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Tesla's Vocabulary For Dummies

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  • Tesla's Vocabulary For Dummies

    Dr. Lindemann,

    In your lecture "Tesla's radiant energy" at ExtraOrdinary Technology Conference in 2006, distributed by Clear Tech, Inc. you made reference to a book "Tesla's Vocabulary For Dummies" by Doug Low.

    Can you please have a look and tell me the ISBN number?

    I know that the lecture worth every penny I spent and I wold appreciate if you could take 5 minutes to help me find the book. I am a big Tesla fan and I must have it.

    Thank you.

  • #2
    I could be wrong but that is not a real book. Just something Peter used as a prop for that lecture.


    • #3
      Thank You


      Thank you for taking this question out of the other thread. Gold-to-Silver is correct. The cover for the "book" Tesla's Vocabulary for Dummies was generated in PhotoShop by me as a humorous prop during the lecture. In fact, the entire lecture Tesla's Radiant Energy IS the document that outlines how Tesla was defining terms within his electrical discoveries and how those terms have come to be defined differently today. The recurring use of the image is used to alert the audience that a specific term is being defined Tesla's way, as a summary of the preceding material.

      Since I gave the lecture, tens of thousands of people have searched for this book in vain. When I created it, I never imagined that people would not understand the joke, or think the book was real.

      If you are one of those people, I apologize for not making the joke more obvious. It was not my intention to waste your time looking for the book. During the lecture, I introduce the slide by saying "but mostly, I have relied on the writings and patents of Nikola Tesla himself, as well as the impossible to find volume.....Tesla's Vocabulary for Dummies." At that point in the recorded lecture, you can hear the audience laughing.

      So, here is a copy of the image. Just to be clear, there is no "Bearden for Dummies" either, and I don't actually think people should "Forget everything you thought you knew about electricity, and start over."

      In the book version, there is this comment. "Special Note: This book did not actually exist at the time of this lecture. The image of its cover was created by me in PhotoShop. It was designed as a humorous way to introduce Tesla's explanation of certain electrical terms that have been defined differently in modern times."

      So, that is the story of Tesla's Vocabulary for Dummies.

      Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 05-20-2014, 03:55 PM.
      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


      • #4

        It was a joke! Ha ha. Me and my friends been thinking that audience was laughing because we taught that despite all that conspiracy to suppress free energy, you still managed to get one copy. It was like you and audience were laughing in their face. You must have made a face or something and that wasn't in the video.

        And now you say Bearden one is a fake too? Cool.

        I figure you spent lots of time in Photoshop, while at the time there were already some online engines to create fake covers for “Dummies”. But I guess you didn't know... Here I just created one and you'll find it attached. Hope everyone will have a giggle.

        Oh man, that was a joke......... Now I get it!
        Although I find a greater joke (for me all time high), this one:

        You made my day, you have a great one too!
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Barbosi's inauthenticity

          Originally posted by barbosi View Post

          Oh man, that was a joke......... Now I get it!
          Although I find a greater joke (for me all time high), this one:

          You made my day, you have a great one too!
          Your phony objectivity and low class sarcasm is unappreciated.

          Magnet Secrets includes the document by the actual Department of Energy that verified exactly what is in the book and that same document even encourages other departments in the federal govt to use these methods.

          Many people, apparently such as yourself, feel that magnetizing fuel or water is a joke, but you are not revealing what you know, you reveal what you don't know.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #6
            Originally posted by Aaron View Post
            Your phony objectivity and low class sarcasm is unappreciated.

            Magnet Secrets includes the document by the actual Department of Energy that verified exactly what is in the book and that same document even encourages other departments in the federal govt to use these methods.

            Many people, apparently such as yourself, feel that magnetizing fuel or water is a joke, but you are not revealing what you know, you reveal what you don't know.
            Dear young man,

            Why did you snap? I remember years ago you characterized yourself as "spiritual antrepreneur". I don't know if you consider yourself the same nowadays but if you do, you have a bit more work to do:

            Spirituality: practice serenity, forgiveness and lack of superiority.
            Entrepreneurship: patience and courtesy towards customers.

            As japaneze descent, you should be more aware about cultural differences in the world, especially when internet put as incredibly closer.

            Don't judge the book by the cover. And because we are at this topic, the thing I found funny was exactly judging that book by the cover. It's says "Magnet Secrets" on the cover and inside, as yourself say too, is about magnetized fuel or water.

            So chill out and have a crackle with the "book" I designed as a joke for all, including you.

            Please cease to act as an attack dog, be more like Low Doug.


            • #7
              Truth Be Told....

              Originally posted by barbosi View Post

              It was a joke! Ha ha. Me and my friends been thinking that audience was laughing because we taught that despite all that conspiracy to suppress free energy, you still managed to get one copy. It was like you and audience were laughing in their face. You must have made a face or something and that wasn't in the video.

              And now you say Bearden one is a fake too? Cool.

              I figure you spent lots of time in Photoshop, while at the time there were already some online engines to create fake covers for “Dummies”. But I guess you didn't know... Here I just created one and you'll find it attached. Hope everyone will have a giggle.

              Oh man, that was a joke......... Now I get it!
              Although I find a greater joke (for me all time high), this one:

              You made my day, you have a great one too!

              Well, I'm glad we have both told the truth now. For me, I have admitted that I told a joke during a Conference Keynote Address in 2006 and the audience laughed! And you have finally revealed your real agenda to attack me personally in a public forum supported only by your profound ignorance of the contents of my work and your caustic ill-will.

              It's nice to see you feeling FREE to be yourself, without all this sneaking around trying to find an angle to attack me from. It must have been exhausting waiting for the right moment to pounce. Magnet Secrets is definitely worth attacking me for. In it I show the reader what patents lay the foundation for using magnetism to treat fluids to lower surface tension, moderate pH, and volatize fuels. It includes reports from the Department of Energy, numerous University studies, and industry reports all verifying the same information and basic method.

              In the last 30 years, companies selling permanent magnets for these purposes have sold hundreds of millions of dollars worth of products and collected hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers all around the world. This is the first book that shows the basic method so people could "do-it-themselves" if they wanted to.

              Is there anything else I can help you with? Or better yet, are there any of my other products that you would like to help promote? You may as well sign up as an affiliate to make the commission!

              Almost having fun....
              Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 05-20-2014, 07:54 PM.
              Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

              Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
              Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
              Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


              • #8

                I've been reading alot of Tesla, After I read the same chapter over & over...It starts to make sense.
                It seems to me , that his work all boiled down to different speeds of flow.
                Instead of arguing , you should be experimenting.
                Seems like a waste of talent to me.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by barbosi View Post
                  Dear young man,

                  Why did you snap? I remember years ago you characterized yourself as "spiritual antrepreneur". I don't know if you consider yourself the same nowadays but if you do, you have a bit more work to do:

                  Spirituality: practice serenity, forgiveness and lack of superiority.
                  Entrepreneurship: patience and courtesy towards customers.

                  As japaneze descent, you should be more aware about cultural differences in the world, especially when internet put as incredibly closer.

                  Don't judge the book by the cover. And because we are at this topic, the thing I found funny was exactly judging that book by the cover. It's says "Magnet Secrets" on the cover and inside, as yourself say too, is about magnetized fuel or water.

                  So chill out and have a crackle with the "book" I designed as a joke for all, including you.

                  Please cease to act as an attack dog, be more like Low Doug.
                  Let's clarify the obvious ignorance in your statements...

                  First of all, I didn't snap - I see insults veiled under blatantly fake skeptical objectivty so I comment. The only person that snapped was you - you sudeenly snapped like a yipping puppy who suddenly had his tail stepped on and started to attack Peter and this to my recollection is the first time you ever started to overtly insult anyone in this forum. And if you think you're fake diplomatic phony objectivity is fooling anyone - well, it would only fool a fool.

                  Your own personal definitions of spirituality and entrepreneurship are as fake as as the facade you're hiding behind.

                  I would say Jesus was fairly spiritual as he kicked over the money changer's tables and I would also say the Dalai Lama was fairly spiritual as he said, "Acts of violence should be remembered, and then forgiveness should be extended to the perpetrators. But if someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun. Not at the head, where a fatal wound might result. But at some other body part, such as a leg." - the Dalai Lama

                  The moral of those two facts are that spirituality does not exclude someone from putting their foot down against a wrong doing and you Barbosi are completely out of line for disrespecting Peter or anyone else in the manner that you are doing.

                  I lived in Japan a total of 14 years out of my life but that has nothing to do with cultural differences when it comes to your blatant insults masked by phony inauthentic rhetoric and snide remarks.

                  I didn't even look at the book you designed because it doesn't have anything to do with your insult of the Magnet Secrets book. From your comments, it is clear you are not able to comprehend what is being conveyed by the book.

                  SIEMENS saved over 17% average on industrial boilers, DISNEYLAND uses this method, HILTON hotels used it to prevent growth in the water in their boiler systems, etc... - and the public hardly knew about this until we revealed this. Magnetizer | Testimonials

                  It is the ONE AND ONLY method the DOE has every gone out of their way to try to get other governmental dept's to adapt while keeping it from the general public!

                  To show the pure unadulterated ignorance and hypocrisy that underlies your statements - you just said, "Don't judge the book by the cover." - YET, THAT IS JUST WHAT YOU DID with the Magnet Secrets book!?!
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #10

                    Originally posted by barbosi View Post
                    Dear young man,

                    Why did you snap? I remember years ago you characterized yourself as "spiritual antrepreneur". I don't know if you consider yourself the same nowadays but if you do, you have a bit more work to do:

                    Spirituality: practice serenity, forgiveness and lack of superiority.
                    Entrepreneurship: patience and courtesy towards customers.

                    As japaneze descent, you should be more aware about cultural differences in the world, especially when internet put as incredibly closer.

                    Don't judge the book by the cover. And because we are at this topic, the thing I found funny was exactly judging that book by the cover. It's says "Magnet Secrets" on the cover and inside, as yourself say too, is about magnetized fuel or water.

                    So chill out and have a crackle with the "book" I designed as a joke for all, including you.

                    Please cease to act as an attack dog, be more like Low Doug.

                    You should not hate Aaron for standing up like a man and slapping you down. I was wondering where everybody was and why Aaron is usually the only one. It is improper to hide behind a false name and attack leaders who have a past track record good as gold.

                    Where is your circuit, project, anything? Why are you here are you being paid for this attack and smut you post?

                    Anyhow Peter should answer and has but we all know him and will defend his good name. Wow look at all of the great things Peter has done in plain view.

                    Where is your work anyway? Where?

                    No, your work is in plain sight as well, only to belittle and disrupt.

                    When I see you post next I will be all over you from now on, warning people who you maybe trying to subvert.

                    This is not considered friendly fire at all and I will not put up with it.

                    Michael Rowland (Central Kansas)


                    • #11
                      Thank You!

                      Originally posted by BroMikey View Post

                      You should not hate Aaron for standing up like a man and slapping you down. I was wondering where everybody was and why Aaron is usually the only one. It is improper to hide behind a false name and attack leaders who have a past track record good as gold.

                      Where is your circuit, project, anything? Why are you here are you being paid for this attack and smut you post?

                      Anyhow Peter should answer and has but we all know him and will defend his good name. Wow look at all of the great things Peter has done in plain view.

                      Where is your work anyway? Where?

                      No, your work is in plain sight as well, only to belittle and disrupt.

                      When I see you post next I will be all over you from now on, warning people who you maybe trying to subvert.

                      This is not considered friendly fire at all and I will not put up with it.

                      Michael Rowland (Central Kansas)
                      Dear Michael,

                      Thank you for your support, and for standing up for what you believe is right. Both Aaron and I appreciate your help in confronting this situation. Barbosi was already posting large cartoons in the other thread, but he really snapped when I posted the link to the original article by Dr. Carpenter describing the "ideo-motor trance". This article clearly identifies the neurological mechanism whereby people's behavior can be controlled against their will. His general disruption turned into his personal attack on me immediately after that post.

                      Anyway, thanks again for helping bring this incident to a close. I like your Avatar now, more than ever!

                      Last edited by Peter Lindemann; 05-22-2014, 02:46 PM.
                      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                      • #12
                        Mind Control

                        Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                        Dear Michael,

                        Thank you for your support, and for standing up for what you believe is right. Both Aaron and I appreciate your help in confronting this situation. Barbosi was already posting large cartoons in the other thread, but he really snapped when I posted the link to the original article by Dr. Carpenter describing the "ideo-motor trance". This article clearly identifies the neurological mechanism whereby people's behavior can be controlled against their will. His general disruption turned into his personal attack on me immediately after that post.

                        Anyway, thanks again for helping bring this incident to a close. I like your Avatar now, more than ever!

                        Hi Peter
                        I see what you getting at with the snap trigger mind control experiments I have heard of. So many people are unable to frame up a set of standards of what might be considered a normal way of reacting based on something other than cartoons.

                        The world has radically changed.

                        What I what to say here is you are right about the mass insanity due to programming. Programming that is hard for folks to even see, let alone believe that it really exists.

                        You of all people have seen the perversion of society in general so we are not in any kind of shock. People want to be at the top so the programming is set up to fool them into thinking they qualify.

                        They don't, qualify.

                        On the other hand a position like yours is something that is earned over many years of dedication, that these wacko envy and in some way try to elevate themselves over.

                        What a gas.

                        I grew up in the concrete jungles of Metro Detroit where the youngins'll have so little conscience will blow out yours and theirs without blinkin.

                        It is horrific down there and I am so glad when I find sane people.

                        I had to grow up mentally protecting myself as a boy down there so If I get to smelling sinkin lousy rat, I have learned it is best not to pet the rodents.

                        As sad as it is, people had better toughen up and kill the rats verbally or they will make a large nest of cridders impossible to stop.

                        It is a developed killer instinct that the programmers want to do away with.

                        It's a dirty job.

                        Thank You as well Peter.

                        Last edited by BroMikey; 05-24-2014, 01:31 AM.


                        • #13
                          Mighty Mike

                          How Crazy is this Mr Barbosi to come into the Department store and yell at the proprietor to give him stuff for free.

                          You are a fearless and loyal Customer

                          Its a crazy world............

                          If you want to Change the world
                          BE that change !!


                          • #14
                            The wild side

                            Originally posted by RAMSET View Post
                            How Crazy is this Mr Barbosi to come into the Department store and yell at the proprietor to give him stuff for free.

                            You are a fearless and loyal Customer

                            Its a crazy world............

                            Pretty CRAZY Chet

                            It's like you'de better have a 45 walkin down the street in NYC to keep those dumpster dogs from attacking you. A friend of mine is dead now lived there and him and his girl came out of the bronx.

                            It really is like that in certain places. The garbage dogs are running up in numbers and people have to shoot them to keep the population down.

                            I would feel worse than a dummy goin down there without an equalizer.

                            On the other side I am an easy guys who wishes well to all and would bend over backwards to help folks. We have to do the same thing verbally with the hard heads out here.

                            Mighty Mike, As you put it has run for his life weeping hoping to get out with a whole skin.

                            Waking up in time to realize it was only a dream (BAD BAD).

                            It was bad enough that at age 8 I developed a dream of flight that always caused me to fly away from the bullies. One year at 10years old I had this wonderful dream every night for 6 months.

                            Today I have another dream that I am back down there and I wake up.

                            Since those days the hair of the dog so to speak raises up when things remind me of the old days. Ideo or whatever it is very real.



                            • #15
                              same dream for same reason

                              I had that same dream for a short time in my life...
                              I was very young but I will never forget those feelings of flight
                              they did not last long, a year or so??

                              regarding My comments On The Barbosi ,I feel very strongly about these new technologies and placing a price on them, like charging for a breathe of air, but that is my personal opinion I will never come into a mans house and tell him how to live or run his own house or for that matter his business .

                              I have learned not to judge [its not easy] and also not to have "magic thinking", yah gotta get your hands dirty ,and you gotta treat others the same way you would want them to treat you.

                              Find people like that and work with them .............

                              Thanks for reminding me of the dream,I have hungered for that dream all my life.

                              If you want to Change the world
                              BE that change !!

