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Popular Science Monthly 1928 on Nikola Tesla

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  • Popular Science Monthly 1928 on Nikola Tesla

    TA frequently refers to this article and it is not very easy to obtain a searchable document of it.
    So here it is, I have OCR-ed and PDF-ed it for anyone who would like to have it.
    As the source text is more than 70 years old, I guess all copyrights have expired a long time ago.

    Also I have put a new version of my Tesla articles collection on the net. Here too, I assume there are no active copyrights.

    I have not included the PSM article in the Tesla collection for 2 reasons:
    - The Tesla collection contains (almost) exclusively articles written by Tesla.
    - The PSM article contains a few errors and contradictions like:
    The Wardenclyffe tower was demolished in 1914 by a blast of dynamite from unknown origin.
    This is simply not true. It was demolished in 1917 by the American government.

    Anyway, for those who like to read and/or collect, here you go!


  • #2
    Originally posted by Ernst View Post
    TA frequently refers to this article and it is not very easy to obtain a searchable document of it.

    Its very easy to obtain actually.

    Frequently? Nope.
    Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-08-2014, 04:38 AM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Ernst
      You are nothing but a little kid lost in counterspace fantasies

      If you think you have any chance of contradicting Eric P Dollard (ala counterspace) or Tesla on same, or others, then you've got a long road youll never read the end thereof son.

      What you yourself and every other idiot incorrectly deems 'attraction' and gravity is counterspatial voidance governed by dielectricity son.
      If however you want to begin a debate on the topic, Im all too willing, .....I will , proverbially, pound the debate into the dust and then pound the dust remaining after the course.

      Poincare', the Greeks, Tesla, E. Dollard, Heaviside, and the rest all forward one or another premise of counterspace, regardless of the denotation of same.

      Proceed to debate at your discretion. The outcome however can be prognosticated without lifting a 'finger' of forethought.

      “In order to understand electricity, you have to have an understanding of counterspace, otherwise it’s impossible.”- Eric P. Dollard

      While I may, in the course, be accused of an all too eager lust to debate a topic into the dirt, this point utterly pales in comparison of that regarding the hubris of your cherished yet false pathetic convictions.

      So, lets debate Ether inertia
      , ...or 'counterspace', or... 'Ether-noumenon', the name ascribed is meaningless, the lexical denotation is unimportant , only the principle implied.

      Suggest you do not step into bear traps you'll never make your way out of

      BTW "its" is called a web contraction for "it's" .....for those who could care less about wasting time inserting a " ' "

      I might remind you, my pathetic chum, that SPACE is as per magnetism.......... as such referring to counterspace is only a referent to dielectricity. The Ether and/or Ether inertia BEFORE and posterior TO SPACE

      Your ignorance of this fact exposes much about what can be predicted about your following responses resulting of your lack of comprehension of same.

      “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one century than in all the previous
      centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla (referring to Ether science)

      “There is no energy in matter other than that received from its environment (as meant Ether fields).” – Nikola Tesla

      “Both dielectric and magnetic fields exert mechanical force upon the bounding system of so-called "conductors." These mechanical
      forces, those of the dielectric, and those of the magnetic, exert actions so as to increase their coefficients of induction, that is the
      dielectric "capacitance", and the magnetic "inductance" are increased. Hereby, the dielectric field draws the conductors nearer to
      each other, increasing the counterspace. Conversely the magnetic field pushes the conductors away from each other, increasing the
      space. Hereby we may say that the dielectric field is contractive, and the magnetic field is expansive.” – E. Dollard

      Lets debate counterspace
      my hammer was getting rusty waiting for the bear trap to spring its coils on another blind bear.

      The Ether is always trying to terminate back into counterspace, its origin and fulcrum, it is only by reciprocation, movements and
      countless other phenomena that it is ‘kept’ in space (for a short while, but an eternity as measured by the life of any human). In saying
      ‘counterspace’ we are talking about the Ether itself, its principle, its domain. Space is the vector of phenomena, counterspace is the
      fulcrum of phenomena and is the inertial plane, or membrane of the Ether from which all phenomena are manifest in space.
      Counterspace is the noumenon, which when disturbed, gives rise to phenomena. The question then must be raised, how does the Ether,
      where there are no fields, produce anything to begin with? The Greeks answered that long ago and the answer is divinely simplex,
      however left for another article.

      Magnetism is purely radiative, is the termination of electrification and the end-of-road byproduct of dielectricity. Dielectricity
      comes before everything else in the four-part schema of Force Unification. Dielectricity and magnetism are the two co-principles
      of the universe. So how do you get magnetism out of dielectricity, since magnetism requires a subject to emanate from or itself is the
      termination point of either mass in movement or electricity as it terminates? The answer is that dielectricity terminates into the
      creation of matter, which itself then has in this conjugate relationship, magnetism as its radiative principle (the proton as found in
      hydrogen, the most abundant element is magnetically dominant, is the polarized charging dynamo for its discharge plane of
      interatomic magneto-dielectric volume). Creation (dielectricity) and radiation (magnetism), and their two byproducts, electricity and
      mass, or gravity as centripetal attributes choate to mass / matter.

      Fundamentally people cannot wrap their minds around the fact that moving a magnetic field against a magnetic reflector which
      causes electrification is piercing the Ether membrane and is the transference of mechanical motion from a prime mover (water moving
      the magnet, or wind, nuclear etc.) into the creation of electricity, and via natures way dielectricity terminating into the creation of
      matter. There is nothing in the magnet, or in the copper coil which is creating electrification, the magneto-dielectric field geometries
      of both working together as oppositionally moving co-principle conjugates in and of nature are creating the electrical current. This is
      why Tesla said that you “cannot get energy out of matter”. Counterspace is literally the space between space itself, the very
      omnipresent membrane of the Ether which requires conjugate field forces to bring it into space or create electrical or dielectric, or
      magnetic phenomena, or the even the creation of matter.

      Magnetism does not operate by centrifugal movement alone because, while magnetism is definitionally polarized, it moves as pressure dictates it must; its centripetal movement is governed by dielectric inertial pressures of the Ether in self-seeking equilibrium out of space and time back to the counterspatial. Counterspace definitionally is the 0-point fulcrum from which all fields are manifest, either atrributionally as polarized in magnetism, or centripetally and radially as in dielectricity, or in stable formats as matter itself.

      Non-contact electrification in creation between a spatially polarized Ether field (magnetism) and a centripetal magnetic barrier (dielectric reflector) is the counterspatial torque from the inertial plane of which 0-point dielectric precession is caused to torque in creating electricity perpendicular to the precessional inertial perturbations as forced from repeating magnetic deflections over a given time. This is the Planck in creation. One prime mover must overpower the prime inertia for electrification to occur. That prime inertia is counterspace, is the dielectric inertial plane, or membrane for field phenomena to manifest and interact.

      That the dielectric terminal in counterspace is necessitated to be capacitance and that magnetism’s terminal of space is necessitated to be polarized inductive motion are self-reinforcing definitional absolutes, such that any discharge into a spatial medium terminal must be both polarized Ether movement and magnetic induction by definition and any discharge into a dielectric medium of counterspace itself must be both capacitance and create a counterspatial dielectric momentum and tend towards spatial contraction as is the nature of dielectricity to be multiplicative in –space and magnetism to be naturally additive in +time.

      Magnetism is additive in +time and multiplicative in + space, and dielectricity additive in –time (no-time, not reverse time), and multiplicative in –space (counterspace).

      Dance for us...., spin us a yarn, a thread of nonsense and deception.

      Leonardo Da Vinci, Newton, Plato, Aristotle, ALL speak about counterspace, negative space, the unmanifest nave of production.

      But, we must assume you smarter than these greats.
      ???? LOL

      I see you were suffering the false conclusion (delusion?) that counterspace was a machination of my own rather than a collusion of countless others on the SAME topic of the SAME conclusion.

      From the book ‘De Divina Proportione’ (About the divine proportions [the golden ratio]) by Luca Pacioli 1509. Hand illustrated by Leonardo da Vinci. On the left (SOLIDUS) you can see a cube of space, and on the right (VACUUS), an anti-cube, a dielectric anti-cube, or counterspace, hypercube, or inverse-space, or ‘negative-space’.
      Dielectricity is counterspace.

      Only two copies exist of this work.

      That this very illustration is from the hand of Leonardo da Vinci himself is no coincidence as pertains his interest in it. This work is, as yet, untranslated into English. Only two copies exist and thankfully it has been digitized for a future translation.

      Illustration of SPACE and COUNTERSPACE

      Vacuus, or counterspace, by Leonardo da Vinci

      Dance for us!
      Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-08-2014, 07:14 AM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ernst
        go and make an honest attempt at being useful

        Useful son?

        Ive spent 25 years HAND scanning in some of the rarest important books that exist only to give them away to people for free.

        One book I paid ( a "cheap" copy no less) $8200 for just to SCAN it in (1733 Scotland, very rare book) and give it out to people for free because it is such an important work (Andrew Baxters text)

        Author of 7 books, 84 translations (Pali, and Greek mostly) and former Russian translator to the US Govt.

        likewise 18 books , 250 pages each, all hand written FULL of notes and discoveries into translations as the basis of future works.

        First person on EARTH to uncover the mechanics of how a magnet works in full absolute detail with another 180+ pages to add to the current book.

        Tell me another one about being "useful" son

        I RETIRED 10 years ago at the age of 32, and have a lifelong focus of ONE THING.......wisdom, .......not to get rich/ laid / fame etc.

        I dare say I doubt you've met such a lofty goal, or , more importantly, STRIVE towards such a goal.

        dance for us.
        Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-08-2014, 07:31 AM.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Ernst
          If you want to start a discussion on whatever subject, please start your own thread.
          I second that...

          Nice collection Ernst.



          • #6

            Just a small help:



            • #7
              Originally posted by Ernst
              Was that it, TA?
              Excuse me for not wasting my time reading all that.
              If you want to start a discussion on whatever subject, please start your own thread.
              Whatever it was that you wrote here has nothing to do with the subject of this thread, so just refrain from cluttering up this thread with your trash.

              You made a claim

              I refuted it

              You have NOTHING to offer.

              All bark, no bite on your end.

              You must be proud.

              I wasnt starting a discussion son, I was refuting your lies and twaddle.

              Dont make a CLAIM your fanny cannot PAY the bill for.
              Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-08-2014, 03:31 PM.


              • #8
                Thank You Ernst.


                • #9
                  TA? really?
                  thanks Ernst keep up the good work


                  • #10
                    First person on EARTH to uncover the mechanics of how a magnet works in full absolute detail with another 180+ pages to add to the current book.
                    I guess that would depend on the date you uncovered the mechanics and if you can prove they are valid. Personally I figured it all out for myself quite a few years ago and it's really not all that difficult. It starts with the basic question, what are the electric, magnetic and gravic fields fundamentally and ends with...holy **** this explains everything and it's really not all that diffcult after the fact.

                    So if you really do understand then you belong to a fairly small group of people. The one thing I have an issue with is that you sound very much like Dollard/Russell who I imagine influenced you in many ways. The thing is I can barely understand what your saying even at the best of times because you use the same cryptic somewhat non-sensical terms as Dollard which nobody can seem to understand. It makes it sound unproffessional and all hocus pocus when it should be easy enough for anyone to understand. This is where Tesla really shined in my opinion because he had a real gift at making the complex sound so simple.

                    That's my 2 cents since this seems to be a bash TA thread. Personally I like what your saying when I can understand what your saying. I would really like to hear your thoughts on this subject in your own words, you, not that parrot sitting on Mr.Dollards shoulder.

                    Last edited by Allcanadian; 09-08-2014, 08:02 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      I guess that would depend on the date you uncovered the mechanics and if you can prove they are valid. Personally I figured it all out for myself quite a few years ago and it's really not all that difficult. It starts with the basic question, what are the electric, magnetic and gravic fields fundamentally and ends with...holy **** this explains everything and it's really not all that diffcult after the fact.
                      thats a hefty CLAIM

                      the validity of which we'll have to take your word on.

                      Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      The one thing I have an issue with is that you sound very much like Dollard/Russell who I imagine influenced you in many ways. The thing is I can barely understand what your saying even at the best of times because you use the same cryptic somewhat non-sensical terms as Dollard which nobody can seem to understand. It makes it sound unproffessional and all hocus pocus when it should be easy enough for anyone to understand. This is where Tesla really shined in my opinion because he had a real gift at making the complex sound so simple.AC
                      Russell is incompetent in the arena of fields, and he never at ANY time explains a FIELD.

                      I wouldnt compare all that much with Russell. While he is rougly 75% correct on his points, he has no competency in the arena of fields NOR does he differentiate electricity from dielectricity.

                      "Cryptic" lay at your own feet and, not mine. The books is about 180 pages from being "done" .

                      There is nothing cryptic about referring to coherent dielectric inertia and incommensurability.

                      Well, I take that back, nobody has studied incommensurability really.

                      But that fault is NOT mine.

                      Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post
                      That's my 2 cents since this seems to be a bash TA thread. Personally I like what your saying when I can understand what your saying. I would really like to hear your thoughts on this subject in your words, you, not that parrot sitting on Mr.Dollards shoulder.

                      Who cares about being bashed? Not I.

                      Dollard at no time EXPLAINS how a magnet works in ANY of his works.

                      Sooooo, that statement is wholly unjustified

                      As for Dollard, he eats sleeps, poos, and breaths in thought on electricity day and night. Even his detractors admit he is POSSESSED as regards electrical theory.

                      We could all only hope to have even had 1/100th of time devoted to same as he has ALREADY spent.

                      at the cost of everything else in life others often hold dear.
                      Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-08-2014, 09:19 PM.


                      • #12
                        As for Dollard, he eats sleeps, poos, and breaths in thought on electricity day and night. Even his detractors admit he is POSSESSED as regards electrical theory.
                        We could all only hope to have even had 1/100th of time devoted to same as he has ALREADY spent. at the cost of everything else in life others often hold dear.
                        Yes I think he is one of the good guys too.
                        I think many have seen the void where their desires wish to consume them. Me I rejected that BS because it is never worth it in the end. In fact the moment I did reject it and let go the answers which were always just out of my reach came fast and furious. Go figure
                        I think some thoughts need to age like a fine wine, to mature to the point where they are ready for consumption.

                        I think that was when I understood that time spent means nothing and it is the quality of the time that matters most. As such many spend a great deal of time running in circles, some their whole lives, never finding the answers they seek. For me it was easy, I happened to be reading the right literature at the right time in my life, I happened to have a photographic memory concerning science and technology and I was lucky enough to be able to connect all the right dots. Never underestimate blind luck however luck means nothing if were not prepared for it, we have to be willing to accept it for what it is.

                        I'm rooting for Dollard, I just wish he would start talking plain english.

                        Last edited by Allcanadian; 09-09-2014, 12:28 AM.


                        • #13
                          Thanks SaDAng, I have been looking for something like that, but could not find it.
                          It does not come up with my google results.
                          Although this document does not help me anymore, I have already OCR-ed it, there are still a number of magazines on my wish-list and knowing what search engine/search method/search arguments would give me this result could be of great help.

                          @ AC and TA, this is not a bash anyone thread, this thread is about Tesla's articles, articles about Tesla and the article in Popular Science Monthly in particular.
                          If you don't have anything to say on this topic, then please say it elsewhere.
                          @ TA the only thing you seem to be interested in is contradicting, and that only to show off. Now, please take all your brain farts (as you call it) and do your monkey dance elsewhere. I am not the slightest bit impressed by anything you have said so far (and that I have read). What you attribute to this forum is a gigantic amount of trash, lowering the value of this place. So again; start your own threads so your filth is somewhat contained.
                          For this thread go from to



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                            I am not the slightest bit impressed by anything you have said so far

                            If you WERE impressed, I would be worried.

                            Damascius said the "greatest affirmation of my validity I received in life was the vociferous disdain of fools and the unwise"

                            Or as Jennings said -- "Once I had a strong compliment from a fool and was utterly depressed that his affirmation and support was proof of my inaccuracy"

                            "To insult a fool is the praise of wisdom" - ancient saying.
                            Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-09-2014, 03:33 AM.


                            • #15
                              @ SaDAng,
                              I just found that the document you linked was uploaded yesterday at 16:58, so that explains why I did not find it. The question then remains: where did you get it from?


