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Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism. 92 pages. Free new book

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  • ceramic magnet help

    Originally posted by Wallywonka View Post
    Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
    oh hell, i do that often in 2 of my videos, its easy to do with ceramic magnets.
    Ken, If anyone can understand and manipulate magnets it’s you. . .

    I’ve watched many of your videos and am currently reading the 3rd edition of your book. Could you be so kind as to give the video number or page in your book, just guessing that you have to weaken one or both ceramic magnets (with heat) to get them to behave that way,

    Can hardly wait for you reply because I know it will be truth!!



    • Ken, the holographic non point specific reciprocation of field incommensurability seems to be the very action through which instantaneous communication at zero distances are possible.

      It is by inducting and conducting we communicate with the physical world around us. The radial means by that method occurs as we have been told is the speed of light.

      Resonance seems a key challenge in this idea. I feel that this is how we naturally communicate via incite, mind. Di-polar fluctuation (acceleration and deceleration to the dielectric inertial plane) Holographic counter-spacial injection of information, with an instantaneous holographic spacial projection. The projection can only take place on a physical plane via resonance. If we could produce the means by which this resonance can be achieved we should be able to do just about anything with it.

      What do you think? Anyone?


      • Originally posted by Hitby13kw View Post
        Ken, If anyone can understand and manipulate magnets it’s you. . .

        I’ve watched many of your videos and am currently reading the 3rd edition of your book. Could you be so kind as to give the video number or page in your book, just guessing that you have to weaken one or both ceramic magnets (with heat) to get them to behave that way,

        Can hardly wait for you reply because I know it will be truth!!


        pardon, been busy and on vacation here for a while


        • To twist or not to twist

          The flux path of a permanent magnet looks orbital between poles with the introduction of
          iron filings in oil, or dry box.

          The flux path is spiral in bubbles coming off magnet when lelectricity is applied ?
          Does your lens viewing device show more evidence of spiral ?

          Do the iron filings effect the spiral orientation or is it that your viewer
          has just improved our ability to see it ?
          Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-07-2015, 07:41 PM.


          • 4th edition?

            Hello all,

            Just wondering if anybody has any info regarding the release of the 4th edition of the book; is it already released/due to be released soon? Been looking forward to it for a while now, thanks!


            • It is coming soon

              The 4th edition is in the works



              • New Videos

                It appears that he has also gained a little new insight (see his most recent videos: Video 1 & Video 2) and I am very much looking forward to seeing how this is conveyed.


                • [QUOTE=TheoriaApophasis;268634]I made an
                  1. i know WHY its there
                  2. I know HOW its there
                  3. I now know why after 100 biological experiments (more actually), why there is a radical shift in polarity affect that goes far beyond the H2O molecule geometry.

                  Excellent work Ken, thanks to you when I look at plants I now imagine the dielectric plane. Carbon and water are both dielectric permissive so I seek enhance the dielectric plane of the plants mostly by using mulch, wood chips or cardboard. Keeping the dielectric plane moist with ground cover seems to speed growth and develop deeper roots and bigger plants. Your seed trick works, but for plants which bolt like lettuce, cilantro and parsley using the north pole reduces bolting probably by slowing maturation.

                  I look forward to reading your edition to help explain why.


                  • Hey T.A., could you explain what the difference is between a permanent magnet and an electromagnet? I know that the permanent magnet has reciprocating processional centripetal and centrifugal magnetic fields as well as the dialectric inertial plane and that it works because all of the fields are aligned within the magnet. Is the electromagnet only a flow of dialectricity along the copper wire that terminates as magnetism along the outer edges? If so then does the electromagnet only have one reciprocating field on either "pole"? This would explain why it can "repel" and "attract" permanent magnets but it will not produce the same effects shown here


                    • 4TH EDITION DUE OUT "SOON"
                      WHAT IS SOON?????? WELL, I HAVE TONS TO ADD.....SOON MEANS SOON!

                      video for pics below here:

                      CHECK THIS:

                      DISCOVERY: PUBLISHED COPYRIGHT as to be published 4TH edition 2015 “Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism”

                      first time ever seen on earth, phase shift of light using magnetic polarization and FERROCELL

                      WITH MOVEMENT.........trailing pole is always RED SHIFT

                      WITH MOVEMENT........LEADING POLE is always BLUE SHIFTED
                      always 8)

                      IMAGES BELOW COPYRIGHT 4TH edition 2015 “Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism”

                      4TH edition 2015 “Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism”

                      Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 10-20-2015, 07:34 AM.


                      • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                        4TH EDITION DUE OUT "SOON"
                        WHAT IS SOON?????? WELL, I HAVE TONS TO ADD.....SOON MEANS SOON!

                        IT IS SOO GRRRREAT TO SEE YOU ARE BACK HERE!!

                        Very glad to see you back and recharged/reloaded...

                        Let's get to work and change this whole World once and for all!

                        Warm Regards

                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post
                          4TH EDITION DUE OUT "SOON"
                          WHAT IS SOON?????? WELL, I HAVE TONS TO ADD.....SOON MEANS SOON!
                          Great work TA! Can you give us some indications of what is doable (actionable) with your findings?

                          You have spoken of antigravity, for one small example, by using your unification diagram.

                          You have also spoken of growth, such as the plants, chickens, etc. and how those can be modified in some fashion either encouraged or discouraged.

                          It would be great if we could get some discussion and presentations going that relate to these various implications and how to act on them collectively. I think there are many of us who want to take your findings to the next level. To expound, I think that many of us are "close" to seeing things through your vision or perspective, but we need a more concrete "push" over that edge now.

                          Anyone else have thoughts on this?


                          • Really looking forward to the 4th edition. Great job Ken! We are forever in your dept.

                            Originally posted by trahedron View Post
                            Anyone else have thoughts on this?
                            The only thing that causes me pause is not fully grasping the basic building blocks. Since magnetism relies on dielecticity and obviously the Aether, it would be nice to fully grasp what this is, how it moves, why it moves as it does, etc. It's easy to accept that it is there; it is a lot more difficult to be one with it and see it from its vantage point. From there, understanding electricity would be far easier and once electricity is really understood, as they say, the sky is the limit.


                            • Originally posted by Dog-One View Post
                              The only thing that causes me pause is not fully grasping the basic building blocks. Since magnetism relies on dielecticity and obviously the Aether, it would be nice to fully grasp what this is, how it moves, why it moves as it does, etc. It's easy to accept that it is there; it is a lot more difficult to be one with it and see it from its vantage point. From there, understanding electricity would be far easier and once electricity is really understood, as they say, the sky is the limit.
                              I think from his diagrams that there is some level of understanding that facilitates action at this point, but we need to really put our minds and a pencil to it. These two diagrams lead me to this belief:

                              For example, in his antigravity video, he appears to have a (even if a slight one) working knowledge of this relationship that facilitates some actionable results. Likewise with the polar usage to evoke different results in life growth.

                              It seems that we do need a comprehensive dialogue regarding how these recent videos fit together with longitudinal (Instantaneous Action at A Distance or "stinging waves" as Tesla noted) vs transverse waves. There is some cohesion that we are missing that I think may actually be possible to tie together at this point, but I haven't put my finger on it yet.

                              If we start talking about the (a)ether, then maybe we need to also draw into this discussion what Eric Dollard has referred to. I don't have the exact reference, but I recall how he was talking about how he and others have seen a "green gas" form in high voltage experiments inside of glass containers / bulbs. I guess the bulb broke in his case, but even then the green gas seemed to remain for a number of seconds. It seems the logical hypothesis is that somehow the high voltage coaxed / coerced / retarded the ether in such a way as to manifest it in a "lower" observable state. Perhaps a high powered magnetic field in conjunction with this would have allowed the experiment to go further and thus "retard" the ether further into a dew of sorts from it's higher energy states.

                              It seems that there are some things that we need to consider in this area now and I think that thanks to Ken's work here that we are able to start to hypothesize in this direction and to actually experiment.



                              • Where to start?


                                Here. I'd like to start here.

                                *siiiiiiiiiigh* I need money. And big ass $800 magnets to play with.

