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Hogan and Jakovlewich overunity generator

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  • Hogan and Jakovlewich overunity generator

    Hi all,

    There is a spanish patent about an overunity generator filed in 1955 by David Hogan and Carlos Ludovik Jakovlewich (patent ES0225316) where authors clearly claim overunity performance. In this patent the intermediate "coil" is motionless and two moving magnets excite the induced circuit, one in each side of the intermediate "coil" (or "grid" as it is called in the patent text).

    The only surprising feature is that induction is forced to appear between two opposite magnets (poles facing north-south) exciting an intermediate "grid".

    I wonder if induction in case of using two opposite magnets is able to perform in overunity mode, compared with common induction, in generators, with just one magnet exciting the induced. The patent seem to be very simple to replicate. It is so simple that it is difficult to think about filing the patent just as a trial. It was very easy for the authors to build the generator, testit and see the results. I don´t have data whether the authors got this device running as claimed or not.

    I link below the original patent in Spanish (pdf) but I have just translated the claims. With the claims and the drawings is easy to understand the configuration of the generator:



    The authors claim in this patent:

    1) New electric generator characterized by the existence of series of discs, variable in number and in dimension, susceptible to host "magnets".

    2) New electric generator according to claim 1 characterized in that the series of discs are mounted on a shaft in parallel arrangement ; the shaft rests on its sides over bearings. This arrangement of supporting bearings allows its extension if required.

    3 ) New electric generator according to claims 1 and 2, wherein the "magnets" located in the discs must be placed parallely on the shaft. These discs, spaced, will allow that the poles of the magnets (magnetos) of each disc are facing "north-south" (opposition of poles).

    4) New electric generator according to claims 1 to 3, characterized in that between the discs (series of two) a stationary or fixed screen or sieve (grids) of copper wire or any other electroconductive material, enamelled and covered with insulation, is placed.


    In the description it is clearly stated that the authors are describing an overunity generator where a part of the energy produced could be used to power the machine and the rest could be used externally for other uses.

    Link to the whole patent text and figures translated into english: PDF file

    Link to spanish patent text: PDF file

    Link to patent drawing: JPG File

    Attached Files
    Last edited by hanon1492; 08-27-2014, 05:30 PM. Reason: Image linked

  • #2
    axial flux design?

    So is this similar to an axial flux design generator? I have built axial flux alternators and they are similar to Muller and Adams and RomeroUK's ou gens.

    Looking at the diagram, it is pretty vague but looks to be built as an axial flux with no magnet gaps. Also the coil or "grid" illustration really doesn't help all that much.


    • #3
      IMHO, Perhaps the key in this device is the "grid" (as it is called) arrangement. Authors don´t call it coil, but sieve screen or grid. There is no further description of the "grid" placement into the whole patent text. We do not know if it was radial, circular, ...

      The most intriguing fact is that the Hogan - Jakovlewich overunity generator is based on the same concept as one of the patents from Clemente Figuera. One of the designs by Figuera (Spanish Patent No. 30376, the generatorn with a rotary coil) is also based on the concept of placing the induced coil between two inducer electromagnets.

      In Figuera´s generator the stationary part are the electromagnets and the moving part is the induced coil

      Again we find that Figuera also proposed a induced circuit placed BETWEEN TWO OPPOSITE MAGNETS.

      Would we find some special behaviour in this kind of arrangement?

      I attach the link to the Figuera´s patent No. 30376:

      (Sketch by Ufopolitics , posted on Figuera thead)


      • #4
        Hogan and Jakovlewich generator seems to be like two homopolar generators one in front of each other, with opposite poles in each side of the intermediate grid.

        I wonder if this configuration with two homopolar generators will get any special effect which may avoid any dragging on the inducer discs.

        I haven´t yet had time to test it

        Attached Files
        Last edited by hanon1492; 09-22-2014, 10:37 AM. Reason: Added image


        • #5
          It may be a play on Earnshaw's theorem, the law states any dipole in a dipole system is inherently unstable due to the inverse square law. Now if the magnetic system as described is inherently unstable in nature then the laws which supposedly govern the actions we would normally expect may not always apply due to the fact it is fundamentally unstable. Read between the lines, Instability means we cannot accurately predict what will happen in every given case.. which is what were looking for isn't it?... something different.



          • #6
            Excelente Patente Hanon!

            Hello Hanon,

            Ever since you presented this Patent to me plus the Figuera's Generator one, it started a specific sector of my hard disc-brain that has never stopped working on it...even though all other work am still going through.

            I believe once We get the "essence" of this patent here...and just interpret the way they are generating induction...only then we could play with the Magnets or Exciters (Field Stators) in order to move this application in a 3D Volume.

            This Patent is great, except that they are rotating the huge flywheel of magnets in order to get Induction at the "Grid" or call it simply "windings"...

            On the Figuera's Patent I love the idea of just turning the Copper Windings with some insulation as well as structure "drum" sandwiched between inner-outer exciters or Field Stators like you have shown above. The major issue on Figuera's is to easily build a Model that complies with this...and it is not simple. Plus there was "something" still not looking good there.

            However, looking at this patent here...and like I mentioned above...moving components in 3D...untill we make them Radial, not axial like they are showing...then we could easily "fuse" this two great patents into just one...that contains the great attributes from both.

            I thought about making a separate Thread about a Fusion of Figuera-Hogan-Jakovlewich Generator...where of course, I will give You full credit for bringing it here to all Of Us, plus doing such excellent work on the "Traducciones Españolas al Inglés de Sociedades Anónimas (S.A) para la Energía Libre"...broma...

            Anyways, I believe We are gonna hit the right "spot" from this two excellent Spanish Patents main core...and one great thing about Open that If I was to try to Patent this "Fusion" will get automatically denied at application stage...citing both patents in the search database...just because it contains almost full essence from both...all am doing is setting the right structural design between both worlds.

            It would be very easy to build...from very small scale to huge models...and parts are everywhere...

            Soon I will be posting some Diagrams and sketches...


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • #7
              Decomposing Hogan-Jakovlewich Matrix 1

              Hello Hanon1492,

              Like I mentioned on previous is my analysis on the way I interpret this Patent.

              First We must realize that ALL Patents are written "As General and simple terminology as possible", this way the main essence, main idea, comprehends a wider scope, not limited by specifics...This way Law Firms could assure a stronger Intellectual Protection of the Main Idea.

              This Patent, besides being written in very general terms, it does not contains a heavy description of magnetic vectors, lines of force, wire loops shape/design, etc,etc.

              Then there is a lot to "assume" order that based on our knowledge we could understand how it works.

              I have read this patent in my Native Language many times...trying to find a "key word"...or any expression that would make Us understand it better...

              Text Interpretation:

              1-One Key Spanish Word they use, and I consider very important is MAMPARA, which is an old and rare Spanish term, no longer used that often.

              Mampara means "Division Wall" between two spaces, but also and mainly is considered an Insulation (Aislante) Barrier, for example:

              Mampara Contrafuegos= Firewall

              They use it to describe the Copper Grid (Criba) or Coils...which is a Net, Spanish:Tela Metálica...However, Mampara called my attention as being an Isolating-Absorbing Division Wall.

              This makes a lot of sense when we try to interpret the B-Fields on this Generator Concept.

              2-Now they write that this Generator could be used to obtain either AC or DC...And it is obvious We all see a Plus(+) and Minus(-) Signs at end of the example given on this patent is for a DC Generator.

              If it is a DC Generator, then it is obvious the Induction produced on Coils would not suffer a reversal of flow every 90 or 180º, causing the typical AC Sine-wave.

              A DC Generator MUST have a continuous straight flow through all their wire loops in the windings of the Induced Fields.

              Having this two main points in mind let's look at Diagram below:


              In the Diagram above I just rotated the whole Assembly 90º, first, the original Picture, then My CAD below (FIG 1)...In order to start making the analysis with an Upright Shaft, then end up in a Radial (not Axial) application, as you would see further on.

              At first glance at this original picture We "tend" to notice first the B-Fields between North and South Poles that are Parallel to Axis Vectors of the "Lines of Force"...I defined them as B1.

              If We try to understand Induction on Coil/Grid, based on this B-1 Field, it does not make sense, right?...the Induced field vectors would be canceling each others. And this will fall into a "Non Working Device"...

              But, notice We also have another "Lines of Force", another B-Fields there, which is not exactly "straight" in shape, but defined by a curved spline traveling from North to South as well...and I defined it as B2.

              This B2 Fields DO create an Induction FLOW on Coil Loops interacting with each surface of both discs (considering the Grid consists of "Diametrical" wire loops, related to Axis.

              And here the word Mampara (Insulation, Division Wall) comes to play the main role.

              Only if We Insulate, Divide, Obstruct the two B1 Fields, magnetically...Only then, the predominating B2 Fields will effect/Induce the coils and this device will work perfectly well.


              On the Image above is shown first the 90º rotation to FIG IV of Patent (from FIG 1 to FIG 2)

              FIG 3 shows the start of decomposing the Coils and magnets in order to make them "RADIAL" as seen on FIG 4.

              As You can notice B2 takes the place of B1

              And, no matter if We rotate Magnets or Coil...the main B Fields that would be causing a DC Induced Flow would be the same that caused Flow on previous FIG 1.

              Therefore, on FIG 4 We must isolate or block B2 Fields to allow only B1 to cause induction flow.

              The reason to transform this original patent into to be able to add/fuse with Figuera's Main Concept, where He uses a Central/Inner Exciter...

              To be continued...

              Regards to all

              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • #8
                Hogan-Jakovlweich-Figueras Fusion Part 1

                Hello to All,

                Ok, from previous and last Diagram (FIG 4), We continue here...


                FIG 4 continues from previous Diagram...and FIG 5 is just a Top View of FIG 4...Up to here We are on Hogan-Jakovlewich.

                On Right Two CAD Drawings (FIG 6 & FIG 7) I am incorporating the Figuera's Inner and Fixed Exciters.

                FIG 6 is a Side View and FIG 7 is a Top View. And it would be better observed on Top View what I'm doing...

                1-Inner Exciters are located 90º opposed to Outer Exciters, this way we will not have a "Face to Face" N-S like We had in Figuera's.


                2-I have set Two Layers of Coil Windings (Green and Gold), and have only represented here start and end of sweeping Coils, (not to over populate drawing) based on Rotation R. This way there would never be a "missing phase angle", meaning, it would be a continuous and Robust Energy Induction 100% of the 360º.

                2a-Each Layer of Windings (Gold & Green) could be wired Independent, this way will deliver Two Continuous Outputs within same 360º Rotation....Or connected in series for Double amount of Energy within same cycle.

                2b-Please realize that by looking at Top Views, We are seeing the Inducing wires (Vertical, running parallel to axis) like a "point" at the end of each horizontal wire...not represented here, only seen in Perspective, Isometric or 3D, then a complete model would be seen.

                3-This magnetic polarity configuration of the Exciters, will deliver constant and continuous DC Output, however, by changing the Polarity of Two of the Inner and Outer Exciters sweeping one side of coils...We will obtain AC Output.


                If We can achieve Induction Flow by running a wire over this type of set up, where North is above and South below...or viceversa...cutting this magnetic lines of force...then this design would have an incredible potential of Generation. And due to set apart by 90 degrees Inner and Outer will not be a face to face that would create opposition when loaded.

                Building this would be pretty using Curved Magnets from Motors, and finding the right circumferences, inner and outer...
                The Rotor Structure could be made first of an upper and lower salient teeth pattern, just like Rotors in motors...but made out of plastic or fiberglass, just to guide each coil windings in place, however, copper wires would be completely "exposed" in front of Exciters-Stators.

                Member Machine Alive on another Thread designed the way to do this with rotating the outer end of bearings for rotor, while having a stationary shaft attached to inner bearing collar...very smart design there!.

                I need to make a 3D CAD of this Model, to see it is pretty complicated to see it all in 2D.

                Thanks again Hanon1492, and regards to All.

                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-05-2014, 07:12 PM.
                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #9
                  Patent translation

                  Hi all,

                  I have translated the whole patent text from the Hogan Jakovlewich document into english in order that anyone may read it and understand it.

                  Please have a look. Really interesting !!!

                  Patent text in english



                  • #10
                    Hi all,

                    I think that the principle under Hogan and Jakovlewich generator is the same as in one of the Clemente Figuera´s patent. I am referring to Figuera´s patent Nr. 30376 (year 1902), the one with the rotary induced circuit and stationary internal and external electromagnets (Link to pdf).In this patent a SINGLE MOVING WIRE crosses between TWO OPPOSITE MAGNET POLES. According to Figuera´s patent text this configuration produces electricity without dragging the movement of the induced wire.

                    The key for avoiding dragging is the use of two opposite poles to generate the induction in the intermediate wire: N -- | -- S ; in contrast with common generators with just one pole exposed to the induced wire.

                    1- A wire is settle into a moving magnet system, between two opposite poles: North and South

                    2- As a consequence an induce current will appear in the wire

                    3- This induced current generates a magnetic field (B) around the wire

                    4- One pole (let´s say N pole) will repel the wire because of magnetic repulsion with the magnetic field in the wire (creating a drag). But the other pole ( S pole in our example) will attract the wire (magnetic attraction between the S pole and the wire)

                    5- Therefore the net sum of both forces (repulsion + attraction) will be null and the wire finally will be moved without any drag while at the same time will generate an induced current.

                    6- The force of repulsion suffered in one disc (magnet 1) and the force of attraction done in the other disc (magnet 2) will be transmited to the common shaft. Therefore the net sum over the shaft will be cancelled and the machine will rotate without any drag.

                    I think it is as simple as explained here. Figuera also stated that he could not believe how such a simple principle had not been used before him.

                    Hogan and Jakovlewich patent requires two opposite magnets instead of just one. All Figuera´s patents are based also on the induction created between two electromagnets, instead of common induction with just one pole exposed. IMHO, This is the key of his discovery.

                    I attach an sketch with the representation of this principle. Please study this sketch and tell your comments. Both patents (Figuera and Hogan & Jakovlewich) share the same principle, and both patent are representing an overunity generator withoudt dragging. Please have a look into Figuera thread in the next link: Figuera thread

                    Link to sketch of no drag principle: No dragging principle between two magnetic poles
                    Last edited by hanon1492; 08-27-2014, 05:28 PM. Reason: Image linked


                    • #11
                      Hi UFO,

                      I think the easier implementation is just with one simple grid (normal grid) between two discs. Each disc having the same pole in its whole area. I mean a disc with all N poles, and the opposite with S poles in order to produce DC.

                      Figures in patent some times try to mislead. I think that that the "grid" in the patent sketch must be wrong. The important part is not the Figures but the device described in the claims which is the part that has legal validity

                      I don´t think that the word "mampara" try to hide any feature. They claim to use " una mampara o criba" (a screen OR grid) so they do not say to use both.

                      I think that the first stage is to replicate the single generator as described in the patents. We are lucky that those patents are very simple to build as prototypes. They should work as stated in the patents. If they work it would be a triumph. Later we could start to complicate the designs and improve them.


                      • #12
                        This video collect the foundation of these devices:


                        Between two magnets there is a "dead zone" or "potential well" where the repulsion of one magnets is counteracted with the attraction of the other: one magnet repels and one magnet attracts. Therefore the net result force is null and the iron/magnet/conducting wire can be moved without cogging along the middle zone.

                        No dragging: this is the resulting force of the two force components, but induction is always present because there is a strong magnetic field.

                        That´s the magic of using two magnets instead of just one!!

                        | (N-N = repulsion)
                        |_________N Net force = 0
                        | (S-N = attraction)

                        Maglev system is also based on the "magnetic pit" between two magnets to levitate the trains. The magic is the use of two magnets instead of one magnet. Objective: look for the balance between repulsion and attraction.

                        A user into Overunity dot com forum has related this design to the use of Siberian Colia magnets (or Siberian Kolia) as predicted by Genady Nikolaev theory...

