Thought some would like this entertaining and amusing nugget of information:
COPYRIGHT 8-10-2014 Ken L Wheeler
Bismuth sits at a golden ratio ‘seat’ on the periodic table, its dielectric inertia is so high, that its atomic radius of 143 is less than that of lightweight titanium which is 176, and less still the heavier polonium 190 and lead 154. It sits immediately between extremely toxic lead and thallium on one side, and extremely radioactive, extremely short-lived, astronomically rare and virtually non-existent polonium and astatine on the other side, of which less than 100 grams per year of polonium are created, and only created resultant to bombardment of bismuth with high energy protons and neutrons. While virtually four times the atomic mass of iron, it has an atomic radius of 143 to irons 156.
Online or book investigation will not divulge the relative picture of bismuth, and its special ‘seat’ on the periodic table, being so unlike its neighbors. Resting between extremely toxic and incredibly rare and radioactive polonium with a mere handful of days of half life, and astatine with a mere 8 hour half life, bismuth is so stable that its half life is 20 billion billion years, infinitely longer than the calculated age of the universe! Additionally, sitting on the periodic table, stable, non-toxic in its pure form, and so incredibly non-radioactive it is virtually inert denotatively, it rests between both the extreme incredible toxicity of lead and thallium, and the incredibly rare and worse still dangerous and unstable radioactive polonium and astatine. Thallium is so deadly, mere handling proves fatal and it was at one time used as a poisoning agent of animals and of murderers. Literally in the middle of hell and worse hell, is a safe and stable element with incredible dielectric properties some characteristics only recently being uncovered, one of which by myself in experimentation.

COPYRIGHT 8-10-2014 Ken L Wheeler
Bismuth sits at a golden ratio ‘seat’ on the periodic table, its dielectric inertia is so high, that its atomic radius of 143 is less than that of lightweight titanium which is 176, and less still the heavier polonium 190 and lead 154. It sits immediately between extremely toxic lead and thallium on one side, and extremely radioactive, extremely short-lived, astronomically rare and virtually non-existent polonium and astatine on the other side, of which less than 100 grams per year of polonium are created, and only created resultant to bombardment of bismuth with high energy protons and neutrons. While virtually four times the atomic mass of iron, it has an atomic radius of 143 to irons 156.
Online or book investigation will not divulge the relative picture of bismuth, and its special ‘seat’ on the periodic table, being so unlike its neighbors. Resting between extremely toxic and incredibly rare and radioactive polonium with a mere handful of days of half life, and astatine with a mere 8 hour half life, bismuth is so stable that its half life is 20 billion billion years, infinitely longer than the calculated age of the universe! Additionally, sitting on the periodic table, stable, non-toxic in its pure form, and so incredibly non-radioactive it is virtually inert denotatively, it rests between both the extreme incredible toxicity of lead and thallium, and the incredibly rare and worse still dangerous and unstable radioactive polonium and astatine. Thallium is so deadly, mere handling proves fatal and it was at one time used as a poisoning agent of animals and of murderers. Literally in the middle of hell and worse hell, is a safe and stable element with incredible dielectric properties some characteristics only recently being uncovered, one of which by myself in experimentation.
