic and also resonating with the capacitor dielectric.

                      Another parameter is the epoxy soft iron core. most likely resonance under 1 MHz
                      The core could be for example 3/4 x 3 inch round. The core described by Paul made from resin
                      cast with fine shot gun pellets.
                      Coil looks like a Bedini monopole coil and possibly enclosed pot of the
                      Same core for maximum magnetic absorbtion.

                      Waveform I would need picture. My first guess is a multiple sideband.
                      The wave gets lumpy when it's reflection and switching phase lag
                      Are superimposed or constructively combined. (Also called interference)
                      3 units the pot the switch matrix and the capacitor connected by RG58
                      Last edited by mikrovolt; 07-20-2014, 10:17 AM.


                      • Transformer Cores

                        Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                        Building a generator of Tesla's time one parameter is frequency.
                        18.5 kHz might be a little slow concidering skin effect but 185 kHz is still a lot of turns.
                        Harmonic and also resonating with the capacitor dielectric.

                        Another parameter is the epoxy soft iron core. most likely resonance under 1 MHz
                        The core could be for example 3/4 x 3 inch round. The core described by Paul made from resin
                        cast with fine shot gun pellets.
                        Coil looks like a Bedini monopole coil and possibly enclosed pot of the
                        Same core for maximum magnetic absorbtion.

                        Waveform I would need picture. My first guess is a multiple sideband.
                        The wave gets lumpy when it's reflection and switching phase lag
                        being superimposed or constructively combined.
                        Thanks for that core description. I have heard of what you are saying before but I didn't know that that type of core and coil applied here.

                        I am in your debt.

                        The part about superimposing constructively combining waves that are reflected from switch lag is a bit unclear to me for now.



                        • Sorry but no, that's not it.

                          "The drawback of connecting a MOSFET in series is that it has to carry the main thyristor current and it also increases the total voltage drop by about 0.3 to 0.5V and its corresponding losses."

                          That voltage drop is still there and it is what increases losses of the switch. Paul's switching scheme has a zero voltage drop across it.

                          The voltage drop across an electronic "switch" is like this:

                          BJT : 0.7 V
                          MOSFET : 0.3 V
                          SCR : 0V

                          You want 0V across your switch when turned on.

                          Originally posted by Mario View Post
                          I agree, seems it's been done already?

                          Emitter turn off thyristor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



                          • Guys,

                            It has been stated in this thread by Spokane1 that the transformers are for power isolation. I drew the same conclusion also. You can't read power with a grounded meter to a grounded circuit arbitrarily unless you isolate it. So no need to keep looking at those transformers as their function has already been revealed. The one you posted is for power isolation to read the resistive load voltage & currents.

                            In the video, I believe it was Paul who stated that the voltage and current are in phase. Not sure how that happened, I guess the L of the transformer was matched to the C to get that.

                            Does that tell you guys anything (that the V and I are in phase)?

                            If someone is looking for "the missing key", I still have seen no one post the MOSFET switching circuit! So what is it? That would actually be useful.

                            Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                            @ Efinder Thanks for the notes on invention, I get lazy and won't go look them up anymore. Pretty good though.

                            @ ALL
                            Here is another shot of the transformer in the video. It has a non closed core if that means anything and since I am unable to go as far into the subject matter as the rest here I still noted this item.

                            I don't know why but I think it is important somehow.



                            • isolation windings? and cores

                              Originally posted by SilverToGold View Post

                              It has been stated in this thread by Spokane1 that the transformers are for power isolation. I drew the same conclusion also. You can't read power with a grounded meter to a grounded circuit arbitrarily unless you isolate it. So no need to keep looking at those transformers as their function has already been revealed. The one you posted is for power isolation to read the resistive load voltage & currents.

                              In the video, I believe it was Paul who stated that the voltage and current are in phase. Not sure how that happened, I guess the L of the transformer was matched to the C to get that.

                              Does that tell you guys anything (that the V and I are in phase)?

                              If someone is looking for "the missing key", I still have seen no one post the MOSFET switching circuit! So what is it? That would actually be useful.
                              Hey Silver thanks for helping me catch up (I am an under-classmen)

                              Okay let me get this straight, the core LOOKS to be a regular isolation transformer block designs in the stone-ages with the top half of the core lopped up.

                              That is what it LOOKS like.

                              Now on to the ETO stuff. It is my understanding(I may be wrong here) that the reason the Thyristor is used is because they are known to have a much lower switch resistance.

                              If this is incorrect please let me know.

                              I read that somewhere, but everyone knows how much of a pain in the arsenal they can be to turn off "THUS" the turn off Patent.

                              I haven't noticed anything related to circuit topology other than looking at the "SERIES/PARELLEL ETO diagrams MADE for these operations.

                              I think this would be the only place I could think of to start to get a basic idea of how caps are switched and how circuits look doing these functions.

                              I will go back and read what you said about this being wrong thinking and do some brushing up. I know I sound like a drowning man but this is as far as I have come.

                              ETO emitter turn off?

                              Thanks again and have a great day.



                              • Hi guys,

                                I still didn't have time to draw a schematic, but I explained earlier how I've put my circuit together, and how I'm getting the control signals. The switching works and I'm working on it but not seeing the results yet.

                                It would be great to know if they are using an open or closed core. No luck with a toroid, will try and open a standard transformer.
                                Frankly I thought more details would have been shared in the video.

                                the ETO arrangement seems to have very slow turn off time. Here's another option MCT:

                                MOS- Controlled Thyristor (MCT)

                                Another option is to switch an opposite polarity potential across the SCR for an instant with a fet, this ail block current and make it turn off.


