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Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism. 92 pages. Free new book

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  • Originally posted by sadang View Post

    found something new, well, not new but something nobody has seen before. Of course proved it was there a dozen diff ways, but now a NEW WAY to see inverse polarity spin by concentrating the field inside a ring magnet

    several 3mm cube maggies inside the I.D. of the ring maggie.

    I get inverse spin in movement off either side in rotation under the FERROCELL.

    So, can now I / you / anyone / see inverse polarity spin with LED light


    • Precession question

      How does the shape of the pole of a magnet affect the field and/or its precession? Say I have a horseshoe magnet with rectangular ends. Does that configuration have an affect on the shape of the field emitted from the ends of the magnet?

      As I understand your work, the dielectric plane would be perpendicular to the back center of the horseshoe and thus parallel with the legs of the horseshoe? Is that correct? If so, how far would the dielectric plane extend out from the back of the magnet? As far as the ends of the legs of the horseshoe or would it be contained in the body of the material at the back center of the magnet?

      What I'm really trying to visualize is the precession of the fields at the ends of the horseshoe. I hope I made that clear enough.


      • My Attempt

        Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
        How does the shape of the pole of a magnet affect the field and/or its precession? Say I have a horseshoe magnet with rectangular ends. Does that configuration have an affect on the shape of the field emitted from the ends of the magnet?

        As I understand your work, the dielectric plane would be perpendicular to the back center of the horseshoe and thus parallel with the legs of the horseshoe? Is that correct? If so, how far would the dielectric plane extend out from the back of the magnet? As far as the ends of the legs of the horseshoe or would it be contained in the body of the material at the back center of the magnet?

        What I'm really trying to visualize is the precession of the fields at the ends of the horseshoe. I hope I made that clear enough.
        I'll try to answer this THX, but Ken is the authority and most certainly will correct me if I'm off-base. He better anyway.

        For one, the dielectric inertial plane is a 2D surface and since it is dielectricity here we are talking about, it is counter-spatial, so it doesn't "extend out" at all. It extends inward.

        Now with that said, there is still centripetal magnetism entering into the horseshoe shaped magnet where the dielectric inertial plane intersects the actual material that composes the horseshoe magnet. This centripetal magnetism entering the edge of this surface must come from somewhere and that somewhere would be from the tips/poles, specifically the centrifugal magnetism radiated most abundantly from the edges of the poles.

        This unique shape of a horseshoe magnet raises an interesting question. What if the area around the dielectric inertial plane was completely "shielded" with Bismuth? Recall the Bismuth "pot hole" experiment Ken did.


        • Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
          How does the shape of the pole of a magnet affect the field and/or its precession? Say I have a horseshoe magnet with rectangular ends. Does that configuration have an affect on the shape of the field emitted from the ends of the magnet?
          Creates a sphere of field pressure voidance, if you could pull the horseshoe ends together youd see a shrinking sphere

          no diff than the ends of 2 diff maggies.

          Originally posted by thx1138 View Post
          As I understand your work, the dielectric plane would be perpendicular to the back center of the horseshoe and thus parallel with the legs of the horseshoe? Is that correct? If so, how far would the dielectric plane extend out from the back of the magnet? As far as the ends of the legs of the horseshoe or would it be contained in the body of the material at the back center of the magnet?
          What I'm really trying to visualize is the precession of the fields at the ends of the horseshoe. I hope I made that clear enough.

          You can see same here:

          now rotate that image 90 degrees LEFT

          same as a vertical bar magnet

          get it?


          • Jeff Cook Effect

            Even without thousands of pounds of Bismuth:

            The Jeff Cook Effect - YouTube

            Jeff Cook Effect - Wizard Wand - YouTube

            Ken, you need to get this little squirt some tatoos.

            Last edited by Dog-One; 10-02-2014, 02:06 AM.


            • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
              Even without thousands of pounds of Bismuth:

              The Jeff Cook Effect - YouTube

              Jeff Cook Effect - Wizard Wand - YouTube

              Ken, you need to get this little squirt some tatoos.

              what is that video? Science humor? Does he have FLUTES glued to the side of that thing?

              Very funny


              • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                what is that video? Science humor? Does he have FLUTES glued to the side of that thing?

                Very funny
                If you mean humor as in the sense of video quackery, no I think he's the real deal.

                This is the same guy and he's talking about your latest topic:
                Jeffrey Cook on Inertial Propulsion - YouTube


                • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                  If you mean humor as in the sense of video quackery, no I think he's the real deal.

                  This is the same guy and he's talking about your latest topic:
                  Jeffrey Cook on Inertial Propulsion - YouTube

                  He doesnt know what is "special" about a ring magnet, however you can SEE what it is under the ferrocell

                  its just a hypotrochoid, a 'doughnut' of counterspace within which he is pressing another magnet thru the ring.

                  its no different than someone with the SQUIRTS "shooting" an "object" out their "flesh doughnut" while hovering on the pot.

                  Hes pretty funny in that video, hes convinced hes discovered something


                  • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                    He doesnt know what is "special" about a ring magnet, however you can SEE what it is under the ferrocell

                    its just a hypotrochoid, a 'doughnut' of counterspace within which he is pressing another magnet thru the ring.

                    its no different than someone with the SQUIRTS "shooting" an "object" out their "flesh doughnut" while hovering on the pot.

                    Hes pretty funny in that video, hes convinced hes discovered something
                    I'm not real certain how much he actually knows. He seems to have a layman side and a full-on egghead mathmatical side to him. Anyone that has looked at the plots from Howard Johnson had to know a magnet has a lot more going on. I didn't know how much more until I saw your work.

                    The interesting thing he may have discovered is that using magnets, you can shoot a projectile without any recoil. As far as I know, that can't easily be done any other way. So I'd say yeah, something special about magnets. And if it's true, I'll bet TinMan can whip something up rather quick-like to find out. I think the easiest way would be to take Jeff's little gizmo and have it shoot a magnet straight up while the base is sitting on a precision scale. If that scale shows no spike of recoil, it sure would be something to think about for most people, because what it means is the apparent force from the moving object is against the Ether itself instead of the mass where it was launched--changes the whole frame of reference paradigm.


                    • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                      If that scale shows no spike of recoil.
                      Oooh, theres plenty of recoil.

                      Ive tested with this before, but no harm in someone else testing if they want. Experimenting is the best fun that can be had while dressed.

                      As for the "layman" comment, Its the "experts" I dont trust, theyre just spitting out regurgitated nonsense they were told to believe in.

                      Never trust the "experts" (bit hyperbolic of course).


                      • Magnetic Beam Amplifier

                        Here's one for you Ken.

                        Boyd BUSHMAN : Magnetic Beam Apparatus -- Articles & patent

                        A magnetic beam amplifier.

                        Seems like a good fit for your work if it can be shown those angles you have found can in fact be manipulated. Wouldn't take much to assemble such a device and try it against your viewing fluid.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Dog-One; 11-08-2014, 12:57 AM. Reason: Image attach


                        • Boyd Bushman

                          Did one some months back but do so many projects that this one sits in the background waiting for attention.
                          You must also be watching the EV Gray Forum.
                          Repeating here that the 3 antigravity elements were Tellurium, Uranium and Palladium and nothing to do with Germanium which is also a favourite of mine as a converter of the Longitudinal into Electromagnetic.

                          The Mini Compass came from David Lapoint and his 'The Primer Fields' and wondered why I had not built one earlier when messing with magnets.
                          The body is an old Biro pen case with a small piece of insulation in the end and the Biro still works.
                          The magnets used are two very small painted red/blue Neos and a string of the same is sitting on the Gaussmeter case.
                          The Gaussmeter is home built with the Hall Effect device mounted on a pcb inside an old plastic larger marking pen body.
                          Both work well.
                          Used an AllegoMicro UGN3503 but a Honeywell 96B909 is another option.

                          The Boyd Bushman 'Magnetic Beamer' I put together before I had the tools to measure and I find that the magnetic field coming from the 5 Neo stacks is way stronger than that from what I saw as the beam point where I have the rounded nut.
                          A need to review what I have built and correct and am also waiting to buy another stack of the Neos for a sister using the opposite polarity.



                          • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                            Here's one for you Ken.

                            Boyd BUSHMAN : Magnetic Beam Apparatus -- Articles & patent

                            A magnetic beam amplifier.

                            Seems like a good fit for your work if it can be shown those angles you have found can in fact be manipulated. Wouldn't take much to assemble such a device and try it against your viewing fluid.

                            yes, Im familiar with same.

                            Another researcher on same mentions:

                            the magnetic flux does not appear to go this far at any appreciable strength, but a subtle energy effect does!

                            which is true, the field disturbance has affects FAR beyond the divergent magnetic reciprocation

                            But, I can see those same effects using the gigantic 30 pound neodymium magnet Ive got in the living room.

                            explaining same isnt so easy, and nobody has an equation for it yet.

                            Its a attributional torque of the Ether which is translational into a spatial disturbance.


                            • Originally posted by David G Dawson View Post
                              A need to review what I have built and correct and am also waiting to buy another stack of the Neos for a sister using the opposite polarity.


                              The device is/will form the basis of what is incorrectly deemed "anti-gravity", however this is untrue in reality.

                              Magnetism is nothing more than coherent 'gravity', and gravity is nothing more than counterspatial acceleration and the cancellation of motion.

                              Dr. Oleg D. Jefimenko has the math (Gravitation and Co-gravitation) about the co-gravitational field.

                              As per my device I created and have 2 videos on....

                              copyright 11-01-2014 Ken L Wheeler
                              Pole on pole close proximity are in high motion, which is deceleration, In bringing these towards gravity source there is a disturbance in the cogravitational field of acceleration (voidance), since acceleration is the elimination of motion by voidance, there is inherent high motion in the like on like polarities which are also undergoing acceleration, these contradictory vectors, one of force (motion), and the other of voidance cause a gravitational change when allowed to accelerate. Deceleration is inherent to the rest-mass of like on like polarity co-objects when allowed to vector towards another gravitational voidance source. This deceleration is due to the high inherent motion of the like on like polarities of the co-objects.

                              Changing the vector of the cogravitational field, because while at rest, they are (two mags in pole on pole) in a high state of motion which is the antithesis of acceleration ,ie dielectrical voidance, or ‘gravitational “attraction”’ .

                              ALL MOTION IS centrifugal, all acceleration is centripetal......Motion creates space, acceleration (dielectric voidance) eliminates or voids space. Since my co-object of like on like polarity is in high motion it is in a state of centrifugal motion like like a gyroscope.......and likewise has a different cogravitational vector (see equation reference my note #29) when accelerating towards another counterspatial gravitational voidance object.

                              Force and motion are SYNONYMOUS. Motion at rest (relatively so) changes the gravitational vector of voidance of my co-object, the very same way it does to and for a gyroscope with applied centrifugal force of motion applied or being applied. All forces are transference discharges of inertia and are definitionally spatial and centrifugal and radiative, likewise is magnetism.

                              Rigorous definition of inertia, acceleration, and motion must be made otherwise comprehension of the field modalities is impossible.

                              those are just LOOSE NOTES, so yes I know they contain errors and typos..


                              • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                                Dr. Oleg D. Jefimenko has the math (Gravitation and Co-gravitation) about the co-gravitational field.

                                As per my device I created and have 2 videos on....
                                Did you mean to include a hyperlink in the above text "As per my device..."? You reference notes that seam that they would be contained in that content.

