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Finally, once and for all (at last), genuinely explaining what LIGHT/ TEM really is?

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  • Finally, once and for all (at last), genuinely explaining what LIGHT/ TEM really is?

    Videos getting rid of (and explaining away) the wave particle duality nonsense

    same for the Faraday effect

    same for Photoelectric effect.

    Or, killing off the Quantum "photon" nonsense and replacing it with logic and common sense.



  • #2
    so space doesnt contract? how do you explain satellite gps e.t.c. ????
    The pure in heart will see the light.


    • #3
      Originally posted by tachyon View Post
      so space doesnt contract? how do you explain satellite gps e.t.c. ????
      you just said 'fields contract'

      you cannot blame flies (space) on horsesh*t (radiation/ polarization)
      the ultimate culprit is FIELDS (the horse)

      Tesla RAILED endlessly about the nonsense of space as 'something that did things' It does not.

      No human ever has been outside of fields.

      Earths field, the heliosphere, the magnetosphere, etc etc etc etc.

      A GPS receiver calculates its position by precisely timing the signals sent by GPS satellites high above the Earth. Each satellite continually transmits messages that include: the time the message was transmitted and, satellite position at time of message transmission.

      space and time WITHIN a polarized field(s).


      • #4
        that doesnt explain much
        The pure in heart will see the light.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tachyon View Post
          that doesnt explain much

          The videos however do.


          • #6
            Thanks TA,
            This is part of a clearer, much more coherent paradigm, relative to some of the foundational concepts I was taught in high school physics and chemistry over 30 years ago; still taught today. Now Dollard's message has begun to sink in - we've been muddling about a long time, often way off course. The education system has spawned learners and teachers to perpetuate mistaken ideas based on misinformation, "with no basis in reality" (to quote Tesla). We've been in a scientific dark age for the last 100 years. May the light you present continue to shine.
            ( My old HS teacher says, "I'm going to throw myself down on my photon and I just quanta cry." )


            • #7
              does your theory explain how the tesla bifilar coil works because my best guess is it has to do with dielectricity (divergent fields)
              and how do toroidal transformers work?? feynman has a special answer for that
              Last edited by tachyon; 08-01-2014, 02:08 PM.
              The pure in heart will see the light.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tachyon View Post
                does your theory explain how the tesla bifilar coil works because my best guess is it has to do with dielectricity (divergent fields)
                and how do toroidal transformers work?? feynman has a special answer for that

                100% respect for Tesla

                same for Dollard

                0 % respect for Feynman, the demented mental midget that brought you the "virtual photon"

                Welcome to Unicorn BS magic pixie-dust particle land.


                • #9
                  well toroidal transformers work when there's zero magnetic field induction so primary is inside and secondary is outside since primary toroid cancel the magnetic field outisde of it there shouldnt be any induction but there are two opposite fields and what I've discovered is that they don't cancel but they coexist and the net force is zero for the usual coils e.t.c. feyman did a good job of explaining this phenomena in a way that qm is intact with imaginary magnetic fields :P

                  nobody can explain why the tesla bifilar coil works the way it works btw but everybody uses it what you dont get is that the magnetic field creates the dielectric field (if stuff like this happen) and not vice versa I came to this conclusion months ago so this has nothing to do with your theory , macroscopicaly it goes magnetic field -> dielectric field -> electric field one creates the other.. at least in my analysis B field creates a dielectric field and this creates a voltage differential (E field) that's all.
                  Last edited by tachyon; 08-01-2014, 08:14 PM.
                  The pure in heart will see the light.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by tachyon View Post
                    feyman did a good job of explaining this phenomena in a way that qm is intact with imaginary magnetic fields

                    QM is only intact in the minds of those within QM

                    Its particle mysticism, its nothing more than rehashed Greek Atomism.

                    imaginary magnetic fields????

                    Imaginary is realm of SciFI and Unicorns, not empirical science,. This is why QM and GR have become a RELIGION

                    There is no difference in evoking ANGELS than evoking Unicorns and Pixie-dust particles.


                    • #11
                      read my post better
                      The pure in heart will see the light.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by tachyon View Post
                        what you dont get is that the magnetic field creates the dielectric field

                        100,000% wrong, magnetism is "THE DIELECTRIC FIELD" - FARADAY


                        NOTHING IN DISCHARGE / POLARIZATION can be BEFORE the charge

                        That statement is as absurd as it is preposterous

                        No offense, but "back to square one"

                        NOW, Magnetism in rotation against a dielectric reflector can create electricity, or transverse DI-electromagnetism, or AC (dielectricity between the transmission lines)........but that is electrification, and that is NOT "magnetism creates dielectricity"

                        its the "moving dielectric field creates electrification with resultant partial dielectricity"

                        Phi x Psi = Q
                        Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 08-01-2014, 08:16 PM.


                        • #13
                          yes spatial magnetic field actually is the dielectric field and this creates a force field thus voltage differential thus E field ... I should've not erased that in my previous post but I won't go into much detail now . I don't wanna ruin you moment here have fun with it.\
                          Last edited by tachyon; 08-01-2014, 09:14 PM.
                          The pure in heart will see the light.

