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COP 20.0 (2000%) Demonstration

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  • Hi Aaron and all,

    it was great being able to talk to the guys and ask questions, thanks.

    I think Jim said that with an all N generator I would run into trouble. I don't want to argue with a smart guy such as Jim, with all the experience he's got. The thing is, like they admitted themselves, it's hard to find a "normal" N-S gen that gives the right wave to work with.
    in fact I'm having trouble with my wind gen, while I'm getting close with the all N gen which is basically an energizer.
    So, I don't want to side track people, but all in all right now I find it easier to get results from an all N gen. I may know someone else who long ago found it easier to do this with an all N energizer? LOL. I may be wrong but I think in a week we'll all know more

    Aaron, would you agree or do you think a N-S gen has advantages over an all N gen?

    Last edited by Mario; 10-26-2014, 10:06 AM.


    • Serps


      I'm not sure but I would imagine N and S would give a more even swing on both sides.

      I think the best is a really old generator than can be turned by another electric motor for testing but then again, Jim and Paul both highly recommend simply working with a transformer before going to a generator.
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • Notes to Jim

        Thinking to the possibility to use the out-powermeter of a mixed installation with renewable energy, looks to me it is not possible in France while the form of the sinus wave is changed and that using techniques like "current carriers" to support data, I hardly see how it would be accepted by the grid companies which won't be already happy we would reduce too significantly the whole billable energy.

        About making negative watts, or "reactive watts" going through an invertor made purely of electronics, could be made by mean of special transistors where a "virtual resistor" plays a main goal. It has been observed in the experimentations of the Richard Vialle's Autogenerator. See point number 5 of the reply #220, on February 11, 2014, 04:11:02 AM:
        Richard VIALLE's new theory about negative mass and overunity

        Last edited by Khwartz; 11-12-2014, 07:03 AM.
        Trying to understand perfectly something, observing by one's self to check the truth, is the only way to skills and to protect oneself from false data and rumors.


        • Jim Murray and Paul Babcock private Q & A call

          Here's the private interview we did: SERPS Interview with Jim Murray & Paul Babcock 2014-10-22 | A & P Electronic Media – Digital Publishing by Aaron Murakami & Peter Lindemann
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • SERPS generator

            Hi Aaron,

            Could you ask Jim what type of generator excitation was used on the small generator that they said they had success with the SERPS connected.

            On most small 2 pole generators, the alternator rotor winding is in parallel with a diode to allow DC self excitation (no slip rings - brushless).

            The other type of alternator uses slip rings to connect the rotor winding to a stator winding via a bridge rectifier.




            • Hi Aaron,

              are there any news from Murray and Babcock? haven't heard or seen anything since the phone call. Would be nice to have a follow up?
              How are they doing with the patent?



              • Well, this thread kinda died. So from what I gather the only way to utilize the reactive power is through physical magnets passing by a coil, or to give it back to the grid. Is this correct? Has it been done solid state?


                • Originally posted by drak View Post
                  Well, this thread kinda died. So from what I gather the only way to utilize the reactive power is through physical magnets passing by a coil, or to give it back to the grid. Is this correct? Has it been done solid state?
                  Hi Drak

                  I guess you didn't read or understand the posts written in this
                  thread? Basically the people that showed this have gone under
                  ground til certain legal details are finished.

                  The way it works is to pulse a transformer then rearrange and
                  collect the waveform without any reverb.

                  Do you understand?


                  • and for what all this things ?

                    A very promising technology ! Congratulations.

                    I read this thread this morning and at this point all this speculations are boring me.
                    Trying this , trying that .... allways the same cycle over the years...

                    No schematics, only promises, Demos and interviews but
                    where is the real meat ?

                    We saw many promises the last 10 years. I´m tired of all those TPUs, MAGs, QEGs , Rossis E Cat, Searl Disc , Keshe foundations ... can´t remember all...

                    Never you get an schematic or you have to invest $$$$$ for prototyping example to see the QEG is no selfrunner at all.
                    Fine there are DVDs , books of theory consuming hours of hours of testing for nothing, but no working Kits !
                    Funny youtube videos with projects nobody can confirm on a table full of
                    intruments , aligator clips, coils, breadbord circuits and bulbs, (aka "theBigMess") but everyone claims he found the "gain"

                    the main thing people are busy with something

                    And over the years the projects disappearing in the fog of the past and the inventors too.
                    they get old and grey and soon they take it to the grave because the big companies never buy it because "they" don´t need it.

                    The small people all over the world need it but every inventors think he will be a rich man. In fact only the big companies goes rich.
                    Remember the sewing machine, (austria Madersberger), Singer made millions and maderberger died pennyless. Tesla died pennyless. Stan meyer died pennyless, Peter mitterhofer died... (typewriter inventor). EV Gray died...
                    Tariel Kapadnadze (old and sick now) has got even a patent WOW and what now ?

                    ahh ! do you see the red line ? Why they all waiting and see how our enviroment gets dirty more and more ? They don´t act , we are waiting but for what ?

                    I know you learn a lot when you are young, you have dreams and invest your private money in your idea , you have fun when you progress and at the end nobody want buy it for the price you expecting for, the big companies tell you maybe the have a good job for you in the R/D department bla bla but in fact they steal your idea and you can´t affort the lawyer(s) to fight against your boss many years..

                    and the patents ? Oh yes in china they copy patents for free and build products of them. The rest of the world is waiting till the patent expires... to copy it ...

                    Maybe I´m wrong but who cares ? Maybe I´m the only one who thinks like this.

                    History tells us - Inventions of this kind could only be a present to mankind. sadly but true.

                    my solution :

                    - Talk to the inventors what they want,
                    - open up a Kickstartcampaign,
                    - spread the campaign in every Energyforum around the globe.
                    - collect money from the people (Coz the bank don´t give you a damn cent for your invention, because they don´t want it.)
                    - Build a kit to spread your wisdom.
                    - Build a bigger unit for those who can afford it.

                    because at the end of your life, what will be your legat to this world ?
                    the only it will remebers you is that what YOU give to the people.

                    think about it.

                    ACT now , don´t waiting for a tomorrow that never comes.
                    We saw all the "tomorrows" of the great geniuses in the past. And we saw nothing has changed for us since 1900 (!)

                    Thank you for your time to read this.


                    • I like your comments about inventors and their inventions. One thing many may not realize is that most inventors are jealous of their ideas. Most are even paranoid. They have witnessed other inventors ideas stolen, patented and then secrecy or gag orders placed on them. And if they try to patent a free energy system, then it will never be patented. If they somehow get around those obstacles then they will be bought out or eliminated to prevent the technology from reaching the masses. Those in charge want to remain in control by eliminating the possibility of the masses becoming self sufficient. There are some ways to accomplish this, but it is not cheap. Solar, wind, hydro, thermal and ocean waves, to mention a few. Most have4 no access to these technologies and even less have room for these projects. As more people are crowded into cities, the less chance there is to become self sufficient. The greatest inventors realized long ago that if these technologies became available, the controllers would only use it to enslave the people more. Only when things start to fall apart will inventors release their inventions to the public. Good Luck. stealth


                      • understand. sadly and true again !
                        good luch to you too . See you after the economical reboot (soon)


                        • Originally posted by BroMikey View Post
                          Hi Drak

                          I guess you didn't read or understand the posts written in this
                          thread? Basically the people that showed this have gone under
                          ground til certain legal details are finished.

                          The way it works is to pulse a transformer then rearrange and
                          collect the waveform without any reverb.

                          Do you understand?
                          Yes I did read the thread, but I guess I don't understand it. I was under the assumption that that they were throwing an ac waveform into a cap through a load then reversing the polarity at certain point to send reactive power back out. Cancel the input and still get the the work through the load.

                          I guess you didn't understand my question. Not a big deal, sorry to bother you and thank you for your reply


                          • serps

                            Originally posted by HansKammler View Post
                            No schematics, only promises, Demos and interviews but where is the real meat ?
                            They never promised anything to anyone.

                            They actually taught the science behind the principles involved, which an electrical engineer can apply to a multitude of circuits to get these kind of results.

                            The particular circuit Jim came up with is a very elegant simple way to accomplish this but is probably not the only way.

                            I have no updates for anyone, otherwise, I'd post them.

                            I also don't get myself involved in their business affairs so do not know all the details, but they are moving forward and that is all I can say.

                            At this year's conference, both of them are presenting on magnetic principles that are very foundational to their work.

                            Most people want a schematic to build without wanting to do the work to learn the science.

                            Most people could also put something together that apparently replicates the diagram to the SERPS, but they will not get it to work the same. That is why understanding the science, philosophy and principles they have been laying out are very important to understand.

                            I have an interview with Paul Babcock that I will release very soon when I have time to render it and put it on youtube. He doesn't discuss the SERPS but his own non-back emf motor that produces work for less than is conventionally predicted.

                            Aaron Murakami

                            Books & Videos
                            RPX & MWO


                            • Paul Babcock update

                              Paul Babcock discusses the SERPS update in this video.

                              Most if focused on anti-Lenz's Law and its application to his motor.

                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                                Paul Babcock discusses the SERPS update in this video.

                                Most if focused on anti-Lenz's Law and its application to his motor.


                                Thanks Paul and Aaron

                                For showing us this really cool motor. For showing us what you

                                can of your life's work that most can never figure out even if

                                you gave a step by step. Like you said Paul we all have to work

                                full time. Wouldn't be great if somebody worked full time their

                                entire lives on the energy devices?

                                I really got inspired looking at all of the beautiful 24 set of electronic

                                switching array and the talk of a ZERO SWITCH that collects energy

                                before the kick back comes. We all know it is possible.

                                You guys are the only one's I know on the level and what is shared

                                is for real.

                                Paul has the switching down and Jim has the flux gate mechanics

                                ironed out. I'll bet Jim's lab is a highly precise shop to machine

                                engines or motors. Then the coil winding fixtures.

                                Good work sticking together.

