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Propulsion with Rotary Devices

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  • #16

    Fran McCabe: Fran McCabe Home created by dolly1000 based on Global Ventures

    McCabe Compilation (Read Vid Description)

    A self contained 3 wheel vehicle. Its motion is caused by oscillating two 180 degree precessional segments gyroscopics that causes alternating arcuate vehicle motion. The 1.5 lb gyro wheel is spun by a 1/2 HP air motor. The gyro has its precession forced and timed by tuning the two 180 gyro segments into tuned arcuate motions--- being a wavy track vehicle motion.

    A 4 spoke assembly that can rotate and traverse in its axial direction; in a cradle with air-driven, single gimbal 'gyro horizons' on the outer end of each spoke. Manual turning of the crank aligns the gyros to the gyro neutral equinox's. A resistance is induced during the alignments....possibly the mechanical demonstration of inertia? An additional physics feature is that the assembly sets up a self-induced frequency that results in selected sequencing of motorizations of the gyro horizons.

    A directionally guided pendulum whose period can be controlled to motorize the gyro assembly as each end reversal occurs. These are two pneumatic aircraft gyro horizons rigidly attached to an air motor-driven wheel to provide powered precession that is the power source for motorization.

    A 1/2 HP air motor-driven wheel; and an air gear motor for the powered precession turning of a 4' verticle spiral pivoting arm. The gyro assembly is centrally mounted on the 4' arm. This confuses natural and powered precession, but an upward (anti gravity?) spiral can only be caused by powered precession. Disconnecting the chain-powered precession drive then permits only natural precession. When the sliding weight on the 4' arm is moved in towards the center (not shown on the video) the 4' arm slows. This seems to go against "conservation of energy" physics.

    1200 inch pounds of torque from 2.5 in lb. rated motor.

    Two 6", 1.5 lb gyro wheels, air motor driven with air motor powered precession mounted on a crank arm. During 1/2 of the precessional rotation the major arm moves down, and up during the second 180 degrees (between two gyro neutral, parallel positions).
    The output cranking torque is many multiples of the DC motor's rated torque.

    A 2.5 in lb 12/24 V rated DC motor spinning a1.5 lb, 6" D. Gyro wheel can systemically output 31.5 in lb thru gyroscopic natural and powered precession.

    Centripetal Force:

    Eric Laithwaite on Gyroscopes:

    Laithwaite on Gyroscopic Propulsion:

    Sandy Kidd:

    Gyro Says "No" to Newton:

    Gyro Experiments Galore:

    Self Rotation

    The behavior of a single spinning wheel in gimbals is a well-documented subject; however, the interaction between multiple spinning wheels is less fully explored. Some researchers have hypothesized that spinning wheels could be mathematically modeled after electrical inductors, suggesting that the interaction between multiple spinning wheels might mirror that of multiple inductors in proximity with each other. The goal of the current set of experiments was to examine the interaction between two gimbaled spinning wheels with six degrees of freedom embedded in one scaffolding and observe their behavioral similarity to electrical inductors.

    Working Together:



    Inclined Planes:

    Wheels and Axles:


    • #17
      Originally posted by TheoriaApophasis View Post


      Aether Interaction

      "Test results indicate that the RF resonant cavity thruster design, which is unique as an electric propulsion device, is producing a force that is not attributable to any classical electromagnetic phenomenon and therefore is potentially demonstrating an interaction with the quantum vacuum virtual plasma."
      Nasa validates 'impossible' space drive (Wired UK)



      • #18
        This is a video from 1990. Inertial Propulsion Generators Roy Thornson - YouRepeat It shows Roy Thornson's work with inertial propulsion. I believe that this replicates what is going on in the vimana video above. It is said that this simple technology is 20 times more efficient than a jet engine. Thornson's device is compared to a DC9 jet engine. The jets output is .016 Newtons per watt and the thornson device is .32 Newtons per watt.

        Here is a link to JL Naudin's site were he has done some test with the Thornson device made from Lego's. The Thornson Inertila Engine experiment by JL Naudin

        At this point, I have printed several gears. Within the next couple of weeks I am planning to put one of these together and do some experiments for myself. I am thinking that a Bedini Window motor would add to its efficiency provided it produces the necessary torque to operate the device. I will post pictures of my findings. Thanks in advance for any helpful input.
        Last edited by dmann; 10-15-2014, 06:29 PM.


        • #19
          I got a good start on this project today. I am using some 4.5" 36T gears that I printed in ABS plastic. I am using a 1" aluminum shaft for the stationary gear in the middle and a .5" shaft for the rotating gear. I still have a ways to go...just thought I would share as I go for those that may be interested. Here is a pic.

          Last edited by dmann; 10-15-2014, 06:29 PM.


          • #20
            Mike Marsden.....MAC-QUAN 1

            KeelyNet News 2014 - Free Energy / Gravity Control / Electronic Health / Alternative Science - 01/13/14

            MAC-QUAN 1
            Last edited by dmann; 08-13-2014, 02:32 PM.


            • #21
              Unfinished work

              Great to see all these ideas, I am inspired by the different approaches to this type of work. Here are some pics from my models from 2006, I would dearly like to finished this unit, but the costs are too high for my meager income to complete the work. Regards Arto.

              This design is based on the Thornson Drive. If you want larger images just jump to Thornson Drive | Artojh's Renderings

              For a copy of my Book
              Talking to the Birds: A Compilation of Essays, Studies and Artwork (Volume 1): Mr Arto Juhani Heino: 9781876406035: Books


              • #22
                Amazing work!

                Amazing work!

                It is almost unbelievable -unless seen on a video like above- that such heavy machinery could lift up based on non typical Aerodynamic movements or air propulsion displacement...

                The only draw back I see for a practical Air Lift Platform, or to be used as Space Craft...or even a flying small vehicle that for any possible reason, any one of their many mechanical and pretty complex mechanisms...goes "south"...the "thing" is going to fall back to Earth as an old typing machine from the 1800's would do...

                The way actual "Flying Machines" work the same way...conceiving that "everything would be just fine" Commercial Planes or occurs the same thing...something goes wrong...and BOOM...all over.

                Except a light weight a Cessna or the like...could glide down with engines turned off...but it is a light craft.

                The way I see this...the Future of Aircraft lies on another approach...saying something goes still would be able to hover, glide down, without doing it as a non stop full speed race towards face of Earth...

                And it could be done by using the incoming air as a "brake" against the free fall, a cushion due to its design.

                However, I do like the way this is accomplished different.


                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #23
                  Here is what I have done to date. There are going to have to be some adjustments made, but you can see a general idea of where I am going with it. With what I have here, the weight is already approaching 20lbs. I am still deciding what to do about the motor. I would like to use a pulse motor built on each side above the center shaft but I don't think it would give me the torque I need to turn it. I already have the necessary materials to build them. I also need to decide on the design for the weight that is going to turn on the gear that is going to be on the .5" shaft (not yet pictured).

                  Here are some pictures of what I have.

                  Last edited by dmann; 10-15-2014, 06:29 PM.


                  • #24
                    I have looked at this problem in the past and in fact it is not a new problem but a very old one. A long time ago all of our experts believed nothing heavier than air could ever possibly fly. This belief was based on the simple fact that there was nothing to "grab hold of". Obviously there is no law of science that says something heavier than air cannot fly however this was the experts excuse because they were ignorant to any real facts. The primary motivator here was never science nor understanding but fear, fear and a lack of control.

                    Today we know better and it is obvious that what was once conceived as impossible is understood by most teenagers. We may have gained some knowledge in this respect however the mentality has not changed all that much. Psychologically speaking very little has changed because those who are completely void of creativity and lack problem solving abilities are still convinced inertial propulsion is impossible. Understand this has nothing to do with intelligence because we have still confused intelligence with the ability to remember known facts...they are not the same thing.

                    In fact the problem is relatively simple and not unlike the problem of heavier than air machines. Then we could not conceive how one might grab hold of air because we believed there was nothing there and in this day and age we have exactly the same problem with space. Same experts lacking creative problem solving abilities, same lack of understanding and denial that if they cannot conceive how it could be done then nobody can which is comical in many respects.

                    In my opinion the first step is obvious, an electrodynamic or inertial effect must be found which interacts with supposedly empty space. We must grab hold of space just as we learned how to grab hold of air. Tesla had many good things to say in this area of technology and I hope that in this day and age nobody is silly enough to believe space is actually empty.

                    No offence to anyone but many are trying to build a machine without understanding the true nature of the problem first. It has nothing to do with Inertia but moreso producing a force against a space 99% of people still believe in empty. We must understand the concept of force in space just as we learned the concept of force in air... same problem different medium.

                    Last edited by Allcanadian; 08-16-2014, 11:29 PM.


                    • #25
                      @ Allcanadian....

                      Rhetorical question (a bit of adding on to your well written statement)....How is it that space has a characteristic impedance?


                      • #26
                        Thornson's EZKL

                        New Energy Technology: Fundamentals: "EZKL" - Energy zoned kinetic leverage: next generation propulsion system

