Originally posted by Saros
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Of course i didn't mean that the phenomena (which cause(s) we are trying to examine) is a hoax. Phenomena is real, i still believe my own eyes (at least), but what is not real is inferring according which this phenomena happens exclusively in southern hemisphere.
What i have wanted to point up (to prove) with my above pictures is that this same phenomena happens all the time in northern hemisphere too!
Second picture (from Croatia) shows Moon as it should look like all the time, as we are use to see it, am i right?
But just few days before i took this picture i had shot another picture from the same place, and in this another picture Moon doesn't look like it should, see:
Compare it with the image from the previous post:
Obviously, the Moon is flipping all the time, and everywhere, not just in southern hemisphere...
It would be completely different thing if the moon's appearance were always as "it should be" in northern hemisphere and if in the same time it was not the case with the southern moon's appearance.
So, what i have meant by claiming that this is a hoax is that we are witnesses of just one another attempt of deceiving people with a new lie and old fraudulent (invalid) logic!
Yes, the phenomena is real, but the interpretation of the phenomena is the hoax! AS ALWAYS!!!
There are two major techniques of how to deceive people:
1. Lying
2. Falsely interpreting
What is interesting is that the moon flips upside down but doesn't rotate!
Originally posted by Saros
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There is no reason to doubt my common sense, i am standing very firmly on the ground, believe it or not!