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Gravity motor - what do you think?
Sure, when I get more time later on today or perhaps tomorrow, I will post that information. I am not sure if it is still in print or not. I don't even know if the publisher is still in business. Anyway, I never said the machines I built didn't work, I only said that very little energy could be taken away without stopping them. Understand that what I build as prototypes are merely toys, just to prove that the principles are sound. A scaled up version could produce very usable excess power. But then, who wants a machine that will take up their whole back yard. If you do, the I have one for you that will produce enough to suit your needs. Good Luck. stealth
The shapes of magnets widely available to the public is very limited in range, while to make a working device you need some special ones quite costly.
It is example of how we are under restrictions to build only those machines which are "approved".
Lots of Land
Originally posted by Stealth View PostSure, when I get more time later on today or perhaps tomorrow, I will post that information. I am not sure if it is still in print or not. I don't even know if the publisher is still in business. Anyway, I never said the machines I built didn't work, I only said that very little energy could be taken away without stopping them. Understand that what I build as prototypes are merely toys, just to prove that the principles are sound. A scaled up version could produce very usable excess power. But then, who wants a machine that will take up their whole back yard. If you do, the I have one for you that will produce enough to suit your needs. Good Luck. stealth
Many people like myself do not like living in cracker box housing subdivisions where when cutting the grass clippings get on the guys lawn next door and he calls the policeJust a little joke but that really happened to my family in the metro Detroit Area where I grew up.
I have enough (7-8 Acres) with trees in the dust bowl.I hate big cities with a passion.
In the 60's the race riots had everybody brawling in the streets whether you wanted to or not. I was beaten into oblivion many times. So you can see why some got out in the country.
Use what you have
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostThe shapes of magnets widely available to the public is very limited in range, while to make a working device you need some special ones quite costly.
It is example of how we are under restrictions to build only those machines which are "approved".
$10 of cheap magnets will teach you much about what kind you want to build.
I got sick last night and was unable to get back to do any posts. The book that I was referring to is The Free Energy Device Handbook- A compilation of patents and Reports. I haven't had time to do a search to determine if it is still available or not. It has provided me with much insight into the world of how magnetic and electromagnetic motors work. But it also has several gravity, electrostatic and or other special forces motors to study. I acquired mine from Adventures Unlimited Press Stelic Ill. 60919.
If you have the space for a large build, the self powered hydro/electric water turbine/generator is the way to go. Depending on size, it can power almost anything you need. If you want more details, I can post them at a later date. Right now my files are in disarray and I would need to find that one and recover it. Good luck. stealth
Thanks for the book details. It is available on and on Google books it is readable.
Unfortunately I do not have a lot of space in a block of flats but still would be interested to learn about the hydro/electric water turbine/generator setup. I am sure other members here are also interested so whenever you find time to write about it, you are surely welcome.
Good health and take care.
An example of my hints are the magneto-mechanical wheels when the mechanical part is used to rotate magnet in case of so called sticky point being nearby eliminating this counter force. It is easy to imagine , harder to build (do not ask me, I have no skills) , that you must rotate magnet and stop it in position where the attraction and repulsion in that area is equal (make a stop bar or something), then the slight spring or gravitation will have to revert magnet into normal position.
There are patents for this and many others magneto-mechanical motors.
So please : DO NOT BELIEVE IN STUPID videos (in youtube for example) with magnets arranged in fixed strange manner or in rails or without added secondary mechanical levers or without additional free movement axis ...
P.S. Above are only my personal thoughts.
Patents and Video
Originally posted by boguslaw View PostAn example of my hints are the magneto-mechanical wheels when the mechanical part is used to rotate magnet in case of so called sticky point being nearby eliminating this counter force. It is easy to imagine , harder to build (do not ask me, I have no skills) , that you must rotate magnet and stop it in position where the attraction and repulsion in that area is equal (make a stop bar or something), then the slight spring or gravitation will have to revert magnet into normal position.
There are patents for this and many others magneto-mechanical motors.
So please : DO NOT BELIEVE IN STUPID videos (in youtube for example) with magnets arranged in fixed strange manner or in rails or without added secondary mechanical levers or without additional free movement axis ...
P.S. Above are only my personal thoughts.
Oh you are so right about the fluffy information going around to hook investors. First the PDF with half the information or mis-information on details.
Then Patents to cover up everything til the check book comes out.
This is not always true.
The greatest effort and work men put into anything starts after schooling in their 20's and at about age 40 it is all down hill from there. They might come up with something after there 40's if they came up with anything in the first 20 years of invention.
The point is that the 20 years of discovery in their youth is generally used in the following 20 years to hook investors and from there they are saying their farewells never believing that they are going the way of all flesh.
All the talk about saving the world and helping their fellow mate save the world is a ploy to harvest others finds so a real solution can be built.
Suddenly THAT experimenter/Inventor vanishes.
However the idea that energy can be derived from magnetism or Buoyancy is a concept as old as the human race. Each man for himself.
There are a few video's now that are simple and show a working magnet motor that produces real power. Patents and PDF's have mystified these technologies for generations.
I agree, if you are going to co-invent an offshoot of any previously designed and built device be sure you can read between the lines of the pride and lies men will use to stop you instead of helping you.
I spent 40 years in the technical fields and have learned that even with the slightest detail of knowledge men conceal, belittle for the purpose of manipulation because of the FEAR that someone else might take their position.
Then instead of spreading the knowledge around to share so young energetic men can redo the whole thing, they just cover it up thinking they will get their inventions through the patent office someday.
This is the way it is suppose to be. I am not upset by the way. This is the way it is suppose to be. I will say it again. It's suppose to be like this, so why should I be bothered about it?
So what should we do? That is easy. Expect it. Expecting this type of behavior in general gives you the edge when reading the Patents. Even Tesla may have been practically held at gun point when filing. We don't really know.
Yet we do know the same people allowing him to patent things also burned down his entire net worth in a day.
It is something to think about. So the actual inventor may not be responsible for concealing the information.
Another way that inventors conceal information is that they come up with a completely new technology for which no terms exist and then say that only those skilled in the arts can replicate it.
Even in the existing skill of the Arts many variations and opinions exist as to how the universe is run or powered.
What you have said is true about the incomplete works shown in document form but why it is incomplete is up to you to decide.
Knowing that much of the information we find to replicate is not always there in fine detail is a great discovery in and of itself.
Most people are in denial about these facts.
So that brings us to the WAY we read read any document so as to gain some knowledge about the device we wish to understand.
Read it and first know that it will work and after finding 100's of others who tried it you will get all of the facts as you will learn something from others that they let slip out.
They may not be teachers is another one. It's up to you to decide.
Last edited by BroMikey; 09-06-2014, 07:51 PM.
I still haven't located my file on the water turbine/generator, but I did locate an old post where I outlined some of the dimentions of one. I have newer information and designs in my files, wherever they are. I feel that there are basically tow ways to do it. One is with a high pressure washer pump pushing a turbine/generator. Rewired back into the pump. The way I would do it is with a large reservoir atop a hill or structure-platform 20 feet up in the air. This would provide enough head pressure to run a hydro system and produce more than enough electricity to pump the water back into the reservoir. The thread I started on this was on 4/11/2009. You could always add more height and or volume to increase pressure for larger systems, but I prefer to start with a 4'' pipe section, reduced to a 2'' pipe section, then further reduced to a 1'' or 1 1/2'' final pipe leading into a turbine. Turbines are expensive, but any vane water pump will work as a turbine. Even an automotive water pump will work. After I find my misplaced file I will post more information. Good Luck. stealth
Dude Luck is not needed
Originally posted by Stealth View PostA tremendous undertaking. A man may not live long enough to see his completed work run or not. Leaving it to an apprentist to finish the design. I can see many years put into the construction of this wheel. Good Luck. stealth
AAA stealth
Lighten up dude the energy is all around us. The big tick tock wheel is just a cavemen's reminder that men love to ascend. The guy in the video was probably a carnival Ferris wheel builder and took a few weeks off one time and built his very own augmentation.
He probably worked at the State fair grounds.
Sorry I came across so negative. That wasn't my intention at all. I have always tried to design a machine the average Joe can build in his basement or back yard to harvest free energy. Although many systems already exist, solar, wind, etc., most people can't afford to purchase one because of financial restraints. I envy anyone who pursues such a venture of this magnitude, whether it works or not. Everyone needs a dream to pursue. Without a dream life would be dull. Good Luck. stealth