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  • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
    you know what the term POLARIZED means?

    ultimately it means "CREATES A SPHERE"

    every atom

    Pile those atoms DONT END UP with a FLAT EARTH

    You're like a dope addict,
    except the needle is IGNORANCE

    the drug is Creationism / God

    and the HIGH is Religious stupidity.

    So, you say that every natural crystal is in the form of a round ball.

    I didn't know that. Thanks for the news.



    • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
      " What will be the end of these things ! I am no conjurer, but it is easy to determine what will be from what has already taken place. It has been the fate of all kingdoms, nations, and people from the beginning of time, upon their rejecting or perverting the revelation of God, to fall into anarchy, confusion, and infidelity. The Bible is, as it deserves to be, the great charter of our liberty. The loss of the Scriptures, or severing from or perverting the doctrines or history contained in them, has invariably been attended with discomfiture and ruin, and always will And if their successors continue their resistance, as they have done hitherto, it cannot fail to deluge the kingdom with Atheism, destroying all social virtue, and turning it into a field of blood."
      D. W. Scott 1901.

      Thanks to Newton’s invented math and the excesses of his gravitational hypotheses, Copernicanism dug in its heels in the universities in the 1700’s, and by the last quarter of that century had produced a large crop of hard core heliocentrists, not a few of whom were advocating ape-man theories (amongst them, Darwin’s grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, Voltaire’s disciples in France, etc.). This was the age of "The Enlightenment" which produced Thomas Paine, the celebrated pamphleteer of the American Revolution, whom George Washington referred to as "that filthy little atheist". Thomas Jefferson's and Ben Franklin’s Deism was commonplace in Europe as well as amongst the rebellious American colonies. During the French Revolution of the 1790’s the Bible was actually outlawed.

      Keep in mind that a rotating, orbiting earth is not counted as a mere hypothesis or even a theory anywhere in the world today. Oh no. Rather, this concept is an unquestioned "truth"; an established "fact" in all books and other media everywhere, church media included. Copernicanism, in short, is a concept that is protected in a bunker under a 50 foot thick ceiling of solid "scientific" concrete. It is meant to be impregnable. It is a concept that has become ensconced in men’s minds as the indestructible cornerstone of enlightened modern man’s knowledge. Virtually all people everywhere have been taught to believe--and do believe--that this concept is based on objective science and dispassionate secular reasoning, now long since freed from religious superstitions based on the Bible. Indeed, it was this Copernican heliocentricity concept that gradually broke the back of Bible credibility as the source of Absolute Truth in Christendom. Once the Copernican Revolution had conquered the physical sciences of Astronomy and Physics and put down deep roots in Universities and lower schools everywhere, it was only a matter of time until the Biological sciences launched the Darwinian Revolution.

      In order for the Earth to be stationary the stars have to be able to go around and above nightly, so that eliminates Mainstream Science's 78 billion light-year radius of the universe and then that destroys the 14 billion years age of the universe built upon that radius which knocks out the time prop needed for the evolution of the universe, Earth, and mankind. Belief in human evolutionism indirectly causes "immoral" (unlawful and Criminal ) behavior When people realize their fellow man must have been created and has not evolved from bacteria or animals then, again, they would have greater respect and awe for other created humans and not bomb them or do evil to them. In fact if there are great rewards they might be more inclined to help and to do good to others.

      If people restored their belief in the Bible as an authentic Word of God there would be little crime or war in the world. No financial fraud or reneging on business agreements, no 55% State taxation, no fractional-reserve fake money, no fake Apollo moon landing, no fake Phoenix Mars Mission, no fake Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission, no self-inflicted 9/11 False Flag ops, no dead six million plus German Christians, no dead 500,000+ Iraqi kids, no ISIL, etc...

      You have exhibited great humanitarian sentiment in your post and I am deeply appreciative of it!

      I was born smarter than the average bear, and am an old man now, who has learned a lot including learning the hard way by being flummoxed by fellow humans who are less nice than I am.

      I have studied the Bible extensively and seriously. I am covered by the redemption contract with the Saviour. Be alert that you are in the redemption contract and stay there, and do not get led into a ditch by anybody wanting to argue about details of the structure of the universe which are inconsequential to your eternal salvation.

      You have raised many provocative points regarding the structure of the universe and the particular situation of the planet Earth. Of course Satan Devil has sent a herd of devils to try to divert your attention onto things of secondary importance. Due to the mathematical theory of Global Symmetry, ANY model that gives satisfactory "numbers" must be considered satisfactory. A round rotating Earth or a flat static Earth.

      You have uttered statements that plainly reveal that you have a severe lack of knowledge of basic physics which makes much of your overall argument wrong. You have a good understanding of navigation and its maths, but unfortunately that avenue is practically irrelevant. That avenue is good for keeping you earthbound which is why Satan has sent some mesangers to lure your attention into that ditch.

      Before now, I have given much thought to your thread subject and I have become convinced of a round rotating Earth, though my mind is always open to a truly convincing argument otherwise. God is so big and complex that it is not possible for any mere human to understand everything about His motives and methods. If you are engaged in the redemption contract with Jesus it is of no importance if you do not know exactly how He built His universe. All of your failings and sins are covered.

      Do not be the blind one that is led into the ditch by those more blind than you are.

      In my opinion the most important point is to examine old observations or do new experiments to determine for certain if there is an observable curvature to sea or land and conclude if were live on a flat plane or a convex plane.

      Last edited by CANGAS; 02-01-2016, 07:40 AM.


      • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
        55098 Views on Jan. 21, 2016
        57798 Views on Feb. 24, 2016

        The ATLASGAL image of the "Imposible" plane of the Milky Way




          Watch at 4:20
          Notice the horizon lines of earth will be curved but then flatten out as the camera swings.

          Any image that shows a flat horizon is simply a distortion from the cameras lens.

          Yes people the earth is a ball.
          #Flat Earth Theory Dubunked


          • 57798 Views on Feb. 24, 2016
            59977 Views on April 14, 2016

            Originally posted by ethan View Post

            Watch at 4:20
            Notice the horizon lines of earth will be curved but then flatten out as the camera swings.

            Any image that shows a flat horizon is simply a distortion from the cameras lens.

            Yes people the earth is a ball.
            #Flat Earth Theory Dubunked
            the horizon lines of earth will be curved

            the Horizon is Always at Eye Level



            • Originally posted by aljhoa View Post
              59977 Views on April 14, 2016
              64419 Views on May 22, 2016

              Massey Ferguson
              MF 5610 on the Antarctica2 stand at EIMA 2014
              Massey Ferguson Antarctica2 – the mission to the South Pole

              "Proof there is no S-Pole"



              • aljhoa,

                Why keep this insanely idiotic thread alive?
                We now have a new hilarious entertainment channel here filled with the most ridiculous nonsense by our hot but empty headed master UFO and his oxyurian mouse who is now giving certificates of 'out-of-your-box'-ness after a secret examination.

                Don't miss out.



                • Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                  Why keep this insanely idiotic thread alive?
                  Ernst, why would you want to deprive 4400 viewers a different perspective?

                  Last edited by aljhoa; 05-23-2016, 05:08 PM.


                  • Aljhoa,
                    You don't really believe that this is about a different perspective, do you?
                    This is about someone going through a difficult phase in his/her life and trying a way to feel good about him/herself. So this person picks some ludicrous notion and starts defending it, knowing that he/she is wrong. Then every person that this person can convince is a giant ego-boost. The more absurd the notion, the bigger the boost.
                    Today we have the internet where many gullible witless drop-outs waste their already useless time and it is these nitwits that would go for these idiotic notions, because with their single cell brains a flat Earth is easier to grasp than a spherical one. And now they have a tool, which they can wield against the rest of the world who talk about things they can't comprehend. They can now say, "You are wrong", and think, "that is why I didn't understand a word of any of you". And feel good about themselves because now they are "out of the box".

                    This thread about the flat Earth is about the base line (for now). It is as low as anyone dares to go (for now). The Ken Wheeler case is slightly more advanced but it is based on the same principles. And there a couple more that I could mention, but won't.

                    If I remember correctly, it was you who added the hula-hoop picture to this thread, wasn't it? That really did a lot of good to this thread . But other than that, trust me, if someone chooses to believe in a flat Earth, there is no reasoning him/her out of it. In fact there is no reasoning with him/her at all, because the prime requisites for reasoning are missing. And then a hula-hoop might still trigger something .

                    Good luck Al!



                    • 61666 Views on May 24, 2016

                      Ernst, @ least the website gets traffic.

                      The sun, "running in circles above the equator"

                      that’s about 6 miles above the base of the equilateral triangle,
                      this symbol represents.

                      The crepuscular rays prove that there are as many

                      as there are observers at various latitudes on the flat earth.



                      • And your animated gif also shows why the Aussies get only 8 hours of sun per day.
                        In the southern tip of South America it is about 5 hours.

                        Oh yes, the crepuscular rays prove that women are not observers.

                        Well, that's it. I've had enough already.

                        (this thread has got 1 view since yesterday and that must have been yours)



                        • Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                          Well, that's it. I've had enough already.

                          (this thread has got 1 view since yesterday and that must have been yours)
                          61777 views on May 25, 2016
                          Ernst, thanks for your support.

                          Flat Earth Crepuscular rays



                          • @Ernst


                            See Guy, I do not hide around badmouthing other members In this Forum... in other Threads...where Your very limited capacity...make you one is gonna ever read your stupid comments...

                            I love to do it right in front of your Dutch Nose...because I am a MAN, NOT A RAT!

                            Originally posted by Ernst View Post

                            Today we have the internet where many gullible witless drop-outs waste their already useless time and it is these nitwits that would go for these idiotic notions, because with their single cell brains a flat Earth is easier to grasp than a spherical one. And now they have a tool, which they can wield against the rest of the world who talk about things they can't comprehend. They can now say, "You are wrong", and think, "that is why I didn't understand a word of any of you". And feel good about themselves because now they are "out of the box".

                            Have You ever thought that statement above about "Out of the Box" could be just a "Psychological Mirror Imaging" of Yourself?...

                            I mean...ever thought about doing a "Self Psychoanalysis"?

                            I am pretty sure it would help you get out from the Psychotic World you're living in...

                            You seem very desperate...

                            My question to you is...

                            WHAT are You doing Here, on this Forum?

                            Just because you have presented some images about an Igloo-like house, which you say it does whatever?...when that "whatever" (supposedly transmitting energy through the "thin air"...LOL) and how it was done (details) have never, EVER been revealed on your thread...nor on any part of this Forum?

                            Definitively...Your position would never be neither "In nor Out of any Boxes"...

                            You are only inside your own world of hate...and I do feel pity for you.

                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-26-2016, 12:16 AM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • @Ernst


                              And this Quoted and referenced Post below, is in case You did not read it on my "Hilarious Entertainment" Thread...

                              I definitively, want to make sure you don't miss any of them!!

                              Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                              An example of a RAT, and an A$$HOLE ONE...

                              A Couple of Ernst Posts on the Flat Earth Thread...

                              Originally posted by Ernst View Post

                              Why keep this insanely idiotic thread alive?
                              We now have a new hilarious entertainment channel here filled with the most ridiculous nonsense by our hot but empty headed master UFO and his oxyurian mouse who is now giving certificates of 'out-of-your-box'-ness after a secret examination.

                              Don't miss out.

                              Originally posted by Ernst View Post

                              Today we have the internet where many gullible witless drop-outs waste their already useless time and it is these nitwits that would go for these idiotic notions, because with their single cell brains a flat Earth is easier to grasp than a spherical one. And now they have a tool, which they can wield against the rest of the world who talk about things they can't comprehend. They can now say, "You are wrong", and think, "that is why I didn't understand a word of any of you". And feel good about themselves because now they are "out of the box".

                              This thread about the flat Earth is about the base line (for now). It is as low as anyone dares to go (for now). The Ken Wheeler case is slightly more advanced but it is based on the same principles. And there a couple more that I could mention, but won't.

                              Good luck Al!

                              A real man, don't behave like this at all...going around spreading gossip and BS in THE BACK of other Members here just like Bítches do.

                              A real MAN comes right in front of WHOEVER he is BADMOUTHING and do it right there, with BALLS!

                              Only came here to "complaint" about not showing any proof as of now..what an A$$ HOLE!!

                              Particularly, I DO NOT TRUST anyone that "says" he or she is in the "search" for Free Energy, then spend his/her time running to the Patent Office all the time...!

                              I Would NOT TRUST anyone who says He/She has found WHATEVER related to ANY Discovery which could better Mankind, and keeps his mouth shut, because of EITHER an NDA Agreement...OR just Because He/She has to FIRST RUN to the Patent Office.

                              Like is the "case" of the Guy above, Ernst "The Walking Dutch Disease"

                              Could He be another Paid Shill...or just a cheap Patent Troll??

                              Because A RAT We all know He definitively IS!!

                              We definitively need some Pest Control CLEANING on this Forum...

                              Last edited by Ufopolitics; 05-26-2016, 12:32 AM.
                              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                              • Now that is entertainment!


