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Ancient High Performance Motors Discovered

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  • #16
    I do everyday. Can show me one of yours?


    • #17
      Common genius post an experiment.... You too Brown a video anything.


      • #18
        Yep 4 minutes goes by and TA is no show. Not one experiment for his hypothesis.


        • #19
          10 minutes by my watch and the great theorist TA still has failed to repond to even a small challenge of posting any experiment.

          I'll give ya 20 more minutes then we'll start showing you real work.

          F***ing dimwits those tattooed boys must be. Great words


          • #20
            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
            Yep 4 minutes goes by and TA is no show. Not one experiment for his hypothesis.
            90 videos in the past 2 months

            4 of those videos are PRIVATE

            2 are seeking patent rights.

            1 of those is a wholly new kind of Ferrofluid suspension device.

            SO, what did you accomplish in the past 2 months?

            I added 100 pages to my book

            did 4 greek translations of partial texts

            created 93 videos on Magnetism.

            I dare say you didnt come close to any of that.

            Lux et Veritas

            I suspect you might be a teenager, in which case I am in ERR for responding to this dribble.


            • #21
              I didn't see any links, Are they experiments? LOL Probably not...LOL I'll keep the clock running.


              • #22
                Again Jones looses an argument and so resorts to ridicule, clearly demonstrating his closed (limited) mind.

                Maybe we should make this thread about him to keep him happy? We could discuss his psychological profile, his limited use of the English language or even his motivations.

                His behaviour on this forum is clearly sociopathic How to Spot a Sociopath: 20 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow and abusive Why Do People Abuse? - Abuse You need help Mr Jones. Its possible that he cant find the words because nobody has shown him how to do it, Its easy to follow, but much more challenging to have an original thought. Oh I forgot, maybe the real motivation here is him, he is god.

                Getting a little more on topic, I don't think Darwinism or theology has the answers to why a rotary actuator exists in nature, but it is very interesting.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
                  Getting a little more on topic, I don't think Darwinism or theology has the answers to why a rotary actuator exists in nature, but it is very interesting.

                  They don't, it was an April fools joke, for fools. LOL. Its funny how you accuse me now and one time all you wanted to do was be me. LOL How bout showing TA how to post a video of an experiment.

                  Oh ya silly me, you don't have none either.


                  TA Clock till running.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
                    I don't think Darwinism or theology has the answers to why a rotary actuator exists in nature, but it is very interesting.
                    thats because NEITHER one of them do. Obviously.

                    Religion/theology and Nihilistic "random happenstance" Atheism are two sides of the same coin of ignorance.

                    The Greek Platonists figured out that fact ages ago.

                    One side has an old guy in the clouds with a magic wand.....

                    the other side (of stupidity) has monkeys banging typewriters for 6 billion years and eventually producing Shakespearean literature.

                    both "sides" are absurd illogical dribble.


                    • #25
                      Yep, More babble from and idiot. What I tell ya. Clocks ticking.


                      • #26
                        OK heres an early peice of work. Brought out all the idiots.

                        Magnetic Track - YouTube

                        Where's your TA. You too Brown show some work lets have a discussion on something real and not your guys simulated theory


                        • #27
                          Heres the follow up


                          Are you guys scared? Just say it admit it, write "I am theorist garbage" and I'll stop.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                            Heres the follow up


                            Are you guys scared? Just say it admit it, write "I am theorist garbage" and I'll stop.
                            I'm not scared: You are a Theorist garbage so stop now.



                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                              OK heres an early peice of work. Brought out all the idiots.

                              Magnetic Track - YouTube

                              Where's your TA. You too Brown show some work lets have a discussion on something real and not your guys simulated theory

                              You duplicated 1000 other experiments JUST like that. Congrats.

                              My goal was something wholly new.

                              That video is "monkey see monkey do" , nothing new, nothing more need be said.
                              I notice the hillbilly accent.

                              How it works is, you cannot patent something 1000 other people have done already.

                              Or didnt you know that son?
                              Last edited by TheoriaApophasis; 09-24-2014, 01:31 AM.


                              • #30
                                So thats deal HUH? Some one shows real work and you have to run away. Act like you above having a conversation about something real?

                                All should take note of this. These are the people who want to guide your work. TA and Mbrown do not have the experience to tell you anything. And neither can be trusted.

                                Heres a follow up.

                                Why haven't gotten anything out of it yet. Its very hard to make a magnetic field go in a circle without closing the loop . Just about as hard as cutting magnets that are already pre magnetized.

                                Maybe we should go to something easy like the motor I outlined in the Lockridge device thread. HUH Brown what you say you wanna dredge up your urning desire to be me? HUH?

