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Understanding John Searl's SEG

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  • #16
    Correct! There is an ungodly amount to wrap one's mind around.
    When John first developed the SEG, he walked into a multi-million dollar infrastructure and had free access to everything!
    Megawatts of power, a caged magnetizer bigger than the room you're sitting in, teams of engineers, he didn't have to pay labor, medical benefits, liability insurance, rent, had all the tools and materials provided, etc. (Except the neodymium powder from China. That cost 65 cents a kilo back then.)
    Was so cheap because the only place it was used was to tint glass purple.
    For John to do what he did back then, it only cost him about 108 british pounds.
    Today, we would have to purchase that entire infrastructure from scratch, and at modern prices. And pay the labor, utilities, rent, and all that Per employee and by the hour.
    That represents a few million dollars worth of industrial resources.
    John was at the right place at the right time back then.
    With all of those unlimited resources, it still took almost a year of full time work with trials and lots of errors before getting everything right.

    To duplicate that will cost some dough.
    No Bucks.. no Buck Rogers.


    • #17
      John says the SEG will produce about 90 watts per pound.
      So a 3 Ringed SEG would provide 15kW. That would weigh about 166 pounds.
      With the housing, pick-up coils, etc, would be about 180 - 200 pounds.
      If the density isn't right, the unit won't function.
      The tolerances are extremely tight. Can't be more than .05 grams off in weight.
      (The 3 rings of the SEG are additive in power. The inner most stator set and rollers would produce about 2000 watts. That is the input for the second concentric stator which would produce about 5000 watts. That additive power of 7000 watts would be the input for the 3rd outer concentric stator which would output the additional 8000 for a total of 15kW)
      Last edited by JasonVerbelli; 05-15-2014, 12:16 AM.


      • #18
        Originally posted by JasonVerbelli
        I replied to Olivier:

        1 reason superconductivity would occur inside the SEG is because of the spatially and temporally coherent peaks and troughs of poles making up the field lines.

        Normal magnets have fields that are "always on."
        But John's magnets have standing wave interference pattern corresponding to a given wavelength.
        There are constructive and destructive interference fringes.
        The peaks are all North Pole on the top half of the magnet and the peaks are all South Pole on the bottom half of the magnet. (axial)
        But the troughs are points of 0 magnetism. Cancellations.
        Which act as a ribbed structure. Like the cuticles of the Morpho Butterfly wing. (peaks and troughs. Light and dark ridges)

        Even the most basic premise of Binary Code is 1's and 0's. On and Off.
        1 reason why superconductivity would arise in the SEG is from the interaction between 2 like magnetic fringe patterns moving in relation to each other. Like the sprockets of helical gears.
        The peak of 1 wave matches the trough of the other wave.
        As they interact in motion relative to each other in an orbit and centripetal spin, Bosons are generated.
        No one knows and that will take some scientific testing when the time comes.
        John says that as a free "electron" is drawn to the positively charged neodymium core, that a valence "electron" from the neodymium atom is paired with that free "electron".
        Then they are compressed and accelerated through the dielectric layer. Quantum tunneling about a laser-like coherent magnetic field. (from the ridges)

        So, rather than a standard magnet generating "incandescent electrons", John Searl's magnets act more like a monochromatic source in the regard that only a specific charge of "electrons" would be allowed through the system.
        Like a diode. But rather than an LED (Light Emitting Diode), I think it would be more like an EED (electron emitting diode)

        So, I'm not sure if the SEG would filter out only 1 particular wavelength.... or if it would change the internal kinetic energy of All surrounding wavelengths to the 1 particular coherent wavelength allowed through the diode (SEG).

        That would be 2 different scenarios.

        I've heard John mention that the SEG "absorbs all frequencies" and converts them to the 1 operating frequency.

        That might mean that the 1 wavelength only being harnessed is only the first part.
        And that All given wavelengths of "electrons" are "converted" to a charge equal to that of the wavelength being harnessed.
        (But only within the "vicinity")

        Don't know if this makes the equation more or less difficult.
        Almost all of the 'keywords' are there, missing is perhaps 'a vortex of x-charged monopoles, that eliminate the Lentz BEMF'
        what a load of sh*t.
        Please provide a clear theory and proper experiments / measurements that support the theory.


        • #19
          Ben2503, Thank you for your kind, well thought out response!

          Did you read my original reply to you, look through the Morningstar Energy Box links or the 200 page PDF I put together?
          I never said anything about back EMF.
          The Lenz law applies here in the regard that the resulting eddy currents create a frictionless bearing between roller and stator.
          There is still resistance between magnet and coil.
          I don't believe in magnetic "monopoles" and I never used that term.
          If you read through the pdf, you'll see the current status of our experiments, what we have achieved and what we are aiming to do.
          I'm here to learn, ask questions and get the insight of like-minded folks who are willing to entertain new concepts and help me out.
          If you're not familiar with the concept of coherent electricity then I can understand your lack of context.

          Understanding John Searl's SEG

          Murad audio Interview:
          Paul Murad's Searl Effect Generator

          Technical Data:

          Last edited by JasonVerbelli; 05-15-2014, 12:22 AM.


          • #20
            On the SEG


            Many thanks for making available your information. I've done rapid learning on the SEG since stumbling on it yesterday. I'm an engineer and tirelessly search for ways to improve and create regenerative power.

            This device caught my eye because #1 there is fantastic temperature drop during power generation. This is absolutely necessary if there will be any kind of 'free' energy power generation and can be confirmed by recalling our well-established classical mechanics energy conservation equations. This could be further explained if one entertains the idea the device creates a toroidal vacuum around its envelope.

            #2, magnetic theory is very incomplete and is easily recognized when considering superconductivity. I believe a device would likely operate on magnetic principles we've yet to understand.

            What I don't quite like is the supposed free energy source explained for the SEG operation. From what I gather, they are basically anions or negatively charged particles correct? Is there any literature available that can produce some type of average anion density for regular atmospheric air? I searched but found nothing concrete. Being the power source, this figure is fundamental and necessarily needs to be explained.

            Also instructive would be an example of how the rule of squares can be extrapolated onto a physical system. I recall the SEG damanding the squares rule be used when making the densities of each 1000+ piece, can you give some detail on this? There are several duplicate pieces, how is the rule adapted for duplicate pieces and duplicate sets? I do hope there aren't several underlying assumptions.

            With that being said, Psuedo-science has an unbelievable pull on factual science yet every game-changing discovery is exhaustively unwelcomed and ill-received by the science community. This is an unfortunate but necessary characteristic of the scientific method. I urge you to quit right now if participating in a farce, however if not, please increase clarity as you continue your research. Funding follows profitability and profitability only exists where there is legitimacy. We all want to believe you, just show us how. The 197 page 'Understanding the SEG' you posted is an insightful start but lacks the legitimacy it was meant to stress. I know venture capitalists who would throw $10-$50 million at this in a heartbeat if there were more to drool over.

            Last edited by vincejonesowns; 05-22-2014, 07:27 PM.


            • #21
              Hi Vince!

              Thank you for your open-minded response.

              I have a lot more studying to do to improve my terminology. And can use all the insight possible to increase my own understanding to do the information justice.

              Magnetic theory is indeed in its infancy.
              There needs to be some top grade minds willing to entertain these perspectives and assist in the formulae.
              Would also be nice to have some top grade software to help project and map the complex interaction of fields.

              Again, from what I understand so far, all known magnets are made using high capacitive discharge and strictly DC.
              John's process doesn't use capacitive discharge but rather a modulated current which requires more power. He also uses DC with superimposed AC.

              From a 1986 letter by an unknown party attempting to duplicate John's process:
              "The polarization is a unique magnetizing process where DC is pulsed into a coil at the self-resonant frequency of the AC coil, which is tightly coupled to the DC winding. The pulsed DC alone produces a fringing pattern in a blank magnet due to the field not being fully saturated. A standing wave pattern is simultaneously set-up in the blank magnet due to the resonating AC coil and field. The end result is a permanent magnet with a conventional north and south pole along with a unique track of poles proportional to the applied frequency.”

              There are 2 energy sources for the SEG. The internal energy source of the cores and the sustaining energy source from the surrounding environment.

              The internal energy source is the kinetic energy of valence electrons in the atoms making up the rare-earth cores which are constantly replenished on demand in proportion to load.
              (A unique property of lanthanides that should be further investigated.)

              More load = more positive charge of the core, which in turn, proportionally draws in more negatively charged electrons from the surrounding environment. The attracted free electrons fill the outer shell of each atom that lost its valence from drawing a load.
              Those newly replaced electrons only remain for an “instant” before leaving their position in the outer shell and making their way through the system. 1 leaves and another fills its place at a constant rate (in proportion to load.)

              The SEG harnesses kinetic energy of electrons on the quantum level much like how the kinetic energy of water is harnessed in a hydroelectric dam.
              There’s an energy cycle in the atmosphere with water as an open system. Just as there’s an energy cycle in the SEG with “electrons” as an open system.

              Rain fills a reservoir like electrons fill the rare-earth core.
              (Any rare-earth can work. But raw neodymium is the most available and cost effective lanthanide, which is why it’s used as the inner most concentric stator ring.)

              The reservoir in the case of the SEG is the outer shell of each neodymium atom making up the core. The valence “electrons” fill the shell like water fills a basin.
              The reservoir is dammed up to create pressure and potential.
              There is weight and pressure from water on the wall of a dam.
              Just as there is pressure from electrons on the dielectric Teflon layer. (2nd concentric stator ring)

              Dielectric materials and insulators act as a dam for electricity like the water analogy.

              Water from a dam is shot through holes/ slits.
              The pressure sends the water in jet streams. There’s coherent kinetic energy of all water molecules forced to channel out of the hole.

              Similar to how electrons tunnel through the lattice of the atoms making up the dielectric layer. Fermions cannot pass through insulators, but Bosons can. (Cooper Pairs)

              The hole in a dam forces the water out in a coherent flow which focuses the kinetic energy of the water to turn a turbine. The turbine generates electricity. The holes/ slits in the case of the SEG are the spaces between atoms making up the dielectric layer. The pressure compresses the electrons and they tunnel through.

              The water molecules floating about in the natural environment are in a state of incoherence. Because of that incoherence, the kinetic energy is distributed in a cloud-like state rather than focused in a jet-stream. The flow of water molecules shooting out of a hole in a pressurized dam is coherent. Which is like simulating a beam of kinetic energy. That same potential is all around us. But it has to be dammed up first to create the needed pressure.

              After the electrons tunnel through the dielectric layer, they're accelerated radially outward by the uniquely imprinted magnetic fields. And then emitted by the copper layer.

              The turbines in this case are the orbiting rollers. The kinetic energy of the electrons shoot out in streams horizontally.
              (From every pore and space between atoms making up the dielectric layer)
              But radially, from the center out. Magnets move 90 degrees to an electric current which is why the rollers orbit the stator in the first place.

              What happens to water after it turns a turbine in a hydroelectric dam?
              It eventually evaporates and becomes part of the incoherent environment again. Which then precipitates back into the reservoir completing the cycle.
              As an open system.

              Much like how the bosons emitted by the SEG de-couple after being harnessed in the pickup coils. The single fermions quickly charge up in the incoherent environment (outside the SEGs close proximity) and are then attracted to the positively charged neodymium core.
              Then the cycle repeats in a toroidal circuit.

              Radial emissions outward at the equator and vortices at the poles.
              Nothing created or destroyed.
              Only already existing energy cycled and then recycled.

              As the valence of neodymium is stripped from the atom, the more electrons are extracted from the incoherent environment to nearly instantly replace the ones that get stripped away.

              The harnessed energy isn't "free" per say. Meaning, the energy isn't just manifested from "nothing". It's a cyclical conversion process. Just like the cycle of water in the atmosphere. (with an added man made dam)

              If you had your own hydroelectric dam to power your home, you wouldn't have to pay for the energy it reaped once it was set up. In that regard, the energy would be free, and perpetually sustained by the natural environment.

              You couldn't use more water than what is in the reservoir, even if you opened the spill ways and powered your house at peak all day.
              The rate at which the Natural environment replenishes the reservoir with rain is faster than what you can deplete in the totality of what is dammed up.

              Something has to be expended to generate power though. In this case, what gives is the temperature/ heat.
              (Abiding by the 1st Law of Thermodynamics)
              Just because an environment is cold doesn’t mean it lacks electrons.

              Lucky, there is still temperature/ incoherence everywhere in the Universe. Even in the depths of space it doesn't really get below 4 Kelvin from what I've read. Which means there is kinetic energy of incoherent electrons to harness even in the vacuum of space.
              But what is heat again? The bi-product of kinetic energy being lost from incoherent turbulence on a quantum level.

              Coherently made magnets in a coherently made system do not generate the same incoherent fermions we're used to. And that requires massive study. (which requires adequate funding.)
              It’s the difference between the kinetic energy of water vapor in the atmosphere verses the kinetic energy of water coming out of a hole in a large dam.

              All known electric systems harness fermions which are cloud-like. You can move a fan blade by blowing air at it. There’s kinetic energy moving the fan blade and it works. But what if you blasted a stream of condensed water (condensed meaning liquid, not mist) at the fan blade? Lots more force now.

              It’s not the magnets alone that initiate a cycle and recycling of energy. Nor is it the magnets alone that generate the pressure needed to generate bosons. It’s the Entire system working together as 1 cycle.
              Each component plays its role. Without it, there would be no loop.

              The density of the Neodymium must be enough to maintain a large enough reservoir of electrons for peak output.

              If the density is off, it would to like trying to turn a turbine with the force of water coming out of a hole in the side of a bucket. Rather than with the force of water coming out of a hole in a large dam.

              If the density of the Teflon isn't right, then it would be like having a paper thin wall for a large dam. The wall of the dam will break and the system will be compromised and flood with too much energy.

              If the wall of a dam is too thick, the water will loose kinetic energy by the time is makes its way out the hole. If there’s just a trickle of water, it won’t have enough force to spin a turbine.

              The kinetic energy from the "electron streams" turns the rollers with so much force, the amount of resistance caused by drawing a load is negligible in comparison. The amount of energy you can draw from a given unit, (regardless of how large) wouldn’t deplete the total supply of available energy in the grand scheme of things.

              Would be like trying to empty a lake by scooping water out using a tea cup… while it’s raining into the lake. You couldn’t scoop water out fast enough even if you tried really hard with a big bucket.
              You’re whole neighborhood could try to deplete the total supply to no avail. The reservoir would just keep filling up from the natural cycle of water in the atmosphere.

              Just like powering a neighborhood with SEGs wouldn’t deplete the energy being harnessed because there is a constant cycle naturally filling the “reservoirs” faster than you could deplete them. The amount of energy creating pressure is already built up by the time the system is started. It’s literally like trying to empty a dammed up lake with a bucket while it’s raining.

              Think of the grander cycle of energy. Think outside the box. And have an open mind. As in… view the longest lasting energy cycles as open systems rather than closed/ isolated systems.
              The “electrons” that power the SEG are the same "electrons" you feel right now as temperature. There is a focused flow to turn the rollers. Without that focused jet stream of “electrons”, the rollers would slow down in proportion to load like any other conventional system.
              But the SEG isn’t conventional. It’s Unconventional.

              The SEG harnesses the kinetic energy of the “electron itself.”
              Just like a hydroelectric dam harnesses the kinetic energy of water.

              John Searl's technology and our R&D pursuit to gain more understanding is genuine. Just as the pursuit of Tom Valone, Paul Murad and Morningstar Energy Box to understand John's technology is genuine. As are the projects pursued by the Russians.

              I agree that the pdf is good for giving people basic insight. But I need help to improve my own understanding if I want to be able to do justice when communicating these ideas. I need to make sense to the people who can truly help with the more technical aspects. Otherwise it sounds too esoteric without the proper context.
              Not having as much literature to refer to on the concepts John Searl talks about (and demonstrated in the past) makes it extra difficult.

              “Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.”
              But sometimes obtaining extraordinary proof requires extraordinary resources. Especially if you’re using extraordinary methods with extraordinary precision. Nothing is ordinary about the SEG and its construction.

              I'll need more time be able to answer technical questions effectively. Which is 1 reason why I'm on this forum.

              Jason Verbelli


              • #22
                Does the machine produce more electricity than it takes to run it?
                Half of the Answer is knowing the right Question


                • #23
                  Hi Dave!
                  Awesome question.

                  No 'Overunity" or magic needed. There is a proportional temperature drop to electric output.
                  I'm not fond of the concept of a closed system producing "more out than in".

                  The SEG is an Open System though.
                  Just as a hydroelectric dam doesn't produce more energy than required to "run it".
                  What is the "input power" to run a hydroelectric dam?

                  The already existing water is dammed up. No magic there. The pressure is used to turn turbines.
                  You get an equal amount of force to turn the turbine as you have pressure built up.
                  There is no "input power" in an open system scenario persay, nor does the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics apply to the totality of the cycle of an open system.

                  Same principle with the SEG but instead of cycling the kinetic energy of already present water on a macro scale, it cycles the kinetic energy of already existing electrons on the quantum level.
                  There's still a diminishing of "total energy". Just as there is a diminishing of the total volume of water in a dam when you use the kinetic energy to turn a turbine.
                  But the peak amount you can possibly draw in relation to the amount available is infinitesimally negligible.
                  As you use the kinetic energy of water from a dam, the water in the environment naturally evaporates and rains to fill the reservoir. And at a faster rate than what you could deplete out of the total volume of water in the dam. Just as if you draw a load from the SEG, the environment would naturally replenish the valence of neodymium atoms making up the cores.

                  It's like the concept of trying to bucket out water from a dammed up lake while in the rain.
                  Sure, you're depleting the total volume of water dammed up. But does it matter?
                  Would be futile efforts and silly to think one could deplete the total volume of water dammed up and at a faster rate than what the natural environment simultaneously refills it.

                  We don't say that the dam provides "more energy than required to run it".
                  We say, the dam provides energy equal to the kinetic energy of water turning the turbine.

                  But what about the water that actually turns the turbine?
                  Where did it come from and where does it go after it passes the turbine?
                  It's a natural cycle already in existence.

                  What about the electrons that turn the rollers of the SEG?
                  Where do they come from and where do they go after they pass the rollers?
                  Again, it's a natural cycle.

                  There's no overunity involved with the cycle of water in the atmosphere, nor is there overunity involved with the cycle of "electrons" in the SEG.
                  Last edited by JasonVerbelli; 06-29-2014, 12:27 AM.


                  • #24
                    Not sure if this has been posted. Thought I'd pass along the link to a Jan 1st, 2015 interview with John Searle:


                    • #25
                      Hi Bob! I just uploaded that interview with a bunch of images and context.
                      So people an read and investigate the links.


                      --Jason Verbelli
                      Searl Magnetics, Inc.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JasonVerbelli View Post
                        Hello everyone!
                        I'll be checking back to answer questions.
                        Nice write-up Jason.

                        My main question...

                        Do you think a Russ Gries could replicate and demonstrate a functional SEG, or does this technology require too much precision and costly material selection?


                        • #27
                          Hi Dog-One!!

                          I'm good friends with Russ. He's visited the lab in San Diego. There's no way he could replicate the SEG because he has standard equipment.
                          The magnetizer needed uses a pulsed DC with superimposed AC. And no high capacitive discharge. Costs well over a million dollars to develop.
                          Russ has standard magnetizing equipment (like the rest of the world) which uses a bank of capacitors to hammer the metal.
                          It requires a team of engineers and almost 2 years full time work to make a fully functional SEG in modern day. If we had unlimited resources and an already established infrastructure, then it would only take a few months.

                          It's extremely costly and unreasonably precise. Russ would be a person I'd want on my team to make the SEG though!
                          But not he, nor any 1 person could ever do it. Takes a few million dollars and a team of engineers.

                          The materials are known. Neodymium, Teflon, and Copper.
                          It's the magnet that is the hard part. Can't start building the neo, teflon and copper until you make the magnetic rings. Which dictate the dimensions of the other components.
                          So, without the magnetizer, you can't even start making the parts really.
                          You can practice and learn how to go about it. But actually doing it requires full funding and certain steps.
                          Can't just manufacture everything and then do the magnet part last.

                          Everything is made according to density. So the tolerances are very tough. Each segment has to weigh no less than 34 grams. Which means you need 272 grams for each roller. That works out to a tolerance of about 3 grams for the whole unit!!!
                          That means Each Component has to have a tolerance of .05 grams to function properly.
                          Very high precision.

                          Russ can demonstrate aspects OF the technology. But to put it ALL together requires the time, money and effort.
                          --Jason Verbelli


                          • #28


                            • #29
                              Is there any interest in partnering Searl Magnetics with a larger company? Like Google or Apple or something? (obviously not a power company)


                              • #30
                                Thank God someone actually visited the page again and saw the updates!
                                I obviously need a better plan of having people see the information.

                                We are Very open to partnering with larger companies!
                                Would love to have a representative visit our facility in San Diego, meet with Professor Searl and Fernando Morris, and see what we have, what our goals are and the current stage of development.

                                Need all the help and insight we can get!

