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  • #91
    Originally posted by Saros View Post

    I am a bit disappointed with your reply. What is a hoax?

    Anyone in the Southern hemisphere can confirm the Moon is upside down in comparison to what we see in the Northern hemisphere.

    I asked you this question, because I don't see how it fits within the flat Earth model. What makes it suddenly flip?

    I am sure you can come up with a better explanation, but please don't tell me something that can be observed by millions is a hoax. Ask anyone who lives south of the equator to confirm this if you don't believe me.

    This doesn't necessarily deny the flat Earth, but I just don't know how to explain it. Maybe there is a way to rationalize it.

    Your pictures are funny. I also live on the planet Earth, and I have been looking at the Moon forever. It is always the same pattern, and it has never been upside down in the Northern hemisphere when it is full moon.

    By the way you should know that if you take a photo through a telescope it is upside down. That is not the case here. In the southern hemisphere it is observed upside down with the naked eye!
    @ Saros, it was just a little mistake (misunderstanding-misreading between the lines), no reason for concern...

    Of course i didn't mean that the phenomena (which cause(s) we are trying to examine) is a hoax. Phenomena is real, i still believe my own eyes (at least), but what is not real is inferring according which this phenomena happens exclusively in southern hemisphere.

    What i have wanted to point up (to prove) with my above pictures is that this same phenomena happens all the time in northern hemisphere too!

    Second picture (from Croatia) shows Moon as it should look like all the time, as we are use to see it, am i right?

    But just few days before i took this picture i had shot another picture from the same place, and in this another picture Moon doesn't look like it should, see:

    Compare it with the image from the previous post:

    Obviously, the Moon is flipping all the time, and everywhere, not just in southern hemisphere...

    It would be completely different thing if the moon's appearance were always as "it should be" in northern hemisphere and if in the same time it was not the case with the southern moon's appearance.

    So, what i have meant by claiming that this is a hoax is that we are witnesses of just one another attempt of deceiving people with a new lie and old fraudulent (invalid) logic!

    Yes, the phenomena is real, but the interpretation of the phenomena is the hoax! AS ALWAYS!!!

    There are two major techniques of how to deceive people:

    1. Lying
    2. Falsely interpreting

    What is interesting is that the moon flips upside down but doesn't rotate!

    Originally posted by Saros View Post
    As for the Moon in front of the clouds. You cannot be serious? Have you been on a plane above the clouds? Have you seen the Moon? Please I thought you're not trolling and now it actually seems you're. I challenge you to suggest another explanation, because right now it doesn't make sense.
    What about the clouds? Have i said something about that? I just pointed out how strange it looks, as if the clouds have been behind the moon instead of vice versa!

    There is no reason to doubt my common sense, i am standing very firmly on the ground, believe it or not!
    Last edited by cikljamas; 06-07-2014, 12:14 PM.
    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


    • #93

      I love your posts and am a Flatearther.

      Could we communicate?

      I am putting together a new site - (not up yet)

      I would like to use some of your teachings..




      • #94
        Originally posted by cikljamas View Post

        What i have wanted to point up (to prove) with my above pictures is that this same phenomena happens all the time in northern hemisphere too!
        This is simply not true. I think you're purposefully trying to manipulate the facts in your favor by making up stuff. Whatever pictures you might post here, it won't prove the Moon can be seen like that from the Northern hemisphere, because it can't. I just can't understand how you imagine I would believe you. I have never seen the Moon upside down in my whole life. No reliable information supporting your claim on the Internet either. Case closed in my book. The Moon is not seen upside down in the Northern hemisphere ever, period. Please provide an explanation why this is the case if the Earth is flat. How exactly does the whole mechanism work? Also, I have an issue with the asteroids and the comets. If the Earth is flat, we should see them all the time. They shouldn't only appear from time to time. After all, if the Earth is flat, the universe above us is simply the sky and is finite, no?


        • #95
          Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
          If the Earth was rotating as we are told (i.e., from west to east in direction), an airplane would have to travel much faster to fly from Los Angeles to Miami than from Miami to Los Angeles. And the required speed to fly west-to-east at cities close to the equator would be much greater than speed needed to go from, say, Toronto to Moscow (since the Earth’s speed of rotation closer to the North Pole would be less than farther to the south).
          I think you vastly overestimate the calculations.
          First the earth's spin is very slow and the viscous drag it impacts on the atmosphere is very low.
          Which means the atmosphere moves with the earth at a fraction of the earths speed.
          Which means the impact it causes in east/west wind resistance is so minimal that its hardly noticeable.

          Aviation video...Watch 1:43...You can clearly see the curvature of the water line.
          Again you vastly overestimate. The earth is so big compared to us humans, that its curvature is minimal and hardly noticeable.
          The earth is 25,000 miles wide and planes only go 500mph. It would take 50 hours to fly around the earth once. Which means, the adjustments planes make to follow the curvature are extremely small.

          @Saros, the moon being upside down makes perfect sense...with a round earth.
          (I never realized that before though, Thanks for posting about it!)

          Use your index and thumb fingers to make a circle (like earth)
          Then imagine standing at the north pole of earth (index) looking at the moon to the right.
          Then imagine standing at the south pole of earth (thumb) looking at the moon to the right.

          Upside down moon...
          Viola! round earth

          Throw water into the air, gravity turns it into spheres.
          Viola! round earth

          Curvature of water on the horizon
          Viola! round earth

          Finally, it has been disclosed by insiders within the space program, N.A.S.A., of a “certain complication”. It was found that when far outside the Earth’s field of influence the stars and sun are NOT VISIBLE!
          ...Maybe those insiders are crazy?

          Heres one of the coolest videos ive seen in awhile.

          Watch at 4:10
          Look there! A clearly visible SUN.
          The entire idea of "stars" cant be seen in space nonsense started because NASA camera footage doesn't show stars.
          That DOESNT mean they are not there! lol They just arnt bright enough for the cameras to focus on them.

          Think this video is a big conspiracy too? Build one yourself! NASA isn't the only one who can go to Space!


          One of the biggest side effects of most makes people think they are the center of the universe...It really is an egotistical god complex.
          There are millions of Earths. With Trillions of intelligent living creatures on them.
          Last edited by ethan; 06-08-2014, 01:50 PM.


          • #96
            Originally posted by Flatearther View Post
            I love your posts and am a Flatearther.

            Could we communicate?

            I am putting together a new site - (not up yet)

            I would like to use some of your teachings..


            @ James, feel free to use whatever and whenever you find useful from my teachings...

            If you gonna need my assistance i am ready to give you a hand.

            For the beginning of our communication you can send me p. m.


            Originally posted by Saros View Post
            This is simply not true. I think you're purposefully trying to manipulate the facts in your favor by making up stuff. Whatever pictures you might post here, it won't prove the Moon can be seen like that from the Northern hemisphere, because it can't. I just can't understand how you imagine I would believe you. I have never seen the Moon upside down in my whole life. No reliable information supporting your claim on the Internet either. Case closed in my book. The Moon is not seen upside down in the Northern hemisphere ever, period. Please provide an explanation why this is the case if the Earth is flat. How exactly does the whole mechanism work? Also, I have an issue with the asteroids and the comets. If the Earth is flat, we should see them all the time. They shouldn't only appear from time to time. After all, if the Earth is flat, the universe above us is simply the sky and is finite, no?
            @ Saros, o.k., maybe i was wrong, i am just human being, and believe it or not, even i can be wrong too...

            But if i was wrong this is why i was wrong: Moon pole shifting for 135 degrees

            First of all, you remember very well that i straitly and promptly admitted (as soon as you put that issue on the table) lack of any personal notion regarding "south hemisphere upside down moon" problem...

            I made mistake by inferring too fast that the accident (moon pole shifting) could be some kind of a general rule or principle so i have concluded it happens all the time no matter where the spectator is placed on the Earth.

            But after some surfing on the net i have noticed that it is indeed the case, just as you asserted: the appearance of the moon is really upside down in southern hemisphere!

            So, now we just have made some progress in our debate on that upside down moon issue, but don't be happy too soon.

            If we are on a flat earth and the moon is circling above us following equator line it is absolutely natural and consistent with flat earth geometry that guys in southern hemisphere see upside down moon.

            Not just that, this phenomena could be one of the best proofs in favor of flat earth theory because perfectly mirror image of the moon in southern region is much more in accordance with the plane surface of the earth then with the round earth.

            It is hard to elaborate it in a few words, but if you better considered this issue you would soon figure out why is it so.

            After all, upside down moon just fits much better to FET then to RET.

            Another interesting question is: do we have some equivalent southern hemisphere video-photo evidences of 135 degrees shifting moon as we have plenty of such evidences in northern hemisphere?

            Another interesting question: why these overwhelming proofs of flipping moon are so completely ignored by main stream maniacs?

            So far so good...

            Next proof in favor of flat earth theory, please...
            Last edited by cikljamas; 06-08-2014, 10:00 PM.
            "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


            • #97
              Moon flips over, no doubt about that!

              Now, i would like to remind you of two important issues:

              8. NO CAUSE OF EARTH'S ROTATION WHATSOEVER: retains the state of illusion. The most important element in heliocentric model is the Earth’s rotation about its polar axis. What is the cause of Earth’s rotation? No one has attributed the cause of Earth’s rotation to any type of action or force even though they have attributed the cause of orbital motion (revolution) to Newton’s law of gravity.

              9. NO CAUSE OF THE ROTATION OF THE AIR-LAYER: 2) The rotation of the air-layer next to the rigid Earth is without cause, and lacks a technique and tool. Perhaps, one may envision the whole rigid sphere undergoes a rotation about its polar axis. But, how one can envision the air atmosphere (the surface layer) rotates with the rigid sphere without an engineering method (e.g.air foil). In addition, what maintains the air’s rotation for tens of thousands of years (we are practical people) without stop. The rotation of the background air is the greatest hoax ever invented by mankind.

              So, we have to consider this: If the moon is flipping over, what could be the CAUSE of such terrible anomaly?

              Or to put it straighter: If the moon is a sphere and the earth is a sphere too, and the moon is orbiting the earth due to earth's gravitational field, and if earth's gravitational field is the main reason for the fact that we always see just one side of the moon, then someone HAVE TO EXPLAIN DUE TO WHAT KIND OF MIRACULOUS FORCE EARTH'S GRAVITATIONAL PULL ALLOWS SUCH ASTONISHING MOON'S ACTION?


              That is why main stream maniacs absolutely ignore so well documented fact that the moon is flipping over!!!

              And it is absolutely irrelevant if these moon's flips happen on the regular basis (or even all the time since God created the universe) or if it have begun to happen just recently, in both cases it is impossible to harmonize moon's flips over with heliocentric (or geocentric without FET) fraud!!!

              So, once more: thanks guys for providing us one more strong proof against your rotund delusion!

              There is no earth's rotation or earth's orbital motion, but there is moon's flips over, both facts are very painful for those who can't live through one single day without heliocentic mantra: everything is round, everything is moving around everything, even heliocenticity is moving around geocentricity, and vice mani padme hum, om vagi shori mum, bla, bla, bla...

              Wake up, it was just a bad dream...
              Last edited by cikljamas; 06-08-2014, 10:46 PM.
              "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


              • #98
                Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                There is no earth's rotation or earth's orbital motion, but there is moon's flips over, both facts are very painful for those who can't live through one single day without heliocentic mantra: everything is round, everything is moving around everything, even heliocenticity is moving around geocentricity, and vice mani padme hum, om vagi shori mum, bla, bla, bla...

                Wake up, it was just a bad dream...

                Originally posted by aljhoa View Post

                If "N" points to Polaris Star on your "flat earth navigation chart" then the star named "sun" "runs in circles" and Arctic Midnight Sun is everywhere.

                So where is the night-day cycle on your "flat earth navigation chart"?

                run in circles
                1. Lit. to run in a circular path.
                2. and run around in circles Fig. to waste one's time in aimless activity. Stop running in circles and try to organize yourself so that you are more productive. I have been running around in circles over this matter for days.
                run in circles - Idioms - by the Free Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

                Running in circles United Pursuit Band lyrics - YouTube

                If the star named "sun" "runs in circles" above the equator and Arctic Midnight Sun is everywhere.
                Why someone in South America cannot see the sun above Indonesia while it can be seen from the Arctic Circle above both locations in the Arctic Midnight Sun ?



                • #99
                  Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                  @ Saros, o.k., maybe i was wrong, i am just human being, and believe it or not, even i can be wrong too...

                  But if i was wrong this is why i was wrong: Moon pole shifting for 135 degrees
                  I made mistake by inferring too fast that the accident (moon pole shifting) could be some kind of a general rule or principle so i have concluded it happens all the time no matter where the spectator is placed on the Earth.

                  But after some surfing on the net i have noticed that it is indeed the case, just as you asserted: the appearance of the moon is really upside down in southern hemisphere!

                  If we are on a flat earth and the moon is circling above us following equator line it is absolutely natural and consistent with flat earth geometry that guys in southern hemisphere see upside down moon.

                  Not just that, this phenomena could be one of the best proofs in favor of flat earth theory because perfectly mirror image of the moon in southern region is much more in accordance with the plane surface of the earth then with the round earth.

                  It is hard to elaborate it in a few words, but if you better considered this issue you would soon figure out why is it so.

                  After all, upside down moon just fits much better to FET then to RET.
                  I don't see how the Moon being seen upside down in the Southern hemisphere could be one of the best proofs for flat Earth. On the contrary, it obviously suggests the opposite, if you don't agree please elaborate. If the Earth were flat you shouldn't see stuff upside down. You will not have hemispheres! A sphere cannot be flat, right? Am I missing something?

                  So, proving the Earth is flat would require much more evidence than bare words backed up with some vague Internet research of unreliable nature.

                  The so-called Moon pole shift doesn't seem legit. First of all, what is a pole shift? What you mention can only happen if there was a change in Moon's axis, which is not a pole shift.

                  The Moon only has geographical poles, but not magnetic poles. So for a "pole shift" to occur it would require a change in Moon's axial tilt. If this happened it would still keep the status quo concerning the rotundity issue. The Moon would still be seen upside down in the Southern Hemisphere. It would be upside down in relation to what would be then seen in the Northern hemisphere.

                  By the way, this hasn't happened recently and hasn't been observed by any astronomers. But even if did happen it won't change the fact that the Moon would be seen upside down in the Southern hemisphere. What is your point then?

                  The only way the Earth could be flat is if all constellations, planets, Sun and the Moon are holograms and not real celestial bodies, but this has to be established as fact first. Basically, proving flat Earth would require disproving astronomy as a true science.


                  • Originally posted by Saros View Post
                    I don't see how the Moon being seen upside down in the Southern hemisphere could be one of the best proofs for flat Earth. On the contrary, it obviously suggests the opposite, if you don't agree please elaborate. If the Earth were flat you shouldn't see stuff upside down. You will not have hemispheres! A sphere cannot be flat, right? Am I missing something?
                    Look at this:

                    Now imagine that the bulb is the moon (moving along the equator line), girl on the left is in northern hemisphere, and counterpart girl (which is not in the picture, but we can easily imagine her) which stands on the right (directly opposite to the first girl) is in southern hemisphere, looking at the same bulb (moon) too. That is simple illustration that can help you to understand that FET and RET so far tell the same story...

                    But what you are missing is this:

                    On the round TILTED earth moon path would shift constantly and the angles of perspective would be always different and our vision of the moon (comparing south - north position) would be chaotic - irregular and probably not so well mirrored as it is due to plain surface of the earth:

                    Originally posted by Saros View Post
                    So, proving the Earth is flat would require much more evidence than bare words backed up with some vague Internet research of unreliable nature.
                    What you don't realize is that i have already proved beyond any reasonable doubt that the surface of the earth is plainly plain!!! What i am doing right now is nothing more but providing additional arguments in order to consolidate already more than sufficient amount of absolutely valid evidence which i have already presented in this thread so far!

                    Originally posted by Saros View Post
                    The so-called Moon pole shift doesn't seem legit. First of all, what is a pole shift? What you mention can only happen if there was a change in Moon's axis, which is not a pole shift.
                    You can call it or interpret it however you like but it is still not (and will not be) what you think it is!

                    Originally posted by Saros View Post
                    By the way, this hasn't happened recently and hasn't been observed by any astronomers. But even if did happen it won't change the fact that the Moon would be seen upside down in the Southern hemisphere. What is your point then?
                    You don't, after i have admitted my mistake now you do the very same mistake. Saros, what you are saying is that these upside down (north hemisphere) videos and pictures that you can easily find on youtube (some of them i've linked here too, remember) are all hoaxes? If you want to play that kind of game, then i could too repeat my mistake again, but i wont, because i am reasonable man. There is another reason for not to make same mistake (as far as i am concerned): i have no fear of any possible argument because all proofs are already (and will be) in favor of the one and only truth!

                    Originally posted by Saros View Post
                    Basically, proving flat Earth would require disproving astronomy as a true science.
                    We have already disproved main stream astronomy as a true science, but we can do even better, we can make of you flat earther right now.

                    You don't believe me?

                    Well, let's give a try then:

                    @ Soros, are you aware of what are you just looking at?

                    ANSWER: You are looking at 100 % irrefutable proof that the heliocentric theory is a notorious hoax!!!

                    How come?

                    Well, take model of a globe and put it on the table in your room, slice it by half, and answer me this: HOW IN THE WORLD (ON THE GLOBE) WE CAN SEE SUN CONSTANTLY MORE THEN 12 HOURS ON THE ROUND EARTH?

                    Give me a reasonable answer to that question or instantly become flat earther, there is no third solution, and you know it!

                    Case closed?
                    Last edited by cikljamas; 06-09-2014, 11:19 AM.
                    "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                    • Quote:
                      Originally Posted by Saros View Post
                      By the way, this hasn't happened recently and hasn't been observed by any astronomers. But even if did happen it won't change the fact that the Moon would be seen upside down in the Southern hemisphere. What is your point then?
                      You don't, after i have admitted my mistake now you do the very same mistake. Saros, what you are saying is that these upside down (north hemisphere) videos and pictures that you can easily find on youtube (some of them i've linked here too, remember) are all hoaxes? If you want to play that kind of game, then i could too repeat my mistake again, but i wont, because i am reasonable man. There is another reason for not to make same mistake (as far as i am concerned): i have no fear of any possible argument because all proofs are already (and will be) in favor of the one and only truth!
                      I think you're grossly misunderstanding what I wrote.

                      Fact: The Moon is seen upside down from the Southern hemisphere at all times when it is visible.

                      It is seen the other way around from the Northern hemisphere at all times. It has never been observed upside down in the Northern hemisphere, at least the astronomers don't keep any record of that.

                      It is not a hoax that it is observed upside down in the southern hemisphere.

                      However, this has nothing to do with any pole shifting. Pole shifting can only happen if the Moon changes its axial tilt, which hasn't happened, and it is definitely not the reason for us to see the Moon upside down from the southern hemisphere every day.

                      I am not playing any kind of game. You said earlier it is a hoax that the Moon is seen upside down, then you admitted you were wrong. Apparently, you are not sure and just playing along.

                      I have no idea what you're inferring right now.

                      Also, please stop using the term hemisphere and flat Earth in the same sentence, as it is meaningless. There are not flat spheres.

                      Additionally, I am not sure what you're trying to prove with the light bulb example. You won't see the features upside down at any time if the Moon is simply moving over a flat surface.

                      In your example, the girl is staring at the light bulb and can see only a half of it, as this light bulb moves anyone would still see the same side. Now tell me why it would be seen upside down if the only thing it has done was to move over the other part of the so-called flat disc? It hasn't flipped. Remember that only one side of the Moon is visible from the Earth. So, no reason for anything being upside down if the Earth is flat.

                      Once again, seriously, you haven't proven the Earth is flat. Especially not when you cite true facts and flip them the other way around. The table with sunrise and sunset time, for example, is totally consistent with convex Earth. Explain to me why it isn't.


                      • Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        I think you're grossly misunderstanding what I wrote.
                        I am not.

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        Fact: The Moon is seen upside down from the Southern hemisphere at all times when it is visible.

                        It is seen the other way around from the Northern hemisphere at all times.
                        So far, so good...

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        It has never been observed upside down in the Northern hemisphere, at least the astronomers don't keep any record of that.
                        I don't give a damn about astronomer's (proven liars and frauds) false records, but unfortunately you buy whatever those bustards say, that is really a pity!!! Really!

                        I have shown you two videos, and i could show you whole bunch of another videos like that, but you would dismiss them all as a hoax just because proven liars and frauds "are" more trustworthy (to you)??? If it is so, then it is tragic, very tragic!!!

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        I am not playing any kind of game.
                        Then, it is even more tragic...

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        Also, please stop using the term hemisphere and flat Earth in the same sentence, as it is meaningless. There are not flat spheres.
                        Correct, but you are smart enough to be able to understand the true meaning of words, aren't you? You know the difference between literal and figurative words, don't you?

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        In your example, the girl is staring at the light bulb and can see only a half of it, as this light bulb moves anyone would still see the same side. Now tell me why it would be seen upside down if the only thing it has done was to move over the other part of the so-called flat disc? It hasn't flipped.
                        It has flipped, and the only condition to always see moon flipped from the south hemisphere (ups...) is that one point (on the moon) is always directed towards north pole. Now, if you tried to scrutinize that possibility then i would suggest you to first scrutinize "the (supposed) fact" that we see always only one side of the moon just because of power of earth's gravitational field...

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        Once again, seriously, you haven't proven the Earth is flat.
                        You don't say...

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        Especially not when you cite true facts and flip them the other way around.
                        It would be much more correct if you said that to those guys whom you admire so much: to those frauds and liars (astronomers)

                        Originally posted by Saros View Post
                        The table with sunrise and sunset time, for example, is totally consistent with convex Earth. Explain to me why it isn't.

                        Maybe this can help you:

                        After 12 hours (which is half of the earth diurnal motion) since you first spotted sun (in sunrise) you would be in the same position as in above "polaris" figure, your line of sight would be tangent and the curvature of the earth wouldn't allow you to see the sun on the round earth, one single second after 12 hours pass by...

                        Am i right?
                        "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


                        • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                          I am not.

                          Maybe this can help you:

                          After 12 hours (which is half of the earth diurnal motion) since you first spotted sun (in sunrise) you would be in the same position as in above "polaris" figure, your line of sight would be tangent and the curvature of the earth wouldn't allow you to see the sun on the round earth, one single second after 12 hours pass by...

                          Am i right?
                          Well, basically your are suggesting that all astronomers are dumb or hoaxers, and I should trust YT videos made by kids more than I trust years of systematic observation. And for the record, I don't admire anyone, but would rather believe my own eyes than YT videos.

                          The 15 hours of sunlight during the summer 'phenomenon' is well explained by conventional science and it is called seasons.

                          What you're missing is that you don't account for the Earth's axial tilt, which is 23.4 degrees. That is why it seems impossible to you that we have more than 12 hours of sunlight during the summer in Zagreb.

                          When the Northern Hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, it gets more hours of sunlight.

                          However, near the equator the day and the night are pretty much around 12 hours each.

                          Season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                          Of course, you might say there is no tilt, the Earth doesn't spin etc. OK, but currently that is the accepted model supported by scientific observation.
                          You might not like it, but in order to change it you really gotta try harder. One way to go would be to explain everything as systematically as it has been done by official science.
                          Last edited by Saros; 06-09-2014, 01:40 PM.


                          • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                            Look at this:

                            Now imagine that the bulb is the moon (moving along the equator line), girl on the left is in northern hemisphere, and counterpart girl (which is not in the picture, but we can easily imagine her) which stands on the right (directly opposite to the first girl) is in southern hemisphere, looking at the same bulb (moon) too. That is simple illustration that can help you to understand that FET and RET so far tell the same story...

                            Case closed?

                            On the flat earth a moon, a sun and everyone else "run in circles" above the equator.
                            1. everything flip-flops,
                            2. the dark side of the moon is visible from the Australia,
                            3. 23.5 tilt as well as
                            4. night and day cycle do not exist unless the sun is a "flashlight".



                            • Originally posted by Saros View Post
                              Well, basically your are suggesting that all astronomers are dumb or hoaxers, and I should trust YT videos made by kids more than I trust years of systematic observation. And for the record, I don't admire anyone, but would rather believe my own eyes than YT videos.

                              The 15 hours of sunlight during the summer 'phenomenon' is well explained by conventional science and it is called seasons.

                              What you're missing is that you don't account for the Earth's axial tilt, which is 23.4 degrees. That is why it seems impossible to you that we have more than 12 hours of sunlight during the summer in Zagreb.

                              When the Northern Hemisphere is pointed toward the sun, it gets more hours of sunlight.
                              There is no place to hide from the light of the one and only truth, no matter how hard you try to find heliocentric shelter in which you hope you can hide away, all your efforts to escape from inescapable FET conclusions are gonna be in vain, and you know it...

                              What in the world earth's axial tilt has to do with 15 hours of sunlight, no, not just sunlight, but with visibility of the sun "bulb" on the horizon???

                              Explain it to me!

                              In addition try to explain away more than two hours difference between duration of June sunlight in London and December sunlight in Buenos Aires (southern counterpart latitude (to London's latitude)):

                              How in the world anyone can explain these two hours difference by using model of round spinning earth?

                              It is your choice: whom are you going to believe: scientists or yourself (your own common sense)?

                              If you are still afraid to choose your own common sense instead of blind belief in scientific dogma (which is mostly monstrous hoax and insult for human intellect) then my only advice to you would be: take time to learn how to think independently (out of the box), take time to find enough courage to believe yourself rather than anyone else, especially if "anyone else" means "frauds and liars"!
                              "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...

