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william r lyne tesla devise artificial radioactivity

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  • william r lyne tesla devise artificial radioactivity

    second half of this page

    Tesla's Extraction of Cosmic Energy

    According to Tesla, the ether is not an "energy source", since*it is composed of tiny independent "carriers immersed in an*insulating fluid"3. The ether, therefore, is a "medium" through*which energetic transferences and transmutations can be effected,*and electric and magnetic "tubes of force" can be created and*carried into a body from space, giving it momentum to propel it."Cosmic radiation" is not the ether, but "starlight"—what*Tesla called the "Primary Solar Rays".4*This extremely highfrequency*light—of much tinier wavelength than visible light, U.V.,X-rays, and gamma rays (also emitted by our sun and other*stars)—is the ZPR. Tesla stated that the Zero Point Radiation gives*rise to secondary radiations through impact with the cosmic dust of*space, which are commonly called "cosmic rays" today.

    In 19355*Tesla objected to the observations of the German*radiologist, Dr. Werner Kolhoester, saying his observations were*another confirmation of his own theory of cosmic rays originally*advanced in l896,*but asserted that Kolhoester's 1935 theory was*erroneous, because light is a wave motion of definite velocity (C),determined by the elastic force and density of the "medium", while*cosmic rays are "...particles with velocities determined by the*propelling force...", which therefore could be much slower or faster*than that of light. Since the velocities of the two radiations would*not (and could not) coincide, Kolhoester's observations whichcoincided with the light observed, would not be accurate. Here,*Tesla distinguished between the "cosmic radiation" he proposed in*1896, which was particles, which were propelled by ultra-highfrequency*"primary solar radiation", which I equate to the ZPR,*which are light rays traveling at C. Because of their extremely high*voltages levels and frequencies, they can propel "cosmic dust"*articles faster than C, when of sufficiently high voltage levels and*frequency.

    In his "objection" letter of 1935, at a time when he was*involved with the German "p2" project which I wrote about in*Pentagon Aliens, Tesla gave a clue to his electrodynamic spacepropulsion system, which if one is to take Tesla's statements*seriously, means that a "particle"—or a ship—in space can be*propelled very fast by electromagnetic wave radiation—light*waves—which in this case are the "Primary Solar Rays", the ZPR.

    The Primary Solar Rays (the ZPR) are ubiquitous in the*universe and in direction of approach at a given point, with*frequencies so high that there is normally no reaction with atomic*matter, being able to pass through "...thousands of miles of solid*matter..."6, and therefore can approach an object on earth even from*the direction of the ground. This makes this invisible "solar energysource" available around the clock, though it is said to slightly vary*cyclically. This radiation should not be confused with so-called*"photon energy", which is a Relativist fantasy involving "corpuscles"*or "particles" of light. What a laugh.

    In the on-going Relativist theory, Wolfgang Pauli, in 1933,*invented the neutrino theory, in response to Niels Bohr's radical*finding that, if experiments say so, the Law of Conservation ofEnergy does not hold for ("beta" or electron) emission and*absorption processes.7*Pauli's theory sought to explain a loss of heat*energy in beta decay, which the Relativist theory was unable to*account for or measure in such processes as K-capture, in which a*neutrino is emitted when a proton is converted into a neutron. The*reverse process is the conversion of a neutron into a proton, thus*emitting a beta particle (electron) and sucking a neutrino back into*the atom from surrounding space. Other particles are involved, but*these are the ones of interest. It should be of interest to you that*Bohr was not a Relativist, and held a sort of "free-energy" view. It*is also interesting to note that Bohr attended the opening of the*Tesla Museum in Belgrade. Without Bohr's work, the A-bombwould have been impossible at that time.

    The acquisition of energy from the ZPR was regarded by Tesla*as a "step-down" process, in which the super-high-frequency light*waves were stepped down to a more familiar and usable form, such*as 'normal' radioactivity, heat or electrical energy. In the K-capture*process, an element is transmuted into another element, forexample, iron to manganese—and in the reverseprocess—manganese to iron. Monoenergetic neutrinos are ejected*in the first process, and sucked back into the iron in the reverse*process, but what happens to the damned X-radiation emitted in the*first half of the reversible process, Einstein? And how is it*mysteriously "replaced" in the reversed half?

    The neutrino explanation has always appeared as a loophole in*the Relativist theory, since the missing momentum and heat, and*misconceived "photon energy" (actually electromagnetic light wave*radiation), were impossible to explain without the invented neutrino*theory. Furthermore, since the neutrino is a neutral particle, it is*composed of tiny positive and negative charges which do not exist*according to Relativism, since Relativism holds that the electron is*"indivisible", as the main foundation of quantum mechanics. With*this argument, I now have some of my Relativist friends denying the*existence of neutrinos.

    In contradicting their own theory, admitting that the tinier*positive and negative charges composing the neutrinos exist, the*Relativists inadvertently acknowledged the "building blocks" of*electrons and protons. As such, neutrinos appear to be the aether.

    Since neutrinos are so tiny, they must have the capacity to react*with the ZPR, in bringing about so-called "nuclear radioactivity". In*so doing, what are the nuclear characteristics of an element which*produces radioactivity naturally? How can a non-radioactive*element be made to mimic these qualities, in artificially-inducedradioactivity"? If neutrinos are prevalent in K-capture*(transmutation), and its reversal, it seems that an element which is*made to oscillate between two elements (to transmute and detransmute),*would have to react with the ZPR. Since there is excess*energy involved, as the neutrinos (ether carriers) move in and out,energy is being transferred to and from the element, the ZPR, and*the ether.

    We know that synthetic radioactivity can be induced by*exposing an element to appropriate radiation, which is only a*reversal of the process which initially created the radiation, as averification of Tesla's theory.

    In K-capture in iron, when the K-shell electron passes into the*nucleus, converting a proton into a neutron, not only is a*monoenergetic neutrino emitted, but also an X-ray, when the vacant*K-shell takes on another electron. Though the iron atom is now a*manganese atom, and has emitted energy, it has the same mass*number. Shouldn't the mass number reflect the loss of energy?

    Where is your damned "E = MC2?" There is also the question,*"Where did the incident particle beam energy which induced the Kcapture*go? If the neutrinos taketh away, they also giveth back, as*"carriers". Of course, one can say that the electrons involved do not*weigh enough to be reflected in the mass number. The Relativistsadmit (or assert) that the neutrinos carry energy, just as the aether*carriers do. Recent Japanese experiments showed that neutrinos are*plentiful in space. The greatest source of free-energy appears to be*the ZPR.

    If the number of neutrons in a disintegration product (the atom*transmuted to) is too small compared to its number of protons, the*nucleus will tend to reduce its charge by one unit by positron*emission, and will always have 1 Mev less kinetic energy than if beta*decay had occurred.8*Since a light element (below atomic number*19) will transmute in U.V. light, radioactivity in light elements can*be induced very easily. When Joliot and Curie bombarded aluminum*with alpha particles, they observed that neutrons and positrons were*emitted. When they removed their alpha source, the positronemission did not cease, but decreased exponentially with time, as if*the aluminum were a naturally radioactive element, for a period of*three minutes.

    The positron will always carry 1 Mev kinetic energy,*and may be used for energy production. Since this process can be*effected by use of an U.V. incident particle beam on the light*elements, and will produce positrons at 1 Mev of kinetic energy, it*may be used in what I call "leapfrog technology", which can be used*for transmutation processes which will manufacture elements in*much greater quantities than could be effected by the huge*accelerators at such places as U.C. Berkeley.

    Based on the Tesla Primary Solar Ray theory, using the Kcapture*process, this is my explanation for a device I call Free EnergySurprise (© 1997, Wm. R. Lyne, ISBN 0-9637467-6-6, $10.00,*Creatopia Productions, General Delivery, Lamy, New Mexico*87540, Tel/Fax 505-466-3022), a technical report which includes*a set of plans and documentary photos.

    I got the idea for this device from a statement by Nikola Tesla,*concerning "special" uses for iron, to capture the ZPR/Primary Solar*Rays. Whether or not this is exactly what Tesla meant, I believe it*verifies his statement concerning special properties of iron.*The device, composed of steel pipe and bar stock (about 10*lbs.), is stimulated with a 15 kv, center-tapped transformer. Itoperates in several modes, but in what I call the "hum" mode shows*an input of 35 watts and a secondary activity of 42.6 kw, operating*at or beyond the approximate K-capture voltage on each leg, ca.*7,110 volts (the K-capture voltage for iron), at the standard 60 cps.*The low frequency current goes into the mass of the iron (not a*'skin effect'). The iron seems to be going to manganese and back to*iron, 60 times per second. This idea is based on what appeared to be*the appearance of a purple area near the top of the pipe which Irecognized to be the color of manganese dioxide. The extra electrical

    energy might be the product of interaction with the ZPR, the ether*(neutrinos?), and the iron. Since manganese is the next element*down on the periodic chart, with the same mass number as iron, it*sounded like a reasonable hypothesis. The voltage is not really*critical, as the effect could occur so long as the voltage passedthrough the K-capture voltage on its way up and down, and is only*supposed to cause a somewhat more definite effect when it is right*on the "absorption edge".

    It appears that the electrical energy in the secondary output*circuit can be converted into usable electrical energy, especially by*using a resonant transformer, tuned
    Last edited by tturner; 05-26-2014, 03:34 PM.

  • #2
    william r lyne tesla devise artificial radioactivity

    I did build the device according to the specifications in the Free Energy Surprise pdf. The behaviour of the device as described in mode 4 [see Free Energy Surprise] seems to be the same as I tested the device.

    The question is now how to harvest the energy. I tried different setups but with no success. Has somebody an idea how to transform the output off the device in useful energy?

    The device is very to replicate !


    • #3
      thanks for the reply prio and im wonder which devise you built? the devise in free energy info ch 11 ...or the free energy surprise ? also if you have pictures please upload


      • #4
        one of my questions about any of these radiation that fuel is air is how to saftley let the air in and out with out leaking radiation or nuclear waste (you can tell i know nothing about this) im just wonder if its safe to just exhaust this burnt air back into the atmosphere

