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Chris Hunter "Alaska Star" releases an O U PDF

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  • #16
    first love..........

    please be careful how you speak of my first true love
    the smelly NOISY and very powerful.....

    I started turning wrenches on Aircraft as a fairly young teenager some 40 + years ago
    4000hrs worth...A+P requirement. [jets too]

    life took me elsewhere. however been in love ever since.

    sent you a PM

    Last edited by RAMSET; 05-13-2014, 03:12 PM.
    If you want to Change the world
    BE that change !!


    • #17
      Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
      please be careful how you speak of my first true love
      the smelly NOISY and very powerful.....

      I started turning wrenches on Aircraft as a fairly young teenager some 40 + years ago
      4000hrs worth...A+P requirement. [jets too]

      life took me elsewhere however been in love ever since.

      sent you a PM

      Wow, that is nice Chet!...Aircraft Engines are far superior than terrestrial vehicles...

      Sorry about that my friend!!... ...didn't mean to hurt your little loving engine feelings...but, honestly friend...that's what they do all times...

      I also has been doing this for a many friends that have taken it to higher steps. Some are retired...working on their Car Garage.


      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • #18
        Anyone have a ballpark-figure of how long you can run an ICE cold (like here) before wear would become a problem? I'm obviously talking about when using it as part of a generator. Loads of people have been trying to run gensets using gasoline, HHO etc. for years, which never made much sense to me 'cos engine wear would become a problem after just a couple of months of 24/7 running.


        • #19
          vacclaisocryptene or dicronite

          Originally posted by sprocket View Post
          Anyone have a ballpark-figure of how long you can run an ICE cold (like here) before wear would become a problem? I'm obviously talking about when using it as part of a generator. Loads of people have been trying to run gensets using gasoline, HHO etc. for years, which never made much sense to me 'cos engine wear would become a problem after just a couple of months of 24/7 running.
          I would use vacclaisocryptene (Champion QX) oil additive. Closest you can get to friction free besides dicronite, which can be expensive to have your parts coated - most popular for bearings.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #20
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            I would use vacclaisocryptene (Champion QX) oil additive. Closest you can get to friction free besides dicronite, which can be expensive to have your parts coated
            Sounds like the sort of thing you might get offered in the toilets of a night club.

            Did someone bring out a ceramic ICE with useful properties?


            • #21
              Works as advertised

              Chris reiterated "works as advertised in the PDF"

              Graham in the UK [Member Grumage] has completely commited to an Open source replication which will be built by him and his boys.

              Graham Is one cool dude with vast experience in engine building, from sand casting one off designs at the foundry on up.....

              his old web site
              Alyn Foundry Home Page

              and he loves working with Propane [30 plus years experience]

              the thread will be run from OUR a privately funded site completely commited to open source [no advertising revenue or Hits agenda, just free sharing]
              Refrigerant Powered Engine (gasoline replacement instructions pdf)

              and will be mirrored here and elsewhere [if permitted]

              Graham wants to showcase a running Chris Hunter design at a public show next month in the UK.

              More to come......

              Last edited by RAMSET; 05-14-2014, 12:55 PM.
              If you want to Change the world
              BE that change !!


              • #22
                Would be nice to know what engine he converted. Or some pics of his unit. Would a normal v twin generator work for the conversion? Anticipating further development on this.


                • #23
                  ANY Engine..........

                  The first engine he did "years ago" was a Model A
                  all that's required is to meet the brutally simple Criteria outlined in the PDF

                  180 Phase difference between the two "chosen" cylinders...
                  he prefers tractor engines do to better Ring quality [sealing ability]

                  he's working on adding cylinders to the mix.
                  more to come

                  thx for looking
                  If you want to Change the world
                  BE that change !!


                  • #24
                    Alaska Star 3D Cad

                    Hello RAMSET, hello to all,

                    I did some 3D Diagrams from a MAYA (My 3D Software) Model am working on, some with text...I think will help many to understand this simple but main principle.

                    I am working on making an Animation of the Timing Sequence of each Cylinder in a simulation scene...then make a video and post it.




                    I have a question that whenever you can...ask Chris about it....notice the above diagrams have Inlet/intake and exhaust manifolds as a block, like they normally are from factory...except joined by "U" Element at center (where Red arrow is)

                    I have been thinking about this ever since you post it here...(have abandoned my electric motors... don't tell my guys!!... )

                    I believe there could be a more effective way to join Intake and Exhaust Ports...or "Looping" this Engines...not sure if it would work better than the "Bank Type" though...

                    Ask Chris, if we could use "Sequentially Timed Manifolds"...and the way to explain this is also simple.

                    For example: The Engine chosen for this Diagrams is based on an IN LINE Four Cylinders VW 1.9 Liters, Diesel or Gas, (both are the same basic main structural model) is a very common and simple engine to work with...

                    FIRING ORDER : 1,3,4,2

                    Would a design like a series of pipe tubing, (Like an Exhaust "Header" ) where Cylinders would be "communicating" with each others in that sequential order work fine?

                    Example below:


                    First Timing (Zero Degrees): Cylinder #1 Fires, then opens exhaust valve, so a pipe #1 will run Hot Gas from its exhaust Port to next Firing Order Cylinder or Intake Port of Cylinder #3


                    Second Timing, (90º): Cylinder#3 Exhaust Port Gas emissions will run through Pipe 2 to Cylinder#4 Intake Port...

                    Third Timing (180º): Cylinder#4 Exhaust will be delivered to Cylinder#2 Intake through Pipe 3

                    Fourth Timing (270º): After Cyl#2 fires, it will "return" to Cyl#1 Intake through Pipe#4...and this closes the Loop to restart on Cylinder #1 already charged up.

                    Then we will change the "Supply Side" near the exhaust by taking them from each individual pipe at their closest point to exhaust for each Cylinder and run it through a Common Bank (Bank could be bigger than represented on Diagram in order to become a "Reservoir" common to all ), then to the One Way below:


                    I believe this way, the freon or gas would be restricted to travel on the exact channels less amounts would be required...PLUS, we will be using the exhaust pressure from Cylinders to push Hot Gas into the next cylinder intake, as the Firing Order Sequence goes, for whatever Engine we convert.

                    Thanks again Chet and thanks to Chris for this great Disclosure!


                    Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-14-2014, 07:55 PM.
                    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                    • #25

                      nice rendering ,
                      Seems every "mated Pair"[180 out of phase] of cylinders would be kept Relatively autonomous .
                      Graham was just asking me about a one lunger with a big flywheel for inertia
                      to go thru the "exhaust" cycle. [which if possible would delete much fabrication]

                      Chris maintains a very limited Putor Access [once a week or so]
                      I will ask him these questions And report back.

                      I will be doing a more exact replication with just two cylinders at this point
                      However if Chris Thinks the One cyl big flywheel has Merit I will be beggin the local farmers for a "loner" hit and miss [much simpler].
                      Should have an answer tonight EDT USA
                      Last edited by RAMSET; 05-14-2014, 08:02 PM.
                      If you want to Change the world
                      BE that change !!


                      • #26
                        Yes absolutely...

                        Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                        nice rendering ,
                        Thanks Chet, it was done "Quick and Cheap"...saving time...

                        Seems every "mated Pair"[180 out of phase] of cylinders would be kept Relatively autonomous .
                        Yes, that is another reason why I like this type of engine.


                        Graham was just asking me about a one lunger with a big flywheel for inertia
                        to go thru the "exhaust" cycle. [which if possible would delete much fabrication]

                        Chris maintains a very limited Putor Access [once a week or so]
                        I will ask him these questions And report back.

                        I will be doing a more exact replication with just two cylinders at this point
                        However if Chris Thinks the One cyl big flywheel has Merit I will be beggin the local farmers for a "loner" hit and miss [much simpler].
                        Agree that is the best put everything on a smaller scale first...Two Cylinders looks like an Ideal for that!...just like a "Push-Pull" arrangement simplified on 360º.

                        Thanks, and by the way, I have been in-out and pretty busy...that is why could not answer the private mail...did read it and we will talk soon.


                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-14-2014, 08:17 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • #27

                          a PM is being sent
                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                            I would use vacclaisocryptene (Champion QX) oil additive. Closest you can get to friction free besides dicronite, which can be expensive to have your parts coated - most popular for bearings.
                            That doesn't tell me anything about engine-wear when running cold though! FWIW, I tried one of those oil additives years ago - a product called Cermax. I saw no change in engine-running whatsoever - junk as far as I'm concerned, worst $50 I ever spent!

                            Back on topic, the prevailing wisdom seems to be that most engine-wear occurs in a normal ICE when it is cold, decreasing rapidly as the engine heats up. If true, wouldn't that mean that engine-wear with this system would be horrendous?


                            • #29
                              Ac Basics...

                              Originally posted by sprocket View Post
                              That doesn't tell me anything about engine-wear when running cold though! FWIW, I tried one of those oil additives years ago - a product called Cermax. I saw no change in engine-running whatsoever - junk as far as I'm concerned, worst $50 I ever spent!

                              Back on topic, the prevailing wisdom seems to be that most engine-wear occurs in a normal ICE when it is cold, decreasing rapidly as the engine heats up. If true, wouldn't that mean that engine-wear with this system would be horrendous?
                              Hello Sprocket,

                              I really don't see Temperature control as a main issue when we are at the developing stages on getting this Engine to perform first, better than a Gas or Diesel Engine...

                              I see other main concern issues, in order to maximize first, Engine Operation and Performance...for example:

                              1-Back Pressure Issues...The LPG Injectors must be able to spray that cold liquid under the Top High Pressure from Cylinder at TDC Time...which is at Max me, this is the most important deal here, since in typical igniting fuels, the injectors spray BEFORE Cylinder reaches its Max Pressure Injector never has to "face" such pressures. We need to overcome this...and obviously Chris Hunter has done it by now.

                              2- Cold Start is very important to conceive a system that would start engine under critical conditions (too Cold or too Hot) a Cold Start Valve in Diesels...or a Carburetor reservoir/Choke starter...or latest tech, an electric fuel pump attached to injectors to directly "prime" cylinders chambers...before we crank engine (just ignition key first turn, electrically, 1st stage before starter motor activates).

                              Igniting Fuel Engines metal alloys are designed to run on specific RANGE of temperatures, mainly on its Block and Cylinder Head(s)...however, when they first invented it...they did not have temperature control sensors...or electric fans to radiators...or specific "coolant" chemical compounds...and then some more...however, those issues did not stopped them from keeping development of such engines...


                              So far this closed loop Refrigerant Concept/Technology invented by Chris Hunter is using the Engine main block and cylinder's heads as the Evaporator side in the AC Systems tech world...

                              In a typical Refrigeration or Air Conditioning unit...there is a Condenser which is where the Hot Refrigerant Gas gets cooled off exactly same way as water does in a Vehicle Radiator...assisted by cooling fans... it is sent to an Accumulator or Drier where it finally liquifies and is contained and filtered...liquid freon travels finally to the Evaporator (located inside passengers area, normally under the dashboard) where it gets really freezing cold...a blower DC Motor forces through the air ducts that cools you off while driving...

                              However, this process could be used "the other way around" some Electric Swimming Pools Heaters...where the Condenser, or Hot Zone is located at the water contact...and the Evaporator is utilized to cool the air in any chosen open area under the sun (example) this is a perfect example of controlling proper temperatures the right ways with systems...

                              By reversing the Refrigerant setting properly, all the other -in line- components, or "one way flow" valves , expansion switches, one way filters, etc... to allow the desired direction flow...we could reverse this operation like the pool heater I mentioned above...this way our Engine would be the Condenser, so it will REALLY work very Hot just like a Gas Engine does...then the injected cold liquid will be "really cold" one of the system evaporators could be set inside the car to keep temperature control and ventilation...this way we won't need another compressor to do that job...

                              Hope this helps you on your concern about cold temperature running engines and wear out conditions...


                              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-15-2014, 01:13 PM.
                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • #30
                                Been running this thread through my head for a while. Has anybody gotten a model spinning yet? Was planning to do a smaller model just to watch it run. I too am filled with curiosity. Looking forward to putting the heat in my attic to good use.

