In the case of a magnet, and a nail / ferrous object for example, we have 2 wholly diff creature-interaction not explained by convention EMF formulas.
EMF Faradays law doesn't explain magnetic "attraction" (crude term really) of a ferrous material to a magnet with a time variable
MOST people have no idea that there is a time variable in this type of induction. ("applied field") [see below for physical examples of same]
Whereas EMF in explaining induction in a "conductor" is a firmly established entity, at 90 degrees
As pertains a magnet and a ferrous object; applied induction (at high velocity) causes dielectric acceleration inducing a greater force of "attraction"
As such, we know (obviously) attraction is at 0 degrees (direct from say, the nail to the magnet), [[[really however its at whatever edge boundary angle exists of the physical magnet where centrifugal velocity is higest, however this is negligible and can be reduced to 0 at any distance]]]
Reductively we know that 0 degree "attraction" is due to ACTION UPON another field AT 90 degrees, that being the dielectric plane of the inter-atomic.
explanations to the contrary of this are utterly impossible.
........whereas the induction of the non-"magnet" is caused by coherent dielectric acceleration (in presence of the field) which is induced in the the nail/iron to accelerate (to the "magnet").
There is NO change in the magneto-dielectricity of the inter-atomic OF say, the nail, only a change in its magneto-dielectric vector coherency which causes acceleration at 0 degrees resultant to acceleration OF the dielectric, coherently, at 90 degrees; as resultant from the magnetic induction from the magnetic upon the iron, for example.
Formulas for "magnets" attracting other "magnets" do NOT apply, because a "magnet" is an electrified dielectric object with field incommensurability of which an amplified dielectric field (and resultant magnetic) are in place.
Force = Delta (MxB)
where the gradient ∇ is the change of the quantity m · B per unit distance, and the direction is that of maximum increase of m · B.
Faradays law of (CONDUCTOR induction)
E = Blv
B = magnetic flux density, T
l = length of the conductor cutting the field, m
v = speed at which the conductor cuts the field, m/s
Maxwell–Faraday equation

no go there!
Magnetization defined:

Nope, no time variable there
Magnetic moment vectors?

where Tau is the torque acting on the dipole and B is the external magnetic field, and Mu is the magnetic moment.
Nope, still no go.
Maybe this?
Viewing a magnetic dipole as a rotating charged sphere brings out the close connection between magnetic moment and angular momentum. Both the magnetic moment and the angular momentum increase with the rate of rotation of the sphere. The ratio of the two is called the gyromagnetic ratio, usually denoted by the symbol γ
rotation OF WHAT? The QM fools dont know, its dielectric acceleration coherently in a time variable magnetic field on a ferrous object.
Still no equation to explain the F (force), over distance, at field intensity in a time variable upon a ferrous object.
Need a simple example.
take a powerful magnet in your hand placing your hand between the fridge door, very slowly remove the magnet from the door face.
little to no resultant.
Do the same QUICKLY, and you will rock the 500+ pound fridge
Here is another analogy I use to show people. Remember this toy, place your hand underneath to show the patter of your hand in the nails, etc.
FIRST example is slowly placing the magnet on the surface, just 4-6 nails raise.

SECOND example is VERY RAPIDLY placing the magnet on the surface in which 5 to 6X as many nails raise, also a ring around them of partial inductive jump.

This effect is reproducible with almost PERFECT results time after time after time.
There are OTHER examples with ferrofluid and iron filings, but you can do that yourself.
All this is explained (by my forth coming dielectric inertial plane explanation, which basically you got the short form above).
We really (all humans do really) always conceive of attraction between magnet and ferrous as = distance and Gauss rating.
Well, yes, but certainly that isnt even HALF the picture. Nor does it explain "attraction" (horrible incorrect word, but the term used)
Now.... that posits or raises another BIG question,
....IF the dielectric inertial acceleration is resultantly SAME at the END of a slow approach (in the iron being 'applied a magnetic field', or induced) it is at the END of FAST approach,....; then why is there a much greater FORCE exerted on the ferrous object(s) from the 'applied field' ?
The very short answer has to do with the attribute of all fields, being SPACE, since space is the product of a field, a slow change approach of a magnetic field is like taking a trampoline membrane (dielectric inertial plane) and slowly stretching it taught with the 'mass in the center'.......almost no effect until the field is so close it will cause an effect, but NOTHING like a rapid approach or removal.
A fast approach is like a very rapid making-taught (acceleration of the dielectric inertial plane) of the inter-atomic inertial plane causing an increase in the applied Force of the mass IN the membrane to accelerate due to greater induction from the fast approaching or disappearing "applied field".
The force of pressure gradient equalization (in the magneto-dielectric inter-atomic) of the space WITHIN a field is so drastic in a rapid change that a greater applied force and likewise acceleration occurs.
Same principle as 'shooting' someone skyward on a bed sheet when 4 people rapidly pull the sheet taught (crude analogy)
EMF Faradays law doesn't explain magnetic "attraction" (crude term really) of a ferrous material to a magnet with a time variable
MOST people have no idea that there is a time variable in this type of induction. ("applied field") [see below for physical examples of same]
Whereas EMF in explaining induction in a "conductor" is a firmly established entity, at 90 degrees
As pertains a magnet and a ferrous object; applied induction (at high velocity) causes dielectric acceleration inducing a greater force of "attraction"
As such, we know (obviously) attraction is at 0 degrees (direct from say, the nail to the magnet), [[[really however its at whatever edge boundary angle exists of the physical magnet where centrifugal velocity is higest, however this is negligible and can be reduced to 0 at any distance]]]
Reductively we know that 0 degree "attraction" is due to ACTION UPON another field AT 90 degrees, that being the dielectric plane of the inter-atomic.
explanations to the contrary of this are utterly impossible.
........whereas the induction of the non-"magnet" is caused by coherent dielectric acceleration (in presence of the field) which is induced in the the nail/iron to accelerate (to the "magnet").
There is NO change in the magneto-dielectricity of the inter-atomic OF say, the nail, only a change in its magneto-dielectric vector coherency which causes acceleration at 0 degrees resultant to acceleration OF the dielectric, coherently, at 90 degrees; as resultant from the magnetic induction from the magnetic upon the iron, for example.
Formulas for "magnets" attracting other "magnets" do NOT apply, because a "magnet" is an electrified dielectric object with field incommensurability of which an amplified dielectric field (and resultant magnetic) are in place.
Force = Delta (MxB)
where the gradient ∇ is the change of the quantity m · B per unit distance, and the direction is that of maximum increase of m · B.

Faradays law of (CONDUCTOR induction)
E = Blv
B = magnetic flux density, T
l = length of the conductor cutting the field, m
v = speed at which the conductor cuts the field, m/s

Maxwell–Faraday equation

no go there!

Magnetization defined:

Nope, no time variable there

Magnetic moment vectors?

where Tau is the torque acting on the dipole and B is the external magnetic field, and Mu is the magnetic moment.
Nope, still no go.

Maybe this?
Viewing a magnetic dipole as a rotating charged sphere brings out the close connection between magnetic moment and angular momentum. Both the magnetic moment and the angular momentum increase with the rate of rotation of the sphere. The ratio of the two is called the gyromagnetic ratio, usually denoted by the symbol γ
rotation OF WHAT? The QM fools dont know, its dielectric acceleration coherently in a time variable magnetic field on a ferrous object.
Still no equation to explain the F (force), over distance, at field intensity in a time variable upon a ferrous object.
Need a simple example.
take a powerful magnet in your hand placing your hand between the fridge door, very slowly remove the magnet from the door face.
little to no resultant.
Do the same QUICKLY, and you will rock the 500+ pound fridge

Here is another analogy I use to show people. Remember this toy, place your hand underneath to show the patter of your hand in the nails, etc.
FIRST example is slowly placing the magnet on the surface, just 4-6 nails raise.

SECOND example is VERY RAPIDLY placing the magnet on the surface in which 5 to 6X as many nails raise, also a ring around them of partial inductive jump.

This effect is reproducible with almost PERFECT results time after time after time.
There are OTHER examples with ferrofluid and iron filings, but you can do that yourself.
All this is explained (by my forth coming dielectric inertial plane explanation, which basically you got the short form above).
We really (all humans do really) always conceive of attraction between magnet and ferrous as = distance and Gauss rating.
Well, yes, but certainly that isnt even HALF the picture. Nor does it explain "attraction" (horrible incorrect word, but the term used)
Now.... that posits or raises another BIG question,

The very short answer has to do with the attribute of all fields, being SPACE, since space is the product of a field, a slow change approach of a magnetic field is like taking a trampoline membrane (dielectric inertial plane) and slowly stretching it taught with the 'mass in the center'.......almost no effect until the field is so close it will cause an effect, but NOTHING like a rapid approach or removal.
A fast approach is like a very rapid making-taught (acceleration of the dielectric inertial plane) of the inter-atomic inertial plane causing an increase in the applied Force of the mass IN the membrane to accelerate due to greater induction from the fast approaching or disappearing "applied field".
The force of pressure gradient equalization (in the magneto-dielectric inter-atomic) of the space WITHIN a field is so drastic in a rapid change that a greater applied force and likewise acceleration occurs.
Same principle as 'shooting' someone skyward on a bed sheet when 4 people rapidly pull the sheet taught (crude analogy)
